Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CSVStackSource(CSVReader reader, string eventName, double startRelativeMSec, double endRelativeMSec)
            lock (reader)
                reader.m_stackEventType = eventName;
                reader.T0 = (long)(startRelativeMSec * 1000);
                reader.T1 = long.MaxValue - 1000000;
                double endusec = endRelativeMSec * 1000;
                if (endusec < reader.T1)
                    reader.T1 = (long)endusec;

                reader.m_trace.Parameters.T0 = reader.T0;
                reader.m_trace.Parameters.T1 = reader.T1;

                var result = reader.m_trace.StackStream(delegate(ETLTrace.Frame frame, ETLTrace.TreeComputer treeComputer, long timeUsec, ulong weight)
                    m_fullModulePaths        = treeComputer.fullModuleNames;
                    StackSourceSample sample = new StackSourceSample(this);
                    sample.TimeRelativeMSec  = timeUsec / 1000.0;
                    sample.Metric            = weight;

                    if (reader.m_stackEventType == "CSwitch")
                        sample.Metric = sample.Metric / 1000.0F;

                    if (sample.Metric == 0)
                        sample.Metric = 1;

                    // Get rid of quotes.
                    treeComputer.fullModuleNames["\"Unknown\""] = "UNKNOWN";

                    // We are traversing frames from the root (threadStart), to leaf (caller before callee).
                    StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIndex = StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid;
                    bool callerFrameIsThread             = false;
                    while (frame != null)
                        var fullFrameName = treeComputer.atomsNodeNames.MakeString(frame.id);
                        string moduleName = "";

                        // Parse it into module and function name
                        var frameName = fullFrameName;
                        var index     = fullFrameName.IndexOf('!');
                        if (index >= 0)
                            frameName  = fullFrameName.Substring(index + 1);
                            frameName  = frameName.Replace(';', ',');   // They use ';' for template separators for some reason, fix it.
                            moduleName = fullFrameName.Substring(0, index);
                            string fullModuleName;
                            if (treeComputer.fullModuleNames.TryGetValue(moduleName, out fullModuleName))
                                moduleName = fullModuleName;

                            if (moduleName.Length > 4 && moduleName[moduleName.Length - 4] == '.')
#if false // TODO decide if we want to ignore the .NI.DLL and if so do it uniformly.
                                if (moduleName.Length > 7 && moduleName[moduleName.Length - 7] == '.' &&
                                    moduleName[moduleName.Length - 6] == 'n' &&
                                    moduleName[moduleName.Length - 5] == 'i')
                                    moduleName = moduleName.Substring(0, moduleName.Length - 7);
                                moduleName = moduleName.Substring(0, moduleName.Length - 4);

                            // If the thread does not call into ntdll, we consider it broken
                            if (callerFrameIsThread && !moduleName.EndsWith("ntdll", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                var brokenFrame = Interner.FrameIntern("BROKEN", Interner.ModuleIntern(""));
                                stackIndex      = Interner.CallStackIntern(brokenFrame, stackIndex);
                            Match m = Regex.Match(frameName, @"^tid *\( *(\d+)\)");
                            if (m.Success)
                                frameName = "Thread (" + m.Groups[1].Value + ")";
                                m = Regex.Match(frameName, @"^(.*?)(\.exe)? *\( *(\d+)\) *$");
                                if (m.Success)
                                    frameName = "Process " + m.Groups[1].Value + " (" + m.Groups[3].Value + ")";

                        var myModuleIndex   = Interner.ModuleIntern(moduleName);
                        var myFrameIndex    = Interner.FrameIntern(frameName, myModuleIndex);
                        stackIndex          = Interner.CallStackIntern(myFrameIndex, stackIndex);
                        callerFrameIsThread = frameName.StartsWith("tid ");
                        frame = frame.next;

                    sample.StackIndex = stackIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static StackSourceCallStackIndex IndexOf(this IndexMap map, int source, StackSourceCallStackIndex offset)
     return((StackSourceCallStackIndex)map.IndexOf(source, (int)offset));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Read(XmlReader reader)
            Stack <string> frameStack = null;
            // We use the invarient culture, otherwise if we encode in france and decode
            // in english we get parse errors (this happened!);
            var invariantCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            var inputDepth       = reader.Depth;
            var depthForSamples  = 0;

