Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestStartRule()
            var rule       = new StartRule();
            var randomRule = new StringRule("Test");

            Assert.IsFalse((randomRule + rule).Match("Test dingen"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //通过自定义活动文本描述解析自定义活动列表 用于首次发布时解析
        private IList <ActivitySetting> ParseActivitySettings(string activitySettingsDefinition
                                                              , List <XElement> variableElements)
            var timeZoneService = DependencyResolver.Resolve <ITimeZoneService>();

            var activitySettings = new List <ActivitySetting>();
            var rootElement      = XElement.Parse(activitySettingsDefinition);

            rootElement.Descendants("human").ToList().ForEach(element =>
                #region human
                var activityName = element.Attribute("name").Value;
                var actions      = element.Descendants("actions")
                                   .Select(o => o.Value)
                var actioners = element.Descendants("actioners")
                                .Select(o => o.Value)
                var actionerRules = actioners;
                var slotCount     = element.Attribute("slot") != null ? element.Attribute("slot").Value : "-1";
                var slotMode      = element.Attribute("slotMode") != null ? element.Attribute("slotMode").Value : "allatonce";

                var url = element.Attribute("url") != null ? element.Attribute("url").Value : string.Empty;
                variableElements.ForEach(variableElement =>
                    url = url.Replace("{" + variableElement.Attribute("Name").Value + "}", variableElement.Attribute("Value").Value);

                #region 开始规则解析
                string startRule_At          = null, startRule_afterMinutes = null, startRule_timeZoneName = null, startRule_unlimited = null;
                Nullable <DateTime> nullTime = null;
                Nullable <Int32> nullInt     = null;
                Nullable <Double> nullDouble = null;
                StartRule startRule          = null;
                if (element.Element("start") != null)
                    var startRuleElement   = element.Element("start");
                    startRule_At           = startRuleElement.Attribute("at") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("at").Value : null;
                    startRule_afterMinutes = startRuleElement.Attribute("after") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("after").Value : null;
                    startRule_timeZoneName = startRuleElement.Attribute("zone") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("zone").Value : null;
                    startRule_unlimited = startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited").Value : null;
                    bool unlimited;
                    if (bool.TryParse(startRule_unlimited, out unlimited) && unlimited)
                        startRule = StartRule.UnlimitedDelay();
                    else if (startRule_At != null || startRule_afterMinutes != null || startRule_timeZoneName != null)
                        startRule = new StartRule(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_At) ? Convert.ToDateTime(startRule_At) : nullTime
                                                  , !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_afterMinutes) ? Convert.ToInt32(startRule_afterMinutes) : nullInt
                                                  , string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_timeZoneName) ? null : timeZoneService.GetTimeZone(startRule_timeZoneName));

                #region 完成规则解析
                var scripts = element.Descendants("finish")
                              .ToDictionary(o => o.Attribute("name").Value
                                            , o => o.Value);

                bool isChildOfActivity;
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity") == null
                    ? "False" : element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity").Value, out isChildOfActivity);

                #region 超时升级规则解析
                HumanEscalationRule escalationRule = null;
                if (element.Element("escalation") != null)
                    var escalationRuleElement          = element.Element("escalation");
                    string escalationRule_timeZoneName = escalationRuleElement.Attribute("zone") != null ? escalationRuleElement.Attribute("zone").Value : null;
                    TimeZone escalationRuleTimeZone    = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(escalationRule_timeZoneName))
                        escalationRuleTimeZone = timeZoneService.GetTimeZone(escalationRule_timeZoneName);
                    var escalationRule_ExpirationMinute    = escalationRuleElement.Attribute("expiration") != null ? escalationRuleElement.Attribute("expiration").Value : null;
                    double?expirationMinute                = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(escalationRule_ExpirationMinute) ? Convert.ToDouble(escalationRule_ExpirationMinute) : nullDouble;
                    var escalationRule_NotifyRepeatMinutes = escalationRuleElement.Attribute("repeat") != null ? escalationRuleElement.Attribute("repeat").Value : null;
                    double?repeatMinutes = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(escalationRule_NotifyRepeatMinutes) ? Convert.ToDouble(escalationRule_NotifyRepeatMinutes) : nullDouble;
                    var escalationRule_NotifyEmailTemplateName = escalationRuleElement.Attribute("notifyTemplateName") != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(escalationRuleElement.Attribute("notifyTemplateName").Value) ? escalationRuleElement.Attribute("notifyTemplateName").Value : null;
                    var escalationRule_GotoActivityName        = escalationRuleElement.Attribute("gotoActivityName") != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(escalationRuleElement.Attribute("gotoActivityName").Value) ? escalationRuleElement.Attribute("gotoActivityName").Value : null;
                    var escalationRule_RedirectTo = escalationRuleElement.Attribute("redirectTo") != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(escalationRuleElement.Attribute("redirectTo").Value) ? escalationRuleElement.Attribute("redirectTo").Value : null;
                    escalationRule = new HumanEscalationRule(expirationMinute
                                                             , escalationRuleTimeZone
                                                             , repeatMinutes
                                                             , escalationRule_NotifyEmailTemplateName
                                                             , escalationRule_GotoActivityName
                                                             , escalationRule_RedirectTo);

