Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置组件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unitid">角色序号</param>
        public void SetButton(int unitid, Sprite sprite = null)
            if (unitid >= 200000 || unitid <= 0)
                if (buttonType == ButtonType.typeA)
                    levelText.text = "";
                else if (buttonType == ButtonType.typeB)
                    levelText_B.text = "";
                    if (characterPositionImage_B != null)
                backImage.sprite      = backgrounds[0];
                characterImage.sprite = sprite;
            UnitData data = MainManager.Instance.unitDataDic[unitid];

Ejemplo n.º 2
    }                                //End CreateBullets

    void CreateStars(int _starCount) //Takes in starCount from field above
        for (int i = 1; i <= _starCount; i++)
            GameObject stars = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
            stars.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false;
            stars.AddComponent <Stars>();
            Stars sstars = stars.GetComponent <Stars>();
            sstars.SetStars(0, 0, 0.05f, 1.0f, Random.Range(-3f, -40f));
            stars.transform.parent = StarManager.transform;
    }    //End CreateStars
Ejemplo n.º 3
    }                                                                                                                           //End CreateBullets

    protected void CreateStars(int _starCount, float _xScale, float _yScale, float _speed, float _min, float _max, bool _scale) //Takes in starCount from field above
        for (int i = 1; i <= _starCount; i++)
            GameObject stars = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
            stars.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false;
            stars.AddComponent <Stars>();
            Stars sstars = stars.GetComponent <Stars>();
            _speed = Random.Range(_min, _max);
            sstars.SetStars(0, 0, _xScale, _yScale, _speed, _min, _max, _scale);
            if (StarManager)
                stars.transform.parent = StarManager.transform;
    }    //End CreateStars
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void UpdateHeader()
            try {
                if (false == Layout.GetIsChild && false == Layout.GetIsSystemLayout)
                    //headerBar.Items.Clear ();
                    for (int deleters = headerBar.Items.Count - 1; deleters >= 0; deleters--)
                        // failed
//					if (headerBar.Items[deleters].MergeIndex == -1)
//					{
//						headerBar.Items.Remove (headerBar.Items[deleters]);
//					}
                        if (headerBar.Items [deleters].Tag != null)
                            //NewMessage.Show (headerBar.Items[deleters].Tag.ToString ());
                            if (headerBar.Items [deleters].Tag.Equals(removeme))
                                headerBar.Items.Remove(headerBar.Items [deleters]);
//					}
                    // 21/04/2014 - because I merged toolbars I now need to "protect" the merged in bars from being deleted with an Items.Clear
                    //   so we tag the ones we want to remove.

                    NameOfLayout        = new ToolStripLabel();
                    NameOfLayout.Tag    = removeme;
                    NameOfLayout.Click += NameOfLayoutClick;
                    NameOfLayout.Text   = Notes.Name;
                    int    DaysSinceLastEdit = (DateTime.Now - Notes.DateEdited).Days;
                    string an_S = "";
                    if (DaysSinceLastEdit != 1)
                        an_S = "s";
                    NameOfLayout.ToolTipText = Loc.Instance.GetStringFmt("{0} day{1} since this layout last edited", DaysSinceLastEdit, an_S);

                    starControl     = new Stars();
                    starControl.Tag = removeme;
                    starControl.SetStars("1", Notes.Stars);
                    starControl.RatingChanged += HandleRatingChanged;

                    headerBar.Items.Insert(0, NameOfLayout);
                    headerBar.Items.Insert(1, starControl);

                    ToolStripLabel keywords = new ToolStripLabel();
                    keywords.Tag          = removeme;
                    keywords.Font         = new Font(keywords.Font.FontFamily, 8);
                    keywords.LinkBehavior = LinkBehavior.AlwaysUnderline;
                    keywords.IsLink       = true;
                    keywords.Text         = Loc.Instance.GetString("(Edit)");
                    keywords.ToolTipText  = Loc.Instance.GetString("Click here to adjust the keywords associated with this layout.");
                    keywords.Click       += HandleKeywordsClick;

                    ToolStripDropDownButton properties = new ToolStripDropDownButton();
                    properties.Tag              = removeme;
                    properties.Text             = Loc.Instance.GetString("Properties");
                    properties.DropDownOpening += HandlePropertiesDropDownOpening;

                    ToolStripButton Info = new ToolStripButton();
                    Info.Tag = "removeme";

