Ejemplo n.º 1
        public DataTable FuzzySearch(string content)
            SqlProcedure sp = SqlBuilder.BuildSqlProcedure("sp_FuzzySearchProduct");

            sp.AddParam("@Content", SqlDbType.NVarChar, content);
            return(DataProvider.Instance.GetTable(_Loginer.DBName, sp.SqlCommand, tb_Product.__TableName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks orphaned file records (the ones that do not have a referencing binary record anymore) as Deleted.
        /// </summary>
        public void CleanupFilesSetDeleteFlag()
            var isLocalTransaction = false;

            if (!TransactionScope.IsActive)
                isLocalTransaction = true;

                using (var proc = new SqlProcedure {
                    CommandText = CleanupFileSetIsdeletedScript, CommandType = CommandType.Text
                    proc.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                if (isLocalTransaction && TransactionScope.IsActive)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (isLocalTransaction && TransactionScope.IsActive)

                throw new DataException("Error during setting deleted flag on files.", ex);
        private SqlProcedure _deleteItemById(SqlProcedureNames item)
            var procedure = new SqlProcedure {
                FileName      = item.FileName,
                Catalog       = item.ActionName,
                ProcedureBody =
                        "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE  name = '{1}') DROP PROCEDURE {0}.[{1}]  \n" +
                        "GO \n\n" +
                        "CREATE PROCEDURE {0}.[{1}](@Id {3}) AS\n" +
                        "BEGIN \n" +
                        "   DECLARE @sucsess bit = 0;\n" +
                        "   IF(@Id = 0 or @Id IS NULL)\n" +
                        "      BEGIN raiserror('The value should not be 0 or NULL', 15, 1)  SELECT @sucsess return END\n" +
                        "   ELSE IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT top(1) Id FROM {0}.[{2}] WHERE Id = @Id)\n" +
                        "      BEGIN raiserror('row not exist', 15, 1)  SELECT @sucsess return; END\n" +
                        "   ELSE \n" +
                        "      BEGIN TRANSACTION\n" +
                        "          BEGIN TRY \n" +
                        "          DELETE FROM {0}.[{2}] WHERE Id = @Id; SET @sucsess = 1;\n" +
                        "          COMMIT TRANSACTION END TRY \n" +
                        "          BEGIN CATCH SET @sucsess = 0; \n" +
                        "              ROLLBACK TRANSACTION \n" +
                        "              THROW; \n" +
                        "          END CATCH \n" +
                        "   SET sucsess =1; SELECT @sucsess \n" +
                        "END \n" +
                        "GO \n\n\n\n", item.ShemeName, item.ProcedureName, item.TableName, item.KeyType)

        private static SqlProcedure GetBlobContextProcedure(int fileId, bool clearStream, int versionId, int propertyTypeId)
            // this is a helper method to aid both the sync and
            // async version of the GetBlobContext operation

            var sql = GetBlobContextDataFileStreamScript;

            // add clear stream prefix of necessary
            if (clearStream)
                sql = ClearFileStreamByFileIdScript + sql;

            var cmd = new SqlProcedure {
                CommandText = sql, CommandType = CommandType.Text

            cmd.Parameters.Add("@FileId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = fileId;

            // security check: the given fileid must belong to the given version id and propertytypeid
            if (clearStream)
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@VersionId", SqlDbType.Int).Value      = versionId;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@PropertyTypeId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = propertyTypeId;

        private SqlProcedure _deleteAll(SqlProcedureNames item)
            var procedure = new SqlProcedure {
                FileName      = item.FileName,
                Catalog       = item.ActionName,
                ProcedureBody = string.Format(
                    "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE  name = '{1}') DROP PROCEDURE {0}.[{1}] \n" +
                    "GO  \n\n" +
                    "CREATE PROCEDURE {0}.[{1}] AS\n" +
                    "BEGIN\n" +
                    "   DECLARE @sucsess bit =0;\n" +
                    "       IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT top(1) Id FROM {0}.[{2}])\n" +
                    "           BEGIN\n" +
                    "              SET @sucsess = 1;\n" +
                    "           END\n" +
                    "       ELSE\n" +
                    "           BEGIN\n" +
                    "               BEGIN TRY\n" +
                    "               DELETE FROM {0}.[{2}]\n" +
                    "               SET @sucsess = 1;\n" +
                    "               END TRY\n" +
                    "               BEGIN CATCH\n" +
                    "                   THROW; \n" +
                    "               END CATCH \n" +
                    "            END\n" +
                    "   SELECT  @sucsess\n" +
                    "END \n" +
                    "GO \n\n\n\n", item.ShemeName, item.ProcedureName, item.TableName)

Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected override void ExecuteAction(ActionArgs args, ActionResult result)
     if (args.CommandName.Equals("Custom") && args.CommandArgument.Equals("Execute"))
         using (SqlProcedure sp = new SqlProcedure("sp_TYM_Order_Execute"))
             sp.AddParameter("@Username", Context.User.Identity.Name);
             if (sp.ExecuteScalar().ToString().Equals("0"))
                 result.ShowAlert("Invalid Material Number");
                 result.ShowAlert("Execute OK");
     else if (args.CommandName.Equals("Custom") && args.CommandArgument.Equals("ClearData"))
         using (SqlProcedure sp = new SqlProcedure("sp_TYM_Order_ClearData"))
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public DataTable GetSUPPLIERCUSTOMERByAttributeCodes(string attributeCodes, bool nameWithCode)
            SqlProcedure sp = SqlBuilder.BuildSqlProcedure("sp_GetCustomerByAttributeCodes");

            sp.AddParam("@AttributeCodes", SqlDbType.VarChar, attributeCodes);
            sp.AddParam("@NameWithCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, nameWithCode ? "Y" : "N");
            return(DataProvider.Instance.GetTable(_Loginer.DBName, sp.SqlCommand, "tb_SUPPLIERCUSTOMER"));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public DataTable FuzzySearch(string content)
            SqlProcedure sp = SqlBuilder.BuildSqlProcedure("sp_FuzzySearchCustomer");

            sp.AddParam("@Content", SqlDbType.VarChar, content);
            sp.AddParam("@AttributeCodes", SqlDbType.VarChar, "");
            return(DataProvider.Instance.GetTable(_Loginer.DBName, sp.SqlCommand, tb_SUPPLIERCUSTOMER.__TableName));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void r100Implementation(SystemMenuModel instance)
            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/web.sitemap")))
                string title = string.Empty;
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.IsStartElement())
                        switch (reader.Name)
                        case "siteMapNode":
                            string name        = reader["title"];
                            string description = reader["description"];
                            string url         = reader["url"];
                            string roles       = reader["roles"] == null?string.Empty:reader["roles"];
                            if (!name.Contains('^'))
                            //if (title != null && description != null && url != null && roles != null && !name.Contains('^'))
                                using (SqlProcedure sp = new SqlProcedure("sp_ConfigSystemMenu"))
                                    if (description != string.Empty)
                                        //sp.AddParameter("@title", title);
                                        sp.AddParameter("@name", name);
                                        sp.AddParameter("@description", description);
                                        sp.AddParameter("@url", url);
                                        sp.AddParameter("@roles", roles);
                                        sp.AddParameter("@username", Context.User.Identity.Name);
                                //if (description == string.Empty)
                                //    title = reader["title"];
                                //else if (title != string.Empty)
                                //    using (SqlProcedure sp = new SqlProcedure("sp_ConfigSystemMenu"))
                                //    {

                                //        sp.AddParameter("@title", title);
                                //        sp.AddParameter("@name", name);
                                //        sp.AddParameter("@description", description);
                                //        sp.AddParameter("@url", url);
                                //        sp.AddParameter("@roles", roles);
                                //        sp.AddParameter("@username", Context.User.Identity.Name);
                                //        sp.ExecuteScalar();
                                //    }

        public void r104Implementation(Contratado_Solicitud_VacacionesModel instance)
            // This is the placeholder for method implementation.
            //string conStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["arhmexdb_DEV"].ToString();
            int diasFinalesAutorizados = Convert.ToInt32(instance.Dias_Autorizados);

            using (SqlProcedure sql = new SqlProcedure("dbo.sp_Revision_De_Solicitud"))
                sql.Command.CommandTimeout = 60 * 10;
                //Definición parametro especial para recibir el RETURN del SP
                sql.AddParameter("RetVal", 0);
                sql.Parameters["RetVal"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

