Ejemplo n.º 1
		public void TestRangeConstraint()
			SqlBuilder builder = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(MailingList) );
			builder.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThanOrEquals, "Id", 2 );
			builder.AddConstraint( Operator.LessThan, "Id", 3 );
			int count = GetCount( builder );
			Assert.AreEqual( 1, count );
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public void TestCRUD()
			// skip test if GUIDs are not supported by database backend
			if( runTest )
				o1 = new GuidHolder( 42 );
				// insert
				// select
				o2 = GuidHolder.Retrieve( o1.Id );
				// verify select/insert
				Assert.IsNotNull( o2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( o1.Id, o2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( o1.SomeValue, o2.SomeValue, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
				// update
				o2.SomeValue = 1234;
				// verify update
				o1 = GuidHolder.Retrieve( o2.Id );
				Assert.AreEqual( o2.Id, o1.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
				// delete
				// verify delete by counting the number of rows
				SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(GuidHolder) );
				sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Id", o1.Id );
				SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
				Assert.AreEqual( 0, sr.Count, "Object not removed" );
Ejemplo n.º 3
		public void Final()
			// make sure we have only the default 4 members 
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Delete, typeof(MemberSD) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThan, "Id", 4 );
			Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
			// remove the list
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public void Init()
			// make sure we have only 4 members 
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Delete, typeof(Member) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThan, "Id", 4 );
			Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
			// make sure we have only 3 lists 
			sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Delete, typeof(MailingList) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThan, "Id", 3 );
			Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
		public void Init()
			// make sure we have only 4 members 
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Delete, typeof(MemberCC) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThan, "Id", 4 );
			Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
			// make sure we have only 3 lists 
			sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Delete, typeof(MailingList) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThan, "Id", 3 );
			Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
			// create an empty mailing list
			list = new MailingList( "SomeList", "*****@*****.**" );
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a list of RadioGroupMap referring to the current entity.
        /// </summary>
        public IList <RadioGroupMap> ReferringRadioGroupMap()
            //select * from 'foreigntable'
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(RadioGroupMap));

            // where foreigntable.foreignkey = ourprimarykey
            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idChannel", idChannel);

            // passing true indicates that we'd like a list of elements, i.e. that no primary key
            // constraints from the type being retrieved should be added to the statement
            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

            // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
            return(ObjectFactory.GetCollection <RadioGroupMap>(stmt.Execute()));

            // TODO In the end, a GentleList should be returned instead of an arraylist
            //return new GentleList( typeof(GroupMap), this );
        public List <Person> WhoHadAttended(Event anEvent)
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Attendance));

            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "id_event", anEvent.Id);
            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

            IList attendances = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(Attendance), stmt.Execute());

            List <Person> persons = new List <Person>();

            foreach (Attendance at in attendances)

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestOtherTypeListRetrieval()
            GentleSqlFactory sf = Broker.GetSqlFactory();
            // select all lists
            IList lists = MailingList.ListAll;

            foreach (MailingList list in lists)
                // get the expected member count
                SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Count, typeof(Member));
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "ListId", list.Id);
                SqlResult sr       = Broker.Execute(sb.GetStatement(true));
                int       expected = sr.Count;
                // verify list retrieval (entire table)
                IList members = list.Members;
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, members.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public EventType Retrieve(string name)
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(EventType));

            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "name", name);
            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement();

            EventType anEventType = null;

            try {
                anEventType =
                    (EventType)ObjectFactory.GetInstance(typeof(EventType), stmt.Execute());
            catch (Gentle.Common.GentleException) {
                throw new EventTypeDoesNotExistException();

        public void OnActivated()

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;


                SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(GroupMap));

                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idGroup", _channelGroup.IdGroup);
                sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");

                SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

                IList <GroupMap> maps = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <GroupMap>(stmt.Execute());

                foreach (GroupMap map in maps)
                    Channel channel = map.ReferencedChannel();
                    if (!channel.IsTv)
                    listView1.Items.Add(CreateItemForChannel(channel, map));
                bool isAllChannelsGroup = (_channelGroup.GroupName == TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels);
                removeChannelFromGroup.Enabled = !isAllChannelsGroup;
                mpButtonDel.Enabled            = !isAllChannelsGroup;
            catch (Exception exp)
                Log.Error("OnActivated error: {0}", exp.Message);
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
        public Event[] RetrieveLast(int numberOfEvents)
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Event));

            sb.AddOrderByField(false, "date");
            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.LessThanOrEquals, "date", DateTime.Now);

