Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SqlWhileCloneTest()
            SqlVariable i = SqlDml.Variable("i", SqlType.Int32);
            SqlWhile    w = SqlDml.While(i <= 1000);
            SqlBatch    b = SqlDml.Batch();

            b.Add(SqlDml.Assign(i, i + 1));
            SqlTableRef t = SqlDml.TableRef(table1);
            SqlSelect   s = SqlDml.Select(t);

            s.Where = t[0] == i;
            SqlIf f = SqlDml.If(SqlDml.SubQuery(s) == "Unkown", SqlDml.Break, SqlDml.Continue);

            w.Statement = b;

            SqlWhile wClone = (SqlWhile)w.Clone();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(w, wClone);
            Assert.AreEqual(w.NodeType, wClone.NodeType);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(w.Condition, wClone.Condition);
            Assert.AreEqual(w.Condition.NodeType, wClone.Condition.NodeType);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(w.Statement, wClone.Statement);
            Assert.AreEqual(w.Statement.NodeType, wClone.Statement.NodeType);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public virtual void Visit(SqlBatch node)
     foreach (SqlStatement statement in node)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// <c>:EXIT</c> directive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batch">The batch.</param>
        /// <param name="exitBatch">The exit batch.</param>
        public virtual void Exit(SqlBatch batch, string exitBatch)
            this.ProcessBatch(batch, 1);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exitBatch) || this.arguments.ParseOnly)

            using (var command = this.connection.CreateCommand())
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                command.CommandText = exitBatch;

                    this.CustomExitCode = (int)command.ExecuteScalar();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Ignore any error: "When an incorrect query is specified, sqlcmd will exit without a return value."
                    // Error here may include InvalidCastException if the scalar result was null or not an integer.
                    this.WriteStdoutMessage($"Warning: Error in EXIT(query): {ex.Message}");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SqlBatch_ReturnsSameBatchTextAsPassed()
            string   s = StaticFiles.SimpleSelect();
            SqlBatch b = new SqlBatch(s);

            Assert.AreEqual(s, b.BatchText());
            Assert.AreEqual(21, b.BatchText().Length, "expected this specific length because that's what is in the file.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the parser has a complete batch to process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batch">The batch to process.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfExecutions">The number of times to execute the batch (e.g. <c>GO 2</c> to execute the batch twice.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the current error mode (as set by <c>:ON ERROR</c>) is IGNORE, then any <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException" /> should be caught and
        /// sent to the STDERR channel, else it should be thrown and the client should handle it.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void ProcessBatch(SqlBatch batch, int numberOfExecutions)
            var sql = batch.Sql;

                $"#### '{batch.Source}', Line {batch.BatchBeginLineNumber}, Execution Count: {numberOfExecutions} ####");

            Debug.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sql) ? "Empty batch ignored" : sql);
        public void Test1()
            var db   = DatabaseHelper.GetHelper("test");//test是一个数据库连接
            var list = db.ExecuteList <UserProfile3>("select * from UserProfile(nolock)");

            var pars = db.CreateParamterCollection(3);

            pars.Append("sex", 1);
            pars.Append("name", "test");
            var list2 = db.ExecuteList <UserProfile3>(@"select * from UserProfile(nolock) 
                                                        where Sex=@sex and Name like @name+'%'", pars);

            var list3 = db.ExecuteList <UserProfile3>(@"select * from UserProfile(nolock) 
                                                        where Sex={0} and Name like {1}+'%'", 1, "test");

            var user1 = db.ExecuteFirst <UserProfile3>("select * from UserProfile(nolock) where id={0}", 2);

            var batch = new SqlBatch();

            batch.Append("select * from UserProfile(nolock)");
            batch.AppendFormat(@"select * from UserProfile(nolock) 
                                  where Sex={0} and Name like {1}+'%'", 1, "test");
            var ds    = db.ExecuteDataSet(batch);
            var list4 = Map.List <UserProfile3>(ds.Tables[0]);
            var list5 = Map.List <UserProfile3>(ds.Tables[1]);

            var batch2 = new SqlBatch();

            batch.Append("select * from UserProfile(nolock)");
            batch.AppendFormat(@"select * from UserProfile(nolock) 
                                  where Sex={0} and Name like {1}+'%'", 1, "test");
            using (var reader = db.ExecuteReader(batch))
                var list6 = Map.List <UserProfile3>(reader);
                var list7 = Map.List <UserProfile3>(reader);

            Assert.Greater(list.Count, 0);