                sql.AddParameter("@Tipo_Prestacion_Id", 1);          // PRESTACION TIPO VACACION
                sql.AddParameter("@Estado_Solicitud_Vacaciones", 4); // 4. Significa AUTORIZADO CON CAMBIOS
                sql.AddParameter("@Solicitud_Vacaciones_Key", instance.Solicitud_Vacaciones_Key);
                sql.AddParameter("@Dias_Autorizados", diasFinalesAutorizados);
                //sql.AddParameter("@Contratante_Id", instance.Contratante_Id);
                sql.AddParameter("@Contratado_Id", instance.Contratado_Id);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Solicitud", instance.Fecha_Solicitud);
                sql.AddParameter("@Dias_Solicitados", instance.Dias_Solicitados);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Inicio_Vacaciones", instance.Fecha_Inicio_Vacaciones);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Fin_Vacaciones", instance.Fecha_Fin_Vacaciones);
                sql.AddParameter("@Notas_Autorizacion_Rechazo", "");

                /*Parametros de sistema**/
                sql.AddParameter("@Creado_Por_Id", UserId);
                sql.AddParameter("@Transaccion_Id", DBNull.Value);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fijar_Bitacora", 1);
                sql.AddParameter("@Mostrar_Tablas_Sistema", 0);
                //cmd.Parameters.Add("@Mensaje_Sistema_Id", 1);//.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                sql.AddParameter("@Mensaje_Sistema_Id", 1);
                sql.AddParameter("@Simular", 0);
                sql.AddParameter("@Trace", "");    //.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                sql.AddParameter("@Debug", 0);

                sql.Parameters["@Mensaje_Sistema_Id"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                sql.Parameters["@Trace"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                //Definición de tamaños que soporten los tipos de datos de los parametros del salida del SP
                sql.Parameters["@Mensaje_Sistema_Id"].Size = 4;
                sql.Parameters["@Trace"].Size = 8000;


                if (sql.Parameters["RetVal"].Value.ToString() != "1")
                    String ErrorMessage = SqlText.ExecuteScalar("SELECT Mensaje_Amigable_Usuario FROM dbo.Mensaje_Sistema WHERE Mensaje_Sistema_Id=" + sql.Parameters["@Mensaje_Sistema_Id"].Value.ToString()).ToString();
            } // using (SqlProcedure sql = new SqlProcedure("dbo.sp_Revision_De_Solicitud"))
        }     //public void r104Implementation(Contratado_Solicitud_VacacionesModel instance)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public DataTable TaskAccountByManual(int TaskId)
            SqlProcedure sp = SqlBuilder.BuildSqlProcedure("sp_WCS_Task_AccountByManual");

            sp.AddParam("@IP", SqlDbType.NVarChar, Globals.DEF_ClientIP());
            sp.AddParam("@Client", SqlDbType.NVarChar, Globals.DEF_ClientName());
            sp.AddParam("@Loginer", SqlDbType.NVarChar, Loginer.CurrentUser.Account);
            sp.AddParam("@TaskId", SqlDbType.Int, TaskId);
            return(DataProvider.Instance.GetTable(_Loginer.DBName, sp.SqlCommand, tb_WMS_Task.__TableName));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void r107Implementation(Contratado_Solicitud_VacacionesModel instance)
            using (SqlProcedure sql = new SqlProcedure("dbo.sp_Administrar_Solicitud_Vacaciones"))
                sql.Command.CommandTimeout = 60 * 10;
                //Definición parametro especial para recibir el RETURN del SP
                sql.AddParameter("RetVal", 0);
                sql.Parameters["RetVal"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