            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

            IList events = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(Event), stmt.Execute());

            List <Event> events_result = new List <Event>();

            foreach (Event e in events)

Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void TestCRUD()
     if (GentleSettings.ConcurrencyControl)
         GentleSettings.CacheObjects = false;
         m1 = new MemberCCSD(list.Id, "John Doe", "*****@*****.**");
         // insert
         Assert.AreEqual(m1.Name, "John Doe", "The object was not properly inserted!");
         Assert.AreEqual(m1.Address, "*****@*****.**", "The object was not properly inserted!");
         // select
         m2 = MemberCCSD.Retrieve(m1.Id);
         // verify select/insert
         Assert.IsTrue(m2.Id != 0, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!");
         Assert.IsTrue(m2.Id > 4, "Existing id was reused!");
         Assert.AreEqual(m1.Id, m2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!");
         Assert.AreEqual("John Doe", m2.Name, "The object was not properly retrieved on construction!");
         Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", m2.Address,
                         "The object was not properly retrieved on construction!");
         Assert.AreEqual(m1.DatabaseVersion, m2.DatabaseVersion, "Database revision not retrieved!");
         // update
         m2.Name    = "Jane Doe";
         m2.Address = "*****@*****.**";
         Assert.AreEqual(m1.DatabaseVersion + 1, m2.DatabaseVersion, "Database revision not incremented!");
         // verify update
         m1 = MemberCCSD.Retrieve(m2.Id);
         Assert.AreEqual(m2.Name, m1.Name, "Name not updated!");
         Assert.AreEqual(m2.Address, m1.Address, "SenderAddress not updated!");
         Assert.AreEqual(m1.DatabaseVersion, m2.DatabaseVersion, "Database revision not retrieved!");
         // delete
         // verify delete by counting the number of rows
         SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Count, typeof(MemberCCSD));
         sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "Id", m1.Id);
         SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute(sb.GetStatement(true));
         Assert.AreEqual(0, sr.Count, "Object not removed");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static int GetChannelIdByDisplayName(string aChannelName)
            int channelId = -1;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aChannelName))
                SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "displayName", aChannelName);
                SqlStatement    stmt     = sb.GetStatement(true);
                IList <Channel> channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <Channel>(stmt.Execute());
                if (channels.Count > 0)
                    channelId = (channels[0]).IdChannel;
                    sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));
                    sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Like, "displayName", "%" + aChannelName + "%");
                    stmt     = sb.GetStatement(true);
                    channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <Channel>(stmt.Execute());
                    if (channels.Count > 0)
                        channelId = (channels[0]).IdChannel;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Could not get ChannelID for DisplayName: {0}\n{1}", aChannelName, ex.Message));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public List <WebRecording> GetAllRecordings(string title)
            List <WebRecording> recInfos = new List <WebRecording>();

            if (!ConnectToDatabase())
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(Gentle.Framework.StatementType.Select, typeof(Recording));

            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Like, "title", title + "%");
            SqlStatement stmt       = sb.GetStatement(true);
            IList        recordings = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(Recording), stmt.Execute());

            if (recordings != null && recordings.Count > 0)
                foreach (Recording rec in recordings)
                    recInfos.Add(new WebRecording(rec));
Ejemplo n.º 15
		public void TestCRUD_Dog()
			o1 = new Dog();
			// insert
			Assert.IsTrue( o1.Id > 0, "No identity assigned on insert." );
			// select
			o2 = Dog.Retrieve( o1.Id );
			// verify select/insert
			Assert.IsNotNull( o2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( o1.Id, o2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
			// update
			// verify update
			o1 = Dog.Retrieve( o2.Id );
			// delete
			// verify delete by counting the number of rows
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(Dog) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Id", o1.Id );
			SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
			Assert.AreEqual( 0, sr.Count, "Object not removed" );
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all channels from the database
        /// </summary>
        private void RefreshAllChannels()
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            IList <Card> dbsCards = Card.ListAll();

            _cards = new Dictionary <int, CardType>();
            foreach (Card card in dbsCards)
                _cards[card.IdCard] = RemoteControl.Instance.Type(card.IdCard);

            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));

            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isTv", true);
            sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

            _allChannels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <Channel>(stmt.Execute());
            tabControl1.TabPages[0].Text = string.Format("Channels ({0})", _allChannels.Count);

