Ejemplo n.º 1
		public override Dictionary<string, FileOutput> Package(
			BuildContext buildContext,
			string projectId,
			Dictionary<string, ParseTree.Executable[]> finalCode,
			List<string> filesToCopyOver,
			ICollection<ParseTree.StructDefinition> structDefinitions,
			string inputFolder,
			SpriteSheetBuilder spriteSheet)
			Dictionary<string, FileOutput> output = new Dictionary<string, FileOutput>();
			List<string> concatenatedCode = new List<string>();
			Dictionary<string, string> replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>()
				{ "PROJECT_ID", projectId },

			concatenatedCode.Add(this.GetPyGameCode("Header.py", replacements));
			concatenatedCode.Add(this.GetPyGameCode("AsyncHttpFetcher.py", replacements));
			this.Translator.TranslateGlobals(concatenatedCode, finalCode);
			this.Translator.TranslateSwitchLookups(concatenatedCode, finalCode);
			this.Translator.TranslateFunctions(concatenatedCode, finalCode);
			concatenatedCode.Add(this.GetPyGameCode("Footer.py", replacements));

			output["game.py"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = string.Join("", concatenatedCode)

			foreach (string file in filesToCopyOver)
				output[file] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Copy,
					RelativeInputPath = file,

			return output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public override Dictionary<string, FileOutput> Package(BuildContext buildContext, string projectId, Dictionary<string, ParseTree.Executable[]> finalCode, List<string> filesToCopyOver, ICollection<ParseTree.StructDefinition> structDefinitions, string fileCopySourceRoot, SpriteSheetBuilder spriteSheet)
			Dictionary<string, string> mainFile = new Dictionary<string, string>();
			string nl = this.Translator.NL;

			List<string> structSection = new List<string>();
			foreach (StructDefinition structDefinition in structDefinitions)
				string name = structDefinition.Name.Value;
				structSection.Add("typedef struct " + name + " {");
				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.Fields.Length; ++i)
					string fieldName = structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i];
					Annotation type = structDefinition.Types[i];
					string typeValue = ((StringConstant)type.Args[0]).Value;
					string typeString = this.GetTypeStringFromAnnotation(structDefinition.Fields[i], typeValue, false, false);
					structSection.Add("\t" + typeString + " " + fieldName + "; /* " + typeValue + " */");
				structSection.Add("} " + name + ";");

			mainFile["structs"] = string.Join("\n", structSection);

			Dictionary<string, FileOutput> output = new Dictionary<string, FileOutput>();

			List<string> mainC = new List<string>();
			this.Translator.TranslateGlobals(mainC, finalCode);
			this.Translator.TranslateFunctions(mainC, finalCode);

			output["main.c"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = string.Join("", mainC)

			return output;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		public override Dictionary<string, FileOutput> Package(
			BuildContext buildContext,
			string projectId,
			Dictionary<string, ParseTree.Executable[]> finalCode,
			List<string> filesToCopyOver,
			ICollection<ParseTree.StructDefinition> structDefinitions,
			string inputFolder,
			SpriteSheetBuilder spriteSheet)
			Dictionary<string, FileOutput> output = new Dictionary<string, FileOutput>();
			string package = "com." + projectId.ToLowerInvariant() + ".app";
			string pathToJavaCode = "app/src/main/java/" + package.Replace('.', '/');

			Dictionary<string, string> replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
				{ "PROJECT_TITLE", projectId },
				{ "PROJECT_ID", projectId },
				{ "PACKAGE", package },
				{ "CURRENT_YEAR", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() },
				{ "COPYRIGHT", "©" },

			foreach (string simpleCopyText in new string[] {
				// Boilerplate Android project stuff
				projectId + ".iml|AndroidProject/Boilerplate/ProjectIml.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/util/SystemUiHider.java|AndroidProject/Boilerplate/JavaUtilSystemUiHider.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/util/SystemUiHiderBase.java|AndroidProject/Boilerplate/JavaUtilSystemUiHiderBase.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/util/SystemUiHiderHoneycomb.java|AndroidProject/Boilerplate/JavaUtilSystemUiHiderHoneycomb.txt",

				// Crayon Android stuff
				pathToJavaCode + "/AndroidTranslationHelper.java|AndroidProject/AndroidTranslationHelper.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/GlUtil.java|AndroidProject/GlUtil.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/GameActivity.java|AndroidProject/GameActivity.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/OpenGlRenderer.java|AndroidProject/OpenGlRenderer.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/CrayonGlRenderer.java|AndroidProject/CrayonGlRenderer.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/CrayonGlSurfaceView.java|AndroidProject/CrayonGlSurfaceView.txt",