            Assert.Greater(list2.Count, 0);

            Assert.Greater(list3.Count, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public virtual DbDataReader ExecuteReader(
            IRelationalConnection connection,
            DbTransaction transaction,
            string sql)
            Check.NotNull(connection, nameof(connection));
            Check.NotNull(sql, nameof(sql));

                       () =>
                var command = new SqlBatch(sql).CreateCommand(connection, transaction);

                return command.ExecuteReader();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void SqlBatchCloneTest()
            SqlParameterRef p = SqlDml.ParameterRef("p");
            SqlAssignment   a = SqlDml.Assign(p, 1);
            SqlBatch        b = SqlDml.Batch();

            SqlBatch bClone = (SqlBatch)b.Clone();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(b, bClone);
            Assert.AreEqual(b.NodeType, bClone.NodeType);
            Assert.AreEqual(b.Count, bClone.Count);
            foreach (SqlStatement s in b)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public virtual Task <DbDataReader> ExecuteReaderAsync(
            IRelationalConnection connection,
            DbTransaction transaction,
            string sql,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            Check.NotNull(connection, nameof(connection));
            Check.NotNull(sql, nameof(sql));

                       () =>
                var command = new SqlBatch(sql).CreateCommand(connection, transaction);

                return command.ExecuteReaderAsync(cancellationToken);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the update table schema SQL.
        /// </summary>
        public static SqlBatch GetUpdateTableSql(this IDataHelper dh, Type modelType)
            List <SqlBatch> sqls            = new List <SqlBatch>();
            var             columnNameDic   = AttributeHelper.GetProp2ColumnNameDics(dh.Driver.DirverType, modelType);
            var             colIndexs       = AttributeHelper.GetColumn2IndexNameDics(dh.Driver.DirverType, modelType);
            var             primaryKeyProps = AttributeHelper.GetPrimaryKeys(dh.Driver.DirverType, modelType, false);
            var             createDdls      = AttributeHelper.GetPropertyName2DDLs(dh.Driver.DirverType, modelType, dh.Driver.TypeMapping);
            var             tableName       = AttributeHelper.GetTableName(modelType, false, null);
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, string> columnDdls = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var ddl in createDdls)
                columnDdls.TryAdd(columnNameDic[ddl.Key], ddl.Value);
            var      primaryKeyColumns = primaryKeyProps.ConvertToAll(p => columnNameDic[p]);
            SqlBatch sql = dh.Driver.GetUpdateTableSql(tableName, columnDdls, primaryKeyColumns, colIndexs);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void AddTest()
            SqlLiteral <int> l1 = SqlDml.Literal(1);
            SqlLiteral <int> l2 = SqlDml.Literal(2);
            SqlBinary        b  = l1 + l2;

            Assert.AreEqual(b.NodeType, SqlNodeType.Add);

            b = b - ~l1;
            Assert.AreEqual(b.NodeType, SqlNodeType.Subtract);
            Assert.AreEqual(b.Right.NodeType, SqlNodeType.BitNot);

            SqlSelect s = SqlDml.Select();

            s.Columns.Add(1, "id");
            b = b / s;
            Assert.AreEqual(b.NodeType, SqlNodeType.Divide);
            Assert.AreEqual(b.Right.NodeType, SqlNodeType.SubSelect);

            SqlCast c = SqlDml.Cast(l1, SqlType.Decimal);

            Assert.AreEqual(c.NodeType, SqlNodeType.Cast);

            SqlFunctionCall l = SqlDml.CharLength(SqlDml.Literal("name"));

            b = c % l;
            Assert.AreEqual(b.NodeType, SqlNodeType.Modulo);
            Assert.AreEqual(b.Right.NodeType, SqlNodeType.FunctionCall);

            b = l1 * (-l2);
            Assert.AreEqual(b.NodeType, SqlNodeType.Multiply);
            Assert.AreEqual(b.Right.NodeType, SqlNodeType.Negate);

            SqlBatch    batch = SqlDml.Batch();
            SqlVariable v1    = SqlDml.Variable("v1", SqlType.Double);

            batch.Add(SqlDml.Assign(v1, 1.0));
            s = SqlDml.Select();
            s.Columns.Add(b, "value");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the delete SQL by where.
        /// </summary>
        public static SqlBatch GetDeleteSqlByWhere <T>(this IDataHelper dh, string whereCondition, params Params[] paramKeyAndValue)
            var           type      = typeof(T);
            var           tableName = AttributeHelper.GetTableName(type, true, dh.Driver.SafeName);
            List <Params> paramList = new List <Params>();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(whereCondition))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("The parameter 'whereCondition' must have a value.");
            var sqlString = string.Format("DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1}", tableName, whereCondition);

            if (paramKeyAndValue != null && paramKeyAndValue.Length > 0)
            var sql = new SqlBatch(sqlString, paramList.ToArray());