            _lvChannelHandler = new ChannelListViewHandler(mpListView1, _allChannels, _cards, txtFilterString, ChannelType.Tv);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves an entity given it's filename.
        /// </summary>
        public static Recording Retrieve(string fileName)
            // Return null if id is smaller than seed and/or increment for autokey
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))

            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Recording));

            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "fileName", fileName);

            SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);

            // execute the statement/query and create a collection of User instances from the result set
            IList <Recording> getList = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <Recording>(stmt.Execute());

            if (getList.Count != 0)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// gets a value from the database table "Setting"
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Setting object with the stored value, if it doesnt exist the given default string will be the value</returns>
        private Setting GetSetting(string tagName, string defaultValue)
            if (defaultValue == null)
            if (tagName == null)
            if (tagName == "")
            SqlBuilder sb;

                sb = new SqlBuilder(Gentle.Framework.StatementType.Select, typeof(Setting));
            catch (TypeInitializationException)
                return(new Setting(tagName, defaultValue));

            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "tag", tagName);
            SqlStatement    stmt          = sb.GetStatement(true);
            IList <Setting> settingsFound = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <Setting>(stmt.Execute());

            if (settingsFound.Count == 0)
                Setting set = new Setting(tagName, defaultValue);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void TestCRUD()
            MailingList l1, l2;

            l1 = new MailingList("Test 1", "*****@*****.**");
            // insert
            Assert.IsTrue(l1.Id > 0, "The List object was not assigned an id by the database!");
            Assert.AreEqual(l1.Name, "Test 1", "The List object was not properly inserted!");
            Assert.AreEqual(l1.SenderAddress, "*****@*****.**", "The List object was not properly inserted!");
            // select
            l2 = MailingList.Retrieve(l1.Id);
            // verify select/insert
            Assert.IsTrue(l2.Id != 0, "The List object could not be retrieved from the database!");
            Assert.AreEqual(l1.Id, l2.Id, "The List object could not be retrieved from the database!");
            Assert.AreEqual("Test 1", l2.Name, "The List object was not properly retrieved on construction!");
            Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", l2.SenderAddress,
                            "The List object was not properly retrieved on construction!");
            // update
            l2.Name          = "Test 2";
            l2.SenderAddress = "*****@*****.**";
            // verify update
            l1 = MailingList.Retrieve(l2.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(l2.Name, l1.Name, "Name not updated!");
            Assert.AreEqual(l2.SenderAddress, l1.SenderAddress, "SenderAddress not updated!");
            // delete
            // verify delete by counting the number of rows
            SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Count, typeof(MailingList));

            sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "Id", l1.Id);
            SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute(sb.GetStatement(true));

            Assert.AreEqual(0, sr.Count, "Object not removed");
Ejemplo n.º 20
		public void TestCRUD()
			MailingList l1, l2;
			l1 = new MailingList( "Test 1", "*****@*****.**" );
			// insert
			Assert.IsTrue( l1.Id > 0, "The List object was not assigned an id by the database!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( l1.Name, "Test 1", "The List object was not properly inserted!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( l1.SenderAddress, "*****@*****.**", "The List object was not properly inserted!" );
			// select
			l2 = MailingList.Retrieve( l1.Id );
			// verify select/insert
			Assert.IsTrue( l2.Id != 0, "The List object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( l1.Id, l2.Id, "The List object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "Test 1", l2.Name, "The List object was not properly retrieved on construction!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "*****@*****.**", l2.SenderAddress,
			                 "The List object was not properly retrieved on construction!" );
			// update
			l2.Name = "Test 2";
			l2.SenderAddress = "*****@*****.**";
			// verify update
			l1 = MailingList.Retrieve( l2.Id );
			Assert.AreEqual( l2.Name, l1.Name, "Name not updated!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( l2.SenderAddress, l1.SenderAddress, "SenderAddress not updated!" );
			// delete
			// verify delete by counting the number of rows
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(MailingList) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Id", l1.Id );
			SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
			Assert.AreEqual( 0, sr.Count, "Object not removed" );
Ejemplo n.º 21
		public void TestCRUD()
			m1 = new MemberSD( list.Id, "John Doe", "*****@*****.**" );
			// insert
			Assert.AreEqual( m1.Name, "John Doe", "The object was not properly inserted!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( m1.Address, "*****@*****.**", "The object was not properly inserted!" );
			// select
			m2 = MemberSD.Retrieve( m1.Id );
			// verify select/insert
			Assert.IsTrue( m2.Id != 0, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( m1.Id, m2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "John Doe", m2.Name, "The object was not properly retrieved on construction!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "*****@*****.**", m2.Address,
			                 "The object was not properly retrieved on construction!" );
			// update
			m2.Name = "Jane Doe";
			m2.Address = "*****@*****.**";
			// verify update
			m1 = MemberSD.Retrieve( m2.Id );
			Assert.AreEqual( m2.Name, m1.Name, "Name not updated!" );
			Assert.AreEqual( m2.Address, m1.Address, "SenderAddress not updated!" );
			// delete
			// verify delete by counting the number of rows
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(MemberSD) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Id", m1.Id );
			SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
			Assert.AreEqual( 0, sr.Count, "Object not removed" );
Ejemplo n.º 22
		public void TestRangeConstraintCustom()
			SqlBuilder builder = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(MailingList) );
			builder.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThanOrEquals, "Id", 2 );
			GentleSqlFactory sf = Broker.GetSqlFactory();
			string clause = String.Format( "{0} < 3", "ListId" );
			builder.AddConstraint( clause );
			int count = GetCount( builder );
			Assert.AreEqual( 1, count );
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void ReLoad()
                Log.Info("get channels from database");
                SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isTv", 1);
                sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
                SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
                channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(Channel), stmt.Execute());
                Log.Info("found:{0} tv channels", channels.Count);

