private void DoListInsert()
            String[]  commaSplit = this.listAddTextBox.Text.Split(',');
            ListEntry entry      = new ListEntry();

            for (int i = 0; i < commaSplit.Length; i++)
                String[]         pair   = commaSplit[i].Split('=');
                ListEntry.Custom custom = new ListEntry.Custom();
                custom.LocalName = pair[0];
                custom.Value     = pair[1];

            AtomEntry retEntry = service.Insert(new Uri(this.worksheetListView.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text), entry);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private string ToGoogleTable()
            WorksheetFeed  wsFeed    = TargetTable.Worksheets;
            WorksheetEntry worksheet = (WorksheetEntry)wsFeed.Entries[0];
            // Define the URL to request the list feed of the worksheet.
            AtomLink listFeedLink = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);

            // Fetch the list feed of the worksheet.
            ListQuery listQuery = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString());
            ListFeed  listFeed  = service.Query(listQuery);

            CellQuery cellQuery = new CellQuery(worksheet.CellFeedLink);
            CellFeed  cellFeed  = service.Query(cellQuery);

            CellEntry cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 1, "oid");

            cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 2, "value");
            cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 3, "type");
            ProgressBarSetStartParams(progressBar1, ListData[ListData.Count - 1].Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < ListData[ListData.Count - 1].Count; i++)
                IncrementGeneralLabel(string.Format("Выполнено {0}/{1}", i + 1, ListData[ListData.Count - 1].Count));
                service.Insert(listFeed, ListData[ListData.Count - 1].GetCustom(i));
            tabControlShow(progressBar1, false);
            tabControlShow(label3, false);
            return("Данные записаны");
        private static void EnviarFilas(string filas, SpreadsheetsService servicio, string url)
            const string tipoDelContenido = "application/atom+xml";
            // Convierte el contenido de la fila en stream
            var filaEnArregloDeBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(filas);
            var filaEnStream         = new MemoryStream(filaEnArregloDeBytes);

            // Inserta la fila en la hoja Historial (Google)
            servicio.Insert(new Uri(url), filaEnStream, tipoDelContenido, "");
            //servicio.StreamSend(new Uri(url), filaEnStream, GDataRequestType.Batch,  tipoDelContenido, "", "");
        public ActionResult Document(int?rowNumber, string docName, string workName)
            var model = ConfigurationController.GoogleDocuments;

            if (model != null && model.GoogleAPIAccess != null)
                GOAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory = new GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1", model.GoogleAPIAccess);
                SpreadsheetsService   service        = new SpreadsheetsService("MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1");
                service.RequestFactory = requestFactory;
                model.RowActive        = rowNumber;
                if (rowNumber != null)
                    //add row to save table
                    model.RowActiveSave = (ListEntry)service.Insert(model.TableSave, (ListEntry)model.Table[(int)rowNumber]);
                    model.RowActiveSave.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "workdate", Value = DateTime.Now.ToString()
                    model.RowActiveSave.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "hours", Value = "0"
                    ListEntry lastRow      = (ListEntry)model.TableSave.Entries.Last();
                    var       lastRowCells = (ListEntry.CustomElementCollection)lastRow.Elements;
                    DateTime  startDate    = DateTime.Now;
                    foreach (ListEntry.Custom cell in lastRowCells)
                        if (cell.LocalName.Equals("workdate"))
                            startDate = DateTime.Parse(cell.Value);
                        if (cell.LocalName.Equals("hours"))
                            cell.Value = ((double)(DateTime.Now - startDate).Seconds / 60.0 / 60.0).ToString();
                //timer.Interval = 10000; //10 sec
                //timer.Elapsed += timer_Elapsed;
            return(RedirectToAction("Document", new { docName = docName, workName = workName }));
Ejemplo n.º 5

		static bool AddRow(ListFeed feed, string[] content)
			if (content.Length != ssCOLUMNS.Length)
				return false;

			ListEntry row = new ListEntry();
			//fill row from content
			for (int i = 0; i < ssCOLUMNS.Length; i++)
				row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom() { LocalName = ssCOLUMNS[i], Value = content[i] });
				//Log.Add("debug " + row.ToString());