                sql.AddParameter("@Tipo_Operacion_Id", 1);                  // 1. Significa INSERT/CREACION NUEVO
                sql.AddParameter("@Contratado_Solicitud_Vacaciones_Id", 0); /// Este es el ID de la tabla de solicitudes.
                sql.AddParameter("@Solicitud_Vacaciones_Key", "");
                sql.AddParameter("@Contratado_Id", instance.Contratado_Id);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Solicitud", instance.Fecha_Solicitud);
                sql.AddParameter("@Dias_Solicitados", instance.Dias_Solicitados);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Inicio_Vacaciones", instance.Fecha_Inicio_Vacaciones);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Fin_Vacaciones", instance.Fecha_Fin_Vacaciones);
                sql.AddParameter("@Estatus_Solicitud_Id", instance.Estatus_Solicitud_Id);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Autorizacion_Rechazo", DateTime.Today);
                sql.AddParameter("@Autorizado_Rechazado_Por_Id", UserId);
                sql.AddParameter("@Notas_Autorizacion_Rechazo", instance.Notas_Autorizacion_Rechazo);
                sql.AddParameter("@Dias_Autorizados", instance.Dias_Autorizados);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Inicio_Vacaciones_Autorizado ", instance.Fecha_Inicio_Vacaciones);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fecha_Fin_Vacaciones_Autorizado ", instance.Fecha_Fin_Vacaciones);
                sql.AddParameter("@HTML ", "");
                /*Parametros de sistema**/
                sql.AddParameter("@Creado_Por_Id", UserId);
                sql.AddParameter("@Transaccion_Id", DBNull.Value);
                sql.AddParameter("@Fijar_Bitacora", 1);
                sql.AddParameter("@Mostrar_Tablas_Sistema", 0);
                sql.AddParameter("@Mensaje_Sistema_Id", 1);
                sql.AddParameter("@Simular", 0);
                sql.AddParameter("@Trace", "");
                sql.AddParameter("@Debug", 0);

                sql.Parameters["@Mensaje_Sistema_Id"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                sql.Parameters["@Trace"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                //Definición de tamaños que soporten los tipos de datos de los parametros del salida del SP
                sql.Parameters["@Mensaje_Sistema_Id"].Size = 4;
                sql.Parameters["@Trace"].Size = 8000;


                if (sql.Parameters["RetVal"].Value.ToString() != "1")
                    String ErrorMessage = SqlText.ExecuteScalar("SELECT Mensaje_Amigable_Usuario FROM dbo.Mensaje_Sistema WHERE Mensaje_Sistema_Id=" + sql.Parameters["@Mensaje_Sistema_Id"].Value.ToString()).ToString();
            } // using (SqlProcedure sql = new SqlProcedure("dbo.sp_Administrar_Solicitud_Vacaciones"))
        }     // public void r107Implementation(Contratado_Solicitud_VacacionesModel instance)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (disposing)
         if (sqlProc != null)
             sqlProc = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finalizes a chunked save operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="versionId">Content version id.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyTypeId">Binary property type id.</param>
        /// <param name="fileId">File identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="fullSize">Full size (stream length) of the binary value.</param>
        /// <param name="source">Binary data containing metadata (e.g. content type).</param>
        public void CommitChunk(int versionId, int propertyTypeId, int fileId, long fullSize, BinaryDataValue source = null)
            // start a new transaction here if needed
            var isLocalTransaction = !TransactionScope.IsActive;

            if (isLocalTransaction)

                // commit the process: set the final full size and checksum
                using (var cmd = new SqlProcedure {
                    CommandText = CommitChunkScript, CommandType = CommandType.Text
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@FileId", SqlDbType.Int).Value            = fileId;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@VersionId", SqlDbType.Int).Value         = versionId;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@PropertyTypeId", SqlDbType.Int).Value    = propertyTypeId;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@Size", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value           = fullSize;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@Checksum", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200).Value = DBNull.Value;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@ContentType", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = source != null ? source.ContentType : string.Empty;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@FileNameWithoutExtension", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 450).Value = source != null
                        ? source.FileName.FileNameWithoutExtension == null
                            ? DBNull.Value
                            : (object)source.FileName.FileNameWithoutExtension
                        : DBNull.Value;

                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@Extension", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = source != null?ValidateExtension(source.FileName.Extension) : string.Empty;

            catch (Exception ex)
                // rollback the transaction if it was opened locally
                if (isLocalTransaction && TransactionScope.IsActive)

                throw new DataException("Error during committing binary chunk to file stream.", ex);
                // commit the transaction if it was opened locally
                if (isLocalTransaction && TransactionScope.IsActive)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public DataTable TaskPriorityModify(int TaskId, int First, int Second)
            SqlProcedure sp = SqlBuilder.BuildSqlProcedure("sp_WCS_Task_PriorityModify");