                activitySettings.Add(new HumanSetting(WorkflowBuilder.Default_FlowNodeIndex//HACK:设置默认索引,用于临时标记
                                                      , activityName
                                                      , actions.ToArray()
                                                      , Convert.ToInt32(slotCount)
                                                      , slotMode.ToLower() == "oneatonce" ? HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.OneAtOnce : HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.AllAtOnce
                                                      , url
                                                      , startRule
                                                      , new HumanActionerRule(actionerRules)
                                                      , new FinishRule(scripts)
                                                      , escalationRule
                                                      , isChildOfActivity));
            rootElement.Descendants("server").ToList().ForEach(element =>
                #region server
                var activityName             = element.Attribute("name").Value;
                string startRule_At          = null, startRule_afterMinutes = null, startRule_timeZoneName = null, startRule_unlimited = null;
                Nullable <DateTime> nullTime = null;
                Nullable <Int32> nullInt     = null;
                StartRule startRule          = null;
                if (element.Element("start") != null)
                    var startRuleElement   = element.Element("start");
                    startRule_At           = startRuleElement.Attribute("at") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("at").Value : null;
                    startRule_afterMinutes = startRuleElement.Attribute("after") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("after").Value : null;
                    startRule_timeZoneName = startRuleElement.Attribute("zone") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("zone").Value : null;
                    startRule_unlimited = startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited").Value : null;
                    bool unlimited;
                    if (bool.TryParse(startRule_unlimited, out unlimited) && unlimited)
                        startRule = StartRule.UnlimitedDelay();
                    else if (startRule_At != null || startRule_afterMinutes != null || startRule_timeZoneName != null)
                        startRule = new StartRule(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_At) ? Convert.ToDateTime(startRule_At) : nullTime
                                                  , !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_afterMinutes) ? Convert.ToInt32(startRule_afterMinutes) : nullInt
                                                  , string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_timeZoneName) ? null : timeZoneService.GetTimeZone(startRule_timeZoneName));

                var scripts = element.Descendants("finish")
                              .ToDictionary(o => o.Attribute("name").Value
                                            , o => o.Value);
                var serverScript = element.Element("script") != null ? element.Element("script").Value : string.Empty;
                var resultTo     = element.Attribute("resultTo") != null ? element.Attribute("resultTo").Value : string.Empty;

                bool isChildOfActivity;
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity") == null
                    ? "False" : element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity").Value, out isChildOfActivity);

                activitySettings.Add(new ServerSetting(WorkflowBuilder.Default_FlowNodeIndex
                                                       , activityName
                                                       , serverScript
                                                       , resultTo
                                                       , startRule
                                                       , new FinishRule(scripts)
                                                       , isChildOfActivity));
            rootElement.Descendants("subprocess").ToList().ForEach(element =>
                #region subprocess
                var activityName       = element.Attribute("name").Value;
                var subProcessTypeName = element.Attribute("processTypeName").Value;

                string startRule_At          = null, startRule_afterMinutes = null, startRule_timeZoneName = null, startRule_unlimited = null;
                Nullable <DateTime> nullTime = null;
                Nullable <Int32> nullInt     = null;
                StartRule startRule          = null;
                if (element.Element("start") != null)
                    var startRuleElement   = element.Element("start");
                    startRule_At           = startRuleElement.Attribute("at") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("at").Value : null;
                    startRule_afterMinutes = startRuleElement.Attribute("after") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("after").Value : null;
                    startRule_timeZoneName = startRuleElement.Attribute("zone") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("zone").Value : null;
                    startRule_unlimited = startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited").Value : null;
                    bool unlimited;
                    if (bool.TryParse(startRule_unlimited, out unlimited) && unlimited)
                        startRule = StartRule.UnlimitedDelay();
                    else if (startRule_At != null || startRule_afterMinutes != null || startRule_timeZoneName != null)
                        startRule = new StartRule(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_At) ? Convert.ToDateTime(startRule_At) : nullTime
                                                  , !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_afterMinutes) ? Convert.ToInt32(startRule_afterMinutes) : nullInt
                                                  , string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_timeZoneName) ? null : new Taobao.Workflow.Activities.TimeZone(startRule_timeZoneName));