			//insert row
			service.Insert(feed, row);

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void InsertSMSIntoSpreadsheet(WorksheetEntry worksheet, Sms sms)
            // Loop through rows in worksheet
            if (worksheet != null)
                // Define the URL to request the list feed of the worksheet.
                AtomLink listFeedLink = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);

                // Fetch the list feed of the worksheet.
                ListQuery listQuery = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString());
                ListFeed  listFeed  = _service.Query(listQuery);

                // Create a local representation of the new row.
                ListEntry row = new ListEntry();
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "number", Value = sms.PhoneNumber
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "message", Value = sms.Body
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "date", Value = sms.Date.ToString()
                if (sms.Address != null)
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "address",
                        Value     = sms.Address.ToString()

                // Send the new row to the API for insertion.
                _service.Insert(listFeed, row);
        public override void Log(LoggingEntery LE)
            IniFile Ini = new IniFile(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "GoogleDocs.ini"));

            // nir start
            // STEP 1: Configure how to perform OAuth 2.0

            // TODO: Update the following information with that obtained from
            // After registering
            // your application, these will be provided for you.

            //string CLIENT_ID = "";

            // This is the OAuth 2.0 Client Secret retrieved
            // above.  Be sure to store this value securely.  Leaking this
            // value would enable others to act on behalf of your application!
            //string CLIENT_SECRET = "wWC4Wcb12RbQg4YuGWJtkh4j";

            // Space separated list of scopes for which to request access.
            //string SCOPE = "";

            // This is the Redirect URI for installed applications.
            // If you are building a web application, you have to set your
            // Redirect URI at
            //tring REDIRECT_URI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";

            // STEP 2: Set up the OAuth 2.0 object

            // OAuth2Parameters holds all the parameters related to OAuth 2.0.
            OAuth2Parameters parameters = new OAuth2Parameters();

            // Set your OAuth 2.0 Client Id (which you can register at
            parameters.ClientId = Ini.IniReadValue(ConnectSection, "ClientID");

            // Set your OAuth 2.0 Client Secret, which can be obtained at
            parameters.ClientSecret = Ini.IniReadValue(ConnectSection, "ClientSecret");

            // Set your Redirect URI, which can be registered at
            parameters.RedirectUri = Ini.IniReadValue(ConnectSection, "RedirectURI");

            // Set your refresh token
            parameters.RefreshToken = Ini.IniReadValue(ConnectSection, "RefreshToken");
            parameters.AccessToken  = Ini.IniReadValue(ConnectSection, "LastAccessToken");

            // Set the scope for this particular service.
            parameters.Scope = Ini.IniReadValue(ConnectSection, "Scope");

            // Get the authorization url.  The user of your application must visit
            // this url in order to authorize with Google.  If you are building a
            // browser-based application, you can redirect the user to the authorization
            // url.
            //string authorizationUrl = OAuthUtil.CreateOAuth2AuthorizationUrl(parameters);
            //Console.WriteLine("Please visit the URL above to authorize your OAuth "
            //  + "request token.  Once that is complete, type in your access code to "
            //  + "continue...");

            // STEP 4: Get the Access Token

            // Once the user authorizes with Google, the request token can be exchanged
            // for a long-lived access token.  If you are building a browser-based
            // application, you should parse the incoming request token from the url and
            // set it in OAuthParameters before calling GetAccessToken().
            Ini.IniWriteValue(ConnectSection, "LastAccessToken", parameters.AccessToken);
            // Console.WriteLine("OAuth Access Token: " + accessToken);

            // STEP 5: Make an OAuth authorized request to Google

            // Initialize the variables needed to make the request
            GOAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory =
                new GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "OctoTipPlus", parameters);
            SpreadsheetsService myService = new SpreadsheetsService("OctoTipPlus");

            myService.RequestFactory = requestFactory;
            // nir end

            string User     = Ini.IniReadValue("UserLogin", "User");
            string Password = Ini.IniReadValue("UserLogin", "Password");

