public async Task TestReader_One_Param()
            Insert(_tableName, (1, "hello"), (2, "world"));

            var sql = Host.Services.GetService <SqlQueryWorker>();

            foreach (var database in Host.Services.GetServices <BaseDatabase>())
                var input = new SqlQueryInput();
                input.ConnectionName = database.Name;
                input.Query          = $"SELECT * FROM {_tableName} WHERE col1 = @p1";
                input.Type           = SqlQueryType.Reader;

                var para = new SqlQueryParameter
                    Name  = "p1",
                    Value = JsonDocument.Parse("2").RootElement

                input.Params = new [] { para };

                var output = await sql.DoJsonWork <SqlQueryInput, SqlQueryOutput>(input);

                Assert.Equal("world", ((JsonElement)output.Result[0]["col2"]).GetString());
                Assert.Equal(2, ((JsonElement)output.Result[0]["col1"]).GetInt32());
        public void UpdateParameter_Test()
            // Arrange
            int queryParametersCountBeforeAct  = queryParametersDbSet.Count();
            int queryParameterIdBeforeAct      = queryParametersDbSet.First().SqlQueryParameterId;
            int queryParameterParamIdBeforeAct = queryParametersDbSet.First().ParameterId;
            int queryParameterQueryIdBeforeAct = queryParametersDbSet.First().SqlQueryId;

            SqlQueryParameter queryParamToUpdate = queryParametersDbSet.First();
            int newQueryParameterParamId         = 999;
            int newQueryParameterQueryId         = 999;

            queryParamToUpdate.ParameterId = newQueryParameterParamId;
            queryParamToUpdate.SqlQueryId  = newQueryParameterQueryId;

            // Act
            SqlQueryParameter updatedParam = queryParametersDbSet.First();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(newQueryParameterParamId, updatedParam.ParameterId);
            Assert.AreEqual(newQueryParameterQueryId, updatedParam.SqlQueryId);
            Assert.AreEqual(queryParameterIdBeforeAct, updatedParam.SqlQueryParameterId);
            Assert.AreEqual(queryParametersCountBeforeAct, queryParametersDbSet.Count());

            Assert.AreNotEqual(queryParameterParamIdBeforeAct, updatedParam.ParameterId);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(queryParameterQueryIdBeforeAct, updatedParam.SqlQueryId);
        public void CreateQueryParameter_Test()
            // Arrange
            int queryParametersCountBeforeAct        = queryParametersDbSet.Count();
            int lastQueryParameterIdInDbSetBeforeAct = queryParametersDbSet

            int queryParameterId = 12;
            int parameterId      = 12;
            int queryId          = 12;
            SqlQueryParameter queryParameterToCreate = new SqlQueryParameter()
                SqlQueryParameterId = queryParameterId,
                ParameterId         = parameterId,
                SqlQueryId          = queryId

            // Act
            SqlQueryParameter createdQueryParam = queryParametersDbSet.Last();

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(queryParametersDbSet.Count() > queryParametersCountBeforeAct);
            Assert.AreEqual(queryParameterId, createdQueryParam.SqlQueryParameterId);
            Assert.AreEqual(parameterId, createdQueryParam.ParameterId);
            Assert.AreEqual(queryId, createdQueryParam.SqlQueryId);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts a date value in DateTime (yyyy, MM, dd) format to a T-SQL query parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="leftOrRightPart">The left or right side of a boolean expression.</param>
        /// <param name="sqlQueryParameter">The corresponding T-SQL query parameter that contains the extracted date value.</param>
        private void ExtractHardCodedDateFromLocalVariable
            Expression leftOrRightPart,
            out SqlQueryParameter sqlQueryParameter
            // The expectation is that the date is set with a value using "= new DateTime (yyyy, MM, dd)" syntax.
            // Hence, the statement is expected to be a "new ()" expression.
            var newExpression = leftOrRightPart as NewExpression;

            sqlQueryParameter = null;

            // Is it a "new ()" expression?
            if (newExpression != null)
                // Get the year, month and date parts from the constructor arguments.
                var yearMonthAndDateParts
                    = newExpression
                      .Select(v => Int32.Parse(v.ToString()))

