Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool IsWalkableTile(Vector2 tile)
            StardewValley.Object            o    = gl.getObjectAtTile((int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y);
            StardewValley.Objects.Furniture furn = o as StardewValley.Objects.Furniture;
            Fence fence = o as Fence;

            //bool a = gl.isTileOnMap(tile);
            //bool b = !gl.isTileOccupiedIgnoreFloors(tile, character);
            //bool c = isTilePassableOverride(new Location((int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y), Game1.viewport);
            //bool d = (!(gameLocation is Farm) || !((gameLocation as Farm).getBuildingAt(tile) != null));
            //bool ea = !(o != null);
            //bool eba = (o != null);
            //bool ebba = (o as StardewValley.Objects.Furniture).furniture_type.Value == 12;
            //bool ebbba = ((o as Fence).isGate.Value);
            //bool ebbbb = (o as Fence).gatePosition.Value == 88;
            //bool ebbb = ebbba && ebbbb;
            //bool ebb = ebba || ebbb;
            //bool eb = eba && ebb;
            //bool full = (!(o != null) || (o != null && ((o as StardewValley.Objects.Furniture).furniture_type.Value == 12 || (((o as Fence).isGate.Value) && (o as Fence).gatePosition.Value == 88))));

            //bool one = gl.isTileOnMap(tile);
            //bool two = !isTileOccupiedIgnoreFloorsOverride(tile, character);
            //bool three = isTilePassableOverride(new Location((int) tile.X, (int) tile.Y), Game1.viewport);
            //bool four = (!(gameLocation is Farm) || !((gameLocation as Farm).getBuildingAt(tile) != null));
            //bool five = (!(o != null) || (furn != null && furn.furniture_type.Value == 12) ||
            //             (fence != null && fence.isGate.Value && (o as Fence).gatePosition.Value == 88));

            return(gl.isTileOnMap(tile) &&
                   !isTileOccupiedIgnoreFloorsOverride(tile) &&
                   isTilePassableOverride(new Location((int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y), Game1.viewport) &&
                   (!(gameLocation is Farm) || !((gameLocation as Farm).getBuildingAt(tile) != null)) &&
                   (!(o != null) || (furn != null && furn.furniture_type.Value == 12) || (fence != null && fence.isGate.Value && (o as Fence).gatePosition.Value == 88)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static bool Prefix(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture __instance, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, float alpha = 1f)
            if (!ModEntry.Instance.GetDrawInfo(__instance.heldObject.Value, out Texture2D spriteSheet, out Rectangle bagiPosition, out Rectangle iconPosition))

            if (!__instance.isTemporarilyInvisible)
                if (StardewValley.Objects.Furniture.isDrawingLocationFurniture)
                    Vector2 drawPosition = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field <NetVector2>("drawPosition").Value.Value;
                    spriteBatch.Draw(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture.furnitureTexture, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, (Vector2)drawPosition + (__instance.shakeTimer > 0 ? new Vector2((float)Game1.random.Next(-1, 2), (float)Game1.random.Next(-1, 2)) : Vector2.Zero)), new Rectangle?((Rectangle)(__instance.sourceRect)), Color.White * alpha, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, (bool)(__instance.flipped) ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, (int)(__instance.furniture_type) == 12 ? 2E-09f : (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Value.Bottom - ((int)(__instance.furniture_type) == 6 || (int)(__instance.furniture_type) == 13 ? 48 : 8)) / 10000f);
                    spriteBatch.Draw(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture.furnitureTexture, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(x * 64 + (__instance.shakeTimer > 0 ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0)), (float)(y * 64 - (__instance.sourceRect.Height * 4 - __instance.boundingBox.Height) + (__instance.shakeTimer > 0 ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0)))), new Rectangle?((Rectangle)(__instance.sourceRect)), Color.White * alpha, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, (bool)(__instance.flipped) ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, (int)(__instance.furniture_type) == 12 ? 2E-09f : (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Value.Bottom - ((int)(__instance.furniture_type) == 6 || (int)(__instance.furniture_type) == 13 ? 48 : 8)) / 10000f);
                if (__instance.heldObject.Value != null)
                    if (__instance.heldObject.Value is StardewValley.Objects.Furniture)
                        (__instance.heldObject.Value as StardewValley.Objects.Furniture).drawAtNonTileSpot(spriteBatch, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.X - 32), (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.Y - (__instance.heldObject.Value as StardewValley.Objects.Furniture).sourceRect.Height * 4 - ((bool)(__instance.drawHeldObjectLow) ? -16 : 16)))), (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Bottom - 7) / 10000f, alpha);
                        SpriteBatch spriteBatch1    = spriteBatch;
                        Texture2D   shadowTexture   = Game1.shadowTexture;
                        Vector2     position        = Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.X - 32), (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.Y - ((bool)(__instance.drawHeldObjectLow) ? 32 : 85)))) + new Vector2(32f, 53f);
                        Rectangle?  sourceRectangle = new Rectangle?(Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds);
                        Color       color           = Color.White * alpha;
                        Rectangle   bounds          = Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds;
                        double      x1 = (double)bounds.Center.X;
                        bounds = Game1.shadowTexture.Bounds;
                        double  y1     = (double)bounds.Center.Y;
                        Vector2 origin = new Vector2((float)x1, (float)y1);
                        double  num    = (double)__instance.boundingBox.Bottom / 10000.0;
                        spriteBatch1.Draw(shadowTexture, position, sourceRectangle, color, 0.0f, origin, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (float)num);
                        spriteBatch.Draw(spriteSheet, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.X - 32), (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.Y - ((bool)(__instance.drawHeldObjectLow) ? 32 : 85)))), bagiPosition, Color.White * alpha, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Bottom + 1) / 10000f);