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void Batches()
            var tests = new List <Tuple <string[], string> >
                Tuple.Create(new[] { "a", "#a", "a", "a", "a", "#a", "#a" }, "1t, 1n, 3t, 2n"),
                Tuple.Create(new[] { "a" }, "1t"),
                Tuple.Create(new[] { "#a" }, "1n"),
                Tuple.Create(new string[] {}, ""),
                Tuple.Create(new[] { "#" }, ""),
                Tuple.Create(new[] { "a", "a", "a#", "a#a" }, "4t"),
                Tuple.Create(new[] { "#a", "#a" }, "2n"),
                Tuple.Create(new[] { "a", "a", "#", "a", "a" }, "2t, 2t"),
                Tuple.Create(new[] { "#a", "#a", "#", "#a", "#a" }, "4n"),

            foreach (var test in tests)
                var    batches = SqlBatch.FormBatches(test.Item1.Select(sql => sql.Replace("#", SqlUtility.NoTransactionTag)));
                string report  = TestUtility.Dump(batches, batch => batch.Count + (batch.UseTransacion ? "t" : "n"));
                Assert.AreEqual(test.Item2, report, "Test: " + TestUtility.Dump(test.Item1) + ".");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the update SQL by where.
        /// </summary>
        public static SqlBatch GetUpdateSqlByWhere <T>(this IDataHelper dh, T model, bool isNullMeansIgnore, string whereCondition, params Params[] paramKeyAndValue)
            var           type          = typeof(T);
            var           tableName     = AttributeHelper.GetTableName(type, true, dh.Driver.SafeName);
            var           columnNameDic = AttributeHelper.GetProp2ColumnNameDics(dh.Driver.DirverType, type);
            var           modelValues   = ReflectHelper.GetPropertyValues(type, model, !isNullMeansIgnore, true, true);
            List <string> upPropList    = new List <string>();
            List <Params> paramList     = new List <Params>();

            if (modelValues.Count == 0)
                throw new PropertyNoneValueException()
                          ModelObject = model
            foreach (var prop in modelValues)
                var key        = prop.Key;
                var columnName = columnNameDic[key];
                upPropList.Add(string.Format("{0}=@SysParam{1}", dh.Driver.SafeName(columnName), columnName));
                paramList.Add(new Params("SysParam" + columnName, prop.Value));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(whereCondition))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("The parameter 'whereCondition' must have a value.");
            var updateSql = string.Join(",", upPropList);
            var sqlString = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2}", tableName, updateSql, whereCondition);

            if (paramKeyAndValue != null && paramKeyAndValue.Length > 0)
            var sql = new SqlBatch(sqlString, paramList.ToArray());

Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void ExecuteBatch(SqlBatch batch)
     if (Driver.ServerInfo.Query.Features.HasFlag(QueryFeatures.Batches))
         if (batch.Count > 0)
             using (var command = Connection.CreateCommand(batch)) {
     if (batch.Count > 0)
         foreach (var query in batch)
             using (var command = Connection.CreateCommand((ISqlCompileUnit)query)) {
 public override void Visit(SqlBatch codeObject)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public override void Visit(SqlBatch codeObject)
     parameters = referencedVariables.Except(declaredVariables).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var dh = Cocon90.Db.Common.Db.GetDataHelper("Sqlite", "Data Source=${app}\\test.db3");
            //var dh = Cocon90.Db.Common.Db.GetDataHelper(DbTypeEnum.Mysql,"server=;port=3306;database=datarepair;uid=root;pwd=123456;");
            //var dh = Cocon90.Db.Common.Db.GetDataHelper(DbTypeEnum.SqlServer, "server=.;database=cy-data;uid=sa;pwd=password001!;");
            var updsql = dh.GetUpdateSql(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Code = 23, CodeAndLang = "bbb", Date = DateTime.Now, Percent = 2
            }, true, "IsOfficial=1");

