Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Test()
            EFServiceProvider.RunInContext(context =>
                // Quarterly count of booked items in 2012 and 2013.
                //SELECT   YEAR(StartTime) AS [Year],
                //         SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(QUARTER, StartTime) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FirstQuarter,
                //         SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(QUARTER, StartTime) = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SecondQuarter,
                //         SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(QUARTER, StartTime) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ThirdQuarter,
                //         SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(QUARTER, StartTime) = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ForthQuarter
                //FROM     Bookings
                //WHERE    YEAR(StartTime) BETWEEN 2012 AND 2013
                //GROUP BY YEAR(StartTime);

                var quarterlyCountOfBookedItems = context.Bookings
                                                  .Select(booking => new
                    Quarter = SqlDbFunctionsExtensions.SqlDatePart(SqlDatePart.Quarter, booking.StartTime)
                                                  .Where(result => result.Year >= 2012 && result.Year <= 2013)
                                                  .GroupBy(result => new
                                                  .Select(group => new
                    FirstQuarter  = group.Sum(result => result.Quarter == 1 ? 1 : 0),
                    SecondQuarter = group.Sum(result => result.Quarter == 2 ? 1 : 0),
                    ThirdQuarter  = group.Sum(result => result.Quarter == 3 ? 1 : 0),
                    ForthQuarter  = group.Sum(result => result.Quarter == 4 ? 1 : 0),
                                                  .OrderBy(result => result.Year)

                 *  SELECT  DATEPART(year, [b].[StartTime]) AS [Year],
                 *          SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(Quarter, [b].[StartTime]) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [FirstQuarter],
                 *          SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(Quarter, [b].[StartTime]) = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [SecondQuarter],
                 *          SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(Quarter, [b].[StartTime]) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [ThirdQuarter],
                 *          SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(Quarter, [b].[StartTime]) = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [ForthQuarter]
                 *  FROM     [Bookings] AS [b]
                 *  WHERE    (DATEPART(year, [b].[StartTime]) >= 2012)
                 *          AND (DATEPART(year, [b].[StartTime]) <= 2013)
                 *  GROUP BY DATEPART(year, [b].[StartTime])
                 *  ORDER BY DATEPART(year, [b].[StartTime]);

                var expectedResult = new[]
                    new { Year = 2012, FirstQuarter = 0, SecondQuarter = 0, ThirdQuarter = 4043, ForthQuarter = 0 },
                    new { Year = 2013, FirstQuarter = 1, SecondQuarter = 0, ThirdQuarter = 0, ForthQuarter = 0 }

        public void Test()
            // https://pgexercises.com/questions/string/pad.html
            // The zip codes in our example dataset have had leading zeroes removed from them by
            // virtue of being stored as a numeric type. Retrieve all zip codes from the members table,
            // padding any zip codes less than 5 characters long with leading zeroes. Order by the
            // new zip code.
            // select lpad(cast(zipcode as char(5)),5,'0') zip from cd.members order by zip

            EFServiceProvider.RunInContext(context =>
                // Method - 1
                var members = context.Members
                              .Select(member => new { ZipCode = Convert.ToString(member.ZipCode) })
                              .OrderBy(m => m.ZipCode)

                 * SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(max), [m].[ZipCode]) AS [Zip]
                 *  FROM [Members] AS [m]
                 *  ORDER BY CONVERT(nvarchar(max), [m].[ZipCode])
                // Now using LINQ to Objects
                members = members.Select(member => new { ZipCode = member.ZipCode.PadLeft(5, '0') })
                          .OrderBy(m => m.ZipCode)
                var expectedResult = new[]
                    new { ZipCode = "00000" },
                    new { ZipCode = "00234" },
                    new { ZipCode = "00234" },
                    new { ZipCode = "04321" },
                    new { ZipCode = "04321" },
                    new { ZipCode = "10383" },
                    new { ZipCode = "11986" },
                    new { ZipCode = "23423" },
                    new { ZipCode = "28563" },
                    new { ZipCode = "33862" },
                    new { ZipCode = "34232" },
                    new { ZipCode = "43532" },
                    new { ZipCode = "43533" },
                    new { ZipCode = "45678" },
                    new { ZipCode = "52365" },
                    new { ZipCode = "54333" },
                    new { ZipCode = "56754" },
                    new { ZipCode = "57392" },
                    new { ZipCode = "58393" },
                    new { ZipCode = "64577" },
                    new { ZipCode = "65332" },
                    new { ZipCode = "65464" },
                    new { ZipCode = "66796" },
                    new { ZipCode = "68666" },
                    new { ZipCode = "69302" },
                    new { ZipCode = "75655" },
                    new { ZipCode = "78533" },
                    new { ZipCode = "80743" },
                    new { ZipCode = "84923" },
                    new { ZipCode = "87630" },
                    new { ZipCode = "97676" },


                // Method - 2, Using a custom DbFunction
                var newMembers = context.Members
                                 .Select(member => new
                    ZipCode =
                            "0", 5 - Convert.ToString(member.ZipCode).Length)
                        + member.ZipCode
                                 .OrderBy(m => m.ZipCode)