                    Info.Text   = Loc.Instance.GetString("Info");
                    Info.Click += HandleInfoClick;

                    ///////// - Location settings
                    Notebook     = new ContextMenuStrip();
                    Notebook.Tag = removeme;
                    Sections     = new ContextMenuStrip();
                    Sections.Tag = removeme;
                    Subtypes     = new ContextMenuStrip();
                    Subtypes.Tag = removeme;
                    Status       = new ContextMenuStrip();
                    Status.Tag   = removeme;

                    if (Notes.Notebook == Constants.BLANK)
                        Notes.Notebook = Loc.Instance.GetString("All");
                    if (Notes.Subtype == Constants.BLANK)
                        Notes.Subtype = Loc.Instance.GetString("None");
                    if (Notes.Status == Constants.BLANK)
                        Notes.Status = Loc.Instance.GetString("None");
                    //Notebook.Text = Notes.Notebook;
                    //			Notebook.Opening += HandleDropDownOpening;;

                    //ToolStripMenuItem Location = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                    ToolStripDropDownButton Location = new ToolStripDropDownButton();
                    Location.Tag      = removeme;
                    Location.AutoSize = true;
                    // this title will be replaced by the actual Notebook|Section when loaded, this only appears if blank
                    Location.Text = Loc.Instance.GetString("Filters");
                    //Location.ShowItemToolTips = Loc.Instance.GetString ("Set the Notebook and Section for this Layout");

                    LocationNotebook             = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                    LocationNotebook.Tag         = removeme;
                    LocationNotebook.Name        = "locationnotebook";
                    LocationNotebook.Text        = Notes.Notebook;
                    LocationNotebook.AutoSize    = true;
                    LocationNotebook.DropDown    = Notebook;
                    LocationNotebook.ToolTipText = Loc.Instance.GetString("Choose the notebook for this layout");

                    SectionsItem             = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                    SectionsItem.Tag         = removeme;
                    SectionsItem.Name        = "sectionsitem";
                    SectionsItem.AutoSize    = true;
                    SectionsItem.Text        = Notes.Section;
                    SectionsItem.DropDown    = Sections;
                    SectionsItem.ToolTipText = Loc.Instance.GetStringFmt("Choose the section of the notebook {0} for this layout", Notes.Notebook);

                    SubtypeItem             = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                    SubtypeItem.Tag         = removeme;
                    SubtypeItem.Name        = "subtypeitem";
                    SubtypeItem.AutoSize    = true;
                    SubtypeItem.Text        = Notes.Subtype;
                    SubtypeItem.DropDown    = Subtypes;
                    SubtypeItem.ToolTipText = Loc.Instance.GetString("Choose the subtype for this layout");

                    StatusItem             = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                    StatusItem.Tag         = removeme;
                    StatusItem.Name        = "statusitem";
                    StatusItem.AutoSize    = true;
                    StatusItem.Text        = Notes.Status;
                    StatusItem.DropDown    = Status;
                    StatusItem.ToolTipText = Loc.Instance.GetString("Choose the status for this layout");

                    Location.DropDownOpening += HandleDropDownOpening;
                    //Location.DropDown = Notebook;
                    //Location.DropIItems.Add (LocationNotebook);

                    // - General settings
                    headerBar.TabIndex = 0;
                    headerBar.Font = new Font(headerBar.Font.FontFamily, 12);
                    lg.Instance.Line("HeaderBar.UpdateHeader", ProblemType.MESSAGE, "Header should be visible");

                    // Adding

                    headerBar.Items.Insert(2, Location);
                    headerBar.Items.Insert(3, properties);
                    headerBar.Items.Insert(4, Info);
                    headerBar.Items.Insert(5, keywords);
                    string[] keywords_list = GetKeywords();
                    foreach (string keyword in keywords_list)
                        // build floating labels
                        ToolStripLabel keylabel = new ToolStripLabel();
                        keylabel.Tag          = removeme;
                        keylabel.LinkBehavior = LinkBehavior.AlwaysUnderline;
                        keylabel.IsLink       = true;
                        keylabel.Text         = keyword;
                        keylabel.Click       += HandleKeyLabelClick;
                        headerBar.Items.Insert(6, keylabel);

                    // can't do this because after th e merge, the other ones get the tag too
//				for (int deleters=headerBar.Items.Count-1; deleters >=0; deleters--)
//				{
//					headerBar.Items[deleters].Tag = removeme;
//				}
            catch (Exception ex) {