                // Form the date from the yyyy, MM, and dd parts.
                var dateValue = new DateTime(yearMonthAndDateParts [0], yearMonthAndDateParts [1], yearMonthAndDateParts [2]);
                var dateText  = dateValue.ToString(ORACLE_DATE_FORMAT);

                // Prepare the T-SQL parameter.
                sqlQueryParameter = new SqlQueryParameter(SQL_PARAM_DATE_VALUE_PREFIX + DateTime.Now.ToString(DATE_TIME_STAMP_FORMAT), dateText, SqlDbType.DateTime);
        public void SqlQueryParameterExtensions_EmptyArray_ReturnEmptyArray()
            SqlQueryParameter[] array  = new SqlQueryParameter[0];
            SqlParameter[]      result = array.ToSqlParameters();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public CompanyDataObject GetData(string companyTypeCode, Func <SqlDataReader, CompanyDataObject> companyDataMapper)
            SqlQueryParameter sqlQueryParameter = new SqlQueryParameter {
                ParameterName = "CompanyTypeCode", ParameterDirection = DbParameterDirection.Input, ParamentType = CodeParameterType.String, ParameterSize = 100, ParameterValue = companyTypeCode

            return(companyDataMapper(CommandTypeManager.ExecuteReader("CompanyDataFetch", sqlQueryParameter)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the query parameter to the list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameter">The T-SQL query parameter to be added.</param>
 private void AddToSqlQueryParameters(SqlQueryParameter parameter)
     // Is it already added?
     if (this.sqlParameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == parameter.Name) == null)
         // Not yet.
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void BindQueryAndParams(int queryId, string[] parameters)
     foreach (string param in parameters)
         SqlQueryParameter item = new SqlQueryParameter();
         item.SqlQueryId  = queryId;
         item.ParameterId = int.Parse(param);
        public static qGis_Object[] GetObjects(qGis_Rectangle boundary)
            SqlQueryParameter sql_left   = new SqlQueryParameter("@Left", boundary.NorthWest.Longitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_right  = new SqlQueryParameter("@Right", boundary.NorthEast.Longitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_top    = new SqlQueryParameter("@Top", boundary.NorthEast.Latitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_bottom = new SqlQueryParameter("@Bottom", boundary.SouthWest.Latitude);

            DbRow[] objects = DbRow.Select(schema2, "SELECT * FROM qGIS_Objects WHERE (Longitude BETWEEN @Left AND @Right) AND (Latitude BETWEEN @Bottom AND @Top)", new SqlQueryParameter [] { sql_left, sql_right, sql_top, sql_bottom });

            return(DbRow.CreateArray <qGis_Object>(objects, c => new qGis_Object(c)));
        public void SqlQueryParameterExtensions_ArrayWithMultipleRequiredPlaceholder_ThrowFirstError()
            SqlQueryParameter[] array = new SqlQueryParameter[]
                new SqlQueryParameter("ColumnA", Placeholders.IsRequired()),
                new SqlQueryParameter("ColumnB", Placeholders.IsRequired())
            RequiredPlaceholderIsNullException exception = Assert.Throws <RequiredPlaceholderIsNullException>(() => array.ToSqlParameters());

            Assert.AreEqual("ColumnA", exception.ColumnName);
            Assert.AreEqual("The value for ColumnA is required but has not been set", exception.Message);
        public void SqlQueryParameterExtensions_ArrayWithNull_ReturnDBNull()
            SqlQueryParameter[] array = new SqlQueryParameter[]
                new SqlQueryParameter("ColumnA", null)
            SqlParameter[] result = array.ToSqlParameters();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("@ColumnA", result[0].ParameterName);
            Assert.AreEqual(DBNull.Value, result[0].Value);
        public static qGis_Object[] GetObjects(qGis_Rectangle boundary, int search_id)
            SqlQueryParameter sql_left   = new SqlQueryParameter("@Left", boundary.NorthWest.Longitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_right  = new SqlQueryParameter("@Right", boundary.NorthEast.Longitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_top    = new SqlQueryParameter("@Top", boundary.NorthEast.Latitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_bottom = new SqlQueryParameter("@Bottom", boundary.SouthWest.Latitude);

            qDbs_Search search = new qDbs_Search(search_id);

            qDbs_DataGroupConfig data_group_config = new qDbs_DataGroupConfig(search.DataGroupID);