            sp.AddParam("@IP", SqlDbType.NVarChar, Globals.DEF_ClientIP());
            sp.AddParam("@Client", SqlDbType.NVarChar, Globals.DEF_ClientName());
            sp.AddParam("@Loginer", SqlDbType.NVarChar, Loginer.CurrentUser.Account);
            sp.AddParam("@TaskId", SqlDbType.Int, TaskId);
            sp.AddParam("@First", SqlDbType.Int, First);
            sp.AddParam("@Sencond", SqlDbType.Int, Second);
            return(DataProvider.Instance.GetTable(_Loginer.DBName, sp.SqlCommand, tb_WMS_Task.__TableName));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public DataSet GetReportData_Checklist(string DocNoFrom, string DocNoTo, DateTime DateFrom, DateTime DateTo)
            SqlProcedure sp = SqlBuilder.BuildSqlProcedure("sp_RptAP_Checklist");

            sp.AddParam("@DocNoFrom", SqlDbType.VarChar, DocNoFrom.Trim());
            sp.AddParam("@DocNoTo", SqlDbType.VarChar, DocNoTo.Trim());
            sp.AddParam("@DateFrom", SqlDbType.VarChar, ConvertEx.ToCharYYYYMMDD(DateFrom));
            sp.AddParam("@DateTo", SqlDbType.VarChar, ConvertEx.ToCharYYYYMMDD(DateTo));
            DataSet ds = DataProvider.Instance.GetDataSet(_Loginer.DBName, sp.SqlCommand);

            ds.Tables[0].TableName = tb_AP.__TableName;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Método que retorna el valor en euros de un sku
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks> Autor: Gabriel Herrera</remarks>
        public TotalTransaction[] GetSkuValue(string sku)
            string procedureName = "CalculateSku";

            using (unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork())
                SqlProcedure procedure = new SqlProcedure(procedureName, new SqlParameter {
                    ParameterName = "@Sku", Value = sku
                TotalTransaction[] skuTotal = unitOfWork.TransactionRepository.ExecuteProcedure <TotalTransaction>(procedure);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        // ReSharper disable once SuggestBaseTypeForParameter
        private static SqlProcedure GetWriteChunkToSqlProcedure(BlobStorageContext context, long offset, byte[] buffer)
            // This is a helper method to aid both the sync and async version of the write chunk operation.

            var cmd = new SqlProcedure {
                CommandText = UpdateStreamWriteChunkFsScript, CommandType = CommandType.Text

            cmd.Parameters.Add("@FileId", SqlDbType.Int).Value         = context.FileId;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@VersionId", SqlDbType.Int).Value      = context.VersionId;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@PropertyTypeId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = context.PropertyTypeId;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Data", SqlDbType.VarBinary).Value     = buffer;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@Offset", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value      = offset;

Ejemplo n.º 19
        private static Tuple <VersionNumber, VersionNumber> GetLastVersions(string path)
            VersionNumber majorVersion = null;
            VersionNumber minorVersion = null;

            SqlProcedure  cmd    = null;
            SqlDataReader reader = null;

                cmd = new SqlProcedure
                    CommandText = Scripts.LastVersions,
                    CommandType = CommandType.Text
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Path", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 450).Value = path;
                reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    var majorNumber = reader.GetInt16(reader.GetOrdinal("MajorNumber"));
                    var minorNumber = reader.GetInt16(reader.GetOrdinal("MinorNumber"));
                    var statusCode  = reader.GetInt16(reader.GetOrdinal("Status"));
                    var isLastMajor = reader.GetBoolean(reader.GetOrdinal("LastMajor"));
                    var isLastMinor = reader.GetBoolean(reader.GetOrdinal("LastMinor"));

                    var versionNumber = new VersionNumber(majorNumber, minorNumber, (VersionStatus)statusCode);

                    if (isLastMajor)
                        majorVersion = versionNumber;
                    if (isLastMinor)
                        minorVersion = versionNumber;

            return(new Tuple <VersionNumber, VersionNumber>(majorVersion, minorVersion));
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes file records that are marked as deleted from the metadata database and also from the blob storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether there was at least one row that was deleted.</returns>
        public bool CleanupFiles()
            using (var proc = new SqlProcedure {
                CommandText = CleanupFileScript, CommandType = CommandType.Text
                proc.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                    var deleted = false;
                    using (var reader = proc.ExecuteReader())
                        var    fileId       = 0;
                        var    size         = 0L;
                        string providerName = null;
                        string providerData = null;
                        // We do not care about the number of deleted rows,
                        // we only want to know if a row was deleted or not.
                        if (reader.Read())
                            deleted      = true;
                            fileId       = reader.GetSafeInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("FileId"));
                            size         = reader.GetSafeInt64(reader.GetOrdinal("Size"));
                            providerName = reader.GetSafeString(reader.GetOrdinal("BlobProvider"));
                            providerData = reader.GetSafeString(reader.GetOrdinal("BlobProviderData"));