                if ((bool)(__instance.IsOn) && (int)(__instance.furniture_type.Value) == 14)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.X - 12), (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.Y - 64))), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(276 + (int)((Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds + (double)(x * 3047) + (double)(y * 88)) % 400.0 / 100.0) * 12, 1985, 12, 11)), Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (float)(__instance.getBoundingBox(new Vector2((float)x, (float)y)).Bottom - 2) / 10000f);
                    spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2((float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.X - 32 - 4), (float)(__instance.boundingBox.Center.Y - 64))), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(276 + (int)((Game1.currentGameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds + (double)(x * 2047) + (double)(y * 98)) % 400.0 / 100.0) * 12, 1985, 12, 11)), Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (float)(__instance.getBoundingBox(new Vector2((float)x, (float)y)).Bottom - 1) / 10000f);

                if (Game1.debugMode)
                    Vector2 drawPosition = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field <NetVector2>("drawPosition").Value.Value;
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(Game1.smallFont, string.Concat((object)__instance.ParentSheetIndex), Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, (Vector2)drawPosition), Color.Yellow, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static void resetOnPlayerEntry_Postfix(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture __instance, GameLocation environment, bool dropDown)
         if ((__instance.ParentSheetIndex == HutchIdx) && !dropDown)
             SpawnButterflies(environment, CountButterflies(environment) - Before, __instance.boundingBox.Value);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Log.Error($"Failed in {nameof(resetOnPlayerEntry_Postfix)}:\n{ex}");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static bool resetOnPlayerEntry_Prefix(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture __instance, GameLocation environment, bool dropDown)
         if ((__instance.ParentSheetIndex == HutchIdx) && !dropDown)
             Before = CountButterflies(environment);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Log.Error($"Failed in {nameof(resetOnPlayerEntry_Prefix)}:\n{ex}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool IsWalkableTile(Vector2 tile)
            StardewValley.Object            o    = gl.getObjectAtTile((int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y);
            StardewValley.Objects.Furniture furn = o as StardewValley.Objects.Furniture;
            Fence fence = o as Fence;
            Torch torch = o as Torch;

            return(gl.isTileOnMap(tile) &&
                   !isTileOccupiedIgnoreFloorsOverride(tile) &&
                   isTilePassableOverride(new Location((int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y), Game1.viewport) &&
                   (!(gameLocation is Farm) || !((gameLocation as Farm).getBuildingAt(tile) != null)) &&
                   ((o == null) ||
                    (furn != null && furn.furniture_type.Value == 12) ||
                    (fence != null && fence.isGate.Value) ||
                    (torch != null) ||
                    (o.ParentSheetIndex == 590)));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 internal bool isCompletelyClear(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture furniture, Vector2 point, FarmHouse house)
     for (int x1 = (int)point.X; x1 < point.X + furniture.getTilesWide(); ++x1)
         for (int y1 = (int)point.Y; y1 < point.Y + furniture.getTilesHigh(); ++y1)
             if (house.doesTileHaveProperty(x1, y1, "NoFurniture", "Back") != null)
             if (house.getTileIndexAt(x1, y1, "Buildings") != -1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal bool isFurnitureSpotValid(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture furniture, FarmHouse house)
            if (furniture.furniture_type == StardewValley.Objects.Furniture.rug)
                Logger.Log(furniture.name + " was rug, looking for placement location...");
                for (int x = furniture.boundingBox.X; x < furniture.boundingBox.Right; x++)
                    for (int y = furniture.boundingBox.Y; y < furniture.boundingBox.Bottom; y++)
                        if (!isTilePassableForRugs(house, new xTile.Dimensions.Location(x, y), Game1.viewport))
                            Logger.Log("Tile (" + x + ", " + y + ") was not passable for rugs!");
                Logger.Log("Rug can be placed here.");
                Logger.Log(furniture.name + " was not rug, was " + furniture.furniture_type);
            Vector2 realLocation = furniture.tileLocation;

            furniture.tileLocation.Value = Vector2.Zero;
            bool isValid          = furniture.canBePlacedHere(house, realLocation);
            bool isPartiallyStuck = !isCompletelyClear(furniture, realLocation, house);
            bool isVoid           = isTileVoid(house, realLocation);

