Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            // First provider is using the Sql change tracking feature. Don't forget to enable it on your database until running this code !
            // For instance, use this SQL statement on your server database : ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks  SET CHANGE_TRACKING = ON  (CHANGE_RETENTION = 10 DAYS, AUTO_CLEANUP = ON)
            // Otherwise, if you don't want to use Change Tracking feature, just change 'SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider' to 'SqlSyncProvider'
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider(serverConnectionString);

            // Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                        "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

                // Launch the sync process
                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                // Write results
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            // First provider is using the Sql change tracking feature. Don't forget to enable it on your database until running this code !
            // For instance, use this SQL statement on your server database : ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks  SET CHANGE_TRACKING = ON  (CHANGE_RETENTION = 10 DAYS, AUTO_CLEANUP = ON)
            // Otherwise, if you don't want to use Change Tracking feature, just change 'SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider' to 'SqlSyncProvider'
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                        "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

            agent.Options.BatchSize = 20;

            // Using the IProgress<T> pattern to handle progession dring the synchronization
            // Be careful, Progress<T> is not synchronous. Use SynchronousProgress<T> instead !
            var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(args => Console.WriteLine($"{args.PogressPercentageString}:\t{args.Message}"));

            // --------------------------------------------
            // Using Interceptors
            // --------------------------------------------

            // CancellationTokenSource is used to cancel a sync process in the next example
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // Intercept a table changes selecting
            // Because the changes are not yet selected, we can easily interrupt the process with the cancellation token
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesSelecting(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"-------- Getting changes from table {args.Table.GetFullName()} ...");

                if (args.Table.TableName == "Table_That_Should_Not_Be_Sync")

            // Intercept a table changes applying with a particular state [Upsert] or [Deleted]
            // The rows included in the args.Changes table will be applied right after.
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesBatchApplying(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"-------- Applying changes {args.State} to table {args.Changes.GetFullName()} ...");

                if (args.Changes == null || args.Changes.Rows.Count == 0)

                foreach (var row in args.Changes.Rows)

            // Intercept a table changes selected.
            // The rows included in the args.Changes have been selected from the datasource and will be sent to the server
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesSelected(args =>
                if (args.Changes == null || args.Changes.Rows.Count == 0)

                foreach (var row in args.Changes.Rows)

            // ------------------------
            // Because we are in a TCP mode, we can hook the server side events
            // In an HTTP mode, the code below won't work
            // ------------------------

            agent.RemoteOrchestrator.OnTableChangesSelecting(args =>
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine($"-------- Getting changes from table {args.Table.GetFullName()} ...");

            agent.RemoteOrchestrator.OnTableChangesSelected(args =>
                if (args.Changes == null || args.Changes.Rows.Count == 0)

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                foreach (var row in args.Changes.Rows)

            agent.RemoteOrchestrator.OnTableChangesBatchApplying(args =>
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine($"-------- Applying changes {args.State} to table {args.Changes.GetFullName()} ...");

                if (args.Changes == null || args.Changes.Rows.Count == 0)

                foreach (var row in args.Changes.Rows)
                // Launch the sync process
                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(SyncType.Normal, cts.Token, progress);

                // Write results
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    private static async Task SynchronizeMultiScopesAsync()
        // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
        var serverProvider = new SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(serverDbName));
        var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(clientDbName));

        // Create 2 tables list (one for each scope)
        string[] productScopeTables   = new string[] { "ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product" };
        string[] customersScopeTables = new string[] { "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

        // Create 2 sync setup with named scope
        var setupProducts  = new SyncSetup(productScopeTables, "productScope");
        var setupCustomers = new SyncSetup(customersScopeTables, "customerScope");

        // Create 2 agents, one for each scope
        var agentProducts  = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, setupProducts);
        var agentCustomers = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, setupCustomers);

        // Using the Progress pattern to handle progession during the synchronization
        // We can use the same progress for each agent
        var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(s =>
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

        var remoteProgress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(s =>
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

        // Spying what's going on the server side

            Console.WriteLine("Sync Start");
                Console.WriteLine("Hit 1 for sync Products. Hit 2 for sync customers and sales");
                var k = Console.ReadKey().Key;

                if (k == ConsoleKey.D1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sync Products:");
                    var s1 = await agentProducts.SynchronizeAsync(progress);

                    Console.WriteLine("Sync Customers and Sales:");
                    var s1 = await agentCustomers.SynchronizeAsync(progress);

            catch (Exception e)
        } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
            // Database script used for this sample : https://github.com/Mimetis/Dotmim.Sync/blob/master/CreateAdventureWorks.sql

            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            // First provider is using the Sql change tracking feature. Don't forget to enable it on your database until running this code !
            // For instance, use this SQL statement on your server database : ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks  SET CHANGE_TRACKING = ON  (CHANGE_RETENTION = 10 DAYS, AUTO_CLEANUP = ON)
            // Otherwise, if you don't want to use Change Tracking feature, just change 'SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider' to 'SqlSyncProvider'
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var setup = new SyncSetup("ProductCategory", "ProductModel", "Product",
                                      "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail");