				// Generic Crayon Java stuff
				pathToJavaCode + "/AsyncMessageQueue.java|Project/AsyncMessageQueue.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/TranslationHelper.java|Project/TranslationHelper.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/Image.java|Project/Image.txt",
				pathToJavaCode + "/JsonParser.java|Project/JsonParser.txt",
			}) {
				string[] parts = simpleCopyText.Split('|');
				string target = parts[0];
				string source = parts[1];
				bool isBinary = !source.EndsWith(".txt");
				if (isBinary)
					output[target] = new FileOutput()
						Type = FileOutputType.Binary,
						BinaryContent = Util.ReadBytesInternally("Translator/Java/" + source)
					string text = Util.ReadFileInternally("Translator/Java/" + source);
					output[target] = new FileOutput()
						Type = FileOutputType.Text,
						TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(text, replacements)

			foreach (string basicFile in new string[] { 
				output[pathToJavaCode + "/" + basicFile + ".java"] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(
						Util.ReadFileInternally("Translator/Java/Project/" + basicFile + ".txt"),

			string[] items = finalCode.Keys.OrderBy<string, string>(s => s.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray();

			List<string> crayonWrapper = new List<string>();
				"package %%%PACKAGE%%%;",
				"import java.util.ArrayList;",
				"import java.util.HashMap;",
				"import java.util.Stack;",
				"final class CrayonWrapper {",
				"    private CrayonWrapper() {}",

			foreach (string finalCodeKey in items)
				this.Translator.Translate(crayonWrapper, finalCode[finalCodeKey]);


			output[pathToJavaCode + "/CrayonWrapper.java"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(string.Join("", crayonWrapper), replacements)

			string crayonHeader = string.Join(this.Translator.NL, new string[] {
					"package " + package + ";",
					"import java.util.ArrayList;",
					"import java.util.HashMap;",
					"import java.util.Stack;",

			string nl = this.Translator.NL;

			foreach (StructDefinition structDefinition in structDefinitions)
				string structName = structDefinition.Name.Value;
				string filename = structName + ".java";

				List<string> codeContents = new List<string>();

				codeContents.Add("class " + structName + " {" + nl);
				codeContents.Add("    public " + structName + "(");
				List<string> types = new List<string>();
				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					string type;
					Annotation typeAnnotation = structDefinition.Types[i];
					if (typeAnnotation == null)
						throw new Exception("Are there any of these left?");
						type = this.GetTypeStringFromAnnotation(typeAnnotation.FirstToken, typeAnnotation.GetSingleArgAsString(null), false, false);

					if (i > 0) codeContents.Add(", ");
					codeContents.Add(" v_" + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i]);
				codeContents.Add(") {" + nl);

				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					codeContents.Add("        this." + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + " = v_" + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + ";" + nl);

				codeContents.Add("    }" + nl + nl);
				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					codeContents.Add("    public ");
					codeContents.Add(" " + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + ";" + nl);

				codeContents.Add("}" + nl);

				string fileContents = string.Join("", codeContents);
				string header = "package " + package + ";" + nl + nl;

				bool useList = fileContents.Contains("ArrayList<");
				bool useHashMap = fileContents.Contains("HashMap<");
				bool useStack = fileContents.Contains("Stack<");
				if (useList || useHashMap || useStack)
					if (useList) header += "import java.util.ArrayList;" + nl;
					if (useHashMap) header += "import java.util.HashMap;" + nl;
					if (useStack) header += "import java.util.Stack;" + nl;
					header += nl;
				fileContents = header + fileContents;

				output[pathToJavaCode + "/" + filename] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = fileContents

				output["app/src/main/res/bytecode/ByteCode.txt"] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = this.Context.ByteCodeString

			foreach (string file in filesToCopyOver)
				System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpHack = null;
				if (file.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".png"))
					bmpHack = HackUtil.ReEncodePngImageForJava(System.IO.Path.Combine(inputFolder, file));

				if (bmpHack != null)
					output["app/src/main/res/images/" + file] = new FileOutput()
						Type = FileOutputType.Image,
						Bitmap = bmpHack
					output["app/src/main/res/images/" + file] = new FileOutput()
						Type = FileOutputType.Copy,
						RelativeInputPath = file

			output["app/src/main/res/raw/bytes.txt"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = this.Context.ByteCodeString

			return output;
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public override Dictionary<string, FileOutput> Package(
			BuildContext buildContext,
			string projectId,
			Dictionary<string, ParseTree.Executable[]> finalCode,
			List<string> filesToCopyOver,
			ICollection<ParseTree.StructDefinition> structDefinitions,
			string inputFolder,
			SpriteSheetBuilder spriteSheet)
			Dictionary<string, FileOutput> output = new Dictionary<string, FileOutput>();
			string package = projectId.ToLowerInvariant();

