Ejemplo n.º 1
        //TT -- Changed to include height and color
//        void AddWall(int row, int col)
//        {
//            AddWall(row, col, DefaultHeight, BasicColor.White);
//        }

        // Adds a simple cube at a specified location in the maze grid
        void AddWall(int row, int col, float height, BasicColor color)

            // TT Oct-2006 - Add an option to use a sphere instead of a cube
            if (_UseSphere[(byte)color])
                SphereShapeProperties cSphereShape = null;
                SingleShapeEntity sphere = null;
                float radius;

                radius = _state.SphereScale *  height / 2.0f;

                // create simple entity, with a single shape
                cSphereShape = new SphereShapeProperties(
                    // TT -- Change to infinite mass so that the walls
                    // do not "blow apart" if you bump them!
                    // TT Oct 2006 -- Allow user to specify this
                        _WallMasses[(byte)color], // mass in kilograms.
                        new Pose(),     // relative pose
                        radius);    // radius
                cSphereShape.Material = new MaterialProperties("gsphere", 1.0f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
                // Set the color of the sphere according to the bitmap image
                // or the specified color if no bitmap
                if (_WallTextures[(byte)color] == "")
                    // TT - Changed for October CTP because DiffuseColor
                    // is a Vector4, but my WallColors are Vector3
                    //cBoxShape.DiffuseColor = _WallColors[(byte)color];
                    cSphereShape.DiffuseColor.X = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].X / 255.0);
                    cSphereShape.DiffuseColor.Y = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].Y / 255.0);
                    cSphereShape.DiffuseColor.Z = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].Z / 255.0);
                    cSphereShape.DiffuseColor.W = 1.0f;
                    cSphereShape.TextureFileName = _WallTextures[(byte)color];

                sphere = new SingleShapeEntity(new SphereShape(cSphereShape),
                    new Vector3((col * -_state.GridSpacing),
                            -(row * _state.GridSpacing)));

                // Name the entity. All entities must have unique names
                sphere.State.Name = "ball_" + row + "_" + col;

                // Insert entity in simulation.  
                // Dimensions are in meters
                Vector3 dimensions =
                    new Vector3(_state.WallBoxSize * _state.GridSpacing,
                            height * _state.HeightScale,
                            _state.WallBoxSize * _state.GridSpacing);
                BoxShapeProperties cBoxShape = null;
                SingleShapeEntity box = null;

                // create simple immovable entity, with a single shape
                cBoxShape = new BoxShapeProperties(
                    // TT -- Change to infinite mass so that the walls
                    // do not "blow apart" if you bump them!
                    // TT Oct 2006 -- Allow user to specify this
                        _WallMasses[(byte)color], // mass in kilograms.
                        new Pose(),     // relative pose
                        dimensions);    // dimensions
                cBoxShape.Material = new MaterialProperties("gbox", 1.0f, 0.4f, 0.5f);
                // Set the color of the box according to the bitmap image
                // or the specified color if no bitmap
                if (_WallTextures[(byte)color] == "")
                    // TT - Changed for October CTP because DiffuseColor
                    // is a Vector4, but my WallColors are Vector3
                    //cBoxShape.DiffuseColor = _WallColors[(byte)color];
                    cBoxShape.DiffuseColor.X = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].X / 255.0);
                    cBoxShape.DiffuseColor.Y = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].Y / 255.0);
                    cBoxShape.DiffuseColor.Z = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].Z / 255.0);
                    cBoxShape.DiffuseColor.W = 0.5f;
                    cBoxShape.TextureFileName = _WallTextures[(byte)color];

                box = new SingleShapeEntity(new BoxShape(cBoxShape),
                    new Vector3(col * -_state.GridSpacing,
                            height * _state.HeightScale / 2,
                            -(row * _state.GridSpacing)));

                // Name the entity. All entities must have unique names
                box.State.Name = "wall_" + row + "_" + col;

                // Insert entity in simulation.  