                var scripts = element.Descendants("finish")
                              .ToDictionary(o => o.Attribute("name").Value
                                            , o => o.Value);

                bool isChildOfActivity;
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity") == null
                    ? "False" : element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity").Value, out isChildOfActivity);

                activitySettings.Add(new SubProcessSetting(WorkflowBuilder.Default_FlowNodeIndex//HACK:设置默认索引,用于临时标记
                                                           , subProcessTypeName
                                                           , activityName
                                                           , startRule
                                                           , new FinishRule(scripts)
                                                           , isChildOfActivity));
            rootElement.Descendants("parallel").ToList().ForEach(element =>
                #region parallel
                var activityName        = element.Attribute("name").Value;
                var completionCondition = element.Element("condition") != null ? element.Element("condition").Value : string.Empty;
                bool isChildOfActivity;
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity") == null
                    ? "False" : element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity").Value, out isChildOfActivity);
                activitySettings.Add(new ParallelSetting(WorkflowBuilder.Default_FlowNodeIndex
                                                         , activityName
                                                         , completionCondition
                                                         , isChildOfActivity));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void DoWork(string[] lines)
            Dictionary <int, IRule> rules         = new();
            List <string>           stringsToTest = new();
                bool doRules = true;
                foreach (var line in lines)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                        doRules = false;

                    if (doRules)
                        var    split1     = line.Split(":");
                        int    ruleNumber = int.Parse(split1[0]);
                        string ruleData   = split1[1];

                        if (ruleData.Contains("\""))
                            var ruleChar = ruleData.Replace("\"", "").Trim()[0];
                            rules.Add(ruleNumber, new CharRule(ruleChar));
                        else if (ruleData.Contains("|"))
                            var sides    = ruleData.Split("|");
                            var leftSide = sides[0].Trim().Split(" ").Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToList();
                            var left     = new MultiRefRule(leftSide.Select(x => new RefRule(x)).ToArray());

                            var rightSide = sides[1].Trim().Split(" ").Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToList();
                            var right     = new MultiRefRule(rightSide.Select(x => new RefRule(x)).ToArray());

                            rules.Add(ruleNumber, new OrRule(left, right));
                            var ruleDatas = ruleData.Trim().Split(" ").Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToList();
                            if (ruleDatas.Count == 1)
                                rules.Add(ruleNumber, new RefRule(ruleDatas[0]));
                                    new MultiRefRule(ruleDatas.Select(x => new RefRule(x)).ToArray()));

                var count = 0;
                foreach (var test in stringsToTest)
                    var rule   = new StartRule();
                    var result = rule.Eval(test.ToCharArray().AsSpan(), rules);
                    if (result.match)


                // Cheating: ok something is wrong with checking stuff at the end of the string. Resulting at false positives. Fail.

                //8: 42 | 42 8
                //11: 42 31 | 42 11 31

                rules[8]  = new OrRule(new RefRule(42), new MultiRefRule(new[] { new RefRule(42), new RefRule(8) }));
                rules[11] = new OrRule(
                    new MultiRefRule(new[] { new RefRule(42), new RefRule(31) }),
                    new MultiRefRule(new[] { new RefRule(42), new RefRule(11), new RefRule(31) })

                // foreach (var (number,rule) in rules.ToArray())
                // {
                //     rules[number] = Simplify(rule, number);
                // }

                IRule Simplify(IRule r, int index)
                    if (r is MultiRefRule multiRefRule)
                        var list = new List <IRule>();
                        foreach (var refRule in multiRefRule.RefRules)
                            if (refRule.RuleNumber == index)
                            var nr = Simplify(refRule, refRule.RuleNumber);

                        int count = 0;
                        foreach (var nr in list)
                            if (nr is CharRule cr)
                            if (nr is SolvedRule sr)