            //	SpreadsheetsService myService = new SpreadsheetsService("MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1");

            SpreadsheetQuery Squery = new SpreadsheetQuery();
            string           Sender = LE.Sender;

            Squery.Title = Sender;
            Squery.Exact = true;
            SpreadsheetFeed Sfeed;

                Sfeed = myService.Query(Squery);
            catch (Google.GData.Client.InvalidCredentialsException e)
                throw(new Exception(string.Format("Credentials error in google acount for user:{0}", User), e));

            if (Sfeed.Entries.Count == 0)
                //DriveService service1 = new DriveService();

                //Google.GData.Client.GOAuth2RequestFactory requestf =  new Google.GData.Client.GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "OctoTipPlus",parameters);
                OAuthUtil.RefreshAccessToken(parameters);                //parameters.AccessToken;
                Ini.IniWriteValue(ConnectSection, "LastAccessToken", parameters.AccessToken);
                Google.GData.Documents.DocumentsService service = new Google.GData.Documents.DocumentsService("OctoTipPlus");
                GOAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory2           =
                    new GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "OctoTipPlus", parameters);
                service.RequestFactory = requestFactory2;
                // Instantiate a DocumentEntry object to be inserted.
                Google.GData.Documents.DocumentEntry entry = new Google.GData.Documents.DocumentEntry();

                // Set the document title
                entry.Title.Text = LE.Sender;

                // Add the document category

                // Make a request to the API and create the document.
                Google.GData.Documents.DocumentEntry newEntry = service.Insert(
                    Google.GData.Documents.DocumentsListQuery.documentsBaseUri, entry);

                Squery       = new SpreadsheetQuery();
                Squery.Title = Sender;
                Squery.Exact = true;
                Sfeed        = myService.Query(Squery);

            SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = (SpreadsheetEntry)Sfeed.Entries[0];

            WorksheetEntry ProtocolWorksheetEntry = null;

            AtomLink link = spreadsheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.WorksheetRel, null);

            WorksheetQuery Wquery = new WorksheetQuery(link.HRef.ToString());
            WorksheetFeed  Wfeed  = myService.Query(Wquery);

            foreach (WorksheetEntry worksheet in Wfeed.Entries)
                if (worksheet.Title.Text == LE.SubSender)
                    ProtocolWorksheetEntry = worksheet;

            if (ProtocolWorksheetEntry == null)
                // cteate new worksheet
                WorksheetEntry worksheet = new WorksheetEntry();
                worksheet.Title.Text = LE.SubSender;
                worksheet.Cols       = 3;
                worksheet.Rows       = 5;

                // Send the local representation of the worksheet to the API for
                // creation.  The URL to use here is the worksheet feed URL of our
                // spreadsheet.
                WorksheetFeed wsFeed = spreadsheet.Worksheets;
                ProtocolWorksheetEntry = myService.Insert(wsFeed, worksheet);

                CellFeed cellFeed = ProtocolWorksheetEntry.QueryCellFeed();

                CellEntry cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 1, DateHeader);
                cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 2, MessageHeader);

            // Define the URL to request the list feed of the worksheet.
            AtomLink listFeedLink = ProtocolWorksheetEntry.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);

            // Fetch the list feed of the worksheet.
            ListQuery listQuery = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString());
            ListFeed  listFeed  = myService.Query(listQuery);

            string Message = string.Format("{0}\n{1}", LE.Title, LE.Message);

            // Create a local representation of the new row.
            ListEntry row = new ListEntry();

            row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                LocalName = DateHeader, Value = DateTime.Now.ToString()
            row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                LocalName = MessageHeader, Value = Message

            // Send the new row to the API for insertion.
            myService.Insert(listFeed, row);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // this method updates a row in the google spreadsheet // MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1
        public static void AddRowToGoogleSpreadsheet()

                SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = null;

                //string docKey = "1A5be20hhg2fe2AGWe6BpeJmtdI-_ITcTSF1WiIVbyTY";
                //string gDocsURL = "{0}";
                //string docURL = String.Format(gDocsURL, docKey);