            dh.CreateOrUpdateTable <Model.CountryLanguageModel>();
            var sqlExist = dh.GetInsertIfNotExistPrimeryKeySql <Model.CountryLanguageModel>(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                CodeAndLang = "asdf", Date = DateTime.Now, Code = 099, Percent = 3
            }, 23, "Lang");
            var sql = dh.GetInsertIfNotExistSql(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Code = 23, CodeAndLang = "bbb", Language = "zh", Date = DateTime.Now, Percent = 2
            }, "select 1 from CountryLanguage where IsOfficial=1");
            var succ = dh.InsertIfNotExist(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Code = 23, CodeAndLang = "bbb", Language = "zh", Date = DateTime.Now, Percent = 2
            }, "select 1 from CountryLanguage where IsOfficial=1");
            var createSql    = dh.GetCreateTableSql <Model.CountryLanguageModel>();
            var updateTabSql = dh.GetUpdateTableSql(typeof(Model.CountryLanguageModel));
            var effRow       = dh.CreateOrUpdateTable <Model.CountryLanguageModel>();

            var    needInserts = new List <Model.CountryLanguageModel>();
            Random rand        = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
                needInserts.Add(new Model.CountryLanguageModel()
                    Percent = (decimal)(rand.NextDouble() * 10), Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1 * i), Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), IsOfficial = rand.Next(0, 2) > 0, Code = i, Language = "Lang_" + i
            var succRows = dh.Save(needInserts.ToArray());

            dh.GetTable("SELECT * FROM countrylanguage");
            var lst = dh.GetList <Model.CountryLanguageModel>("SELECT * FROM countrylanguage");

            var oneModel  = dh.GetOne <Model.CountryLanguageModel>("select * from countrylanguage");
            var oneModel2 = dh.GetOneByPrimaryKey <Model.CountryLanguageModel>(1, "Lang_1");
            //var successRows = dh.Insert(new Model.CountryLanguage() { Percent = 1.555m, IsOfficial = false, Code = 2, Language = "Lang" },
            //      new Model.CountryLanguage() { Percent = 1.66m, IsOfficial = true, Code = 3, Language = "Lang" });
            var updateSql = dh.GetUpdateSqlByPrimaryKey(new Model.CountryLanguageModel()
                Percent = 9.9m
            }, true, "1=1 AND 2=2", 3, "Lang");
            var updateSql2 = dh.GetUpdateSql(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Code = 3, Percent = 3.3m
            }, false, null);
            var updateSql3 = dh.GetUpdateSqlByWhere(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Code = 3, Percent = 3.3m
            }, true, "Language='Lang'", new Common.Data.Params("@Name", "song"));
            var updateRow3 = dh.UpdateByByWhere(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Percent = 3.3m
            }, true, "Language='Lang'");
            var updateRow = dh.UpdateByPrimaryKey(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Percent = 4.5m
            }, true, null, 3, "Lang");
            var deleteSql  = dh.GetDeleteSqlByPrimaryKey <Model.CountryLanguageModel>("1=1", 3, "Lang");
            var deleteSql1 = dh.GetDeleteSqlByPrimaryKey <Model.CountryLanguageModel>(null, 3, "Lang_111");
            var deleteSql2 = dh.GetDeleteSqlByWhere <Model.CountryLanguageModel>("Percentage=@Perc", new Common.Data.Params("Perc", 100));
            var deleteSql3 = dh.GetDeleteSql(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Code = 3, Percent = 3.3m
            }, "1=@myParam", new Common.Data.Params("myParam", 1));
            var deleteSql4 = dh.GetDeleteSql <Model.CountryLanguageModel>(null, "1=@myParam", new Common.Data.Params("myParam", 1));
            var successRow = dh.Delete(new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Code = 3, Percent = 4.5m

            var saveSql = dh.GetSaveSql(new Model.CountryLanguageModel()
                Percent = 1.555m, IsOfficial = false, Code = 2, Language = "Lang"
                                        new Model.CountryLanguageModel()
                Percent = 1.66m, IsOfficial = true, Code = 3, Language = "Lang"
            var saveRows = dh.Save(new Model.CountryLanguageModel()
                Percent = 1.555m, IsOfficial = false, Code = 2, Language = "Lang"
                                   new Model.CountryLanguageModel()
                Percent = 1.66m, IsOfficial = true, Code = 3, Language = "Lang"
            var executeNoQuery = dh.ExecNoQuery("update countrylanguage set Percentage=4.4 where Percentage=@Percent", new Model.CountryLanguageModel {
                Percent = 1.6m
            var executeNoQuery2 = dh.ExecNoQuery("update countrylanguage set Percentage=4.4 where Percentage=@Percent", new { Percent = 1.6m });
            var pageSql         = dh.Driver.GetPagedSql("select * from countrylanguage", "CountryCode", true, 1, 10);
            var pageResult      = dh.GetPagedResult <Model.CountryLanguageModel>("select * from countrylanguage", "countrycode", true, 1, 10);
            List <Model.CountryLanguageModel> data = pageResult.Data;
            int totalRecordCount = pageResult.Total;
            int pageNum          = pageResult.PageNumber;
            int pageSize         = pageResult.PageSize;