			Dictionary<string, string> replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
				{ "PROJECT_TITLE", projectId },
				{ "PROJECT_ID", projectId },
				{ "PACKAGE", package },
				{ "CURRENT_YEAR", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() },
				{ "COPYRIGHT", "©" },

			foreach (string awtFile in new string[] { 
				output["src/" + package + "/" + awtFile + ".java"] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(
						Util.ReadFileInternally("Translator/Java/AwtProject/" + awtFile + ".txt"),

			foreach (string basicFile in new string[] { 
				output["src/" + package + "/" + basicFile + ".java"] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(
						Util.ReadFileInternally("Translator/Java/Project/" + basicFile + ".txt"),

			foreach (string basicFile in new string[] { 
				output["src/" + package + "/" + basicFile + ".java"] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(
						Util.ReadFileInternally("Translator/Java/AwtProject/" + basicFile + ".txt"),

			string[] items = finalCode.Keys.OrderBy<string, string>(s => s.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray();

			List<string> crayonWrapper = new List<string>();
				"package %%%PACKAGE%%%;",
				"import java.util.ArrayList;",
				"import java.util.HashMap;",
				"import java.util.Stack;",
				"final class CrayonWrapper {",
				"    private CrayonWrapper() {}",

			foreach (string finalCodeKey in items)
				this.Translator.Translate(crayonWrapper, finalCode[finalCodeKey]);


			output["src/" + package + "/CrayonWrapper.java"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(string.Join("", crayonWrapper), replacements)

			string crayonHeader = string.Join(this.Translator.NL, new string[] {
					"package " + package + ";",
					"import java.util.ArrayList;",
					"import java.util.HashMap;",
					"import java.util.Stack;",

			string nl = this.Translator.NL;

			foreach (StructDefinition structDefinition in structDefinitions)
				string structName = structDefinition.Name.Value;
				string filename = structName + ".java";

				List<string> codeContents = new List<string>();

				codeContents.Add("class " + structName + " {" + nl);
				codeContents.Add("    public " + structName + "(");
				List<string> types = new List<string>();
				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					string type;
					Annotation typeAnnotation = structDefinition.Types[i];
					if (typeAnnotation == null)
						throw new Exception("Are there any of these left?");
						type = this.GetTypeStringFromAnnotation(typeAnnotation.FirstToken, typeAnnotation.GetSingleArgAsString(null), false, false);

					if (i > 0) codeContents.Add(", ");
					codeContents.Add(" v_" + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i]);
				codeContents.Add(") {" + nl);

				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					codeContents.Add("        this." + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + " = v_" + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + ";" + nl);

				codeContents.Add("    }" + nl + nl);
				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					codeContents.Add("    public ");
					codeContents.Add(" " + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + ";" + nl);

				codeContents.Add("}" + nl);

				string fileContents = string.Join("", codeContents);
				string header = "package " + package + ";" + nl + nl;

				bool useList = fileContents.Contains("ArrayList<");
				bool useHashMap = fileContents.Contains("HashMap<");
				bool useStack = fileContents.Contains("Stack<");
				if (useList || useHashMap || useStack)
					if (useList) header += "import java.util.ArrayList;" + nl;
					if (useHashMap) header += "import java.util.HashMap;" + nl;
					if (useStack) header += "import java.util.Stack;" + nl;
					header += nl;
				fileContents = header + fileContents;

				output["src/" + package + "/" + filename] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = fileContents

			output["data/ByteCode.txt"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = this.Context.ByteCodeString

			foreach (string file in filesToCopyOver)
				System.Drawing.Bitmap bmpHack = null;
				if (file.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".png"))
					bmpHack = HackUtil.ReEncodePngImageForJava(System.IO.Path.Combine(inputFolder, file));

				if (bmpHack != null)
					output["resources/" + file] = new FileOutput()
						Type = FileOutputType.Image,
						Bitmap = bmpHack
					output["resources/" + file] = new FileOutput()
						Type = FileOutputType.Copy,
						RelativeInputPath = file

			output["build.xml"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(

			return output;
Ejemplo n.º 5
		public override Dictionary<string, FileOutput> Package(
			BuildContext buildContext,
			string projectId,
			Dictionary<string, ParseTree.Executable[]> finalCode,
			List<string> filesToCopyOver,
			ICollection<ParseTree.StructDefinition> structDefinitions,
			string inputFolder,
			SpriteSheetBuilder spriteSheet)
			Dictionary<string, FileOutput> output = new Dictionary<string, FileOutput>();