            Logger.Log("Spot valid? " + isValid.ToString() + " Partially Stuck? " + isPartiallyStuck.ToString() + " Void? " + isVoid.ToString());
            furniture.tileLocation.Value = realLocation;
            return(isValid && !isPartiallyStuck && !isVoid);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal void reclaculateFurniture(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture furniture)
     furniture.boundingBox.X = (int)furniture.tileLocation.Value.X * 64;
     furniture.boundingBox.Y = (int)furniture.tileLocation.Value.Y * 64;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal void fixFurniture(StardewValley.Objects.Furniture furniture, FarmHouse house, ref List <StardewValley.Objects.Furniture> deadFurniture, ref List <Item> itemsToStore, int placementAttempt = 0)
     if (house.isTileOnMap(furniture.tileLocation) && (furniture.furniture_type == StardewValley.Objects.Furniture.window || furniture.furniture_type == StardewValley.Objects.Furniture.painting))
         bool wasOnWall = false;
         foreach (Rectangle wall in house.getWalls())
             if (wall.Contains(new Point((int)furniture.tileLocation.X, (int)furniture.tileLocation.Y)))
                 wasOnWall = true;
         if (!wasOnWall)
             Logger.Log("Wall furniture was not on a wall!  Moving...");
             List <Rectangle> walls = house.getWalls();
             int     wallToPlace    = Game1.random.Next(walls.Count);
             Vector2 placeSpot      = Vector2.Zero;
             int     attempts       = 0;
             while (placeSpot == Vector2.Zero && attempts < 20)
                 int     wallX    = Game1.random.Next(walls[wallToPlace].Width) + walls[wallToPlace].X;
                 Vector2 testSpot = new Vector2(wallX, walls[wallToPlace].Y);
                 if (!house.isTileOccupiedForPlacement(testSpot, furniture))
                     placeSpot = testSpot;
                 Logger.Log("Suitable wall location not found!  Trying again...  Attempt #" + attempts);
             if (placeSpot == Vector2.Zero)
                 Logger.Log("Could not find a suitable location for a piece of furniture.  Storing it in a gift box.");
                 furniture.tileLocation.Value = new Vector2(placeSpot.X, placeSpot.Y);
                 Logger.Log("Placing furniture at " + furniture.tileLocation.ToString());
     else if (!house.isTileOnMap(furniture.tileLocation) || !isFurnitureSpotValid(furniture, house))
         Logger.Log("Furniture was stuck, moving...");
         Point newSpot  = house.getRandomOpenPointInHouse(Game1.random);
         int   attempts = 0;
         while ((newSpot == Point.Zero || !furniture.canBePlacedHere(house, new Vector2(newSpot.X, newSpot.Y)) || !isCompletelyClear(furniture, new Vector2(newSpot.X, newSpot.Y), house) || isTileVoid(house, new Vector2(newSpot.X, newSpot.Y)) || (furniture.furniture_type == StardewValley.Objects.Furniture.window)) && attempts < 20)
             newSpot = house.getRandomOpenPointInHouse(Game1.random);
             Logger.Log("Failed to find empty open spot in the farmhouse for a piece of furniture.  Attempt #" + attempts);
         if (newSpot == Point.Zero)
             Logger.Log("Could not find a suitable location for a piece of furniture.  Storing it in a gift box.");
             furniture.tileLocation.Value = new Vector2(newSpot.X, newSpot.Y);
             Logger.Log("Placing furniture at " + furniture.tileLocation.ToString());
         if (!isFurnitureSpotValid(furniture, house) && placementAttempt < 20)
             Logger.Log("Placement failed, spot was invalid.  Retrying...  Attempt #" + placementAttempt);
             fixFurniture(furniture, house, ref deadFurniture, ref itemsToStore, placementAttempt + 1);
         //Logger.Log("Skipping " + furniture.tileLocation.ToString() + " because it " + (house.isTileOnMap(furniture.tileLocation) ? "was on the map, and " : "was not on the map, and ") + (!canBePlaced ? "was not placeable." : "was placeable."));
         Logger.Log("Skipping " + furniture.name + " at " + furniture.tileLocation.ToString() + ".");