                TvBusinessLayer   layer = new TvBusinessLayer();
                RadioChannelGroup allRadioChannelsGroup =
                IList <Channel> radioChannels = layer.GetAllRadioChannels();
                if (radioChannels != null)
                    if (radioChannels.Count > allRadioChannelsGroup.ReferringRadioGroupMap().Count)
                        foreach (Channel radioChannel in radioChannels)
                            layer.AddChannelToRadioGroup(radioChannel, allRadioChannelsGroup);

                Log.Info("get all groups from database");
                sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(ChannelGroup));
                sb.AddOrderByField(true, "groupName");
                stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
                IList <ChannelGroup> groups       = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <ChannelGroup>(stmt.Execute());
                IList <GroupMap>     allgroupMaps = GroupMap.ListAll();

                bool hideAllChannelsGroup = false;
                using (
                    Settings xmlreader =
                        new MPSettings())
                    hideAllChannelsGroup = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("mytv", "hideAllChannelsGroup", false);

                foreach (ChannelGroup group in groups)
                    if (group.GroupName == TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels)
                        foreach (Channel channel in channels)
                            if (channel.IsTv == false)
                            bool groupContainsChannel = false;
                            foreach (GroupMap map in allgroupMaps)
                                if (map.IdGroup != group.IdGroup)
                                if (map.IdChannel == channel.IdChannel)
                                    groupContainsChannel = true;
                            if (!groupContainsChannel)
                                layer.AddChannelToGroup(channel, TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels);

                groups = ChannelGroup.ListAll();
                foreach (ChannelGroup group in groups)
                    //group.GroupMaps.ApplySort(new GroupMap.Comparer(), false);
                    if (hideAllChannelsGroup && group.GroupName.Equals(TvConstants.TvGroupNames.AllChannels) && groups.Count > 1)
                Log.Info("loaded {0} tv groups", m_groups.Count);

                //TVHome.Connected = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("TVHome: Error in Reload");
                //TVHome.Connected = false;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all channels in a group, sorted by display name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channelType">The type of channels in the group.</param>
        /// <param name="groupId">The group ID or -1 for all channels.</param>
        /// <returns>A list containing zero or more channels.</returns>
        public static List <TvDatabase.Channel> GetAllChannelsInGroup(ChannelType channelType, int groupId)
            List <TvDatabase.Channel> channels = new List <TvDatabase.Channel>();