                        // delete bytes from the blob storage
                        // Delete algorithm is same in the BuiltIn and SqlFs providers.
                        var provider = BlobStorageBase.GetProvider(providerName);
                        var ctx      = new BlobStorageContext(provider, providerData)
                            VersionId = 0, PropertyTypeId = 0, FileId = fileId, Length = size

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new DataException("Error during binary cleanup.", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private SqlProcedure _getAllIds(SqlProcedureNames item)
            var procedure = new SqlProcedure {
                FileName      = item.FileName,
                Catalog       = item.ActionName,
                ProcedureBody = string.Format(
                    "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE  name = '{1}') DROP PROCEDURE {0}.[{1}] \n" +
                    "GO  \n\n" +
                    "CREATE PROCEDURE {0}.[{1}] AS\n" +
                    "BEGIN\n" +
                    "   SELECT Id FROM {0}.[{2}]\n" +
                    "END \n" +
                    "GO \n\n\n\n", item.ShemeName, item.ProcedureName, item.TableName)

Ejemplo n.º 22
        private static void WriteSqlFileStream(Stream stream, int fileId, SqlFileStreamData fileStreamData = null)
            SqlProcedure cmd = null;

                // if we did not receive a path and transaction context, retrieve it now from the database
                if (fileStreamData == null)
                    cmd = new SqlProcedure {
                        CommandText = UpdateBinaryPropertyFileStreamScript, CommandType = CommandType.Text
                    cmd.Parameters.Add("@Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = fileId;

                    string path;
                    byte[] transactionContext;

                    // Set Stream column to NULL and retrieve file path and
                    // transaction context for the Filestream column.
                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())

                        path = reader.GetString(0);
                        transactionContext = reader.GetSqlBytes(1).Buffer;

                    fileStreamData = new SqlFileStreamData {
                        Path = path, TransactionContext = transactionContext

                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                using (var fs = new SqlFileStream(fileStreamData.Path, fileStreamData.TransactionContext, FileAccess.Write))
                    // default buffer size is 4096
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public DataTable FuzzySearch(string content)
     if (content.ToLower().Contains("like"))
         string sql = ("select * from ITEM where ISDELETED=0 ");
         if (content != "")
             sql += content;
         return(DataProvider.Instance.GetTable(_Loginer.DBName, sql, _TableName));
         SqlProcedure sp = SqlBuilder.BuildSqlProcedure("sp_FuzzySearchProduct");
         sp.AddParam("@Content", SqlDbType.NVarChar, content);
         return(DataProvider.Instance.GetTable(_Loginer.DBName, sp.SqlCommand, tb_ITEM.__TableName));
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a binary property value from the metadata database, making the corresponding blbo storage entry orphaned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="versionId">Content version id.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyTypeId">Binary property type id.</param>
        public void DeleteBinaryProperty(int versionId, int propertyTypeId)
            SqlProcedure cmd = null;

                cmd = new SqlProcedure {
                    CommandText = "proc_BinaryProperty_Delete"
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@VersionId", SqlDbType.Int).Value      = versionId;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@PropertyTypeId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = propertyTypeId;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        internal static byte[] ReadRandom(BlobStorageContext context, long offset, int count)
            byte[] result;

            using (var cmd = new SqlProcedure {
                CommandText = LoadBinaryFragmentFilestreamScript
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@FileId", SqlDbType.Int).Value      = context.FileId;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Position", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value = offset + 1;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Count", SqlDbType.Int).Value       = count;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                result = (byte[])cmd.ExecuteScalar();

Ejemplo n.º 26
    protected void AsyncFileUpload1_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e)
        // Save file
        string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(AsyncFileUpload1.FileName);

        filename = String.Format("TYM_{0}_FORCAST_{1}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), filename);
        AsyncFileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Files/") + filename);