                //FeedQuery singleQuery = new FeedQuery();
                //singleQuery.Uri = new Uri(docKey);

                //AtomFeed newFeed = service.Query(singleQuery);
                //AtomEntry retrievedEntry = newFeed.Entries[0];


                ////SpreadsheetsService service = new SpreadsheetsService("MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1");

                // TODO: Authorize the service object for a specific user (see other sections)
                // Instantiate a SpreadsheetQuery object to retrieve spreadsheets.
                SpreadsheetQuery query = new SpreadsheetQuery();

                // Make a request to the API and get all spreadsheets.
                SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.Query(query);

                if (feed.Entries.Count == 0)
                    // TODO: There were no spreadsheets, act accordingly.
                    MessageBox.Show("google didn't find any spreadsheets.");

                // TODO: Choose a spreadsheet more intelligently based on your
                // app's needs.
                ////SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = (SpreadsheetEntry)feed.Entries[0];

                //loop through the feeds to find the spreadsheet with the correct name
                for (int i = 0; i < feed.Entries.Count; i++)
                    spreadsheet = (SpreadsheetEntry)feed.Entries[i];
                    if (spreadsheet.Title.Text == "UtransEditorCountyNotificationList")
                        //MessageBox.Show("found it!!!");
                        //MessageBox.Show("Didn't find a spreadsheet with the name UtransEditorCountyNotificationList.  The info was not saved to a google spreadsheet.");

                // Get the first worksheet of the first spreadsheet.
                // TODO: Choose a worksheet more intelligently based on your
                // app's needs.
                WorksheetFeed  wsFeed    = spreadsheet.Worksheets;
                WorksheetEntry worksheet = (WorksheetEntry)wsFeed.Entries[0];

                // Define the URL to request the list feed of the worksheet.
                AtomLink listFeedLink = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);

                // Fetch the list feed of the worksheet.
                ListQuery listQuery = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString());
                ListFeed  listFeed  = service.Query(listQuery);

                // Create a local representation of the new row.
                ListEntry row = new ListEntry();

                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "logdate", Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("d")
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "countyid", Value = clsGlobals.strCountyID
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "agrcnotes", Value = clsGlobals.strUserInputForSpreadsheet.ToString().Trim()
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "agrcsegment", Value = clsGlobals.strAgrcSegment.ToString().Trim()
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "cntysegment", Value = clsGlobals.strCountySegmentTrimed
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "leftfrom", Value = clsGlobals.strCountyL_F_Add
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "leftto", Value = clsGlobals.strCountyL_T_Add
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "rightfrom", Value = clsGlobals.strCountyR_F_Add
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "rightto", Value = clsGlobals.strCountyR_T_Add
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "city", Value = clsGlobals.strGoogleSpreadsheetCityField
                // Send the new row to the API for insertion.
                service.Insert(listFeed, row);
            catch (Exception ex)
                clsGlobals.logger.Error(Environment.NewLine + "Error Message: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "Error Source: " + ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + "Error Location:" + ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine + "Target Site: " + ex.TargetSite);

                MessageBox.Show("Error Message: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Source: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Location:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace,
                                "UTRANS Editor tool error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void MergeSheet(string cellsFeedURI, string listFeedURI, IList <IntelDataRow> rows)
            //make sure our column headers are set to known values since the list feed depends on them
            SetColumnHeaders(cellsFeedURI, "Team", "Stats");

            ListFeed feed = service.Query(new ListQuery(listFeedURI));

            //treat all data as text, escape = and numbers
            foreach (var r in rows)
                r.Team  = EscapeCellValue(r.Team);
                r.Stats = EscapeCellValue(r.Stats);

            //NOTE: LocalName is the ColumnHeader value except it MUST use lower case AND replace spaces with _
            string[][] values =
                new string[] { "team",  "" },
                new string[] { "stats", "" }

            int i = 0;

