Ejemplo n.º 1
        private List <LatLng> GetPoints(String keyword)
            Dictionary <string, LatLng> results = new Dictionary <string, LatLng>();

            // Calculate four equidistant points around Sydney to use as search centers
            //   so that four searches can be done.
            List <LatLng> searchCenters = new List <LatLng>(4);

            for (int heading = 45; heading < 360; heading += 90)
                searchCenters.Add(SphericalUtil.ComputeOffset(SYDNEY, SEARCH_RADIUS / 2, heading));

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                var result = GetJsonPlaces(keyword, searchCenters[j]).Result;
                    for (int i = 0; i < result.Place.Count; i++)
                        if (!results.ContainsKey(result.Place[i].Id))
                            results.Add(result.Place[i].Id, new LatLng(result.Place[i].Geometry.Location.Latitude, result.Place[i].Geometry.Location.Longitude));
                catch (Exception)
                    Toast.MakeText(this, "Cannot process JSON results", ToastLength.Short).Show();
         * Makes four radar search requests for the given keyword, then parses the
         * json output and returns the search results as a collection of LatLng objects.
         * @param keyword A string to use as a search term for the radar search
         * @return Returns the search results from radar search as a collection
         * of LatLng objects.
        private List <LatLng> getPoints(string keyword)
            Dictionary <string, LatLng> results = new Dictionary <string, LatLng>();

            // Calculate four equidistant points around Sydney to use as search centers
            //   so that four searches can be done.
            List <LatLng> searchCenters = new List <LatLng>(4);

            for (int heading = 45; heading < 360; heading += 90)
                searchCenters.Add(SphericalUtil.ComputeOffset(SYDNEY, SEARCH_RADIUS / 2, heading));

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                string jsonResults = getJsonPlaces(keyword, searchCenters[j]);
                    // Create a JSON object hierarchy from the results
                    JSONObject jsonObj         = new JSONObject(jsonResults);
                    JSONArray  pointsJsonArray = jsonObj.GetJSONArray("results");

                    // Extract the Place descriptions from the results
                    for (int i = 0; i < pointsJsonArray.Length(); i++)
                        if (!results.ContainsKey(pointsJsonArray.GetJSONObject(i).GetString("id")))
                            JSONObject location = pointsJsonArray.GetJSONObject(i)
                                        new LatLng(location.GetDouble("lat"),
                catch (JSONException)
                    Toast.MakeText(this, "Cannot process JSON results", ToastLength.Short).Show();