public ProductTypesSalesChartView(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) : base(regionManager, eventAggregator)

            StackedBarSeries stackedBarSeries = new StackedBarSeries();

            stackedBarSeries.Series.Add(new StackedFragmentSeries());
            var stackedFragmentSeries = new StackedFragmentSeries();

            stackedFragmentSeries.ValueMemberPath = "";
            stackedFragmentSeries.Title           = "";
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the Category chart. This chart shows a stack series that breaks down the
        /// Inflow or outflow by source.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeCategoryChart()
            // Create a BindingList that contains last year, the current month, and last months data.
            // This will be used as the DataSource for the chart so we can show one stack for each.
            BindingList <MonthlyData> monthlyDatas = new BindingList <MonthlyData>()
                this.lastYearData, this.currentMonthData, this.lastMonthData

            // X Axis
            // The X Axis is pretty simple. It's the monetary value of the Inflow / Outflow.
            #region X Axis
            var categoryChartChartNumericX = new NumericXAxis();

            // Hook FormatLabel so that we can show the values in a more user-friendly format.
            categoryChartChartNumericX.FormatLabel += new AxisFormatLabelHandler(categoryChartChartNumericX_FormatLabel);
            #endregion // X Axis

            // Y Axis
            // The Y Axis will display the "name" of the item: "last month", "current", or "last year".
            #region Y Axis
            this.categoryChartChartCategoryY                          = new CategoryYAxis();
            this.categoryChartChartCategoryY.DataSource               = monthlyDatas;
            this.categoryChartChartCategoryY.LabelFontFamily          = "Verdana";
            this.categoryChartChartCategoryY.LabelHorizontalAlignment = Infragistics.Portable.Components.UI.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            this.categoryChartChartCategoryY.LabelTextColor           = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(146, 146, 146));

            // This is arbitrary. We will format the label, anyway, so we could use any field here.
            this.categoryChartChartCategoryY.Label    = "Month";
            this.categoryChartChartCategoryY.Interval = 1;

            // Since the text we want to display doesn't exist as a property on the MonthlyData, we need
            // to hook LabelFormat and return the appropriate text.
            this.categoryChartChartCategoryY.FormatLabel += new AxisFormatLabelHandler(categoryChartChartCategoryY_FormatLabel);
            #endregion // Y Axis

            // Add the axes to the chart.

            // StackedBarSeries
            // The way a StackedBarSeries works is that we create the series and then add
            // a StackedFragmentSeries for each source.
            #region StackedBarSeries

            // Create the StackedBarSeries itself.
            this.categoryChartStackedBarSeries = new StackedBarSeries();

            // Set it's DataSource.
            this.categoryChartStackedBarSeries.DataSource = monthlyDatas;

            // Set the X and Y axes.
            this.categoryChartStackedBarSeries.XAxis = categoryChartChartNumericX;
            this.categoryChartStackedBarSeries.YAxis = categoryChartChartCategoryY;

            // Get a string representing whether we are showing inflow or outflow.
            string flowDirectionString = this.FlowDirection.ToString();

            // Loop through each source.
            Source[] sources = (Source[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Source));
            foreach (Source source in sources)
                // Create a new StackedFragmentSeries for this source.
                var stackedFragmentSeriesForSource = new StackedFragmentSeries();
                stackedFragmentSeriesForSource.Title   = source.ToString();
                stackedFragmentSeriesForSource.Outline = new SolidColorBrush(Color.Transparent);

                // Call into a method to get the appropriate color for the fragment.
                stackedFragmentSeriesForSource.Brush = this.GetSourceChartColor(source);

                // The name of the property on the MonthlyData that we need to use is a combination
                // of the source and the flow direction.
                stackedFragmentSeriesForSource.ValueMemberPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", source.ToString(), flowDirectionString);

                // Add the fragment to the series.
            #endregion // StackedBarSeries

            // Add the series to the chart.