private void LoginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            UserModel user = new UserModel();

            user.Username = usernameField.Text;
            user.Password = passwordField.Password;

            // Searches the user in the list with the given users
            // ( Im not using a search SQL querry command because the users list is small
            // and this is just a simple way of login in, since the database will be in the machine
            // that the application will be operated)
            List <UserModel> logedInUser = SqliteDataAccess.LoginUser(user);

            // Temporary bool to show the error message if the user doesn't exist in the database
            bool existsUser = false;

            foreach (var i in logedInUser)
                if (user.Username == i.Username && user.Password == i.Password)
                    existsUser = true;
                    // If its the first time the user logs in , show the startup page
                    if (i.FirstTime == 1)
                        // Change the FirstTime value to 0 because he logged in now
                        SqliteDataAccess.ChangeUserFirstTime(i, 0);

                        // Sets the current id in the session on the company variables
                        CompanyVariables.CurrentLoggedInUserID = SqliteDataAccess.GetUserID(user);

                        StarterWindow window = new StarterWindow(user);
                        window.Owner = this;
                        window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;

                        // Sets the owner to the new window so that the user can close the StarterWindow and
                        // the program not close.
                        window.Owner = null;
                        this.Owner   = window;

                        // Sets the current id in the session on the company variables
                        CompanyVariables.CurrentLoggedInUserID = SqliteDataAccess.GetUserID(user);

                        // Logs in
                        MainWindow window = new MainWindow(i.CompanyType);
                        window.Owner = this;
                        window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;

                        // Sets the owner to the new window so that the user can close the StarterWindow and
                        // the program not close.
                        window.Owner = null;
                        this.Owner   = window;

            if (existsUser == false)
                MessageBox.Show("Username or Password don't exist.", "Login Failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);