Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Decides whether or not to split a task further or compute it
        /// directly. If computing directly, calls {@code doLeaf} and pass
        /// the result to {@code setRawResult}. Otherwise splits off
        /// subtasks, forking one and continuing as the other.
        /// <para> The method is structured to conserve resources across a
        /// range of uses.  The loop continues with one of the child tasks
        /// when split, to avoid deep recursion. To cope with spliterators
        /// that may be systematically biased toward left-heavy or
        /// right-heavy splits, we alternate which child is forked versus
        /// continued in the loop.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        public override void Compute()
            Spliterator <P_IN> rs = Spliterator, ls;             // right, left spliterators
            long sizeEstimate  = rs.EstimateSize();
            long sizeThreshold = GetTargetSize(sizeEstimate);
            bool forkRight     = false;
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K task = (K) this;
            K task = (K)this;

            while (sizeEstimate > sizeThreshold && (ls = rs.TrySplit()) != null)
                K leftChild, rightChild, taskToFork;
                task.leftChild    = leftChild = task.makeChild(ls);
                task.rightChild   = rightChild = task.makeChild(rs);
                task.PendingCount = 1;
                if (forkRight)
                    forkRight  = false;
                    rs         = ls;
                    task       = leftChild;
                    taskToFork = rightChild;
                    forkRight  = true;
                    task       = rightChild;
                    taskToFork = leftChild;
                sizeEstimate = rs.EstimateSize();
            task.LocalResult = task.doLeaf();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 internal ForEachTask(PipelineHelper <T> helper, Spliterator <S> spliterator, Sink <S> sink) : base(null)
     this.Sink        = sink;
     this.Helper      = helper;
     this.Spliterator = spliterator;
     this.TargetSize  = 0L;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            internal override Node <T> opEvaluateParallel <P_IN>(PipelineHelper <T> helper, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator, IntFunction <T[]> generator)
                long size = helper.ExactOutputSizeIfKnown(spliterator);

                if (size > 0 && spliterator.hasCharacteristics(java.util.Spliterator_Fields.SUBSIZED))
                    // Because the pipeline is SIZED the slice spliterator
                    // can be created from the source, this requires matching
                    // to shape of the source, and is potentially more efficient
                    // than creating the slice spliterator from the pipeline
                    // wrapping spliterator
                    Spliterator <P_IN> s = SliceSpliterator(helper.SourceShape, spliterator, Skip, Limit);
                    return(Nodes.Collect(helper, s, Stream_Fields.True, generator));
                else if (!StreamOpFlag.ORDERED.isKnown(helper.StreamAndOpFlags))
                    Spliterator <T> s = unorderedSkipLimitSpliterator(helper.WrapSpliterator(spliterator), Skip, Limit, size);
                    // Collect using this pipeline, which is empty and therefore
                    // can be used with the pipeline wrapping spliterator
                    // Note that we cannot create a slice spliterator from
                    // the source spliterator if the pipeline is not SIZED
                    return(Nodes.Collect(this, s, Stream_Fields.True, generator));
                    return((new SliceTask <>(this, helper, spliterator, generator, Skip, Limit)).invoke());
Ejemplo n.º 4
            public override void onCompletion <T1>(CountedCompleter <T1> caller)
                if (Node != null)
                    // Dump buffered elements from this leaf into the sink
                    Node = null;
                else if (Spliterator != null)
                    // Dump elements output from this leaf's pipeline into the sink
                    Helper.WrapAndCopyInto(Action, Spliterator);
                    Spliterator = null;

                // The completion of this task *and* the dumping of elements
                // "happens-before" completion of the associated left-most leaf task
                // of right subtree (if any, which can be this task's right sibling)
                ForEachOrderedTask <S, T> leftDescendant = CompletionMap.Remove(this);

                if (leftDescendant != null)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal ForEachTask(ForEachTask <S, T> parent, Spliterator <S> spliterator) : base(parent)
     this.Spliterator = spliterator;
     this.Sink        = parent.Sink;
     this.TargetSize  = parent.TargetSize;
     this.Helper      = parent.Helper;
        /// <summary>
        /// Streams the set of dates included in the range.
        /// <para>
        /// This returns a stream consisting of each date in the range.
        /// The stream is ordered.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startInclusive">  the start date </param>
        /// <param name="endExclusive">  the end date </param>
        /// <returns> the stream of dates from the start to the end </returns>
        internal static Stream <LocalDate> stream(LocalDate startInclusive, LocalDate endExclusive)
            IEnumerator <LocalDate> it = new IteratorAnonymousInnerClass(startInclusive, endExclusive);
            long count = endExclusive.toEpochDay() - startInclusive.toEpochDay() + 1;
            Spliterator <LocalDate> spliterator = Spliterators.spliterator(it, count, Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.SORTED | Spliterator.SIZED | Spliterator.SUBSIZED);