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);

            agent.Options.BatchSize = 20;

            // Using the IProgress<T> pattern to handle progession dring the synchronization
            // Be careful, Progress<T> is not synchronous. Use SynchronousProgress<T> instead !
            var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(args => Console.WriteLine($"{args.ProgressPercentage:p}:\t{args.Message}"));

            // --------------------------------------------
            // Using Interceptors
            // --------------------------------------------

            // CancellationTokenSource is used to cancel a sync process in the next example
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // Intercept a table changes selecting
            // Because the changes are not yet selected, we can easily interrupt the process with the cancellation token
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesSelecting(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"-------- Getting changes from table {args.SchemaTable.GetFullName()} ...");

                if (args.SchemaTable.TableName == "Table_That_Should_Not_Be_Sync")

            // Row has been selected from datasource.
            // You can change the synrow before the row is serialized on the disk.
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnRowsChangesSelected(args =>

            // Tables changes have been selected
            // we can have all the batch part infos generated
            agent.RemoteOrchestrator.OnTableChangesSelected(tcsa =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Table {tcsa.SchemaTable.GetFullName()}: " +
                                  $"Files generated count:{tcsa.BatchPartInfos.Count()}. " +
                                  $"Rows Count:{tcsa.TableChangesSelected.TotalChanges}");

            // This event is raised when a table is applying some rows, available on the disk
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesApplying(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Table {args.SchemaTable.GetFullName()}: " +
                                  $"Applying changes from {args.BatchPartInfos.Count()} files. " +
                                  $"{args.BatchPartInfos.Sum(bpi => bpi.RowsCount)} rows.");

            // This event is raised for each batch rows (maybe 1 or more in each batch)
            // that will be applied on the datasource
            // You can change something to the rows before they are applied here
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnRowsChangesApplying(args =>
                foreach (var syncRow in args.SyncRows)

            // This event is raised once all rows for a table have been applied
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesApplied(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Table applied: ");

                // Launch the sync process
                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(SyncOptions.DefaultScopeName, setup, SyncType.Normal, null, cts.Token, progress);

                // Write results
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Ejemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Launch a simple sync, over TCP network, each sql server (client and server are reachable through TCP cp
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
        // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
        var serverProvider = new SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(serverDbName));
        var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DbHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(clientDbName));
        //var clientProvider = new SqliteSyncProvider("client2.db");

        // specific Setup with only 2 tables, and one filtered
        var setup = new SyncSetup(allTables);

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // Vertical Filter: On columns. Removing columns from source
        // ----------------------------------------------------

        // Add a table with less columns
        .Columns.AddRange(new string[] { "ProductId", "Name", "ProductCategoryID", "ProductNumber", "StandardCost", "ListPrice", "SellStartDate", "rowguid", "ModifiedDate" });

        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // Horizontal Filter: On rows. Removing rows from source
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // Over all filter : "we Want only customer from specific city and specific postal code"
        // First level table : Address
        // Second level tables : CustomerAddress
        // Third level tables : Customer, SalesOrderHeader
        // Fourth level tables : SalesOrderDetail

        // Create a filter on table Address on City Washington
        // Optional : Sub filter on PostalCode, for testing purpose
        var addressFilter = new SetupFilter("Address");

        // For each filter, you have to provider all the input parameters
        // A parameter could be a parameter mapped to an existing colum : That way you don't have to specify any type, length and so on ...
        // We can specify if a null value can be passed as parameter value : That way ALL addresses will be fetched
        // A default value can be passed as well, but works only on SQL Server (MySql is a damn shity thing)
        addressFilter.AddParameter("City", "Address", true);

        // Or a parameter could be a random parameter bound to anything. In that case, you have to specify everything
        // (This parameter COULD BE bound to a column, like City, but for the example, we go for a custom parameter)
        addressFilter.AddParameter("postal", DbType.String, true, null, 20);

        // Then you map each parameter on wich table / column the "where" clause should be applied
        addressFilter.AddWhere("City", "Address", "City");
        addressFilter.AddWhere("PostalCode", "Address", "postal");

        var addressCustomerFilter = new SetupFilter("CustomerAddress");

        addressCustomerFilter.AddParameter("City", "Address", true);
        addressCustomerFilter.AddParameter("postal", DbType.String, true, null, 20);

        // You can join table to go from your table up (or down) to your filter table
        addressCustomerFilter.AddJoin(Join.Left, "Address").On("CustomerAddress", "AddressId", "Address", "AddressId");