            if (groupId < 0)
                SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(TvDatabase.Channel));
                if (channelType == ChannelType.Television)
                    sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isTv", true);
                    sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "isRadio", true);
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "visibleInGuide", true);
                SqlResult result = Broker.Execute(sb.GetStatement());
                channels = (List <TvDatabase.Channel>)
                           ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(TvDatabase.Channel), result, new List <TvDatabase.Channel>());
                if (channelType == ChannelType.Television)
                    SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(TvDatabase.GroupMap));
                    sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idGroup", groupId);
                    SqlResult result = Broker.Execute(sb.GetStatement());
                    List <TvDatabase.GroupMap> groupMaps = (List <TvDatabase.GroupMap>)
                                                           ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(TvDatabase.GroupMap), result, new List <TvDatabase.GroupMap>());
                    foreach (TvDatabase.GroupMap groupMap in groupMaps)
                        TvDatabase.Channel mpChannel = groupMap.ReferencedChannel();
                        if (mpChannel.IsTv)
                    SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(TvDatabase.RadioGroupMap));
                    sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "idGroup", groupId);
                    SqlResult result = Broker.Execute(sb.GetStatement());
                    List <TvDatabase.RadioGroupMap> groupMaps = (List <TvDatabase.RadioGroupMap>)
                                                                ObjectFactory.GetCollection(typeof(TvDatabase.RadioGroupMap), result, new List <TvDatabase.RadioGroupMap>());
                    foreach (TvDatabase.RadioGroupMap groupMap in groupMaps)
                        TvDatabase.Channel mpChannel = groupMap.ReferencedChannel();
                        if (mpChannel.IsRadio)
                    delegate(TvDatabase.Channel c1, TvDatabase.Channel c2) { return(c1.DisplayName.CompareTo(c2.DisplayName)); });

Ejemplo n.º 25
		public void TestCRUD()
			a = new PropertyHolder( 0, "MyPH", 2, 3, 4, 5.0, true, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now,
			                        "char", "nchar", "varchar", "nvarchar", "text", "ntext" );
			// insert
			Assert.AreEqual( a.Name, "MyPH" );
			// select
			b = PropertyHolder.Retrieve( a.Id );
			// verify select/insert
			Assert.IsTrue( b.Id != 0 );
			Assert.AreEqual( a.Id, b.Id );
			Assert.AreEqual( "MyPH", b.Name );
			// update
			b.Name = "NewPH";
			b.TDateTime = DateTime.MinValue; // should result in DBNull being written
			// verify update
			a = Broker.RetrieveInstance( typeof(PropertyHolder), b.GetKey() ) as PropertyHolder;
			Assert.AreEqual( b.Name, a.Name );
			Assert.AreEqual( DateTime.MinValue, a.TDateTime );
			// delete
			// verify delete by counting the number of rows
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(PropertyHolder) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Id", a.Id );
			SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
			Assert.AreEqual( 0, sr.Count, "Object not removed" );
Ejemplo n.º 26
		public void TestColumnInMultipleConstraints()
			a = new PropertyHolder( 0, "MyPH", 2, 3, 4, 5.0, true, new DateTime( 2000, 1, 20 ), DateTime.Now,
			                        "char", "nchar", "varchar", "nvarchar", "text", "ntext" );
			// insert
			// select
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Select, typeof(PropertyHolder) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThan, "TDateTime", new DateTime( 1999, 1, 1 ) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.LessThan, "TDateTime", new DateTime( 2001, 1, 1 ) );
			SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement();
			SqlResult sr = stmt.Execute();
			Assert.AreEqual( 1, sr.RowsContained, "Statement did not fetch the expected row." );
Ejemplo n.º 27
		public void TestCRUD()
			// skip test if picture data was not read (check the PATH constant above!)
			if( runTest && picture != null )
				mp1 = new MemberPicture( picture, 1 );
				// insert
				Assert.AreEqual( mp1.MemberId, 1, "The object was not properly inserted!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( GetSize( mp1.Picture ), pictureSize, "The object was not properly inserted!" );
				// select
				mp2 = MemberPicture.Retrieve( mp1.Id );
				// verify select/insert
				Assert.IsNotNull( mp2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( mp1.Id, mp2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( pictureSize, GetSize( mp2.Picture ), "The object was not properly retrieved on construction!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( mp1.MemberId, mp2.MemberId,
				                 "The object was not properly retrieved on construction!" );
				// update
				mp2.MemberId = 2;
				// verify update
				mp1 = MemberPicture.Retrieve( mp2.Id );
				Assert.AreEqual( mp2.MemberId, mp1.MemberId, "MemberId not updated!" );
				// delete
				// verify delete by counting the number of rows
				SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(MemberPicture) );
				sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Id", mp1.Id );
				SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
				Assert.AreEqual( 0, sr.Count, "Object not removed" );
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private void buttonRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String name = null;

                textBoxAction.Text = "Loading";