        // HATC Order
        string CustCode = "40103010";

        filename = Server.MapPath("~/Files/") + filename;
        if (File.Exists(filename))
            string line = string.Empty;
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename))
                using (SqlProcedure sp = new SqlProcedure("sp_TYM_Forcast_ClearData"))
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line.Length > 0)
                        MyCompany.Data.Objects.TYMForcastImport Order = new MyCompany.Data.Objects.TYMForcastImport();
                        Order.OrderBy             = CustCode;
                        Order.DeliveryDestination = "";
                        Order.CustomerMatCode     = line.Substring(0, 3) + "-" + line.Substring(3, 5) + "-" + line.Substring(8, 2) + "-" + line.Substring(10, 2) + "-" + line.Substring(12, 2) + "-" + line.Substring(14, 4) + "-" + line.Substring(18, 4);//line.Substring(0, 22);
                        Order.PartsDevision       = "1";
                        Order.CustomerPO          = "";
                        Order.ReliabilityDevision = "P";
                        Order.DeliveryDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(line.Substring(22, 4).Trim() + "-" + line.Substring(26, 2).Trim() + "-" + line.Substring(28, 2).Trim());
                        Order.Quantity            = float.Parse(line.Substring(30, 8)).ToString().Trim();
                        Order.Unit       = "ST";
                        Order.PlngPeriod = "D";
                        Order.SAPCode    = "";//SharedBusinessRules.getSAPCode(Order.CustomerMatCode);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public static string getMaterial(string CustMatCode, string OrderBy, string pc, string lc)
     CustMatCode = CustMatCode.Replace(" ", "");
     using (SqlProcedure sp = new SqlProcedure("sp_GetMaterial"))
         sp.AddParameter("@CustomerItemNumber", CustMatCode);
         sp.AddParameter("@OrderBy", OrderBy);
         sp.AddParameter("@pc", pc);
         sp.AddParameter("@lc", lc);
         object sc = sp.ExecuteScalar();
         if (sc == null)
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public int ExecuteProcedure(SqlProcedure procedure)
                StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
                query.AppendFormat("{0} {1}"
                                   , procedure.ProcedureName
                                   , string.Join(",", procedure.Parameters.Select(p => p.ParameterName + "=" + p.Value.ToString())));

                var rowsAffected = context

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ExceptionOperation(HelperMessage.GetMessage(CodeMessage.GEN_001), (int)CodeHTTP.Error, ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public T[] ExecuteProcedure <T>(SqlProcedure procedure)
                StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
                query.AppendFormat("{0} {1}"
                                   , procedure.ProcedureName
                                   , string.Join(",", procedure.Parameters.Select(p => p.ParameterName + "=" + p.Value.ToString())));

                var selectedList = context
                                   .SqlQuery <T>(query.ToString())
                                   .ToArray <T>();

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ExceptionOperation(HelperMessage.GetMessage(CodeMessage.GEN_001), (int)CodeHTTP.Error, ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new binary record into the metadata database containing an already exising file id,
        /// removing the previous record if the content is not new.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Binary data to insert.</param>
        /// <param name="versionId">Content version id.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyTypeId">Binary property type id.</param>
        /// <param name="isNewNode">Whether this value belongs to a new or an existing node.</param>
        public void InsertBinaryPropertyWithFileId(BinaryDataValue value, int versionId, int propertyTypeId, bool isNewNode)
            SqlProcedure cmd = null;
            int          id;

                cmd = new SqlProcedure
                    CommandText = isNewNode ? InsertBinaryPropertyWithKnownFileIdScript : DeleteAndInsertBinaryPropertyWithKnownFileId,
                    CommandType = CommandType.Text
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@VersionId", SqlDbType.Int).Value      = versionId != 0 ? (object)versionId : DBNull.Value;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@PropertyTypeId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = propertyTypeId != 0 ? (object)propertyTypeId : DBNull.Value;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@FileId", SqlDbType.Int).Value         = value.FileId;
                id = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

            value.Id = id;
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public NewTechSqlDal(string connectionString)
     sqlProc = new SqlProcedure(connectionString);
     sqlProc.CommandTimeout = 60;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (disposing)
         if (sqlProc != null)
             sqlProc = null;