            return(StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false));
Ejemplo n.º 7
            internal virtual Node <T> reduce <P_IN>(PipelineHelper <T> helper, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator)
                // If the stream is SORTED then it should also be ORDERED so the following will also
                // preserve the sort order
                TerminalOp <T, LinkedHashSet <T> > reduceOp = ReduceOps.MakeRef <T, LinkedHashSet <T> >(LinkedHashSet::new, LinkedHashSet::add, LinkedHashSet::addAll);

                return(Nodes.Node(reduceOp.evaluateParallel(helper, spliterator)));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal ForEachOrderedTask(ForEachOrderedTask <S, T> parent, Spliterator <S> spliterator, ForEachOrderedTask <S, T> leftPredecessor) : base(parent)
     this.Helper          = parent.Helper;
     this.Spliterator     = spliterator;
     this.TargetSize      = parent.TargetSize;
     this.CompletionMap   = parent.CompletionMap;
     this.Action          = parent.Action;
     this.LeftPredecessor = leftPredecessor;
Ejemplo n.º 9
			public override Boolean evaluateParallel<S>(PipelineHelper<T> helper, Spliterator<S> spliterator)
				// Approach for parallel implementation:
				// - Decompose as per usual
				// - run match on leaf chunks, call result "b"
				// - if b == matchKind.shortCircuitOn, complete early and return b
				// - else if we complete normally, return !shortCircuitOn

				return (new MatchTask<>(this, helper, spliterator)).invoke();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected internal ForEachOrderedTask(PipelineHelper <T> helper, Spliterator <S> spliterator, Sink <T> action) : base(null)
     this.Helper      = helper;
     this.Spliterator = spliterator;
     this.TargetSize  = AbstractTask.SuggestTargetSize(spliterator.EstimateSize());
     // Size map to avoid concurrent re-sizes
     this.CompletionMap   = new ConcurrentDictionary <>(System.Math.Max(16, AbstractTask.LEAF_TARGET << 1));
     this.Action          = action;
     this.LeftPredecessor = null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 internal virtual Spliterator <T> UnorderedSkipLimitSpliterator(Spliterator <T> s, long skip, long limit, long sizeIfKnown)
     if (skip <= sizeIfKnown)
         // Use just the limit if the number of elements
         // to skip is <= the known pipeline size
         limit = limit >= 0 ? System.Math.Min(limit, sizeIfKnown - skip) : sizeIfKnown - skip;
         skip  = 0;
     return(new StreamSpliterators.UnorderedSliceSpliterator.OfRef <>(s, skip, limit));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public virtual Stream <AvailableAnalyzer> ListAvailableAnalyzers()
            Stream <AnalyzerProvider> stream = Accessor.listAvailableAnalyzers();

            return(stream.flatMap(provider =>
                string description = provider.description();
                Spliterator <string> spliterator = provider.Keys.spliterator();
                return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false).map(name => new AvailableAnalyzer(name, description));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a stream from the given iterator with given characteristics.
        /// <para>
        /// <b>Note:</b> returned stream needs to be closed via <seealso cref="Stream.close()"/> if the given iterator implements
        /// <seealso cref="Resource"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iterator"> the iterator to convert to stream </param>
        /// <param name="characteristics"> the logical OR of characteristics for the underlying <seealso cref="Spliterator"/> </param>
        /// @param <T> the type of elements in the given iterator </param>
        /// <returns> stream over the iterator elements </returns>
        /// <exception cref="NullPointerException"> when the given iterator is {@code null} </exception>
        public static Stream <T> Stream <T>(IEnumerator <T> iterator, int characteristics)
            Spliterator <T> spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, characteristics);
            Stream <T>      stream      = StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false);

            if (iterator is Resource)
                return(stream.onClose((( Resource )iterator).close));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public override Void evaluateParallel <S>(PipelineHelper <T> helper, Spliterator <S> spliterator)
     if (Ordered)
         (new ForEachOrderedTask <>(helper, spliterator, this)).Invoke();
         (new ForEachTask <>(helper, spliterator, helper.WrapSink(this))).Invoke();
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides AbstractTask version to include checks for early
        /// exits while splitting or computing.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Compute()
            Spliterator <P_IN> rs = spliterator, ls;
            long sizeEstimate  = rs.EstimateSize();
            long sizeThreshold = getTargetSize(sizeEstimate);
            bool forkRight     = false;
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K task = (K) this;
            K task = (K)this;
            AtomicReference <R> sr = SharedResult;
            R result;