                Log.Debug("Loading all channels from the tvguide[s]");
                // used for partial matches
                TstDictionary guideChannels = new TstDictionary();

                Dictionary <string, Channel> guideChannelsExternald = new Dictionary <string, Channel>();

                List <Channel> lstTvGuideChannels = readChannelsFromTVGuide();

                if (lstTvGuideChannels == null)

                // convert to Dictionary
                foreach (Channel ch in lstTvGuideChannels)
                    string tName = ch.DisplayName.Replace(" ", "").ToLowerInvariant();
                    if (!guideChannels.ContainsKey(tName))
                        guideChannels.Add(tName, ch);

                    // used to make sure that the available mapping is used by default
                    if (ch.ExternalId != null && !ch.ExternalId.Trim().Equals(""))
                        // need to check this because we can have channels with multiple display-names
                        // and they're currently handles as one channel/display-name.
                        // only in the mapping procedure of course
                        if (!guideChannelsExternald.ContainsKey(ch.ExternalId))
                            guideChannelsExternald.Add(ch.ExternalId, ch);

                Log.Debug("Loading all channels from the database");

                CBChannelGroup chGroup = (CBChannelGroup)comboBoxGroup.SelectedItem;

                IList <Channel> channels;

                bool loadRadio = checkBoxLoadRadio.Checked;

                if (chGroup != null && chGroup.idGroup != -1)
                    SqlBuilder   sb1           = new SqlBuilder(Gentle.Framework.StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));
                    SqlStatement stmt1         = sb1.GetStatement(true);
                    SqlStatement ManualJoinSQL = new SqlStatement(stmt1.StatementType, stmt1.Command,
                                                                      "select c.* from Channel c join GroupMap g on c.idChannel=g.idChannel where " +
                                                                      (loadRadio ? "" : " c.isTv = 1 and ") +
                                                                      " g.idGroup = '{0}' and c.visibleInGuide = 1 order by g.sortOrder", chGroup.idGroup),
                    channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <Channel>(ManualJoinSQL.Execute());
                    SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(StatementType.Select, typeof(Channel));
                    sb.AddOrderByField(true, "sortOrder");
                    if (!loadRadio)
                        sb.AddConstraint(" isTv = 1");
                    sb.AddConstraint(" visibleInGuide = 1");
                    SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
                    channels = ObjectFactory.GetCollection <Channel>(stmt.Execute());

                progressBar1.Minimum = 0;
                progressBar1.Maximum = channels.Count;
                progressBar1.Value   = 0;


                int row = 0;

                if (channels.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("No tv-channels available to map");
                // add as many rows in the datagrid as there are channels

                DataGridViewRowCollection rows = dataGridChannelMappings.Rows;

                // go through each channel and try to find a matching channel
                // 1: matching display-name (non case-sensitive)
                // 2: partial search on the first word. The first match will be selected in the dropdown

                foreach (Channel ch in channels)
                    Boolean         alreadyMapped = false;
                    DataGridViewRow gridRow       = rows[row++];

                    DataGridViewTextBoxCell  idCell          = (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)gridRow.Cells["Id"];
                    DataGridViewTextBoxCell  channelCell     = (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)gridRow.Cells["tuningChannel"];
                    DataGridViewTextBoxCell  providerCell    = (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)gridRow.Cells["tuningChannel"];
                    DataGridViewCheckBoxCell showInGuideCell = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)gridRow.Cells["ShowInGuide"];

                    channelCell.Value     = ch.DisplayName;
                    idCell.Value          = ch.IdChannel;
                    showInGuideCell.Value = ch.VisibleInGuide;

                    DataGridViewComboBoxCell guideChannelComboBox = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)gridRow.Cells["guideChannel"];

                    // always add a empty item as the first option
                    // these channels will not be updated when saving

                    // Start by checking if there's an available mapping for this channel
                    Channel matchingGuideChannel = null;

                    if (guideChannelsExternald.ContainsKey(ch.ExternalId))
                        matchingGuideChannel = guideChannelsExternald[ch.ExternalId];
                        alreadyMapped        = true;
                    // no externalid mapping available, try using the name
                    if (matchingGuideChannel == null)
                        string tName = ch.DisplayName.Replace(" ", "").ToLowerInvariant();
                        if (guideChannels.ContainsKey(tName))
                            matchingGuideChannel = (Channel)guideChannels[tName];