            //update existing rows
            for (; i < feed.Entries.Count && i < rows.Count; ++i)
                ListEntry    entry = (ListEntry)feed.Entries[i];
                IntelDataRow r     = rows[i];
                values[0][1] = r.Team;
                values[1][1] = r.Stats;

                bool update = false;

                foreach (ListEntry.Custom el in entry.Elements)
                    foreach (var kv in values)
                        if (el.LocalName == kv[0] && el.Value != kv[1])
                            update   = true;
                            el.Value = kv[1];

                if (update)

            //delete the remaining rows
            for (; i < feed.Entries.Count; ++i)
                ListEntry entry = (ListEntry)feed.Entries[i];

            //or add the remaining intel
            for (; i < rows.Count; ++i)
                var r     = rows[i];
                var entry = new ListEntry();
                entry.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "team", Value = r.Team
                entry.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "stats", Value = r.Stats

                service.Insert(new Uri(listFeedURI), entry);
Ejemplo n.º 10
		static void Main(string[] args)
				string Profile = (args.Length > 0) ? args[0] : "default";
				Logfile = Profile + "_google.log";
				Inifile = Profile + ".ini";

				if (File.Exists(Inifile) == false)
					throw new ArgumentException("Profile is not found - " + Inifile);

				Props prop = new Props();

				#region get settings
				string LOGIN = prop.Get("login");
				string PASSWORD = prop.Get("password");
				string SPREADSHEET = prop.Get("spreadsheet");
				string WORKSHEET = prop.Get("worksheet");
				string CSV = prop.Get("csv");
				string COLUMNS = prop.Get("columns");

				#region test settings
				if (LOGIN == string.Empty)
					throw new ArgumentException(@"Setting 'login' is not found in profile");
				if (PASSWORD == string.Empty)
					throw new ArgumentException(@"Setting 'password' is not found in profile");
				if (SPREADSHEET == string.Empty)
					throw new ArgumentException(@"Setting 'spreadsheet' is not found in profile");
				if (WORKSHEET == string.Empty)
					throw new ArgumentException(@"Setting 'worksheet' is not found in profile");
				if (CSV == string.Empty)
					throw new ArgumentException(@"Setting 'csv' is not found in profile");
				if (COLUMNS == string.Empty)
					throw new ArgumentException(@"Setting 'columns' is not found in profile");
				if (File.Exists(CSV) == false)
					throw new ArgumentException("CSV is not found - " + Inifile);

				#region spreadsheet get
				service = new SpreadsheetsService("SynesisIntegration-v1");
				service.setUserCredentials(LOGIN, PASSWORD);

				SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = null;
				SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.Query(new SpreadsheetQuery());
				foreach (SpreadsheetEntry item in feed.Entries)
					if (item.Title.Text == SPREADSHEET)
						Log.Add("SPREADSHEET is found - " + SPREADSHEET);
						spreadsheet = item;
						//spreadsheet.SaveToXml(new FileStream("spreadsheet.xml", FileMode.Create));
				if (spreadsheet == null)
					throw new ArgumentException("SPREADSHEET is not found - " + SPREADSHEET);

				#region worksheet get
				WorksheetEntry worksheet = null;
				WorksheetFeed wsFeed = spreadsheet.Worksheets;
				foreach (WorksheetEntry entry in wsFeed.Entries)
					if (entry.Title.Text == WORKSHEET)
						worksheet = entry;
						Log.Add("WORKSHEET is found - " + WORKSHEET);

				if (worksheet == null)
					Log.Add("WORKSHEET is not found - " + WORKSHEET);
					worksheet = new WorksheetEntry();
					worksheet.Title.Text = WORKSHEET;
					service.Insert(wsFeed, worksheet);
					Log.Add("WORKSHEET is added - " + WORKSHEET);

				//CLEAR worksheet
				worksheet.Rows = 1;

				// Fetch the list feed of the worksheet.
				AtomLink listFeedLink = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);
				ListQuery listQuery = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.Content);
				ListFeed listFeed = service.Query(listQuery);

				//delimiter on extension
				char Delim = ';';
				if (CSV.EndsWith(".tsv"))
					Delim = '\t';

				ssCOLUMNS = COLUMNS.Split(';');
				for (int i = 0; i < ssCOLUMNS.Length; i++)
					ssCOLUMNS[i] = ssCOLUMNS[i].ToLower();