            DbRow[] results = search.GetResults(schema2, string.Format("INNER JOIN qGIS_Objects ON qGIS_Objects.ReferenceID = {0}", data_group_config.KeyColumn), string.Format("qGIS_Objects.DataGroupID = {0} AND (Longitude BETWEEN @Left AND @Right) AND (Latitude BETWEEN @Bottom AND @Top)", search.DataGroupID), sql_left, sql_right, sql_top, sql_bottom);

            return(DbRow.CreateArray <qGis_Object>(results, c => new qGis_Object(c)));
        public void SqlQueryParameterExtensions_ArrayWithResolver_CallResolverAndReturnResult()
            Func <int> resolveAction = () => 123;

            SqlQueryParameter[] array = new SqlQueryParameter[]
                new SqlQueryParameter("ColumnA", new Resolver <int>(resolveAction))
            SqlParameter[] result = array.ToSqlParameters();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("@ColumnA", result[0].ParameterName);
            Assert.AreEqual(123, result[0].Value);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepares the expression text corresponding to the specified side of the
 /// boolean expression.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oppositeSidePropertyType">The property type of the opposite side of the boolean expression.</param>
 /// <param name="builder">The string builder/</param>
 /// <param name="theOtherSideText">The requested side text of the expression.</param>
 /// <param name="theOtherSideSqlQueryParameter">A T-SQL query parameter prepared for the side in question.</param>
 private void PrepareTextForLeftOrRightSide
     Type oppositeSidePropertyType,
     StringBuilder builder,
     string theOtherSideText,
     SqlQueryParameter theOtherSideSqlQueryParameter
     // Get the opposite side's property's type.
     if (oppositeSidePropertyType != null)
         // Is it a number?
         if (oppositeSidePropertyType.IsNumber())
             // Yes.
         // Is it text?
         else if (oppositeSidePropertyType.IsText())
             // Yes. Prepare a T-SQL parameter, and add it to the query text.
             var sqlParameter = new SqlQueryParameter(theOtherSideText.Replace("\"", String.Empty), SqlDbType.NVarChar);
         // Is it a date-time?
         else if (oppositeSidePropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
             // Is a T-SQL parameter already created for the other side?
             if (theOtherSideSqlQueryParameter != null)
                 // Yes.
                 builder.Append("convert (datetime, '");
                 builder.Append("', 106)");
                 // No. Just use the specified text for the date's value.
                 builder.Append("convert (datetime, '");
                 builder.Append(theOtherSideText.Replace("\"", String.Empty));
                 builder.Append("', 106)");
        public void GetQueryParameterById_Test()
            // Arrange
            int queryParameterId = queryParametersDbSet.First().SqlQueryParameterId;
            int queryParametersCountBeforeAct = queryParametersDbSet.Count();

            // Act
            SqlQueryParameter queryParam = queryParamRepo.Get(queryParameterId);

            // Assert
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the local variable value, and type from the specified member expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localVarExpression">The member expression with the local variable.</param>
        /// <param name="localVariableName">The name of the local variable.</param>
        /// <param name="localVariableValue">The value of the local variable.</param>
        /// <param name="localVariableType">The type of the local variable.</param>
        /// <param name="sqlQueryParameter">The T-SQL query parameter corresponding to the local variable found.</param>
        private bool AreLocalVariableDetailsExtractable
            Expression localVarExpression,
            out string localVariableName,
            out object localVariableValue,
            out Type localVariableType,
            out SqlQueryParameter sqlQueryParameter
                // Get the member expression.
                var memberExpression = localVarExpression as MemberExpression;

                // Is it a valid member expression?
                if (memberExpression == null)
                    // No.
                    localVariableName  = String.Empty;
                    localVariableValue = null;
                    localVariableType  = null;
                    sqlQueryParameter  = null;


                // Get the local variable value, and its details.
                    out localVariableName,
                    out localVariableValue,
                    out localVariableType