            while (reader.Read())
                switch (reader.NodeType)
                case XmlNodeType.Element:
                    if (reader.Name == "Sample")
                        var sample = new StackSourceSample(this);
                        sample.Metric = 1;
                        if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                                if (reader.Name == "Time")
                                    sample.TimeRelativeMSec = double.Parse(reader.ReadContentAsString(), invariantCulture);
                                else if (reader.Name == "StackID")
                                    sample.StackIndex = (StackSourceCallStackIndex)reader.ReadContentAsInt();
                                else if (reader.Name == "Metric")
                                    sample.Metric = float.Parse(reader.ReadContentAsString(), invariantCulture);
                            } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());
                        sample.SampleIndex = (StackSourceSampleIndex)m_curSample;
                        m_samples.Set(m_curSample++, sample);
                        if (sample.TimeRelativeMSec > m_maxTime)
                            m_maxTime = sample.TimeRelativeMSec;

                        // See if there is a literal stack present as the body of
                        if (!reader.Read())
                        if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Text)
                            goto PROCESS_NODE;

                        string rawStack = reader.Value.Trim();
                        if (0 < rawStack.Length)

                            StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIdx = StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid;
                            string[] frames = rawStack.Split('\n');
                            for (int i = frames.Length - 1; 0 <= i; --i)
                                var frameIdx = m_interner.FrameIntern(frames[i].Trim());
                                stackIdx = m_interner.CallStackIntern(frameIdx, stackIdx);
                            sample.StackIndex = stackIdx;
                    else if (reader.Name == "Stack")
                        int stackID  = -1;
                        int callerID = -1;
                        int frameID  = -1;
                        if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                                if (reader.Name == "ID")
                                    stackID = reader.ReadContentAsInt();
                                else if (reader.Name == "FrameID")
                                    frameID = reader.ReadContentAsInt();
                                else if (reader.Name == "CallerID")
                                    callerID = reader.ReadContentAsInt();
                            } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());
                            if (0 <= stackID)
                                m_stacks.Set(stackID, new Frame(frameID, callerID));
                    else if (reader.Name == "Frame")
                        var frameID = -1;
                        if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                                if (reader.Name == "ID")
                                    frameID = reader.ReadContentAsInt();
                            } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());
                        reader.Read();          // Move on to body of the element
                        var frameName = reader.ReadContentAsString();
                        m_frames.Set(frameID, frameName);
                    else if (reader.Name == "Frames")
                        var count = reader.GetAttribute("Count");
                        if (count != null && m_frames.Count == 0)
                            m_frames = new GrowableArray <string>(int.Parse(count));
                    else if (reader.Name == "Stacks")
                        var count = reader.GetAttribute("Count");
                        if (count != null && m_stacks.Count == 0)
                            m_stacks = new GrowableArray <Frame>(int.Parse(count));
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_stacks.Count; i++)
                            m_stacks[i] = new Frame(int.MinValue, int.MinValue);
                    else if (reader.Name == "Samples")
                        var count = reader.GetAttribute("Count");
                        if (count != null && m_samples.Count == 0)
                            m_samples = new GrowableArray <StackSourceSample>(int.Parse(count));
                        depthForSamples = reader.Depth;
                    // This is the logic for the JSON case.  These are the anonymous object representing a sample.
                    else if (reader.Name == "item")
                        // THis is an item which is an element of the 'Samples' array.
                        if (reader.Depth == depthForSamples + 1)
                            var sample = new StackSourceSample(this);
                            sample.Metric = 1;

                            int depthForSample = reader.Depth;
                            if (frameStack == null)
                                frameStack = new Stack <string>();

                            while (reader.Read())
                                if (reader.Depth <= depthForSample)
                                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                    if (reader.Name == "Time")
                                        sample.TimeRelativeMSec = reader.ReadElementContentAsDouble();
                                        goto PROCESS_NODE_SAMPLE;
                                    else if (reader.Name == "Metric")
                                        sample.Metric = (float)reader.ReadElementContentAsDouble();
                                        goto PROCESS_NODE_SAMPLE;
                                    else if (reader.Name == "item")
                                        // Item is a string under stack under the sample.
                                        if (reader.Depth == depthForSample + 2)
                                            goto PROCESS_NODE_SAMPLE;

                            // Reverse the order of the frames in the stack.
                            sample.StackIndex = StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid;
                            while (0 < frameStack.Count)
                                var frameIdx = m_interner.FrameIntern(frameStack.Pop());
                                sample.StackIndex = m_interner.CallStackIntern(frameIdx, sample.StackIndex);