            var sql1 = new SqlBatch("update countrylanguage set Percentage=4.4 where 1=2");
            var sql2 = new SqlBatch("update countrylanguage set Percentage=4.4 where 1=4");
            var sql3 = new SqlBatch("update countrylanguage set Percentage=4.4 where 1=6");

            dh.ExecBatch(new SqlBatch[] { sql1, sql2, sql3 }, true);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void Visit(SqlBatch node)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the parser has a complete batch to process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batch">The batch to process.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfExecutions">The number of times to execute the batch (e.g. <c>GO 2</c> to execute the batch twice.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the current error mode (as set by <c>:ON ERROR</c>) is IGNORE, then any <see cref="SqlException" /> should be caught and
        /// sent to the STDERR channel, else it should be thrown and the client should handle it.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual void ProcessBatch(SqlBatch batch, int numberOfExecutions)
            if (this.arguments.ParseOnly)

            var sql = batch.Sql;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sql))
                // Batch is empty. Don't round-trip the SQL server

            // Get the query timeout
            var queryTimeout = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(this.variableResolver.ResolveVariable("SQLCMDSTATTIMEOUT"), out var t))
                queryTimeout = t;

                // For each execution (numeric argument to GO)
                for (var i = 0; i < numberOfExecutions; ++i)
                    // Reset try count
                    var numTries = 0;

                    // Loop till command succeeds, non-retryable error or retry count exceeded
                    while (true)

                            using (var command = this.connection.CreateCommand())
                                command.CommandType    = CommandType.Text;
                                command.CommandText    = sql;
                                command.CommandTimeout = queryTimeout;

                                if (this.resultsAs == OutputAs.None)

                                // Success - exit while loop.
                        catch (SqlException ex)
                            if (!IsRetriableError(ex) || numTries >= this.arguments.RetryCount)
                                // Can't retry this command
                                // Exit both the while loop and the go count as it will always fail.
            catch (SqlException e)


                if (this.ErrorAction == ErrorAction.Exit)

                // Indicate that errors have occurred during processing and continue
                this.arguments.ExitCode = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void CreateParser_DoesNotCrash()
            SqlBatch b = new SqlBatch("");

            Assert.IsNotNull(b, "should be able to create batch.");
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override void Visit(SqlBatch codeObject)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public override void ExplicitVisit(SqlBatch node)
            var nodeAnalyse = node.Analyse;

            var declarationScope = this._DBScope.CreateChildDeclarationScope("Declaration", null);


            var batchScope = declarationScope.CreateChildScope("TSqlBatch", null);

            nodeAnalyse.SqlCodeScope = batchScope;

            var node_Statements = node.Statements;

             * SqlCodeScope scopeLastStatement = batchScope;
            for (int i = 0, count = node_Statements.Count; i < count; i++)
                var statement = node_Statements[i];

                 * SqlCodeScope scopeStatement = null;
                 * if (scopeLastStatement.HasContent) {
                 *  scopeStatement = scopeLastStatement.CreateNextScope(statement.GetType().Name, null);
                 *  this._CurrentScope.Pop();
                 *  this._CurrentScope.Push(scopeStatement);
                 *  this.currentScope = scopeStatement;
                 *  scopeLastStatement = scopeStatement;
                 * }

            this._AnalyseResults.Add(new AnalyseResult()
                DeclarationScope = declarationScope,

                 * LastScope = scopeLastStatement,
                LastScope     = this.currentScopeRef.Current,
                SqlCodeResult = null,
                SqlCodeType   = null,
                Fragment      = node
            var pop1 = this.currentScopeRef.Pop();

             * System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(scopeLastStatement, pop1), "last statement");

            var pop2 = this.currentScopeRef.Pop();

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(declarationScope, pop2), "db scope");

             * var node_Statements = node.Statements;
             * for (int i = 0, count = node_Statements.Count; i < count; i++) {
             *  var statement = node_Statements[i];
             *  this.ExplicitVisit(statement);
             * }
             * this._Scopes.Pop();
             * this.currentScope = this._Scopes.Peek();