                // Form the SQL parameter based on data types.
                if (localVariableType == typeof(char))
                    // Char.
                    sqlQueryParameter = new SqlQueryParameter(PARAM_PREFIX + localVariableName, localVariableValue.ToString(), SqlDbType.NChar);
                else if (localVariableType == typeof(string))
                    // String.
                    sqlQueryParameter = new SqlQueryParameter(PARAM_PREFIX + localVariableName, localVariableValue.ToString(), SqlDbType.NVarChar);
                else if (localVariableType.IsNumber())
                    // Numeric - short, int, long, etc.
                    sqlQueryParameter = new SqlQueryParameter(PARAM_PREFIX + localVariableName, localVariableValue.ToString(), SqlDbType.BigInt);
                else if (localVariableType == typeof(DateTime))
                    // DateTime.
                    var dateValue = (DateTime)localVariableValue;
                    sqlQueryParameter = new SqlQueryParameter(PARAM_PREFIX + localVariableName, dateValue.ToString(ORACLE_DATE_FORMAT), SqlDbType.DateTime);
                    // Unknown, or un-handleable type. Cannot continue.
                    throw (new NotImplementedException("Processing of SQL parameter for type \"" + localVariableType.Name + "\" is not yet implemented."));

                // The provided expression IS NOT a member expression.
                // Hence, the local variable cannot be extracted.
                localVariableName  = String.Empty;
                localVariableValue = null;
                localVariableType  = null;
                sqlQueryParameter  = null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void CreateQueryWithTwoParams_WhenSecondParameterIsNotNull()
            // Arrange
            int queryElementsCountBeforeAct           = queriesDbSet.Count();
            int queryParametersElementsCountBeforeAct = queryParametersDbSet.Count();
            int parametersElementsCountBeforeAct      = parametersDbSet.Count();

            string createQueryName    = "New query";
            string createQueryContent = "string type";

            int    firstQueryParameterId     = parametersElementsCountBeforeAct + 1;
            string firstQueryParameterName   = "CreatedQueryFirstParameterName";
            string firstQueryParameterRuName = "первый параметр запроса";
            string firstQueryParameterType   = "text";

            int    secondQueryParameterId     = firstQueryParameterId + 1;
            string secondQueryParameterName   = "CreateQuerySecondParameterName";
            string secondQueryParameterRuName = "второй параметр запроса";
            string secondQueryParameterType   = "phone";

            SqlQuery queryToCreate = new SqlQuery()
                SqlQueryId          = queryElementsCountBeforeAct + 1,
                SqlQueryName        = createQueryName,
                SqlQueryContent     = createQueryContent,
                SqlQueryCreatedDate = DateTime.Now

            Parameter firstParameter = new Parameter()
                ParameterId     = firstQueryParameterId,
                ParameterName   = firstQueryParameterName,
                ParameterRuName = firstQueryParameterRuName,
                ParameterType   = firstQueryParameterType

            Parameter secondParameter = new Parameter()
                ParameterId     = secondQueryParameterId,
                ParameterName   = secondQueryParameterName,
                ParameterRuName = secondQueryParameterRuName,
                ParameterType   = secondQueryParameterType


            string[] parameterIds = new string[]

            // Act
            queryRepo.Create(queryToCreate, parameterIds);
            SqlQuery createdQuery         = queriesDbSet.Last();
            int      lastQueryParameterId = queryParametersDbSet.Last().SqlQueryParameterId;

            SqlQueryParameter[] twoLastQueryParameters = new SqlQueryParameter[]
                                queryParametersDbSet.ToList()[queryParametersDbSet.Count() - 2]

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(queriesDbSet.Count() > queryElementsCountBeforeAct);
            Assert.IsTrue(parametersDbSet.Count() > parametersElementsCountBeforeAct);
            Assert.IsTrue(queryParametersDbSet.Count() > queryParametersElementsCountBeforeAct);

            foreach (SqlQueryParameter queryParameter in twoLastQueryParameters)
                Assert.IsTrue(queryParameter.SqlQueryId == createdQuery.SqlQueryId);
                    queryParameter.ParameterId == firstQueryParameterId ||
                    queryParameter.ParameterId == secondQueryParameterId
        public static qGis_Object[] GetObjects(qGis_Rectangle boundary)
            SqlQueryParameter sql_left = new SqlQueryParameter("@Left", boundary.NorthWest.Longitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_right = new SqlQueryParameter("@Right", boundary.NorthEast.Longitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_top = new SqlQueryParameter("@Top", boundary.NorthEast.Latitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_bottom = new SqlQueryParameter("@Bottom", boundary.SouthWest.Latitude);