                            if (sample.TimeRelativeMSec > m_maxTime)
                                m_maxTime = sample.TimeRelativeMSec;
                            sample.SampleIndex = (StackSourceSampleIndex)m_curSample;
                            m_samples.Set(m_curSample++, sample);

                case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                    if (reader.Depth <= inputDepth)
                        goto Done;

                case XmlNodeType.Text:
            Done :;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_samples.Count; i++)
                Debug.Assert(m_samples[i] != null);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_frames.Count; i++)
                Debug.Assert(m_frames[i] != null);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_stacks.Count; i++)
                Debug.Assert(m_stacks[i].frameID >= 0);
                Debug.Assert(m_stacks[i].callerID >= -1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the thread time stacks, outputting to 'stackSource'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputStackSource"></param>
        /// <param name="traceEvents">Optional filtered trace events.</param>
        public void GenerateThreadTimeStacks(MutableTraceEventStackSource outputStackSource, TraceEvents traceEvents = null)
            m_outputStackSource   = outputStackSource;
            m_sample              = new StackSourceSample(outputStackSource);
            m_nodeNameInternTable = new Dictionary <double, StackSourceFrameIndex>(10);
            m_ExternalFrameIndex  = outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("UNMANAGED_CODE_TIME");
            m_cpuFrameIndex       = outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("CPU_TIME");

            TraceLogEventSource eventSource = traceEvents == null?m_eventLog.Events.GetSource() :

            if (GroupByStartStopActivity)
                UseTasks = true;

            if (UseTasks)
                m_activityComputer = new ActivityComputer(eventSource, m_symbolReader);
                m_activityComputer.AwaitUnblocks += delegate(TraceActivity activity, TraceEvent data)
                    var sample = m_sample;
                    sample.Metric           = (float)(activity.StartTimeRelativeMSec - activity.CreationTimeRelativeMSec);
                    sample.TimeRelativeMSec = activity.CreationTimeRelativeMSec;

                    // The stack at the Unblock, is the stack at the time the task was created (when blocking started).
                    sample.StackIndex = m_activityComputer.GetCallStackForActivity(m_outputStackSource, activity, GetTopFramesForActivityComputerCase(data, data.Thread(), true));

                    StackSourceFrameIndex awaitFrame = m_outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("AWAIT_TIME");
                    sample.StackIndex = m_outputStackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(awaitFrame, sample.StackIndex);


                    if (m_threadToStartStopActivity != null)
                        UpdateStartStopActivityOnAwaitComplete(activity, data);

                // We can provide a bit of extra value (and it is useful for debugging) if we immediately log a CPU
                // sample when we schedule or start a task.  That we we get the very instant it starts.
                var tplProvider = new TplEtwProviderTraceEventParser(eventSource);
                tplProvider.AwaitTaskContinuationScheduledSend += OnSampledProfile;
                tplProvider.TaskScheduledSend += OnSampledProfile;
                tplProvider.TaskExecuteStart  += OnSampledProfile;
                tplProvider.TaskWaitSend      += OnSampledProfile;
                tplProvider.TaskWaitStop      += OnTaskUnblock; // Log the activity stack even if you don't have a stack.

            if (GroupByStartStopActivity)
                m_startStopActivities = new StartStopActivityComputer(eventSource, m_activityComputer);

                // Maps thread Indexes to the start-stop activity that they are executing.
                m_threadToStartStopActivity = new StartStopActivity[m_eventLog.Threads.Count];

                /*********  Start Unknown Async State machine for StartStop activities ******/
                // The delegates below along with the AddUnkownAsyncDurationIfNeeded have one purpose:
                // To inject UNKNOWN_ASYNC stacks when there is an active start-stop activity that is
                // 'missing' time.   It has the effect of insuring that Start-Stop tasks always have
                // a metric that is not unrealistically small.
                m_activityComputer.Start += delegate(TraceActivity activity, TraceEvent data)
                    StartStopActivity newStartStopActivityForThread = m_startStopActivities.GetCurrentStartStopActivity(activity.Thread, data);
                    UpdateThreadToWorkOnStartStopActivity(activity.Thread, newStartStopActivityForThread, data);

                m_activityComputer.AfterStop += delegate(TraceActivity activity, TraceEvent data, TraceThread thread)
                    StartStopActivity newStartStopActivityForThread = m_startStopActivities.GetCurrentStartStopActivity(thread, data);
                    UpdateThreadToWorkOnStartStopActivity(thread, newStartStopActivityForThread, data);

                m_startStopActivities.Start += delegate(StartStopActivity startStopActivity, TraceEvent data)
                    // We only care about the top-most activities since unknown async time is defined as time
                    // where a top  most activity is running but no thread (or await time) is associated with it
                    // fast out otherwise (we just insure that we mark the thread as doing this activity)
                    if (startStopActivity.Creator != null)
                        UpdateThreadToWorkOnStartStopActivity(data.Thread(), startStopActivity, data);