        // And then add your where clauses
        addressCustomerFilter.AddWhere("City", "Address", "City");
        addressCustomerFilter.AddWhere("PostalCode", "Address", "postal");


        var customerFilter = new SetupFilter("Customer");

        customerFilter.AddParameter("City", "Address", true);
        customerFilter.AddParameter("postal", DbType.String, true, null, 20);
        customerFilter.AddJoin(Join.Left, "CustomerAddress").On("CustomerAddress", "CustomerId", "Customer", "CustomerId");
        customerFilter.AddJoin(Join.Left, "Address").On("CustomerAddress", "AddressId", "Address", "AddressId");
        customerFilter.AddWhere("City", "Address", "City");
        customerFilter.AddWhere("PostalCode", "Address", "postal");

        var orderHeaderFilter = new SetupFilter("SalesOrderHeader");

        orderHeaderFilter.AddParameter("City", "Address", true);
        orderHeaderFilter.AddParameter("postal", DbType.String, true, null, 20);
        orderHeaderFilter.AddJoin(Join.Left, "CustomerAddress").On("CustomerAddress", "CustomerId", "SalesOrderHeader", "CustomerId");
        orderHeaderFilter.AddJoin(Join.Left, "Address").On("CustomerAddress", "AddressId", "Address", "AddressId");
        orderHeaderFilter.AddWhere("City", "Address", "City");
        orderHeaderFilter.AddWhere("PostalCode", "Address", "postal");

        var orderDetailsFilter = new SetupFilter("SalesOrderDetail");

        orderDetailsFilter.AddParameter("City", "Address", true);
        orderDetailsFilter.AddParameter("postal", DbType.String, true, null, 20);
        orderDetailsFilter.AddJoin(Join.Left, "SalesOrderHeader").On("SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderID", "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderID");
        orderDetailsFilter.AddJoin(Join.Left, "CustomerAddress").On("CustomerAddress", "CustomerId", "SalesOrderHeader", "CustomerId");
        orderDetailsFilter.AddJoin(Join.Left, "Address").On("CustomerAddress", "AddressId", "Address", "AddressId");
        orderDetailsFilter.AddWhere("City", "Address", "City");
        orderDetailsFilter.AddWhere("PostalCode", "Address", "postal");

        // ----------------------------------------------------

        // Add pref suf
        setup.StoredProceduresPrefix = "s";
        setup.StoredProceduresSuffix = "";
        setup.TrackingTablesPrefix   = "t";
        setup.TrackingTablesSuffix   = "";

        // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
        var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, setup);

        // Using the Progress pattern to handle progession during the synchronization
        var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(s =>
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

        var remoteProgress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(s =>
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;


        //agent.Options.BatchDirectory = Path.Combine(SyncOptions.GetDefaultUserBatchDiretory(), "sync");
        agent.Options.BatchSize         = 1000;
        agent.Options.CleanMetadatas    = true;
        agent.Options.UseBulkOperations = true;
        agent.Options.DisableConstraintsOnApplyChanges = false;
        //agent.Options.ConflictResolutionPolicy = ConflictResolutionPolicy.ServerWins;
        //agent.Options.UseVerboseErrors = false;
        //agent.Options.ScopeInfoTableName = "tscopeinfo";

        //agent.OnApplyChangesFailed(acf =>
        //    // Check conflict is correctly set
        //    var localRow = acf.Conflict.LocalRow;
        //    var remoteRow = acf.Conflict.RemoteRow;

        //    // Merge row
        //    acf.Resolution = ConflictResolution.MergeRow;

        //    acf.FinalRow["Name"] = "Prout";


            Console.WriteLine("Sync Start");
                // Launch the sync process
                if (!agent.Parameters.Contains("City"))
                    agent.Parameters.Add("City", "Toronto");

                if (!agent.Parameters.Contains("postal"))
                    agent.Parameters.Add("postal", DBNull.Value);

                var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);

                // Write results
            catch (Exception e)

            //Console.WriteLine("Sync Ended. Press a key to start again, or Escapte to end");
        } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var serverSideConnStr = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=BtlCore_HangZhouLiLong;user id=sa;password=P@ssw0rd;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Connect Timeout=120;persist security info=True;";
            var clientSideConnStr = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=BtlCore_HangZhouLiLong_Middle;user id=sa;password=P@ssw0rd;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Connect Timeout=120;persist security info=True;";

            // First provider on the server side, is using the Sql change tracking feature.
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider(serverSideConnStr);

            // IF you want to try with a MySql Database, use the [MySqlSyncProvider] instead
            // var serverProvider = new MySqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);

            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncChangeTrackingProvider(clientSideConnStr);

            // Tables involved in the sync process:
            var tables = new string[] { "TraceCatalogs" };

            var syncSetup = new SyncSetup(tables);

            syncSetup.Tables["TraceCatalogs"].SyncDirection = SyncDirection.DownloadOnly;

            var clientOptions = new SyncOptions {
                BatchSize = 500

            // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
            var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, clientOptions, tables);

            // Intercept a table changes selecting stage.
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesSelecting(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"-- Getting changes from table {args.Table.GetFullName()} ...");

            // Intercept a table changes applying stage, with a particular state [Upsert] or [Deleted]
            // The rows included in the args.Changes table will be applied right after.
            agent.LocalOrchestrator.OnTableChangesBatchApplying(args =>
                Console.WriteLine($"-- Applying changes {args.State} to table {args.Changes.GetFullName()}");

                if (args.Changes == null || args.Changes.Rows.Count == 0)

                if (args.State == System.Data.DataRowState.Deleted)
                    args.Cancel = true;

                foreach (var row in args.Changes.Rows)

                // Launch the sync process
                var s1 = agent.SynchronizeAsync().Result;
                // Write results
            } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