            DbRow[] objects = DbRow.Select(schema2, "SELECT * FROM qGIS_Objects WHERE (Longitude BETWEEN @Left AND @Right) AND (Latitude BETWEEN @Bottom AND @Top)", new SqlQueryParameter [] { sql_left, sql_right, sql_top, sql_bottom });

            return DbRow.CreateArray<qGis_Object>(objects, c => new qGis_Object(c));
        public static qGis_Object[] GetObjects(qGis_Rectangle boundary, int search_id)
            SqlQueryParameter sql_left = new SqlQueryParameter("@Left", boundary.NorthWest.Longitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_right = new SqlQueryParameter("@Right", boundary.NorthEast.Longitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_top = new SqlQueryParameter("@Top", boundary.NorthEast.Latitude);
            SqlQueryParameter sql_bottom = new SqlQueryParameter("@Bottom", boundary.SouthWest.Latitude);

            qDbs_Search search = new qDbs_Search(search_id);

            qDbs_DataGroupConfig data_group_config = new qDbs_DataGroupConfig(search.DataGroupID);

            DbRow[] results = search.GetResults(schema2, string.Format("INNER JOIN qGIS_Objects ON qGIS_Objects.ReferenceID = {0}", data_group_config.KeyColumn), string.Format("qGIS_Objects.DataGroupID = {0} AND (Longitude BETWEEN @Left AND @Right) AND (Latitude BETWEEN @Bottom AND @Top)", search.DataGroupID), sql_left, sql_right, sql_top, sql_bottom);

            return DbRow.CreateArray<qGis_Object>(results, c => new qGis_Object(c));
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the ".In ()" and ".NotIn ()" calls within the WHERE condition
        /// boolean expressions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">The boolean expression.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string HandleInCall(Expression expression)
            Type         memberPropertyType;
            PropertyInfo memberPropertyInfo;

            string [] elements;
            string    memberPropertyText;

            // Extract the following:
            //    (1) The text of the property that calls the ".In ()" method.
            //    (2) The type of the property that calls the ".In ()" method.
            //    (3) The array of values in the ".In ()" part.
                out memberPropertyInfo,
                out memberPropertyType,
                out memberPropertyText,
                out elements

            var inOrNotInText
                = (expression.ToString().IndexOf(".In(", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                                        ? " in ("
                                        : " not in (";

            // Are the elements numbers?
            if (memberPropertyType.IsNumber())
                return(memberPropertyText + inOrNotInText + String.Join(", ", elements) + ")");

            // Are the elements text?
            if (memberPropertyType.IsText())
                var elementsReplacedBySqlParameters = new List <string> ();

                    e =>
                    var sqlParameter = new SqlQueryParameter(e.Replace("\"", String.Empty), SqlDbType.NVarChar);


                    + inOrNotInText
                    + String.Join(", ", elementsReplacedBySqlParameters.Select(s => s).ToList())
                    + ")"

            // Are the elements dates?
            if (memberPropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                return(memberPropertyText + inOrNotInText + String.Join(", ", elements.Select(s => "convert (datetime, '" + s.Replace("\"", String.Empty) + "', 106)").ToList()) + ")");

            // The type is not ready yet to be processed.
            throw (new NotImplementedException("Handling of \".In ()\" call with type \"" + memberPropertyType.Name + "\" is not yet implemented."));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the text of the specified binary expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">The expression.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetTextOf(Expression expression)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();
            var expressionText
                = expression
                  .Replace("(", String.Empty)
                  .Replace(")", String.Empty);

            // Is it a " is " statement?
            if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.TypeIs)

            // Is it a " like " operator based call?
                expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call
                    expressionText.IndexOf(".StartsWith", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ||
                    expressionText.IndexOf(".EndsWith", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ||
                    expressionText.IndexOf(".Like", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ||
                    expressionText.IndexOf(".NotLike", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1

            // Is it an " in " call?
            if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call)

            SqlQueryParameter leftSqlQueryParameter = null, rightSqlQueryParameter = null;
            Type         leftPropertyType, rightPropertyType;
            PropertyInfo leftPropertyInfo, rightPropertyInfo;