                    // Then we have a refcount of exactly one
                    Debug.Assert(m_unknownTimeStartMsec.Get((int)startStopActivity.Index) >= 0); // There was nothing running before.

                    m_unknownTimeStartMsec.Set((int)startStopActivity.Index, -1);                // Set it so just we are running.
                    m_threadToStartStopActivity[(int)data.Thread().ThreadIndex] = startStopActivity;

                m_startStopActivities.Stop += delegate(StartStopActivity startStopActivity, TraceEvent data)
                    // We only care about the top-most activities since unknown async time is defined as time
                    // where a top  most activity is running but no thread (or await time) is associated with it
                    // fast out otherwise
                    if (startStopActivity.Creator != null)

                    double unknownStartTime = m_unknownTimeStartMsec.Get((int)startStopActivity.Index);
                    if (0 < unknownStartTime)
                        AddUnkownAsyncDurationIfNeeded(startStopActivity, unknownStartTime, data);

                    // Actually emit all the async unknown events.
                    List <StackSourceSample> samples = m_startStopActivityToAsyncUnknownSamples.Get((int)startStopActivity.Index);
                    if (samples != null)
                        foreach (var sample in samples)
                            m_outputStackSource.AddSample(sample);  // Adding Unknown ASync

                        m_startStopActivityToAsyncUnknownSamples.Set((int)startStopActivity.Index, null);

                    m_unknownTimeStartMsec.Set((int)startStopActivity.Index, 0);
                    Debug.Assert(m_threadToStartStopActivity[(int)data.Thread().ThreadIndex] == startStopActivity ||
                                 m_threadToStartStopActivity[(int)data.Thread().ThreadIndex] == null);
                    m_threadToStartStopActivity[(int)data.Thread().ThreadIndex] = null;

            eventSource.Clr.GCAllocationTick          += OnSampledProfile;
            eventSource.Clr.GCSampledObjectAllocation += OnSampledProfile;

            var eventPipeTraceEventPraser = new SampleProfilerTraceEventParser(eventSource);

            eventPipeTraceEventPraser.ThreadSample += OnSampledProfile;

            if (IncludeEventSourceEvents)
                eventSource.Dynamic.All += delegate(TraceEvent data)
                    // TODO decide what the correct heuristic is.
                    // Currently I only do this for things that might be an EventSoruce (uses the name->Guid hashing)
                    // Most importantly, it excludes the high volume CLR providers.
                    if (!TraceEventProviders.MaybeAnEventSource(data.ProviderGuid))

                    //  We don't want most of the FrameworkEventSource events either.
                    if (data.ProviderGuid == FrameworkEventSourceTraceEventParser.ProviderGuid)
                        if (!((TraceEventID)140 <= data.ID && data.ID <= (TraceEventID)143))    // These are the GetResponce and GetResestStream events

                    // We don't care about EventPipe sample profiler events.
                    if (data.ProviderGuid == SampleProfilerTraceEventParser.ProviderGuid)

                    // We don't care about the TPL provider.  Too many events.
                    if (data.ProviderGuid == TplEtwProviderTraceEventParser.ProviderGuid)

                    // We don't care about ManifestData events.
                    if (data.ID == (TraceEventID)0xFFFE)

                    TraceThread thread = data.Thread();
                    if (thread == null)

                    StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIndex = GetCallStack(data, thread);

                    // Tack on additional info about the event.
                    var fieldNames = data.PayloadNames;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++)
                        var fieldName      = fieldNames[i];
                        var value          = data.PayloadString(i);
                        var fieldNodeName  = "EventData: " + fieldName + "=" + value;
                        var fieldNodeIndex = m_outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(fieldNodeName);
                        stackIndex = m_outputStackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(fieldNodeIndex, stackIndex);
                    stackIndex = m_outputStackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(m_outputStackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("EventName: " + data.ProviderName + "/" + data.EventName), stackIndex);

                    m_threadState[(int)thread.ThreadIndex].LogThreadStack(data.TimeStampRelativeMSec, stackIndex, thread, this, false);