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // TT -- Changed to add a height and color
//        void AddWall(int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol)
//        {
//            AddWall(startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol, DefaultHeight);
//        }

        // Adds a long wall in the maze grid
        // Useful for reducing number of elements in simulation for better performance
        // TT -- Note that the existing code used height to refer to the
        // depth of the wall. Therefore the real height is called boxSize.
        void AddWall(int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol, float boxSize, BasicColor color)
            int width = Math.Abs(endCol - startCol) + 1;
            int height = Math.Abs(endRow - startRow) + 1;

            float realWidth = (width * _state.GridSpacing) - (_state.GridSpacing - _state.WallBoxSize*_state.GridSpacing);
            float realHeight = (height * _state.GridSpacing) - (_state.GridSpacing - _state.WallBoxSize*_state.GridSpacing);

            //because the box is placed relative to the center of mass
            float widthOffset = (Math.Abs(endCol - startCol) * _state.GridSpacing) / 2;
            float heightOffset = -(Math.Abs(endRow - startRow) * _state.GridSpacing) / 2;

            if (_UseSphere[(byte)color])
                // This object is a Sphere
                SphereShapeProperties cSphereShape = null;
                SingleShapeEntity sphere = null;
                float radius;

                radius = (float)(_state.SphereScale * Math.Sqrt(realWidth * realWidth + realHeight * realHeight) / 2.0f);

                // create simple entity, with a single shape
                cSphereShape = new SphereShapeProperties(
                    // TT -- Change to infinite mass so that the walls
                    // do not "blow apart" if you bump them!
                    // TT Oct 2006 -- Allow user to specify this
                    _WallMasses[(byte)color], // mass in kilograms.
                    new Pose(),     // relative pose
                    radius);        // radius
                cSphereShape.Material = new MaterialProperties("gsphere", 0.9f, 0.05f, 0.1f);
                cSphereShape.Material.Advanced = new MaterialAdvancedProperties();
                cSphereShape.Material.Advanced.RestitutionCombineMode = CoefficientsCombineMode.Max;
                cSphereShape.Material.Advanced.FrictionCombineMode = CoefficientsCombineMode.Min;
                cSphereShape.Material.Advanced.Spring = new SpringProperties();
                cSphereShape.Material.Advanced.Spring.SpringCoefficient = 0.9f;
                cSphereShape.Material.Advanced.Spring.DamperCoefficient = 0.1f;
                cSphereShape.Advanced = new ShapeAdvancedProperties();
                cSphereShape.Advanced.PhysicsCalculationPasses = 20.0f;
                //cSphereShape.Advanced.MassSpaceIntertiaTensor = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                // TT - These do not seem to have much effect
                //cSphereShape.MassDensity.AngularDamping = 0.0f;
                //cSphereShape.MassDensity.LinearDamping = 0.0f;
                //cSphereShape.MassDensity.Mass = _WallMasses[(byte)color];
                //cSphereShape.MassDensity.Density = 0.1f;

                // Set the color of the sphere according to the bitmap image
                // or the specified color if no bitmap
                if (_WallTextures[(byte)color] == "")
                    // TT - Changed for October CTP because DiffuseColor
                    // is a Vector4, but my WallColors are Vector3
                    //cBoxShape.DiffuseColor = _WallColors[(byte)color];
                    cSphereShape.DiffuseColor.X = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].X / 255.0);
                    cSphereShape.DiffuseColor.Y = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].Y / 255.0);
                    cSphereShape.DiffuseColor.Z = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].Z / 255.0);
                    cSphereShape.DiffuseColor.W = 1.0f;
                    cSphereShape.TextureFileName = _WallTextures[(byte)color];

                sphere = new SingleShapeEntity(new SphereShape(cSphereShape),
                    new Vector3((startCol * -_state.GridSpacing) - widthOffset,
                                -(startRow * _state.GridSpacing) + heightOffset)

                // Name the entity. All entities must have unique names
                sphere.State.Name = "ball_" + startRow + "_" + startCol;

                // Insert entity in simulation.  