                    Boolean exactMatch   = false;
                    Boolean partialMatch = false;

                    if (!alreadyMapped)
                        if (matchingGuideChannel != null)
                            exactMatch = true;
                            // No name mapping found

                            // do a partial search, default off
                            if (checkBoxPartialMatch.Checked)
                                // do a search using the first word(s) (skipping the last) of the channelname
                                name = ch.DisplayName.Trim();
                                int spaceIdx = name.LastIndexOf(" ");
                                if (spaceIdx > 0)
                                    name = name.Substring(0, spaceIdx).Trim();
                                    // only one word so we'll do a partial match on the first 3 letters
                                    if (name.Length > 3)
                                        name = name.Substring(0, 3);

                                    // Note: the partial match code doesn't work as described by the author
                                    // so we'll use PrefixMatch method (created by a codeproject user)
                                    ICollection partialMatches = guideChannels.PrefixMatch(name.Replace(" ", "").ToLowerInvariant());

                                    if (partialMatches != null && partialMatches.Count > 0)
                                        IEnumerator pmE = partialMatches.GetEnumerator();
                                        matchingGuideChannel = (Channel)guideChannels[(string)pmE.Current];
                                        partialMatch         = true;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Log.Error("Error while searching for matching guide channel :" + ex.Message);
                    // add the channels
                    // set the first matching channel in the search above as the selected

                    Boolean gotMatch = false;

                    string ALREADY_MAPPED = "Already mapped (got external id)";
                    string EXACT_MATCH    = "Exact match";
                    string PARTIAL_MATCH  = "Partial match";
                    string NO_MATCH       = "No match";

                    DataGridViewCell cell = gridRow.Cells["matchType"];

                    foreach (DictionaryEntry de in guideChannels)
                        Channel guideChannel = (Channel)de.Value;

                        String itemText = guideChannel.DisplayName + " (" + guideChannel.ExternalId + ")";


                        if (!gotMatch && matchingGuideChannel != null)
                            if (guideChannel.DisplayName.ToLowerInvariant().Equals(matchingGuideChannel.DisplayName.ToLowerInvariant()))
                                // set the matchtype row color according to the type of match(already mapped,exact, partial, none)
                                if (alreadyMapped)
                                    cell.Style.BackColor = Color.White;
                                    cell.ToolTipText     = ALREADY_MAPPED;
                                    // hack so that we can order the grid by mappingtype
                                    cell.Value = "";
                                else if (exactMatch)
                                    cell.Style.BackColor = Color.Green;
                                    cell.ToolTipText     = EXACT_MATCH;
                                    cell.Value           = "  ";
                                else if (partialMatch)
                                    cell.Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                                    cell.ToolTipText     = PARTIAL_MATCH;
                                    cell.Value           = "   ";

                                guideChannelComboBox.Value = itemText;
                                guideChannelComboBox.Tag   = ch.ExternalId;

