Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void TrainWithoutLock(IProgressChannelProvider progress, FloatLabelCursor.Factory cursorFactory, IRandom rand,
                                                 IdToIdxLookup idToIdx, int numThreads, DualsTableBase duals, Float[] biasReg, Float[] invariants, Float lambdaNInv,
                                                 VBuffer <Float>[] weights, Float[] biasUnreg, VBuffer <Float>[] l1IntermediateWeights, Float[] l1IntermediateBias, Float[] featureNormSquared)
            int weightArraySize = WeightArraySize;

            Contracts.Assert(weightArraySize == _numClasses);
            Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(weights) == weightArraySize);
            Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(biasReg) == weightArraySize);
            Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(biasUnreg) == weightArraySize);

            int  maxUpdateTrials = 2 * numThreads;
            var  l1Threshold     = _args.L1Threshold.Value;
            bool l1ThresholdZero = l1Threshold == 0;
            var  lr = _args.BiasLearningRate * _args.L2Const.Value;

            var pch = progress != null?progress.StartProgressChannel("Dual update") : null;

            using (pch)
                using (var cursor = _args.Shuffle ? cursorFactory.Create(rand) : cursorFactory.Create())
                    long rowCount = 0;
                    if (pch != null)
                        pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader("examples"), e => e.SetProgress(0, rowCount));

                    Func <UInt128, long> getIndexFromId = GetIndexFromIdGetter(idToIdx);
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        long  idx = getIndexFromId(cursor.Id);
                        long  dualIndexInitPos = idx * weightArraySize;
                        var   features         = cursor.Features;
                        var   label            = (int)cursor.Label;
                        Float invariant;
                        Float normSquared;
                        if (invariants != null)
                            invariant = invariants[idx];
                            normSquared = featureNormSquared[idx];
                            normSquared = VectorUtils.NormSquared(features);
                            if (_args.BiasLearningRate == 0)
                                normSquared += 1;

                            invariant = _loss.ComputeDualUpdateInvariant(2 * normSquared * lambdaNInv * GetInstanceWeight(cursor));

                        // The output for the label class using current weights and bias.
                        var labelOutput    = WDot(ref features, ref weights[label], biasReg[label] + biasUnreg[label]);
                        var instanceWeight = GetInstanceWeight(cursor);

                        // This will be the new dual variable corresponding to the label class.
                        Float labelDual = 0;

                        // This will be used to update the weights and regularized bias corresponding to the label class.
                        Float labelPrimalUpdate = 0;

                        // This will be used to update the unregularized bias corresponding to the label class.
                        Float labelAdjustment = 0;

                        // Iterates through all classes.
                        for (int iClass = 0; iClass < _numClasses; iClass++)
                            // Skip the dual/weights/bias update for label class. Will be taken care of at the end.
                            if (iClass == label)

                            // Loop trials for compare-and-swap updates of duals.
                            // In general, concurrent update conflict to the same dual variable is rare
                            // if data is shuffled.
                            for (int numTrials = 0; numTrials < maxUpdateTrials; numTrials++)
                                long dualIndex  = iClass + dualIndexInitPos;
                                var  dual       = duals[dualIndex];
                                var  output     = labelOutput + labelPrimalUpdate * normSquared - WDot(ref features, ref weights[iClass], biasReg[iClass] + biasUnreg[iClass]);
                                var  dualUpdate = _loss.DualUpdate(output, 1, dual, invariant, numThreads);

                                // The successive over-relaxation apporach to adjust the sum of dual variables (biasReg) to zero.
                                // Reference to details: http://stat.rutgers.edu/home/tzhang/papers/ml02_dual.pdf, pp. 16-17.
                                var adjustment = l1ThresholdZero ? lr * biasReg[iClass] : lr * l1IntermediateBias[iClass];
                                dualUpdate -= adjustment;
                                bool success = false;
                                duals.ApplyAt(dualIndex, (long index, ref Float value) =>
                                    success = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref value, dual + dualUpdate, dual) == dual;

                                if (success)
                                    // Note: dualConstraint[iClass] = lambdaNInv * (sum of duals[iClass])
                                    var primalUpdate = dualUpdate * lambdaNInv * instanceWeight;
                                    labelDual         -= dual + dualUpdate;
                                    labelPrimalUpdate += primalUpdate;
                                    biasUnreg[iClass] += adjustment * lambdaNInv * instanceWeight;
                                    labelAdjustment   -= adjustment;

                                    if (l1ThresholdZero)
                                        VectorUtils.AddMult(ref features, weights[iClass].Values, -primalUpdate);
                                        biasReg[iClass] -= primalUpdate;
                                        //Iterative shrinkage-thresholding (aka. soft-thresholding)
                                        //Update v=denseWeights as if there's no L1
                                        //Thresholding: if |v[j]| < threshold, turn off weights[j]
                                        //If not, shrink: w[j] = v[i] - sign(v[j]) * threshold
                                        l1IntermediateBias[iClass] -= primalUpdate;
                                        if (_args.BiasLearningRate == 0)
                                            biasReg[iClass] = Math.Abs(l1IntermediateBias[iClass]) - l1Threshold > 0.0
                                        ? l1IntermediateBias[iClass] - Math.Sign(l1IntermediateBias[iClass]) * l1Threshold
                                        : 0;

                                        if (features.IsDense)
                                            SseUtils.SdcaL1UpdateDense(-primalUpdate, features.Length, features.Values, l1Threshold, l1IntermediateWeights[iClass].Values, weights[iClass].Values);
                                        else if (features.Count > 0)
                                            SseUtils.SdcaL1UpdateSparse(-primalUpdate, features.Length, features.Values, features.Indices, features.Count, l1Threshold, l1IntermediateWeights[iClass].Values, weights[iClass].Values);


                        // Updating with label class weights and dual variable.
                        duals[label + dualIndexInitPos] = labelDual;
                        biasUnreg[label] += labelAdjustment * lambdaNInv * instanceWeight;
                        if (l1ThresholdZero)
                            VectorUtils.AddMult(ref features, weights[label].Values, labelPrimalUpdate);
                            biasReg[label] += labelPrimalUpdate;
                            l1IntermediateBias[label] += labelPrimalUpdate;
                            var intermediateBias = l1IntermediateBias[label];
                            biasReg[label] = Math.Abs(intermediateBias) - l1Threshold > 0.0
                            ? intermediateBias - Math.Sign(intermediateBias) * l1Threshold
                            : 0;

                            if (features.IsDense)
                                SseUtils.SdcaL1UpdateDense(labelPrimalUpdate, features.Length, features.Values, l1Threshold, l1IntermediateWeights[label].Values, weights[label].Values);
                            else if (features.Count > 0)
                                SseUtils.SdcaL1UpdateSparse(labelPrimalUpdate, features.Length, features.Values, features.Indices, features.Count, l1Threshold, l1IntermediateWeights[label].Values, weights[label].Values);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void SdcaL1UpdateDense(float primalUpdate, int length, float[] src, float threshold, float[] v, float[] w)
 => SseUtils.SdcaL1UpdateDense(primalUpdate, length, src, threshold, v, w);