                 *  SELECT REPLICATE(N'0', 5 - CAST(LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max), [m].[ZipCode])) AS int)) + CAST([m].[ZipCode] AS nvarchar(max)) AS [Zip]
                 *  FROM [Members] AS [m]
                 *  ORDER BY REPLICATE(N'0', 5 - CAST(LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max), [m].[ZipCode])) AS int)) + CAST([m].[ZipCode] AS nvarchar(max))
        public void Test()
            // https://pgexercises.com/questions/date/utilisationpermonth.html
            // Work out the utilisation percentage for each facility by month, sorted by name and month,
            // rounded to 1 decimal place. Opening time is 8am, closing time is 8.30pm. You can treat
            // every month as a full month, regardless of if there were some dates the club was not open.
            //select name, month,
            //	round((100*slots)/
            //		cast(
            //			25*(cast((month + interval '1 month') as date)
            //			- cast (month as date)) as numeric),1) as utilisation
            //	from  (
            //		select facs.name as name, date_trunc('month', starttime) as month, sum(slots) as slots
            //			from cd.bookings bks
            //			inner join cd.facilities facs
            //				on bks.facid = facs.facid
            //			group by facs.facid, month
            //	) as inn
            //order by name, month

            EFServiceProvider.RunInContext(context =>
                var items = context.Bookings
                            .Select(booking => new
                    DaysInMonth = EF.Functions.DateDiffDay(
                        booking.StartTime.Date.AddDays(1 - booking.StartTime.Date.Day),
                        booking.StartTime.Date.AddDays(1 - booking.StartTime.Date.Day).AddMonths(1)
                            .GroupBy(b => new { b.Name, b.Year, b.Month, b.DaysInMonth })
                            .Select(g => new
                    Utilization = SqlDbFunctionsExtensions.SqlRound(
                        100 * g.Sum(b => b.Slots) / (decimal)(25 * g.Key.DaysInMonth),
                            .OrderBy(r => r.Name)
                            .ThenBy(r => r.Year)
                            .ThenBy(r => r.Month)

                 *  SELECT [f].[Name],
                 *          DATEPART(year, [b].[StartTime]) AS [Year],
                 *          DATEPART(month, [b].[StartTime]) AS [Month],
                 *          ROUND(CAST((100 * SUM([b].[Slots])) AS decimal(18,2))
                 *              / CAST((25 * DATEDIFF(DAY,
                 *              DATEADD(day, CAST(CAST((1 - DATEPART(day, CONVERT(date, [b].[StartTime]))) AS float) AS int),
                 *              CONVERT(date, [b].[StartTime])),
                 *              DATEADD(month, CAST(1 AS int),
                 *              DATEADD(day, CAST(CAST((1 - DATEPART(day, CONVERT(date, [b].[StartTime]))) AS float) AS int),
                 *              CONVERT(date, [b].[StartTime]))))) AS decimal(18,2)), 1) AS [Utilization]
                 *      FROM [Bookings] AS [b]
                 *      INNER JOIN [Facilities] AS [f] ON [b].[FacId] = [f].[FacId]
                 *      GROUP BY [f].[Name],
                 *      DATEPART(year, [b].[StartTime]),
                 *      DATEPART(month, [b].[StartTime]),
                 *      DATEDIFF(DAY, DATEADD(day, CAST(CAST((1 - DATEPART(day, CONVERT(date, [b].[StartTime]))) AS float) AS int), CONVERT(date, [b].[StartTime])), DATEADD(month, CAST(1 AS int), DATEADD(day, CAST(CAST((1 - DATEPART(day, CONVERT(date, [b].[StartTime]))) AS float) AS int), CONVERT(date, [b].[StartTime]))))
                 *      ORDER BY [f].[Name], DATEPART(year, [b].[StartTime]), DATEPART(month, [b].[StartTime])
                var expectedResult = new[]
                    new { Name = "Badminton Court", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 23.2M },
                    new { Name = "Badminton Court", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 59.2M },
                    new { Name = "Badminton Court", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 76.0M },
                    new { Name = "Massage Room 1", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 34.1M },
                    new { Name = "Massage Room 1", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 63.5M },
                    new { Name = "Massage Room 1", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 86.4M },
                    new { Name = "Massage Room 2", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 3.1M },
                    new { Name = "Massage Room 2", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 10.6M },
                    new { Name = "Massage Room 2", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 16.3M },
                    new { Name = "Pool Table", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 15.1M },
                    new { Name = "Pool Table", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 41.5M },
                    new { Name = "Pool Table", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 62.8M },
                    new { Name = "Pool Table", Year = 2013, Month = 1, Utilization = 0.1M },
                    new { Name = "Snooker Table", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 20.1M },
                    new { Name = "Snooker Table", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 42.1M },
                    new { Name = "Snooker Table", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 56.8M },
                    new { Name = "Squash Court", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 21.2M },
                    new { Name = "Squash Court", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 51.6M },
                    new { Name = "Squash Court", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 72.0M },
                    new { Name = "Table Tennis", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 13.4M },
                    new { Name = "Table Tennis", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 39.2M },
                    new { Name = "Table Tennis", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 56.3M },
                    new { Name = "Tennis Court 1", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 34.8M },
                    new { Name = "Tennis Court 1", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 59.2M },
                    new { Name = "Tennis Court 1", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 78.8M },
                    new { Name = "Tennis Court 2", Year = 2012, Month = 7, Utilization = 26.7M },
                    new { Name = "Tennis Court 2", Year = 2012, Month = 8, Utilization = 62.3M },
                    new { Name = "Tennis Court 2", Year = 2012, Month = 9, Utilization = 78.4M }