			Dictionary<string, string> replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>()
				{ "JS_FILE_PREFIX", "'" + this.jsFolderPrefix + "'" },
				{ "PROJECT_ID", projectId },

			output["index.html"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = this.GenerateHtmlFile()

			List<string> codeJs = new List<string>();

			foreach (string jsFile in new string[] {
				codeJs.Add(Minify(Util.ReadFileInternally("Translator/JavaScript/Browser/" + jsFile)));

			foreach (string component in finalCode.Keys)
				this.Translator.Translate(codeJs, finalCode[component]);

			string codeJsText = Constants.DoReplacements(string.Join("", codeJs), replacements);

			if (this.IsMin)
				codeJsText = JavaScriptMinifier.Minify(codeJsText);

			output["code.js"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = codeJsText

			output["bytecode.js"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = string.Join("\n", new string[] {
					"var CRAYON = {};",
					"CRAYON.getByteCode = function() {",
					"\treturn \"" + this.Context.ByteCodeString + "\";",

			HashSet<string> binaryFileTypes = new HashSet<string>(
				"JPG PNG GIF JPEG BMP MP3 OGG".Split(' '));

			Dictionary<string, string> textResources = new Dictionary<string, string>();

			foreach (string file in filesToCopyOver)
				string[] parts = file.Split('.');
				bool isBinary = file.Length > 1 && binaryFileTypes.Contains(parts[parts.Length - 1].ToUpperInvariant());

				if (isBinary)
					output[file] = new FileOutput()
						Type = FileOutputType.Copy,
						RelativeInputPath = file
					textResources[file] = null;
					textResources[file] = Util.ReadFileExternally(System.IO.Path.Combine(inputFolder, file), false);

			if (textResources.Count > 0)
				output["resources.js"] = new FileOutput()
					TextContent = BuildTextResourcesCodeFile(textResources),
					Type = FileOutputType.Text

			return output;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		public override Dictionary<string, FileOutput> Package(
			BuildContext buildContext,
			string projectId,
			Dictionary<string, Executable[]> finalCode,
			List<string> filesToCopyOver,
			ICollection<StructDefinition> structDefinitions,
			string inputFolder,
			SpriteSheetBuilder spriteSheet)
			string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
			string guid2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

			Dictionary<string, string> replacements = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
				{ "PROJECT_GUID", guid },
				{ "ASSEMBLY_GUID", guid2 },
				{ "PROJECT_TITLE", projectId },
				{ "PROJECT_ID", projectId },
				{ "CURRENT_YEAR", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() },
				{ "COPYRIGHT", "©" },
				{ "EXTRA_DLLS", "" },

			HashSet<string> systemLibraries = new HashSet<string>(new string[] {

			List<string> systemLibrariesStringBuilder = new List<string>();
			foreach (string library in systemLibraries.OrderBy<string, string>(s => s.ToLowerInvariant()))
				systemLibrariesStringBuilder.Add("    <Reference Include=\"" + library + "\" />");
			replacements["SYSTEM_LIBRARIES"] = string.Join("\r\n", systemLibrariesStringBuilder);

			Dictionary<string, FileOutput> output = new Dictionary<string, FileOutput>();
			List<string> compileTargets = new List<string>();

			// Get embedded resource list
			List<string> embeddedResources = this.GetEmbeddedResources(projectId, output, filesToCopyOver);

			// Code files that are templated
			Dictionary<string, string> directFileCopies = new Dictionary<string, string>()
				{ "SolutionFile.txt", projectId + ".sln" },
				{ "ProjectFile.txt", projectId + ".csproj" },
				{ "ProgramCs.txt", "Program.cs" },
				{ "AssemblyInfo.txt", "Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs" },
				{ "JsonParser.txt", "JsonParser.cs" },
				{ "TranslationHelper.txt", "TranslationHelper.cs" },
				{ "GamepadTranslationHelper.txt", "GamepadTranslationHelper.cs" },
				{ "ResourceReader.txt", "ResourceReader.cs" },
				{ "AsyncMessageQueue.txt", "AsyncMessageQueue.cs" },