            while ((result = sr.Get()) == null)
                if (task.taskCanceled())
                    result = task.EmptyResult;
                if (sizeEstimate <= sizeThreshold || (ls = rs.TrySplit()) == null)
                    result = task.doLeaf();
                K leftChild, rightChild, taskToFork;
                task.leftChild    = leftChild = task.makeChild(ls);
                task.rightChild   = rightChild = task.makeChild(rs);
                task.PendingCount = 1;
                if (forkRight)
                    forkRight  = false;
                    rs         = ls;
                    task       = leftChild;
                    taskToFork = rightChild;
                    forkRight  = true;
                    task       = rightChild;
                    taskToFork = leftChild;
                sizeEstimate = rs.EstimateSize();
            task.LocalResult = result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
            // Similar to AbstractTask but doesn't need to track child tasks
            public void Compute()
                Spliterator <S> rightSplit = Spliterator, leftSplit;
                long            sizeEstimate = rightSplit.EstimateSize(), sizeThreshold;

                if ((sizeThreshold = TargetSize) == 0L)
                    TargetSize = sizeThreshold = AbstractTask.SuggestTargetSize(sizeEstimate);
                bool               isShortCircuit = StreamOpFlag.SHORT_CIRCUIT.isKnown(Helper.StreamAndOpFlags);
                bool               forkRight      = false;
                Sink <S>           taskSink       = Sink;
                ForEachTask <S, T> task           = this;

                while (!isShortCircuit || !taskSink.cancellationRequested())
                    if (sizeEstimate <= sizeThreshold || (leftSplit = rightSplit.TrySplit()) == null)
                        task.Helper.CopyInto(taskSink, rightSplit);
                    ForEachTask <S, T> leftTask = new ForEachTask <S, T>(task, leftSplit);
                    ForEachTask <S, T> taskToFork;
                    if (forkRight)
                        forkRight  = false;
                        rightSplit = leftSplit;
                        taskToFork = task;
                        task       = leftTask;
                        forkRight  = true;
                        taskToFork = leftTask;
                    sizeEstimate = rightSplit.EstimateSize();
                task.Spliterator = null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a slice spliterator given a stream shape governing the
        /// spliterator type.  Requires that the underlying Spliterator
        /// be SUBSIZED.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <P_IN> java.util.Spliterator<P_IN> sliceSpliterator(StreamShape shape, java.util.Spliterator<P_IN> s, long skip, long limit)
        private static Spliterator <P_IN> sliceSpliterator <P_IN>(StreamShape shape, Spliterator <P_IN> s, long skip, long limit)
            long sliceFence = CalcSliceFence(skip, limit);

            switch (shape)
            case java.util.stream.StreamShape.REFERENCE:
                return(new StreamSpliterators.SliceSpliterator.OfRef <>(s, skip, sliceFence));

            case java.util.stream.StreamShape.INT_VALUE:
                return((Spliterator <P_IN>) new StreamSpliterators.SliceSpliterator.OfInt((java.util.Spliterator_OfInt)s, skip, sliceFence));

            case java.util.stream.StreamShape.LONG_VALUE:
                return((Spliterator <P_IN>) new StreamSpliterators.SliceSpliterator.OfLong((java.util.Spliterator_OfLong)s, skip, sliceFence));

            case java.util.stream.StreamShape.DOUBLE_VALUE:
                return((Spliterator <P_IN>) new StreamSpliterators.SliceSpliterator.OfDouble((java.util.Spliterator_OfDouble)s, skip, sliceFence));