            // Get a binary expression.
            var binaryExpression = (BinaryExpression)expression;

            // Get the left part.
            var leftPart = binaryExpression.Left;
            var rightPart = binaryExpression.Right;

            // Get the individual left and right part types.
            var leftType = leftPart.NodeType;
            var rightType = rightPart.NodeType;

            string leftPropertyText, rightPropertyText;

            // Is there a property expression on the left side?
            if (this.IsPropertyPartExtractbleFromExpression(leftPart, out leftPropertyInfo, out leftPropertyText, out leftPropertyType) == false)
                // The left part of the expression does not contain a property name.

                string leftLocalVariableName;
                object leftLocalVariableValue;
                Type   leftLocalVariableType;

                if (this.AreLocalVariableDetailsExtractable(leftPart, out leftLocalVariableName, out leftLocalVariableValue, out leftLocalVariableType, out leftSqlQueryParameter))
                    // Left side is a variable.

            // Is there a property expression on the right side?
            if (this.IsPropertyPartExtractbleFromExpression(rightPart, out rightPropertyInfo, out rightPropertyText, out rightPropertyType) == false)
                // The left part of the expression does not contain a property name.

                string rightLocalVariableName;
                object rightLocalVariableValue;
                Type   rightLocalVariableType;

                if (this.AreLocalVariableDetailsExtractable(rightPart, out rightLocalVariableName, out rightLocalVariableValue, out rightLocalVariableType, out rightSqlQueryParameter))
                    // Right side is a variable.

            // Get the logical operator.
            var op = binaryExpression.NodeType;
            var temporaryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            var variableUsedIsNullAndConditionToBeIgnored = false;

            // Process the left side of the boolean expression.
            switch (leftType)
            // Property access, or variable name usage. Example: "c.Grade", local variable "searchName", etc.
            case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
                // Is it a local variable usage?
                if (leftSqlQueryParameter != null)
                    // Yes. Use the corresponding SQL query parameter.
                    // No, it is just a property access (like, "c.Grade").

            // Usage of constants. Example: 1, 2, 3, "A", "B", "C", etc.
            case ExpressionType.Constant:
            case ExpressionType.New:
                var leftText = leftPart.ToString();

                // Is it a hard-coded date?
                if (leftText.IndexOf("new DateTime", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                    // Yes.
                    this.ExtractHardCodedDateFromLocalVariable(rightPart, out leftSqlQueryParameter);

                // Process the left side hard-coded date or constant value.
                this.PrepareTextForLeftOrRightSide(rightPropertyType, temporaryBuilder, leftText, leftSqlQueryParameter);

            // Handle logical operator in the boolean expression (such as, "==", ">=", etc.)
            this.HandleLogicalOperator(op, temporaryBuilder);

            // Handle the right side of the boolean expression.
            switch (rightType)
            // Property access, or variable name usage. Example: "c.Grade", local variable "searchName", etc.
            case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
                // Is it a local variable usage?
                if (rightSqlQueryParameter != null)
                    // Yes. Use the corresponding SQL query parameter.
                    // No, it is just a property access (like, "c.Grade"), or a variable being referenced.
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rightPropertyText) == false)
                        // There is either a property name reference, or a variable used with some value in it.
                        // The referenced variable is NULL. Ignore this condition, and don't add to collection.
                        variableUsedIsNullAndConditionToBeIgnored = true;

            case ExpressionType.Constant:
            case ExpressionType.New:
                var rightText = rightPart.ToString();

                // Is it a hard-coded date?
                if (rightText.IndexOf("new DateTime", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                    // Yes.
                    this.ExtractHardCodedDateFromLocalVariable(rightPart, out rightSqlQueryParameter);

                // Process the right side hard-coded date or constant value.
                this.PrepareTextForLeftOrRightSide(leftPropertyType, temporaryBuilder, rightText, rightSqlQueryParameter);

            // Is the variable used is NULL, and hence the comparison condition is NOT TO BE added?
            if (variableUsedIsNullAndConditionToBeIgnored)
                // Yes.
                // No, the condition is a valid one. Add it to the set.

            // Return the T-SQL equivalent of the binary expression.