                        if (count == list.Count)
                            var chArr = new List <char>();
                            foreach (var nr in list)
                                if (nr is CharRule cr)
                                if (nr is SolvedRule sr)

                            return(new SolvedRule(chArr.ToArray()));
                    else if (r is RefRule refRule)
                        var nr = Simplify(rules[refRule.RuleNumber], refRule.RuleNumber);
                        if (nr is CharRule cr)
                        if (nr is SolvedRule sr)
                    else if (r is OrRule orRule)
                        return(new OrRule(Simplify(orRule.Left, index), Simplify(orRule.Right, index)));


                var count = 0;
                foreach (var test in stringsToTest)
                    var rule   = new StartRule();
                    var result = rule.Eval(test.ToCharArray().AsSpan(), rules);
                    if (result.match)
                    // Console.WriteLine($"{result} : {test}");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public IEnumerable <ActivitySetting> GetActivitySettings()
            yield return(new HumanSetting(2
                                          , "节点2"
                                          , new string[] { "完成" }
                                          , 0
                                          , HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.AllAtOnce
                                          , ""
                                          , new StartRule(null, 0.1, null)
                                          , new HumanActionerRule("originator")
                                          , null
                                          , null
                                          , false));

            yield return(new HumanSetting(4
                                          , "节点3"
                                          , new string[] { "完成" }
                                          , 2
                                          , HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.OneAtOnce
                                          , ""
                                          , null
                                          , new HumanActionerRule("originator", "getSuperior()", "username1")
                                          , new FinishRule(new Dictionary <string, string>())
                                          , null
                                          , false));

            yield return(new ServerSetting(6
                                           , "节点4"
                                           , "'1'"
                                           , "v1"
                                           , null
                                           , null
                                           , false));

            yield return(new ParallelSetting(8, "并行节点", null, false));

            yield return(new HumanSetting(8, "并行子节点1", new string[] { "完成" }, 0
                                          , HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.AllAtOnce, ""
                                          , StartRule.UnlimitedDelay()//无限期延迟
                                          , new HumanActionerRule("originator")
                                          , null, null, true));

            yield return(new HumanSetting(8, "并行子节点2", new string[] { "完成" }, 0
                                          , HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.AllAtOnce, ""
                                          , null, new HumanActionerRule("getSuperior()")
                                          , null, null, true));

            yield return(new HumanSetting(9
                                          , "节点6"
                                          , new string[] { "同意", "否决" }
                                          , 2
                                          , HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.AllAtOnce
                                          , ""
                                          , null
                                          , new HumanActionerRule("originator")
                                          , new FinishRule(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "同意", "all('同意')" }
                                          , null
                                          , false));

            yield return(new HumanSetting(11
                                          , "节点7"
                                          , new string[] { "同意", "否决" }
                                          , 1
                                          , HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.AllAtOnce
                                          , ""
                                          , null
                                          , new HumanActionerRule("originator", "getSuperior()")
                                          , new FinishRule(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "同意", "all('同意')" }
                                          , null
                                          , false));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //通过自定义活动文本描述解析自定义活动列表 用于首次发布时解析
        private IList <ActivitySetting> ParseActivitySettings(string activitySettingsDefinition)
            var timeZoneService = DependencyResolver.Resolve <ITimeZoneService>();

            var activitySettings = new List <ActivitySetting>();
            var rootElement      = XElement.Parse(activitySettingsDefinition);

            rootElement.Descendants("human").ToList().ForEach(element =>
                #region human
                var activityName = element.Attribute("name").Value;
                var actions      = element.Descendants("actions")
                                   .Select(o => o.Value)
                var actioners = element.Descendants("actioners")
                                .Select(o => o.Value)
                var actionerRules            = actioners;
                var slotCount                = element.Attribute("slot") != null ? element.Attribute("slot").Value : "-1";
                var slotMode                 = element.Attribute("slotMode") != null ? element.Attribute("slotMode").Value : "allatonce";
                var url                      = element.Attribute("url") != null ? element.Attribute("url").Value : string.Empty;
                string startRule_At          = null, startRule_afterMinutes = null, startRule_timeZoneName = null, startRule_unlimited = null;
                Nullable <DateTime> nullTime = null;
                Nullable <Int32> nullInt     = null;
                StartRule startRule          = null;
                if (element.Element("start") != null)
                    var startRuleElement   = element.Element("start");
                    startRule_At           = startRuleElement.Attribute("at") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("at").Value : null;
                    startRule_afterMinutes = startRuleElement.Attribute("after") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("after").Value : null;
                    startRule_timeZoneName = startRuleElement.Attribute("zone") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("zone").Value : null;
                    startRule_unlimited = startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited").Value : null;
                    bool unlimited;
                    if (bool.TryParse(startRule_unlimited, out unlimited) && unlimited)
                        startRule = StartRule.UnlimitedDelay();
                    else if (startRule_At != null || startRule_afterMinutes != null || startRule_timeZoneName != null)
                        startRule = new StartRule(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_At) ? Convert.ToDateTime(startRule_At) : nullTime
                                                  , !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_afterMinutes) ? Convert.ToInt32(startRule_afterMinutes) : nullInt
                                                  , string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_timeZoneName) ? null : timeZoneService.GetTimeZone(startRule_timeZoneName));

