Ejemplo n.º 1
        public sealed override void SetDefaults()
            projectile.width       = 44;
            projectile.height      = 44;
            projectile.tileCollide = false;
            projectile.friendly    = true;
            attackThroughWalls     = true;
            useBeacon  = false;
            frameSpeed = 5;
            scHelper   = new SpriteCompositionHelper(this, new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300))
                idleCycleFrames = 160,
                frameResolution = 1,
                posResolution   = 1

            if (bodyTexture == null || foliageTexture == null || vinesTexture == null)
                bodyTexture    = GetTexture(Texture);
                foliageTexture = GetTexture(Texture + "_Foliage");
                vinesTexture   = GetTexture(Texture + "_Vines");

            subProjectiles = new List <LandChunkProjectile>();
 private void DrawSmallStars(SpriteCompositionHelper helper, int frame, float cycleAngle)
     // could probably be accomplished with dust
     for (int i = 0; i < smallStars.Count; i++)
         smallStars[i].Draw(helper.spriteBatch, smallStarTexture, animationFrame);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void DrawVines(SpriteCompositionHelper helper, int frame, float cycleAngle)
            float   sinAngle  = (float)Math.Sin(cycleAngle);
            Vector2 leftVine  = new Vector2(-48, 78) + Vector2.One * 4 * sinAngle;
            Vector2 rightVine = new Vector2(64, 74) + new Vector2(1, -1) * -2 * sinAngle;

            // left vine
            helper.AddSpriteToBatch(vinesTexture, (0, 2), leftVine);
            helper.AddSpriteToBatch(vinesTexture, (1, 2), rightVine);
 private void DrawBigStars(SpriteCompositionHelper helper, int frame, float cycleAngle)
     for (int i = 0; i < bigStars.Count; i++)
         bigStars[i].DrawConnections(Main.projectileTexture[projectile.type], helper.spriteBatch, animationFrame);
     for (int i = 0; i < bigStars.Count; i++)
         bigStars[i].Draw(helper.spriteBatch, animationFrame);
 public override void SetDefaults()
     projectile.timeLeft = TimeToLive;
     smallStarTexture    = ModContent.GetTexture(Texture + "_Small");
     scHelper            = new SpriteCompositionHelper(this, new Rectangle(0, 0, ConstellationSize, ConstellationSize))
         idleCycleFrames = projectile.timeLeft,
         frameResolution = 1,
         posResolution   = 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public override void SetDefaults()
     projectile.width          = 32;
     projectile.height         = 32;
     attackFrames              = 90;
     noLOSPursuitTime          = 300;
     startFlyingAtTargetHeight = 96;
     startFlyingAtTargetDist   = 64;
     defaultJumpVelocity       = 4;
     searchDistance            = 900;
     maxJumpVelocity           = 12;
     scHelper = new SpriteCompositionHelper(this, new Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 48));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void DrawFoliage(SpriteCompositionHelper helper, int frame, float cycleAngle)
            float   sinAngle   = (float)Math.Sin(cycleAngle);
            Vector2 leftLeaf   = new Vector2(-66, -66) + Vector2.One * 2 * sinAngle;
            Vector2 middleLeaf = new Vector2(0, -100) + Vector2.UnitY * -3 * sinAngle;
            Vector2 rightLeaf  = new Vector2(56, -64) + Vector2.One * -2 * sinAngle;

            // left leaf
            helper.AddSpriteToBatch(foliageTexture, (1, 3), leftLeaf);
            // middle leaf
            helper.AddSpriteToBatch(foliageTexture, (2, 3), middleLeaf);
            // right leaf
            helper.AddSpriteToBatch(foliageTexture, (0, 3), rightLeaf);
 public override void SetDefaults()
     projectile.width  = 24;
     projectile.height = 24;
     projectile.localNPCHitCooldown = 18;
     projectile.minionSlots         = 0;
     projectile.minion  = false;
     attackThroughWalls = true;
     useBeacon          = false;
     attackFrames       = 60;
     blurHelper         = new MotionBlurDrawer(4);
     scHelper           = new SpriteCompositionHelper(this, new Rectangle(0, 0, 120, 400))
         idleCycleFrames = 160,
         frameResolution = 1,
         posResolution   = 1,
         BaseOffset      = new Vector2(0, 100)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal override void Draw(SpriteCompositionHelper helper, int frame, float cycleAngle)
     if (animationFrame < spawnFrames)
     for (int i = 0; i < clutterFrames.Length; i++)
         // TODO figure this out programatically
         int maxHeight = 30;
         int yOffset   = Math.Min(maxHeight, 2 * (animationFrame - spawnFrames - 4 * i));
         if (yOffset < 0 || clutterFrames[i] == -1)
         Vector2   offset = new Vector2(-24 + 16 * i, -yOffset);
         int       idx    = clutterFrames[i];
         Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle((clutterWidth + 2) * idx, 0, clutterWidth, clutterHeight);
         helper.AddSpriteToBatch(clutterTexture, bounds, offset, 0, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 internal abstract void Draw(SpriteCompositionHelper helper, int frame, float cycleAngle);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void DrawBody(SpriteCompositionHelper helper, int frame, float cycleAngle)
     // body
     helper.AddSpriteToBatch(bodyTexture, (projectile.frame, 5), Vector2.Zero);