                                gotMatch = true;
                    if (!gotMatch)
                        cell.Style.BackColor = Color.Red;
                        cell.ToolTipText     = NO_MATCH;
                        cell.Value           = "    ";
                textBoxAction.Text = "Finished";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Failed loading channels/mappings : channel {0} erro {1} ", name, ex.Message);
                textBoxAction.Text = "Error";
Ejemplo n.º 29
		public void TestCRUD()
			if( GentleSettings.ConcurrencyControl )
				GentleSettings.CacheObjects = false;
				m1 = new MemberCCSD( list.Id, "John Doe", "*****@*****.**" );
				// insert
				Assert.AreEqual( m1.Name, "John Doe", "The object was not properly inserted!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( m1.Address, "*****@*****.**", "The object was not properly inserted!" );
				// select
				m2 = MemberCCSD.Retrieve( m1.Id );
				// verify select/insert
				Assert.IsTrue( m2.Id != 0, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
				Assert.IsTrue( m2.Id > 4, "Existing id was reused!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( m1.Id, m2.Id, "The object could not be retrieved from the database!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( "John Doe", m2.Name, "The object was not properly retrieved on construction!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( "*****@*****.**", m2.Address,
				                 "The object was not properly retrieved on construction!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( m1.DatabaseVersion, m2.DatabaseVersion, "Database revision not retrieved!" );
				// update
				m2.Name = "Jane Doe";
				m2.Address = "*****@*****.**";
				Assert.AreEqual( m1.DatabaseVersion + 1, m2.DatabaseVersion, "Database revision not incremented!" );
				// verify update
				m1 = MemberCCSD.Retrieve( m2.Id );
				Assert.AreEqual( m2.Name, m1.Name, "Name not updated!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( m2.Address, m1.Address, "SenderAddress not updated!" );
				Assert.AreEqual( m1.DatabaseVersion, m2.DatabaseVersion, "Database revision not retrieved!" );
				// delete
				// verify delete by counting the number of rows
				SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Count, typeof(MemberCCSD) );
				sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Id", m1.Id );
				SqlResult sr = Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );
				Assert.AreEqual( 0, sr.Count, "Object not removed" );
Ejemplo n.º 30
 protected virtual void InitList(Type viaType, params Type[] relationTypes)
     if (listType == GentleListType.StandAlone)
         broker.RetrieveList(containedMap.Type, this);
     else if (listType == GentleListType.OneToMany)
         // no relation objects for 1:n relationships
         viaInstances = null;
         mappings     = containedMap.GetForeignKeyMappings(parentMap, true);
         if (mappings.Count == 0)
             mappings = viaMap.GetForeignKeyMappings(parentMap, false);
         Check.Verify(mappings.Count > 0, Error.DeveloperError,
                      "The type {0} does not contain a foreign key reference to type {1}.",
                      parentMap.Type, containedMap.Type);
         Check.Verify(mappings.Count == 1, Error.NotImplemented,
                      "GentleList for 1:n relations can not be used with composite keys.");
         // populate self with any existing entries matching the current parent
         Key key = new Key(parentMap.Type, true);
         IDictionaryEnumerator iterator = mappings.GetEnumerator();
         while (iterator.MoveNext())
             // construct a key to read the data; first obtain the referenced value from
             // the parent object (this is the constraint value used in the select)
             FieldMap fm = iterator.Value as FieldMap;
             object   referencedValue = fm.GetValue(parent);
             // if class references self make sure to pick the outgoing column
             if (containedMap.Type == parentMap.Type && !fm.IsForeignKey)
                 fm = iterator.Key as FieldMap;
             key[fm.MemberName] = referencedValue;
         broker.RetrieveList(containedMap.Type, key, this);
     else if (listType == GentleListType.ManyToMany)
         // create relation for n:m management
         Type[] relatedTypes = Merge(containedMap.Type, relationTypes);
         viaInstances = new GentleRelation(broker, viaType, parent, relatedTypes);
         // populate the list with any existing entries matching the current relation entries
         ObjectMap  viaMap = ObjectFactory.GetMap(broker, viaType);
         SqlBuilder sb     = new SqlBuilder(broker, StatementType.Select, containedMap.Type);
         // assume the relation object is the child, i.e. refers to the contained type
         mappings = viaMap.GetForeignKeyMappings(containedMap, true);
         if (mappings.Count == 0)
             mappings = viaMap.GetForeignKeyMappings(containedMap, false);
         Check.Verify(mappings.Count > 0, Error.DeveloperError,
                      "The type {0} does not contain a foreign key reference to type {1}.",
                      viaMap.Type, containedMap.Type);
         Check.Verify(mappings.Count == 1, Error.NotImplemented,
                      "GentleList for n:m relations can not be used with composite keys.");
         // verify that references point to unique instance
         //Check.Verify( mappings.Count == parentMap.PrimaryKeyCount, Error.DeveloperError,
         //	"The number of fields ({0}) referencing {1} from {2} must equal the primary key count ({3}).",
         //	mappings.Count, parentMap.Type, containedMap.Type, parentMap.PrimaryKeyCount );
         if (viaInstances.Count > 0)
             foreach (FieldMap remote in mappings.Keys)
                 FieldMap local = (FieldMap)mappings[remote];
                 // viaMap.GetForeignKeyFieldMap( containedMap.Type, local.PropertyName );
                 sb.AddConstraint(Operator.In, local.MemberName, viaInstances, remote.MemberName);
             ObjectFactory.GetCollection(containedMap.Type, sb.GetStatement(true).Execute(), this);
Ejemplo n.º 31
		public void CleanUp()
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( StatementType.Delete, typeof(MailingList) );
			sb.AddConstraint( Operator.GreaterThan, "Id", 3 );
			Broker.Execute( sb.GetStatement( true ) );