				#region input rows
				string[] input = File.ReadAllLines(CSV);
				Log.Add("CSV " + CSV + " has " + input.Length + " items");
				int CountAdded = 0;
				foreach (string s in input)
					if (AddRow(listFeed, s.Split(Delim)))
						Log.Add("Row is not compatible - " + s);
				Log.Add("Rows inserted - " + CountAdded.ToString());

			catch (Exception e)
				File.WriteAllLines(Logfile, Log.ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OAuth2Parameters parameters = new OAuth2Parameters();

            parameters.ClientId     = clientID.Text.Trim();
            parameters.ClientSecret = clientSecret.Text.Trim();
            parameters.RedirectUri  = REDIRECT_URI;
            parameters.Scope        = SCOPE;
            parameters.AccessCode   = aToken.Text.Trim();
                //dealing with slack;
                string      urlWithAccessToken = sToken.Text.Trim();
                SlackClient client             = new SlackClient(urlWithAccessToken);
                client.PostMessage(username: owner.Text.Trim(), text: uStory.Text.Trim(), channel: "#" + cID.Text.Trim());

                //Now Deal with spreadsheet.
                string accessToken = parameters.AccessToken;

                GOAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory = new GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1", parameters);
                SpreadsheetsService   service        = new SpreadsheetsService("MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1");
                service.RequestFactory = requestFactory;

                SpreadsheetQuery query = new SpreadsheetQuery();
                query.Title = sID.Text.Trim();

                // Make a request to the API and get the spreadsheet;
                SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.Query(query);
                if (feed.Entries.Count != 1)
                    msg.Text = "The Mentioned Spreadsheet does not exist";

                SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = (SpreadsheetEntry)feed.Entries[0];

                WorksheetFeed  wsFeed    = spreadsheet.Worksheets;
                WorksheetEntry worksheet = (WorksheetEntry)wsFeed.Entries[0];

                AtomLink  listFeedLink = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);
                ListQuery listQuery    = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString());
                ListFeed  listFeed     = service.Query(listQuery);

                // Create a local representation of the new row.
                ListEntry row = new ListEntry();
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "userstory", Value = uStory.Text.Trim()
                row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                    LocalName = "owner", Value = owner.Text.Trim()
                    // Send the new row to the API for insertion.
                    service.Insert(listFeed, row);
                    //Disable button 1 and enable button 2.
                    Button1.Visible = true;
                    Button2.Visible = false;

                    //disable all text boxes except for the access token.
                    uStory.Enabled       = true;
                    owner.Enabled        = true;
                    clientID.Enabled     = true;
                    clientSecret.Enabled = true;
                    sID.Enabled          = true;
                    sToken.Enabled       = true;
                    cID.Enabled          = true;
                    aToken.Enabled       = true;

                    //clear all textboxes
                    uStory.Text = owner.Text = sToken.Text = "";

                    msg.Text = "Submitted Successfully";
                catch (Exception)
                    msg.Text = "Error while sending data to spreadsheet.";
            catch (Exception)
                msg.Text = "Some error occured.";
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void method1()
            OAuth2Parameters parameters = (OAuth2Parameters)Session["para"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Code"]))
                parameters.AccessCode = Request.QueryString["Code"].ToString();// = Console.ReadLine();

                //parameters.AccessToken= credential.Token.AccessToken;
                string accessToken = parameters.AccessToken;
                Console.WriteLine("OAuth Access Token: " + accessToken);

                GOAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory =
                    new GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1", parameters);
                SpreadsheetsService service = new SpreadsheetsService("MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1");
                service.RequestFactory = requestFactory;

                SpreadsheetQuery query = new SpreadsheetQuery();

                SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.Query(query);

                //foreach (SpreadsheetEntry entry in feed.Entries)
                //    Console.WriteLine(entry.Title.Text);

