public AWSAssumeQueuesTests()
            var    channelName = $"Producer-Send-Tests-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}".Truncate(45);
            string topicName   = $"Producer-Send-Tests-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}".Truncate(45);
            var    routingKey  = new RoutingKey(topicName);

            var subscription = new SqsSubscription <MyCommand>(
                name: new SubscriptionName(channelName),
                channelName: new ChannelName(channelName),
                routingKey: routingKey,
                makeChannels: OnMissingChannel.Assume

            (AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region) = CredentialsChain.GetAwsCredentials();
            var awsConnection = new AWSMessagingGatewayConnection(credentials, region);

            //create the topic, we want the queue to be the issue
            var _ = new SqsMessageProducer(awsConnection,
                                           new SqsPublication
                MakeChannels = OnMissingChannel.Create,
                RoutingKey   = routingKey

            _channelFactory = new ChannelFactory(awsConnection);
            var channel = _channelFactory.CreateChannel(subscription);

            //We need to create the topic at least, to check the queues
            _consumer = new SqsMessageConsumer(awsConnection, channel.Name.ToValidSQSQueueName(), routingKey);
        public SQSBufferedConsumerTests()
            (AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region) = CredentialsChain.GetAwsCredentials();
            var awsConnection = new AWSMessagingGatewayConnection(credentials, region);

            _channelFactory = new ChannelFactory(awsConnection);
            var channelName = $"Buffered-Consumer-Tests-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}".Truncate(45);

            _topicName = $"Buffered-Consumer-Tests-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}".Truncate(45);

            //we need the channel to create the queues and notifications
            var routingKey = new RoutingKey(_topicName);

            var channel = _channelFactory.CreateChannel(new SqsSubscription <MyCommand>(
                                                            name: new SubscriptionName(channelName),
                                                            channelName: new ChannelName(channelName),
                                                            routingKey: routingKey,
                                                            bufferSize: BUFFER_SIZE

            //we want to access via a consumer, to receive multiple messages - we don't want to expose on channel
            //just for the tests, so create a new consumer from the properties
            _consumer        = new SqsMessageConsumer(awsConnection, channel.Name.ToValidSQSQueueName(), routingKey, BUFFER_SIZE);
            _messageProducer = new SqsMessageProducer(awsConnection, new SqsPublication {
                MakeChannels = OnMissingChannel.Create, RoutingKey = routingKey
        public SQSBufferedConsumerTests()
            //Must have credentials stored in the SDK Credentials store or shared credentials file
            var credentialChain = new CredentialProfileStoreChain();

            if (credentialChain.TryGetAWSCredentials("default", out var credentials) && credentialChain.TryGetProfile("default", out var profile))
                var awsConnection = new AWSMessagingGatewayConnection(credentials, profile.Region);

                ChannelFactory channelFactory = new ChannelFactory(awsConnection, new SqsMessageConsumerFactory(awsConnection));
                var            name           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                //we need the channel to create the queues and notifications
                channelFactory.CreateChannel(new Connection <MyCommand>(
                                                 name: new ConnectionName(name),
                                                 channelName: new ChannelName(name),
                                                 routingKey: new RoutingKey(_topicName),
                                                 bufferSize: BUFFER_SIZE

                //we want to access via a consumer, to receive multiple messages - we don't want to expose on channel
                //just for the tests, so create a new consumer from the properties
                _consumer = new SqsMessageConsumer(awsConnection, new ChannelName(name).ToValidSQSQueueName(), BUFFER_SIZE);

                _messageProducer = new SqsMessageProducer(awsConnection);
        public SQSBufferedConsumerTests()
            //Must have credentials stored in the SDK Credentials store or shared credentials file
            var credentialChain = new CredentialProfileStoreChain();

            (AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region) = CredentialsChain.GetAwsCredentials();
            var awsConnection = new AWSMessagingGatewayConnection(credentials, region);

            _channelFactory = new ChannelFactory(awsConnection, new SqsMessageConsumerFactory(awsConnection));
            var channelName = $"Buffered-Consumer-Tests-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}".Truncate(45);

            _topicName = $"Buffered-Consumer-Tests-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}".Truncate(45);

            //we need the channel to create the queues and notifications
            _channelFactory.CreateChannel(new Connection <MyCommand>(
                                              name: new ConnectionName(channelName),
                                              channelName: new ChannelName(channelName),
                                              routingKey: new RoutingKey(_topicName),
                                              bufferSize: BUFFER_SIZE

            //we want to access via a consumer, to receive multiple messages - we don't want to expose on channel
            //just for the tests, so create a new consumer from the properties
            var sqsQueueName = new ChannelName(channelName).ToValidSQSQueueName();

            _consumer        = new SqsMessageConsumer(awsConnection, sqsQueueName, BUFFER_SIZE);
            _messageProducer = new SqsMessageProducer(awsConnection);
Ejemplo n.º 5
      public AWSValidateInfrastructureTests()
          _myCommand = new MyCommand {
              Value = "Test"
          Guid   correlationId = Guid.NewGuid();
          string replyTo       = "http:\\queueUrl";
          string contentType   = "text\\plain";
          var    channelName   = $"Producer-Send-Tests-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}".Truncate(45);
          string topicName     = $"Producer-Send-Tests-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}".Truncate(45);
          var    routingKey    = new RoutingKey(topicName);

          SqsSubscription <MyCommand> subscription = new(
              name : new SubscriptionName(channelName),
              channelName : new ChannelName(channelName),
              routingKey : routingKey,
              makeChannels : OnMissingChannel.Create

          _message = new Message(
              new MessageHeader(_myCommand.Id, topicName, MessageType.MT_COMMAND, correlationId, replyTo, contentType),
              new MessageBody(JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)_myCommand))

          (AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region) = CredentialsChain.GetAwsCredentials();
          var awsConnection = new AWSMessagingGatewayConnection(credentials, region);

          //We need to do this manually in a test - will create the channel from subscriber parameters
          //This doesn't look that different from our create tests - this is because we create using the channel factory in
          //our AWS transport, not the consumer (as it's a more likely to use infrastructure declared elsewhere)
          _channelFactory = new ChannelFactory(awsConnection);
          _channel        = _channelFactory.CreateChannel(subscription);

          //Now change the subscription to validate, just check what we made
          subscription = new(
              name : new SubscriptionName(channelName),
              channelName : _channel.Name,
              routingKey : routingKey,
              makeChannels : OnMissingChannel.Validate

          _messageProducer = new SqsMessageProducer(awsConnection, new SqsPublication {
                MakeChannels = OnMissingChannel.Validate, RoutingKey = routingKey

          _consumer = new SqsMessageConsumer(awsConnection, _channel.Name.ToValidSQSQueueName(), routingKey);