Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static void ShadowShaman_behaviorAtGameTick_prefix(SquidKid __instance, ref NetBool ___casting)
     if (__instance.Health <= 0 || Config.MonstersIgnorePlayer)
         ___casting.Value = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static void Before_ShadowShaman_behaviorAtGameTick(SquidKid __instance, ref NetBool ___casting)
     if (IsLovedMonster(__instance))
         ___casting.Value = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void Before_SquidKid_behaviorAtGameTick(ref GameTime time, SquidKid __instance, ref float ___lastFireball)
     if (IsLovedMonster(__instance))
         ___lastFireball = Math.Max(1f, ___lastFireball);
         time            = new GameTime(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.Zero);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private static void SquidKid_behaviorAtGameTick_prefix(ref GameTime time, SquidKid __instance, ref float ___lastFireball)
     if (__instance.Health <= 0 || Config.MonstersIgnorePlayer)
         ___lastFireball = Math.Max(1f, ___lastFireball);
         time            = new GameTime(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.Zero);
         if (!Config.LovedMonstersStillSwarm)
             __instance.moveTowardPlayerThreshold.Value = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        ** Private methods
        private void SpawnEntity(string command, string[] args)
            //We need a world to spawn monsters in, duh
            if (Context.IsWorldReady)
                // Determine if we have arguments
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    //Set defaults
                    NPC entity = null;
                    int xTile  = Game1.player.getTileX();
                    int yTile  = Game1.player.getTileY();
                    int amount = 1;

                    //Ensure provided coordinatees are actually coordinates
                    try {
                        //Determine X tile
                        if (args.Length >= 2)
                            if (!args[1].Equals("~"))
                                xTile = int.Parse(args[1]);

                        //Determine Y tile
                        if (args.Length >= 3)
                            if (!args[1].Equals("~"))
                                yTile = int.Parse(args[2]);
                    } catch (Exception) {
                        Monitor.Log("Arguments 1 and 2 must be coordinates or '~' to use the Farmer's coordinates! Make sure you don't add any brackets!");

                    try { if (args.Length >= 4)
                              amount = int.Parse(args[3]); if (amount < 1)
                                  throw new Exception();
                    } catch (Exception) { Monitor.Log("Argument 3 must be an amount larger than 0!"); return; }

                    Vector2 pos = new Vector2(xTile, yTile);

                    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                        // Determine the monster to spawn
                        switch (args[0])
                        case "greenSlime": entity = new GreenSlime(pos, 0); break;

                        case "blueSlime": entity = new GreenSlime(pos, 40); break;

                        case "redSlime": entity = new GreenSlime(pos, 80); break;

                        case "purpleSlime": entity = new GreenSlime(pos, 121); break;

                        case "yellowSlime": entity = new GreenSlime(pos, new Color(255, 255, 50)); break;

                        case "blackSlime": Random r = new Random();  entity = new GreenSlime(pos, new Color(40 + r.Next(10), 40 + r.Next(10), 40 + r.Next(10))); break;

                        case "bat": entity = new Bat(pos); break;                                                           //minelevel: 0 - 40 - 80 - 171 -> type

                        case "frostBat": entity = new Bat(pos, 40); break;

                        case "lavaBat": entity = new Bat(pos, 80); break;

                        case "iridiumBat": entity = new Bat(pos, 171); break;

                        case "bug": entity = new Bug(pos, 0); break;                                                                            //available areatypes: 121 -> armored

                        case "armoredBug": entity = new Bug(pos, 121); break;

                        case "fly": entity = new Fly(pos); break;                                                                                       //hard -> mutant

                        case "mutantFly": entity = new Fly(pos, true); break;

                        case "ghost": entity = new Ghost(pos); break;                                                                           //name -> carbon ghost

                        case "carbonGhost": entity = new Ghost(pos, "Carbon Ghost"); break;

                        case "grub": entity = new Grub(pos); break;                                                                                     //hard -> mutant

                        case "mutantGrub": entity = new Grub(pos, true); break;

                        case "rockCrab": entity = new RockCrab(pos); break;                                                 //name -> iridium crab

                        case "lavaCrab": entity = new LavaCrab(pos); break;

                        case "iridiumCrab": entity = new RockCrab(pos, "Iridium Crab"); break;

                        case "metalHead": entity = new MetalHead(pos, 80); break;                                           //mineareas: 0, 40, 80 - seems to only spawn at 80+

                        case "rockGolem": entity = new RockGolem(pos); break;                                               //mineareas: 0, 40, 80 - changes health and damage; difficultymod:

                        case "wildernessGolem": entity = new RockGolem(pos, 5); break;

                        case "mummy": entity = new Mummy(pos); break;

                        case "serpent": entity = new Serpent(pos); break;

                        case "shadowBrute": entity = new ShadowBrute(pos); break;

                        case "shadowShaman": entity = new ShadowShaman(pos); break;

                        case "skeleton": entity = new Skeleton(pos); break;

                        case "squidKid": entity = new SquidKid(pos); break;

                        case "duggy": entity = new Duggy(pos); break;

                        case "dustSpirit": entity = new DustSpirit(pos); break;
                        if (entity != null)
                            entity.currentLocation = Game1.currentLocation;
                            entity.setTileLocation(new Vector2(xTile, yTile));
                            Monitor.Log($"{args[0]} not found! Type monster_list to view a list of available monsters to spawn!"); return;
                    Monitor.Log($"{amount} {entity.Name} added at {entity.currentLocation.Name} {entity.getTileX()},{entity.getTileY()}", LogLevel.Info);
                    Monitor.Log("Usage: monster_spawn <name> [posX] [posY] [amount]\n\nUses Farmer's coordinates if none or '~' was given.");
                Monitor.Log("Load a save first!");