                //SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = (SpreadsheetEntry)feed.Entries[0];
                if (feed.Entries.Where(x => x.Title.Text == "testSS").First() != null)
                    SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = (SpreadsheetEntry)feed.Entries.Where(x => x.Title.Text == "testSS").First();
                    //SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = (SpreadsheetEntry)feed.CreateFeedEntry();
                    //AtomTextConstruct at = new AtomTextConstruct(AtomTextConstructElementType.Title);
                    //at.Text = "test";
                    //spreadsheet.Title = at;
                    //    spreadsheet.Worksheets.AddExtension(requestFactory);
                    var           t     = (Home.JSONClass)Session["UserDataGet"];
                    List <object> lists = new List <object>()
              ,, t.given_name, t.family_name, t.picture, t.Gender, t.locale

                    // Get the first worksheet of the first spreadsheet.
                    // TODO: Choose a worksheet more intelligently based on your
                    // app's needs.
                    WorksheetFeed  wsFeed    = spreadsheet.Worksheets;
                    WorksheetEntry worksheet = (WorksheetEntry)wsFeed.Entries[0];

                    // Define the URL to request the list feed of the worksheet.
                    AtomLink listFeedLink = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);

                    // Fetch the list feed of the worksheet.
                    ListQuery listQuery = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString());
                    ListFeed  listFeed  = service.Query(listQuery);

                    CellQuery cellQuery = new CellQuery(worksheet.CellFeedLink);
                    CellFeed  cellFeed  = service.Query(cellQuery);

                    CellEntry cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 1, "email");
                    cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 2, "name");
                    cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 3, "givenname");
                    cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 4, "familyname");
                    cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 5, "picture");
                    cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 6, "gender");
                    cellEntry = new CellEntry(1, 7, "locale");

                    // Create a local representation of the new row.
                    ListEntry row = new ListEntry();
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "email", Value =
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "name", Value =
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "givenname", Value = t.given_name
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "familyname", Value = t.family_name
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "picture", Value = t.picture
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "gender", Value = t.Gender
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "locale", Value = t.locale
                    // Send the new row to the API for insertion.
                    service.Insert(listFeed, row);
                Response.Redirect("Home.aspx?access_token=" + Session["access_token"].ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static bool AddLinkInfo(WorksheetEntry wsEntry, List <LinkInfo> linkToAdd)
            bool added = false;

                AtomLink listFeedLink = wsEntry.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);

                ListQuery listQuery = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString());
                ListFeed  listFeed  = sheetsService.Query(listQuery);

                foreach (LinkInfo info in linkToAdd)
                    ListEntry row = new ListEntry();
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "itemtype", Value = info.ItemType.ToString()
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "sourcename", Value = info.SourceModelName
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "sourcepath", Value = info.SourceModelPath
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "sourcemodelid", Value = info.SourceModelId
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "destinationpath", Value = info.DestModelPath
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "itemsourceid", Value = info.SourceItemId.ToString()
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "itemsourcename", Value = info.SourceItemName
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "itemdestinationid", Value = info.DestItemId.ToString()
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "itemdestinationname", Value = info.DestItemName
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "itemdestinationimage1", Value = info.DestImagePath1
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "itemdestinationimage2", Value = info.DestImagePath2
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "linkmodified", Value = info.LinkModified
                    row.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "linkmodifiedby", Value = info.LinkModifiedBy
                    sheetsService.Insert(listFeed, row);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to add the link information.\n" + ex.Message, "Add Link Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void Main(string[] args)

            long   bukow   = 50217665; // bukowskaii's player id
            Region bRegion = new Region(Region.Regions.NA);

            Console.WriteLine("Getting List of all champions...");
            List <ChampionDto> allChampions = ChampionAPI.RetrieveAllChampions(bRegion.ChampionRegion);

            Console.WriteLine("Getting masteries for Bukowskaii...");
            List <ChampionMasteryDto> myMasteries = ChampionMasteryAPI.GetAllChampionMastery(bRegion.ChampionMasteryRegion, bukow);

            Console.WriteLine("Getting Dictionary of champion Ids and champion metadata...");
            Dictionary <long, ChampionMetaData> championLookup = StaticDataAPI.GetChampionMetaData(bRegion.ChampionRegion);