            m_threadState = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the frame index of a given call stack.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="callStackIndex">The call stack to look up.</param>
 /// <returns>The frame index of the call stack, if it exists, <see cref="StackSourceFrameIndex.Invalid"/> otherwise.</returns>
 public override StackSourceFrameIndex GetFrameIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
     return((callStackIndex - StackSourceCallStackIndex.Start) + StackSourceFrameIndex.Start);
        private StackSourceCallStackIndex InternFrames(IEnumerator <Frame> frameIterator, StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIndex, int processID, int?threadid = null, BlockedTimeAnalyzer blockedTimeAnalyzer = null)
            // We shouldn't advance the iterator if thread time is enabled because we need
            //   to add an extra frame to the caller stack that is not in the frameIterator.
            //   i.e. Short-circuiting prevents the frameIterator from doing MoveNext :)
            if (blockedTimeAnalyzer == null && !frameIterator.MoveNext())

            StackSourceFrameIndex frameIndex;
            string frameDisplayName;

            if (blockedTimeAnalyzer != null)
                // If doThreadTime is true, then we need to make sure that threadid is not null
                Contract.Requires(threadid != null, nameof(threadid));

                if (blockedTimeAnalyzer.IsThreadBlocked((int)threadid))
                    frameDisplayName = LinuxThreadState.BLOCKED_TIME.ToString();
                    frameDisplayName = LinuxThreadState.CPU_TIME.ToString();
                frameDisplayName = frameIterator.Current.DisplayName;

            frameIndex = this.InternFrame(frameDisplayName);

            stackIndex = this.InternCallerStack(frameIndex, this.InternFrames(frameIterator, stackIndex, processID));

Ejemplo n.º 7
 public override StackSourceFrameIndex GetFrameIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
 => samples.First(sample => sample.StackIndex == callStackIndex).FrameIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override StackSourceCallStackIndex GetCallerIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
            NodeIndex nodeIndex = (NodeIndex)callStackIndex;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of StackSource protocol.
        /// </summary>
        public override StackSourceCallStackIndex GetCallerIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
            Debug.Assert(callStackIndex >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(StackSourceCallStackIndex.Start == 0);         // If there are any cases before start, we need to handle them here.

            int curIndex  = (int)callStackIndex - (int)StackSourceCallStackIndex.Start;
            int nextIndex = (int)StackSourceCallStackIndex.Start;

            if (curIndex < m_log.CallStacks.Count)
                var nextCallStackIndex = m_log.CallStacks.Caller((CallStackIndex)curIndex);
                if (nextCallStackIndex == CallStackIndex.Invalid)
                    nextIndex += m_log.CallStacks.Count;    // Now points at the threads region.
                    var threadIndex = m_log.CallStacks.ThreadIndex((CallStackIndex)curIndex);
                    nextIndex += (int)threadIndex;

                    // Mark it as a broken stack, which come after all the indexes for normal threads and processes.
                    if (!ReasonableTopFrame(callStackIndex, threadIndex))
                        nextIndex += m_log.Threads.Count + m_log.Processes.Count;
                    nextIndex += (int)nextCallStackIndex;
            curIndex  -= m_log.CallStacks.Count;                                // Now is a thread index
            nextIndex += m_log.CallStacks.Count;                                // Output index points to the thread region.

            if (curIndex < m_log.Threads.Count)
                nextIndex += m_log.Threads.Count;                                  // Output index point to process region.
                nextIndex += (int)m_log.Threads[(ThreadIndex)curIndex].Process.ProcessIndex;
            curIndex -= m_log.Threads.Count;                                      // Now is a broken thread index

            if (curIndex < m_log.Processes.Count)
                return(StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid);                        // Process has no parent
            curIndex -= m_log.Processes.Count;                                    // Now is a broken thread index

            if (curIndex < m_log.Threads.Count)                                   // It is a broken stack
                nextIndex += curIndex;                                            // Indicate the real thread.
            curIndex -= m_log.Threads.Count;                                       // Now it points at the one-element stacks.

            if (curIndex < m_pseudoStacks.Count)
                // Now points beginning of the broken stacks indexes.
                nextIndex += m_log.Threads.Count + m_log.Processes.Count;

                // Pick the broken stack for this thread.
                nextIndex += (int)m_pseudoStacks[curIndex].ThreadIndex;

            Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid CallStackIndex");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void AddSamplesForDirectory(string directoryPath, StackSourceCallStackIndex directoryStack)
            StackSourceSample sample = null;

                var directory = new FastDirectory(directoryPath);
                foreach (var member in directory.Members)
                    if (member.IsDirectory)
                        var stack = Interner.CallStackIntern(Interner.FrameIntern("DIR: " + member.Name), directoryStack);
                        AddSamplesForDirectory(Path.Combine(directoryPath, member.Name), stack);
                        var stack = directoryStack;

                        // Allow easy grouping by extension.
                        var ext = Path.GetExtension(member.Name).ToLower();
                        // And whether the DLL/EXE is managed or not.
                        var suffix = "";
                        if (string.Compare(ext, ".dll", true) == 0 || string.Compare(ext, ".exe", true) == 0 || string.Compare(ext, ".winmd", true) == 0)
                            suffix = "";
                            string fileName = Path.Combine(directoryPath, member.Name);
                                using (var peFile = new PEFile.PEFile(fileName))
                                    suffix = peFile.Header.IsManaged ? " (MANAGED)" : " (UNMANAGED)";
                                    if (peFile.Header.IsPE64)
                                        suffix += " (64Bit)";
                                    if (peFile.HasPrecompiledManagedCode)
                                        if (peFile.IsManagedReadyToRun)
                                            short major, minor;
                                            peFile.ReadyToRunVersion(out major, out minor);
                                            suffix += " (ReadyToRun(" + major + "." + minor + "))";
                                            suffix += " (NGEN)";
                            catch (Exception) {
                                m_log.WriteLine("Error: exception looking at file " + fileName);
                        stack = Interner.CallStackIntern(Interner.FrameIntern("EXT: " + ext + suffix), stack);

                        // Finally the file name itself.
                        stack = Interner.CallStackIntern(Interner.FrameIntern("FILE: " + member.Name), stack);
                        if (sample == null)
                            sample = new StackSourceSample(this);

                        sample.Metric     = member.Size;
                        sample.StackIndex = stack;
                        if (m_useWriteTime)
                            sample.TimeRelativeMSec = (m_nowUtc - member.LastWriteTimeUtc).TotalDays;
                            sample.TimeRelativeMSec = (m_nowUtc - member.LastAccessTimeUtc).TotalDays;

                        m_totalSize += member.Size;
                        int count = SampleIndexLimit;
                        if ((count % 1000) == 0)
                            m_log.WriteLine("[Processed " + count + " files, size " + (m_totalSize / 1000000).ToString("n0") + " MB in directory scan at " + Path.Combine(directoryPath, member.Name) + " ]");
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WriteLine("Error processing directory " + directoryPath + ": " + e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public override StackSourceCallStackIndex GetCallerIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override StackSourceFrameIndex GetFrameIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public override int GetNumberOfFoldedFrames(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void Read(TextReader reader)
            var framePattern = new Regex(@"\b(\w+?)\!(\S\(?[\S\s]*\)?)");
            var stackStart   = new Regex(@"Call Site");

            // the call stack from the debugger kc command looksl like this
            //Call Site
            //System_Windows_ni!MS.Internal.ManagedPeerTable.TryGetManagedPeer(IntPtr, Boolean, System.Object ByRef)
            //System_Windows_ni!MS.Internal.ManagedPeerTable.EnsureManagedPeer(IntPtr, Int32, System.Type, Boolean)
            //System_Windows_ni!MS.Internal.FrameworkCallbacks.CheckPeerType(IntPtr, System.String, Boolean)
            //System_Windows_ni!DomainBoundILStubClass.IL_STUB_ReversePInvoke(Int32, IntPtr, Int32)

            var   stack             = new GrowableArray <DebuggerCallStackFrame>();
            bool  newCallStackFound = false;
            var   sample            = new StackSourceSample(this);
            float time = 0;

            for (; ;)
                var line = reader.ReadLine();
                if (line == null)

                var match = framePattern.Match(line);
                if (match.Success && newCallStackFound)
                    var module     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    var methodName = match.Groups[2].Value;

                    // trim the methodName if it has file name info (if the trace is collected with kv instead of kc)
                    int index = methodName.LastIndexOf(")+");
                    if (index != -1)
                        methodName = methodName.Substring(0, index + 1);

                    var moduleIndex = Interner.ModuleIntern(module);
                    var frameIndex  = Interner.FrameIntern(methodName, moduleIndex);

