Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override async Task LoadContent()
            await base.LoadContent();

            // sets the virtual resolution
            areaSize = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.BackBuffer.Width, GraphicsDevice.BackBuffer.Height);

            // Creates the camera
            CameraComponent.UseCustomProjectionMatrix = true;
            CameraComponent.ProjectionMatrix          = SpriteBatch.CalculateDefaultProjection(new Vector3(areaSize, 200));

            // Load assets
            groundSprites = Asset.Load <SpriteGroup>("GroundSprite");
            ballSprite1   = Asset.Load <Texture>("Sphere1");
            ballSprite2   = Asset.Load <Texture>("Sphere2");
            ball          = Asset.Load <Entity>("Ball");

            // create fore/background entities
            foreground = new Entity();
            background = new Entity();
            foreground.Add(new SpriteComponent {
                SpriteProvider = new SpriteFromSpriteGroup {
                    SpriteGroup = groundSprites
                }, CurrentFrame = 1
            background.Add(new SpriteComponent {
                SpriteProvider = new SpriteFromSpriteGroup {
                    SpriteGroup = groundSprites
                }, CurrentFrame = 0


            spriteComponent  = ball.Get(SpriteComponent.Key);
            transfoComponent = ball.Get(TransformComponent.Key);

            transfoComponent.Position.X = areaSize.X / 2;
            transfoComponent.Position.Y = areaSize.Y / 2;

            var decorationScalings = new Vector3(areaSize.X, areaSize.Y, 1);

            background.Get(TransformComponent.Key).Scale    = decorationScalings;
            foreground.Get(TransformComponent.Key).Scale    = decorationScalings;
            background.Get(TransformComponent.Key).Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
            foreground.Get(TransformComponent.Key).Position = new Vector3(0, areaSize.Y, 1);

            SpriteAnimation.Play(spriteComponent, 0, spriteComponent.SpriteProvider.SpritesCount - 1, AnimationRepeatMode.LoopInfinite, 30);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override async Task LoadContent()
            await base.LoadContent();

            // For now lets set our virtual resolution the same as the actual resolution
            // But we may want to hard code this to some value
            VirtualResolution = new Vector3(GraphicsDeviceManager.PreferredBackBufferWidth, GraphicsDeviceManager.PreferredBackBufferHeight, 20f);

            // Create our camera, cause yay :D
            cameraEntity = new Entity("Camera")
                new CameraComponent()
                    UseProjectionMatrix = true, ProjectionMatrix = SpriteBatch.CalculateDefaultProjection(VirtualResolution)

            // Create our player entitiy
            var playerEntity = new Entity()
                new SpriteComponent()
                    SpriteGroup = Asset.Load <SpriteGroup>("Temp"), CurrentFrame = 0
                new TransformationComponent()
                    Translation = new Vector3(100, 100, 0)

            // Make it so the engine knows about it
            // A wrapper class for the entity that actual handles our stuff,
            // Yeah, components all the way might of been better, but for now this'll do, just
            // following JumpyJets example :P
            player = new Player(playerEntity, Input);

            LevelReader reader = new LevelReader("/data/TestMap.json");


            // Create our level
            var platforms = Asset.Load <SpriteGroup>("TileSetTest");

            level = new Level(new Size2(20, 11));

            for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++)
                level.SetTile(x, 0, new Tile()
                    Sprite = platforms[0]
                level.SetTile(x, 10, new Tile()
                    Sprite = platforms[0]

            level.SetTile(19, 9, new Tile()
                Sprite = platforms[0]


            // Set up the rendering pipeline

            gameHud = new UiGameHud(Services);
            // Kick off our update loop
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override async Task LoadContent()
            await base.LoadContent();

            // sets the virtual resolution
            areaSize          = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.BackBuffer.Width, GraphicsDevice.BackBuffer.Height);
            VirtualResolution = new Vector3(areaSize.X, areaSize.Y, 1000);

            // Creates the camera
            var cameraComponent = new CameraComponent {
                UseProjectionMatrix = true, ProjectionMatrix = SpriteBatch.CalculateDefaultProjection(new Vector3(areaSize, 200))
            var camera = new Entity("Camera")

            // Create Main pass
            var mainPipeline = RenderSystem.Pipeline;

            mainPipeline.Renderers.Add(new CameraSetter(Services)
                Camera = cameraComponent
            mainPipeline.Renderers.Add(new RenderTargetSetter(Services)
                ClearColor = Color.LightBlue
            mainPipeline.Renderers.Add(new SpriteRenderer(Services));

            // Load assets
            groundSprites = Asset.Load <SpriteGroup>("GroundSprite");
            ballSprite1   = Asset.Load <SpriteGroup>("BallSprite1");
            ballSprite2   = Asset.Load <SpriteGroup>("BallSprite2");
            ball          = Asset.Load <Entity>("Ball");

            // create fore/background entities
            foreground = new Entity();
            background = new Entity();
            foreground.Add(new SpriteComponent {
                SpriteGroup = groundSprites, CurrentFrame = 1
            background.Add(new SpriteComponent {
                SpriteGroup = groundSprites, CurrentFrame = 0


            spriteComponent  = ball.Get(SpriteComponent.Key);
            transfoComponent = ball.Get(TransformationComponent.Key);

            transfoComponent.Translation.X = areaSize.X / 2;
            transfoComponent.Translation.Y = areaSize.Y / 2;

            var backgroundSpriteRegion = background.Get(SpriteComponent.Key).SpriteGroup.Images[0].Region;
            var decorationScalings     = new Vector3(areaSize.X / backgroundSpriteRegion.Width, areaSize.Y / backgroundSpriteRegion.Height, 1);

            background.Get(TransformationComponent.Key).Scaling     = decorationScalings;
            foreground.Get(TransformationComponent.Key).Scaling     = decorationScalings;
            background.Get(TransformationComponent.Key).Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
            foreground.Get(TransformationComponent.Key).Translation = new Vector3(0, areaSize.Y, 1);

            SpriteAnimation.Play(spriteComponent, 0, spriteComponent.SpriteGroup.Images.Count - 1, AnimationRepeatMode.LoopInfinite, 30);