            Console.WriteLine("Writing info to file...");
            List <long>   loggedIds = new List <long>();
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (ChampionMasteryDto mastery in myMasteries)
                string champName  = championLookup[mastery.ChampionId].Name;
                string champTitle = championLookup[mastery.ChampionId].Title;

                sb.AppendLine(champName + " -- " + champTitle + "," +
                              mastery.ChampionId + "," +
                              mastery.ChestGranted + "," +
                              mastery.TokensEarned + "," +
                              UnixTimeStampToDateTime(mastery.LastPlayTime) + "," +
                              mastery.ChampionLevel + "," +


            foreach (ChampionDto champion in allChampions)
                if (!loggedIds.Contains(champion.Id))
                    string champName  = championLookup[champion.Id].Name;
                    string champTitle = championLookup[champion.Id].Title;

                    sb.AppendLine(champName + " - " + champTitle + "," +
                                  champion.Id + "," +
                                  "False," +
                                  "0," +
                                  "0," +
                                  "0," +

            //File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "LeagueData.csv"), sb.ToString());

            //Console.WriteLine("Done! -- Press any key to exit.");


            const string ClientId     = "";
            string       ClientSecret = "WAIKheO-M3YQ6RVlDrK0DC8i";
            string       scope        = "";
            string       redirect     = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";

            OAuth2Parameters parameters = new OAuth2Parameters();

            parameters.ClientId     = ClientId;
            parameters.ClientSecret = ClientSecret;
            parameters.RedirectUri  = redirect;
            parameters.Scope        = scope;

            string authorizationUrl = OAuthUtil.CreateOAuth2AuthorizationUrl(parameters);

            Console.WriteLine("Paste your authorization code:");
            parameters.AccessCode = Console.ReadLine();
            //parameters.AccessCode = "4/6op1327wcvTW8eMwFm4D4ZETIS2JCDSas8oifd1OD9M";

            string accessToken = parameters.AccessToken;

            Console.WriteLine("OAuthAccessToken: " + accessToken);

            GOAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory =
                new GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "LoL Crate Parse", parameters);
            SpreadsheetsService service = new SpreadsheetsService("LoL Crate Parse");

            service.RequestFactory = requestFactory;

            SpreadsheetQuery query = new SpreadsheetQuery();
            SpreadsheetFeed  feed  = service.Query(query);

            if (feed.Entries.Count > 0)
                SpreadsheetEntry selectedEntry = new SpreadsheetEntry();
                foreach (SpreadsheetEntry entry in feed.Entries)
                    if (entry.Title.Text == "LoL Crates")
                        selectedEntry = entry;

                WorksheetFeed  wFeed     = selectedEntry.Worksheets;
                WorksheetEntry worksheet = (WorksheetEntry)wFeed.Entries[0];

                AtomLink  listFeedLink = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, null);
                ListQuery listQuery    = new ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString());
                ListFeed  listFeed     = service.Query(listQuery);

                int       entries   = listFeed.Entries.Count;
                int       remaining = 0;
                ListEntry existingRow;
                    existingRow = (ListEntry)listFeed.Entries[0];

                    listFeed = service.Query(listQuery);
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Deleting {0} of {1} complete", remaining, entries));
                } while (listFeed.Entries.Count > 0);

                string[] rows = sb.ToString().Trim('\n').Split('\n');
                entries   = rows.Length;
                remaining = 0;
                foreach (string row in rows)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Inserting {0} of {1} complete", remaining, entries));
                    string[]  elements = row.Split(',');
                    ListEntry toAdd    = new ListEntry();

                    toAdd.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "champion", Value = elements[0]
                    toAdd.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "id", Value = elements[1]
                    toAdd.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "chest", Value = elements[2]
                    toAdd.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "tokensearned", Value = elements[3]
                    toAdd.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "lastplayed", Value = elements[4]
                    toAdd.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "champlevel", Value = elements[5]
                    toAdd.Elements.Add(new ListEntry.Custom()
                        LocalName = "masterypoints", Value = elements[6]

                    service.Insert(listFeed, toAdd);


            Console.WriteLine("Done! -- Press any key to exit.");