                    DebuggerCallStackFrame frame = new DebuggerCallStackFrame();
                    frame.frame = frameIndex;
                    var stackStartMatch = stackStart.Match(line);
                    if (stackStartMatch.Success)
                        // start a new sample.
                        // add the previous sample
                        // clear the stack
                        if (stack.Count != 0)
                            StackSourceCallStackIndex parent = StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid;
                            for (int i = stack.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                parent = Interner.CallStackIntern(stack[i].frame, parent);


                            sample.StackIndex       = parent;
                            sample.TimeRelativeMSec = time;
                        newCallStackFound = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 protected override StackSourceCallStackIndex InternCallerStack(StackSourceFrameIndex frameIndex, StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIndex)
     lock (internCallStackLock)
         return(this.Interner.CallStackIntern(frameIndex, stackIndex));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override StackSourceCallStackIndex GetCallerIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
     Debug.Assert(callStackIndex >= 0);
     // subtract 1 so 0 (clrprofiler Scentinal) becomes CallStackIndex Sentinal
     return((StackSourceCallStackIndex)(m_clrProfiler.NextFrame((ProfilerStackTraceID)(callStackIndex + 1)) - 1));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 protected virtual StackSourceCallStackIndex InternCallerStack(StackSourceFrameIndex frameIndex, StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIndex)
     return(this.Interner.CallStackIntern(frameIndex, stackIndex));
        private static bool BuildInternalTempRepresentation(StackSource stackSource, string fileToWrite, string rootFunction)
            StringBuilder flameChartStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            bool          enableRootingOnFunction = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rootFunction);

            // Write out the flame chart format, one line per stack
            // eg: corerun;foo;bar;baz 1
            stackSource.ForEach(sample =>
                Stack <StackSourceCallStackIndex> callStackIndices = new Stack <StackSourceCallStackIndex>();


                StackSourceCallStackIndex callerIdx = stackSource.GetCallerIndex(sample.StackIndex);
                while (callerIdx != StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid)
                    callerIdx = stackSource.GetCallerIndex(callerIdx);

                bool firstOne          = true;
                bool foundRootFunction = false;
                while (callStackIndices.Count > 0)
                    var currFrame = callStackIndices.Pop();
                    var frameIdx  = stackSource.GetFrameIndex(currFrame);

                    var frameName = stackSource.GetFrameName(frameIdx, false);

                    // If we're rooting on a function, skip the frames above it
                    if (enableRootingOnFunction && !foundRootFunction)
                        if (frameName.Contains(rootFunction))
                            foundRootFunction = true;

                    if (!firstOne)

                    firstOne = false;

                flameChartStringBuilder.Append(" 1");

            using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(fileToWrite))
                catch (IOException)

Ejemplo n.º 19
 public override StackSourceCallStackIndex GetCallerIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
 => samples.First(sample => sample.StackIndex == callStackIndex).CallerIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Stack Source from an XML file created with XmlStackSourceWriter.
        /// If 'readElement' is non-null Any XML Elements that are not recognised to it so
        /// that that information can be parsed by upper level logic.  When that routine
        /// returns it must have skipped past that element (so reader points at whatever
        /// is after the End element tag).
        /// If the filename ends in .zip, the file is assumed to be a ZIPPed XML file and
        /// it is first Unziped and then processed.
        /// If the file ends in .json or .json.zip it can also read that (using JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader)
        /// see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb412170.aspx?f=255&amp;MSPPError=-2147217396 for
        /// more on this mapping.
        /// </summary>
        public XmlStackSource(string fileName, Action <XmlReader> readElement = null)
            using (Stream dataStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read | FileShare.Delete))
                var    xmlStream    = dataStream;
                string unzippedName = fileName;
                if (fileName.EndsWith(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var zipArchive = new ZipArchive(dataStream);
                    var entries    = zipArchive.Entries;
                    if (entries.Count != 1)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The ZIP file does not have exactly 1 XML file in it,");
                    xmlStream    = entries[0].Open();
                    unzippedName = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 4);

                XmlReader reader;
                if (unzippedName.EndsWith(".json", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    reader = GetJsonReader(dataStream);
                    XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings()
                        IgnoreWhitespace = true, IgnoreComments = true
                    reader = XmlTextReader.Create(xmlStream, settings);

                reader.Read();      // Skip the StackWindow element.
                bool readStackSource = false;
                for (;;)
                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        if (reader.Name == "StackSource")
                            if (!readStackSource)
                                readStackSource = true;
                        else if (readElement != null)
                    else if (!reader.Read())
                if (m_interner != null)
                    // Transfer the interned names to the m_frames array.
                    // Go from high to low so at most one reallocation happens.
                    for (int i = m_interner.FrameCount - 1; 0 <= i; --i)
                        StackSourceFrameIndex frameIdx = m_interner.FrameStartIndex + i;
                        m_frames.Set((int)frameIdx, m_interner.GetFrameName(frameIdx, true));