                var scripts = element.Descendants("finish")
                              .ToDictionary(o => o.Attribute("name").Value
                                            , o => o.Value);

                bool isChildOfActivity;
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity") == null
                    ? "False" : element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity").Value, out isChildOfActivity);

                activitySettings.Add(new HumanSetting(WorkflowBuilder.Default_FlowNodeIndex//HACK:设置默认索引,用于临时标记
                                                      , activityName
                                                      , actions.ToArray()
                                                      , Convert.ToInt32(slotCount)
                                                      , slotMode.ToLower() == "oneatonce" ? HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.OneAtOnce : HumanSetting.SlotDistributionMode.AllAtOnce
                                                      , url
                                                      , startRule
                                                      , new HumanActionerRule(actionerRules)
                                                      , new FinishRule(scripts)
                                                      , null
                                                      , isChildOfActivity));
            rootElement.Descendants("server").ToList().ForEach(element =>
                #region server
                var activityName             = element.Attribute("name").Value;
                string startRule_At          = null, startRule_afterMinutes = null, startRule_timeZoneName = null, startRule_unlimited = null;
                Nullable <DateTime> nullTime = null;
                Nullable <Int32> nullInt     = null;
                StartRule startRule          = null;
                if (element.Element("start") != null)
                    var startRuleElement   = element.Element("start");
                    startRule_At           = startRuleElement.Attribute("at") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("at").Value : null;
                    startRule_afterMinutes = startRuleElement.Attribute("after") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("after").Value : null;
                    startRule_timeZoneName = startRuleElement.Attribute("zone") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("zone").Value : null;
                    startRule_unlimited = startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited") != null ? startRuleElement.Attribute("unlimited").Value : null;
                    bool unlimited;
                    if (bool.TryParse(startRule_unlimited, out unlimited) && unlimited)
                        startRule = StartRule.UnlimitedDelay();
                    else if (startRule_At != null || startRule_afterMinutes != null || startRule_timeZoneName != null)
                        startRule = new StartRule(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_At) ? Convert.ToDateTime(startRule_At) : nullTime
                                                  , !string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_afterMinutes) ? Convert.ToInt32(startRule_afterMinutes) : nullInt
                                                  , string.IsNullOrEmpty(startRule_timeZoneName) ? null : timeZoneService.GetTimeZone(startRule_timeZoneName));

                var scripts = element.Descendants("finish")
                              .ToDictionary(o => o.Attribute("name").Value
                                            , o => o.Value);
                var serverScript = element.Element("script") != null ? element.Element("script").Value : string.Empty;
                var resultTo     = element.Attribute("resultTo") != null ? element.Attribute("resultTo").Value : string.Empty;

                bool isChildOfActivity;
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity") == null
                    ? "False" : element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity").Value, out isChildOfActivity);

                activitySettings.Add(new ServerSetting(WorkflowBuilder.Default_FlowNodeIndex
                                                       , activityName
                                                       , serverScript
                                                       , resultTo
                                                       , startRule
                                                       , new FinishRule(scripts)
                                                       , isChildOfActivity));
            rootElement.Descendants("parallel").ToList().ForEach(element =>
                #region parallel
                var activityName        = element.Attribute("name").Value;
                var completionCondition = element.Element("condition") != null ? element.Element("condition").Value : string.Empty;
                bool isChildOfActivity;
                bool.TryParse(element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity") == null
                    ? "False" : element.Attribute("isChildOfActivity").Value, out isChildOfActivity);
                activitySettings.Add(new ParallelSetting(WorkflowBuilder.Default_FlowNodeIndex
                                                         , activityName
                                                         , completionCondition
                                                         , isChildOfActivity));