                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown shape " + shape);
Ejemplo n.º 18
            internal override Spliterator <T> opEvaluateParallelLazy <P_IN>(PipelineHelper <T> helper, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator)
                long size = helper.ExactOutputSizeIfKnown(spliterator);

                if (size > 0 && spliterator.hasCharacteristics(java.util.Spliterator_Fields.SUBSIZED))
                    return(new StreamSpliterators.SliceSpliterator.OfRef <>(helper.WrapSpliterator(spliterator), Skip, CalcSliceFence(Skip, Limit)));
                else if (!StreamOpFlag.ORDERED.isKnown(helper.StreamAndOpFlags))
                    return(unorderedSkipLimitSpliterator(helper.WrapSpliterator(spliterator), Skip, Limit, size));
                    // @@@ OOMEs will occur for LongStream.longs().filter(i -> true).limit(n)
                    //     regardless of the value of n
                    //     Need to adjust the target size of splitting for the
                    //     SliceTask from say (size / k) to say min(size / k, 1 << 14)
                    //     This will limit the size of the buffers created at the leaf nodes
                    //     cancellation will be more aggressive cancelling later tasks
                    //     if the target slice size has been reached from a given task,
                    //     cancellation should also clear local results if any
                    return((new SliceTask <>(this, helper, spliterator, CastingArray(), Skip, Limit)).invoke().spliterator());
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public override O evaluateParallel <P_IN>(PipelineHelper <T> helper, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator)
     return((new FindTask <>(this, helper, spliterator)).invoke());
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for root tasks.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="helper"> the {@code PipelineHelper} describing the stream pipeline
 ///               up to this operation </param>
 /// <param name="spliterator"> the {@code Spliterator} describing the source for this
 ///                    pipeline </param>
 protected internal AbstractShortCircuitTask(PipelineHelper <P_OUT> helper, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator) : base(helper, spliterator)
     SharedResult = new AtomicReference <>(null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for non-root nodes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent"> parent task in the computation tree </param>
 /// <param name="spliterator"> the {@code Spliterator} for the portion of the
 ///                    computation tree described by this task </param>
 protected internal AbstractShortCircuitTask(K parent, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator) : base(parent, spliterator)
     SharedResult = parent.sharedResult;
Ejemplo n.º 22
			/// <summary>
			/// Constructor for non-root node
			/// </summary>
			internal MatchTask(MatchTask<P_IN, P_OUT> parent, Spliterator<P_IN> spliterator) : base(parent, spliterator)
				this.Op = parent.Op;
Ejemplo n.º 23
			protected internal override MatchTask<P_IN, P_OUT> MakeChild(Spliterator<P_IN> spliterator)
				return new MatchTask<>(this, spliterator);
Ejemplo n.º 24
			/// <summary>
			/// Constructor for root node
			/// </summary>
			internal MatchTask(MatchOp<P_OUT> op, PipelineHelper<P_OUT> helper, Spliterator<P_IN> spliterator) : base(helper, spliterator)
				this.Op = op;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 internal FindTask(FindOp <P_OUT, O> op, PipelineHelper <P_OUT> helper, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator) : base(helper, spliterator)
     this.Op = op;
Ejemplo n.º 26
			public override Boolean evaluateSequential<S>(PipelineHelper<T> helper, Spliterator<S> spliterator)
				return helper.WrapAndCopyInto(SinkSupplier.Get(), spliterator).AndClearState;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 internal FindTask(FindTask <P_IN, P_OUT, O> parent, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator) : base(parent, spliterator)
     this.Op = parent.Op;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 protected internal override FindTask <P_IN, P_OUT, O> MakeChild(Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator)
     return(new FindTask <>(this, spliterator));
Ejemplo n.º 29
            internal override Node <T> opEvaluateParallel <P_IN>(PipelineHelper <T> helper, Spliterator <P_IN> spliterator, IntFunction <T[]> generator)
                if (StreamOpFlag.DISTINCT.isKnown(helper.StreamAndOpFlags))
                    // No-op
                    return(helper.Evaluate(spliterator, false, generator));
                else if (StreamOpFlag.ORDERED.isKnown(helper.StreamAndOpFlags))
                    return(reduce(helper, spliterator));
                    // Holder of null state since ConcurrentHashMap does not support null values
                    AtomicBoolean seenNull = new AtomicBoolean(false);
                    ConcurrentDictionary <T, Boolean> map = new ConcurrentDictionary <T, Boolean>();
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java lambdas satisfy functional interfaces, while .NET lambdas satisfy delegates - change the appropriate interface to a delegate:
                    TerminalOp <T, Void> forEachOp = ForEachOps.makeRef(Stream_Fields.t =>
                        if (Stream_Fields.t == null)
                            map.GetOrAdd(Stream_Fields.t, true);
                    }, false);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a stream that wraps this iterator.
        /// <para>
        /// The stream will process any remaining rows in the CSV file.
        /// As such, it is recommended that callers should use this method or the iterator methods and not both.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> the stream wrapping this iterator </returns>
        public Stream <CsvRow> asStream()
            Spliterator <CsvRow> spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(this, Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL);

            return(StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false));