                    for (int i = m_interner.CallStackCount - 1; 0 <= i; --i)
                        StackSourceCallStackIndex stackIdx = m_interner.CallStackStartIndex + i;
                        m_stacks.Set((int)stackIdx, new Frame(

                    m_interner = null;  // we are done with it.
Ejemplo n.º 21
    /// <summary>
    /// If you place a file called PerfViewExtensions\PerfViewStartup next to the PerfView.exe it will
    /// run execute commands in that file.  If you put
    /// DeclareFileView .etl "Demo View In Etl File" DemoDeclareFileView
    /// It will create a child node for all .etl files called 'Demo View In Etl File'  If you click
    /// on this node it will execute this user command.  It is passed the name of the file that was
    /// opened and the name of the view that was opened (in this case 'Demo View In Etl File').
    /// </summary>
    public void DemoDeclareFileView(string fileName, string viewName)
        // This demo creates a view that shows you all the START events in a stack view.
        LogFile.WriteLine("************ In DemoDeclareFileView file = {0} view = {1}", fileName, viewName);

        // This is an example of opening an ETL file.
        ETLDataFile etlFile = OpenETLFile(fileName);

        // An ETLData file is a high level construct that knows about high level 'views' of the data (CPU stacks, thread time Stacks ...)

        // However if you want to create a new view, you probably want a TraceLog which is the underlying ETW data.
        TraceLog traceLog = etlFile.TraceLog;

        // A tracelog represent the whole ETL file (which has process, images, threads etc), we want events, and we want callbacks
        // for each event which is what GetSource() does.   THus we get a source (which we can add callbacks to)
        var eventSource = traceLog.Events.GetSource();

        // At this point create the 'output' of our routine.  Our goal is to produce stacks that we will view in the
        // stack viewer.   Thus we create an 'empty' one fo these.
        var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(traceLog);
        // A stack source is  list of samples.  We create a sample structure, mutate it and then call AddSample() repeatedly to add samples.
        var sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

        // Setup the callbacks, In this case we are going to watch for stacks where GCs happen
        eventSource.Clr.GCStart += delegate(GCStartTraceData data)
            // An TraceLog should have a callstack associated with this event;
            CallStackIndex callStackIdx = data.CallStackIndex();
            if (callStackIdx != CallStackIndex.Invalid)
                // Convert the TraceLog call stack to a MutableTraceEventStackSource call stack
                StackSourceCallStackIndex stackCallStackIndex = stackSource.GetCallStack(callStackIdx, data);

                // Add a pseudo frame on the bottom of the stack
                StackSourceFrameIndex frameIdxForName = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("GC Gen " + data.Depth + "Reason " + data.Reason);
                stackCallStackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(frameIdxForName, stackCallStackIndex);

                // create a sample with that stack and add it to the stack source (list of samples)
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                sample.StackIndex       = stackCallStackIndex;
        // You can set up other callback for other events.

        // This causes the TraceLog source to actually spin through all the events calling our callbacks as requested.

        // We are done adding sample to our stack Source, so we tell the MutableTraceEventStackSource that.
        // after that is becomes viewable (and read-only).

        // Take the stack source (raw data) and make it into a 'Stacks' allows you to add filtering to and send to 'OpendStackViewer'
        Stacks stacksForViewer = new Stacks(stackSource, viewName, etlFile);

        // Set any filtering options here.

        // Now we can display the viewer.
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override StackSourceCallStackIndex GetCallerIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the index of the caller of a given call stack.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="callStackIndex">The call stack to look up.</param>
 /// <returns>The caller, if it exists, <see cref="StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid"/> otherwise.</returns>
 public override StackSourceCallStackIndex GetCallerIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
     // All pseudo-frames are top-level frames.
     Debug.Assert((int)callStackIndex >= 0 && (int)callStackIndex < names.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public override StackSourceFrameIndex GetFrameIndex(StackSourceCallStackIndex callStackIndex)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static int SourceOf(this IndexMap map, StackSourceCallStackIndex aggregate)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public static StackSourceCallStackIndex OffsetOf(this IndexMap map, int source, StackSourceCallStackIndex aggregate)
     return((StackSourceCallStackIndex)map.OffsetOf(source, (int)aggregate));