Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void LoadContent()
            SpriteFont timesNewRoman20 = ContentManager.LoadSpriteFont("SpriteFonts/TimesNewRoman20");
            SpriteFont timesNewRoman30 = ContentManager.LoadSpriteFont("SpriteFonts/TimesNewRoman30");

            creditsLabel            = new SpriteFontGraphic("Credits", timesNewRoman30, new Vector2(15, 35), Color.White);
            createdByLabel          = new SpriteFontGraphic("Created by Alex Thimineur for Quinnipiac's SER225 Course.", timesNewRoman20, new Vector2(130, 140), Color.White);
            contributorsLabel       = new SpriteFontGraphic("Thank you to QU Alumni Brian Carducci, Joseph White,\nand Alex Hutman for their contributions.", timesNewRoman20, new Vector2(60, 220), Color.White);
            returnInstructionsLabel = new SpriteFontGraphic("Press Space to return to the menu", timesNewRoman30, new Vector2(20, 560), Color.White);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Initialize()
            SpriteFont comicSans20 = ContentManager.LoadSpriteFont("SpriteFonts/ComicSans20");
            SpriteFont comicSans30 = ContentManager.LoadSpriteFont("SpriteFonts/ComicSans30");

            loseMessage  = new SpriteFontGraphic("You lose!", comicSans30, new Vector2(350, 270), Color.White);
            instructions = new SpriteFontGraphic("Press Space to try again or Escape to go back to the main menu", comicSans20, new Vector2(120, 300), Color.White);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Initialize()
            SpriteFont comicSans30 = ContentManager.LoadSpriteFont("SpriteFonts/ComicSans30");

            winMessage = new SpriteFontGraphic("Level Cleared", comicSans30, new Vector2(320, 270), Color.White);