			// Create a list of compiled C# files
			foreach (string finalFilePath in directFileCopies.Values.Where<string>(f => f.EndsWith(".cs")))
				compileTargets.Add(finalFilePath.Replace('/', '\\'));

			string crayonHeader = string.Join(this.Translator.NL, new string[] {
					"using System;",
					"using System.Collections.Generic;",
					"using System.Linq;",
					"using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;",
					"namespace " + projectId,

			string crayonWrapperHeader = string.Join(this.Translator.NL, new string[] {
					crayonHeader + "\tinternal partial class CrayonWrapper",

			string crayonFooter = "}" + this.Translator.NL;
			string crayonWrapperFooter = "\t}" + this.Translator.NL + crayonFooter;

			// Add files for specific C# platform
			this.PlatformSpecificFiles(projectId, compileTargets, output, replacements);

			string nl = this.Translator.NL;

			foreach (StructDefinition structDefinition in structDefinitions)
				string structName = structDefinition.Name.Value;
				string filename = structName + ".cs";
				List<string> codeContents = new List<string>();
				codeContents.Add("\tpublic class " + structName + nl);
				codeContents.Add("\t{" + nl);
				codeContents.Add("\t\tpublic " + structName + "(");
				List<string> types = new List<string>();
				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					string type;
					Annotation typeAnnotation = structDefinition.Types[i];
					if (typeAnnotation == null)
						type = "object";
						type = this.GetTypeStringFromAnnotation(typeAnnotation.FirstToken, typeAnnotation.GetSingleArgAsString(null));

					if (i > 0) codeContents.Add(", ");
					codeContents.Add(" v_" + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i]);
				codeContents.Add(")" + nl);

				codeContents.Add("\t\t{" + nl);

				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					codeContents.Add("\t\t\tthis." + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + " = v_" + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + ";" + nl);

				codeContents.Add("\t\t}" + nl + nl);
				for (int i = 0; i < structDefinition.FieldsByIndex.Length; ++i)
					codeContents.Add("\t\tpublic ");
					codeContents.Add(" " + structDefinition.FieldsByIndex[i] + ";" + nl);

				codeContents.Add("\t}" + nl);

				output[projectId + "/" + filename] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = string.Join("", codeContents)

			foreach (string codefile in finalCode.Keys)
				List<string> codeContents = new List<string>();

				this.Translator.CurrentIndention = 2;

				this.Translator.Translate(codeContents, finalCode[codefile]);


				string filename = codefile + ".cs";
				output[projectId + "/" + filename] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = string.Join("", codeContents)

			// Create the actual compile targets in the .csproj file
			List<string> compileTargetCode = new List<string>();
			foreach (string compileTarget in compileTargets)
				compileTargetCode.Add("    <Compile Include=\"" + compileTarget.Replace('/', '\\') + "\" />\r\n");
			compileTargetCode.Add("    <EmbeddedResource Include=\"ByteCode.txt\" />\r\n");
			foreach (string embeddedResource in embeddedResources)
				compileTargetCode.Add("    <EmbeddedResource Include=\"" + embeddedResource.Replace('/', '\\') + "\" />\r\n");

			foreach (string spriteSheetImage in spriteSheet.FinalPaths)
				// TODO: need a better system of putting things in predefined destinations, rather than hacking it between states
				// in this fashion.
				string path = spriteSheetImage.Substring("%PROJECT_ID%".Length + 1).Replace('/', '\\');
				compileTargetCode.Add("    <EmbeddedResource Include=\"" + path + "\" />\r\n");

			replacements["COMPILE_TARGETS"] = string.Join("", compileTargetCode);

			// Copy templated files over with proper replacements
			foreach (string templateFile in directFileCopies.Keys)
				string finalFilePath = directFileCopies[templateFile];
				string outputFilePath = finalFilePath.EndsWith(".sln") ? finalFilePath : (projectId + "/" + finalFilePath);
				output[outputFilePath] = new FileOutput()
					Type = FileOutputType.Text,
					TextContent = Constants.DoReplacements(
						Util.ReadFileInternally("Translator/CSharp/Project/" + templateFile),

			output[projectId + "/ByteCode.txt"] = new FileOutput()
				Type = FileOutputType.Text,
				TextContent = this.Context.ByteCodeString

			return output;