                SphereShapeProperties cSphereShape = null;
                SingleShapeEntity sphere = null;
                float radius;

                radius = (float)(_state.SphereScale * Math.Sqrt(realWidth * realWidth + realHeight * realHeight) / 2.0f);

                // create simple entity, with a single shape
                cSphereShape = new SphereShapeProperties(
                        1.0f,   // mass in kilograms.
                        new Pose(),     // relative pose
                        radius);    // radius
                cSphereShape.Material = new MaterialProperties("gsphere", 1.0f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
                sphere = new SingleShapeEntity(new SphereShape(cSphereShape),
                    new Vector3((startCol * -_state.GridSpacing) - widthOffset,
                                -(startRow * _state.GridSpacing) + heightOffset)

                // Name the entity. All entities must have unique names
                sphere.State.Name = "ball_" + startRow + "_" + startCol;

                // Insert entity in simulation.  
                // This object is a wall (stretched cube)
                Vector3 dimensions =
                    new Vector3(realWidth, boxSize * _state.HeightScale, realHeight);
                        // Dimensions are in meters
                BoxShapeProperties cBoxShape = null;
                SingleShapeEntity box = null;

                cBoxShape = new BoxShapeProperties(
                    // TT -- Change to infinite mass so that the walls
                    // do not "blow apart" if you bump them!
                    // TT Oct 2006 -- Allow user to specify this
                        _WallMasses[(byte)color], // mass in kilograms.
                        new Pose(),     // relative pose
                        dimensions);    // dimensions
//                cBoxShape = new BoxShapeProperties(0, new Pose(), dimensions);
                // Walls have the same properties as the ground
                cBoxShape.Material = new MaterialProperties("gbox", 0.8f, 0.5f, 0.8f);
                // Set the color of the box according to the bitmap image
                // or the specified color if no bitmap
                if (_WallTextures[(byte)color] == "")
                    // TT - Changed for October CTP because DiffuseColor
                    // is a Vector4, but my WallColors are Vector3
                    //cBoxShape.DiffuseColor = _WallColors[(byte)color];
                    cBoxShape.DiffuseColor.X = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].X / 255.0);
                    cBoxShape.DiffuseColor.Y = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].Y / 255.0);
                    cBoxShape.DiffuseColor.Z = (float)(_WallColors[(byte)color].Z / 255.0);
                    cBoxShape.DiffuseColor.W = 0.5f;
                    cBoxShape.TextureFileName = _WallTextures[(byte)color];
                // Raul
                if (color == BasicColor.White)
                    cBoxShape.TextureFileName = "bricks_4.jpg";
                if (color == BasicColor.Red)
                    cBoxShape.TextureFileName = "wood2.jpg";

                box = new SingleShapeEntity(new BoxShape(cBoxShape),
                    new Vector3((startCol * -_state.GridSpacing) - widthOffset,
                                boxSize * _state.HeightScale / 2,
                                -(startRow * _state.GridSpacing) + heightOffset)
                // Name the entity. All entities must have unique names
                box.State.Name = "wall_" + startRow + "_" + startCol;

Ejemplo n.º 3
	    private void PopulateWorld()
     //       AddBlocks();

            // Add an overhead camera
       //     AddCamera();

            // Create and place the dominos
         //   SpawnIterator(CreateDominos);

            // Create a LynxL6Arm Entity positioned at the origin
            var robotArm = new SimulatedRobotArmEntity(RobotArmEntityName, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

	        var targetProps = new SphereShapeProperties(0, new Pose(), 0.0025f);
	        var shape = new SphereShape(targetProps);
	        shape.State.DiffuseColor = new Vector4(0.1f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
            _moveTargetEntity = new SingleShapeEntity(shape, new Vector3(0f, 0.2f, 0.1f));
	        _moveTargetEntity.State.Name = "Move To Target";