Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 目标坐标转源坐标(批量)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetCoordiantes">目标坐标集合</param>
        /// <returns>源坐标集合</returns>
        public List <ICoordinate> TargetToSourceBatch(IEnumerable <ICoordinate> targetCoordiantes)
            if (targetCoordiantes == null || targetCoordiantes.Count() == 0)
            List <ICoordinate> result = new List <ICoordinate>();
            // 两个中间变量
            SpherePoint spTemp = null;
            PlanePoint  ppTemp = null;
            // 高斯转换
            GaussKrugerTransform gauss_source = new GaussKrugerTransform(sourceCS);
            GaussKrugerTransform gauss_target = new GaussKrugerTransform(targetCS);
            // 大地坐标转换
            GeodeticTransform geo_source = new GeodeticTransform(sourceCS, sourceMeridian);
            GeodeticTransform geo_target = new GeodeticTransform(targetCS, targetMeridian);
            // 七参数模型,对空间直角坐标进行转换,转换后同样是空间直角坐标
            BursaWolfTransform bursa_target = new BursaWolfTransform(sevenParams.Reverse());

            foreach (ICoordinate targetCoordinate in targetCoordiantes)
                // 如果目标是平面坐标
                // 1.平面坐标转高斯坐标;2.高斯反算,转为球面坐标
                if (targetCT == CoordinateType.Plane)
                    ppTemp = gauss_target.PlaneToGauss((PlanePoint)targetCoordinate);
                    spTemp = gauss_target.GaussKrugerReverse(ppTemp, targetMeridian);
                    spTemp = (SpherePoint)targetCoordinate.Clone();

                // 大地坐标转空间直角坐标
                ppTemp = geo_target.GeodeticToThreeDimensions(spTemp);

                // 七参数模型,对空间直角坐标进行转换,转换后同样是空间直角坐标
                ppTemp = (PlanePoint)bursa_target.Transform(ppTemp);

                // 空间直角坐标转大地坐标
                spTemp = geo_source.ThreeDimensionsToGeodetic(ppTemp);

                // 如果源是平面坐标
                // 1.高斯正算,转为高斯坐标;2.高斯坐标转平面坐标
                if (sourceCT == CoordinateType.Plane)
                    ppTemp = gauss_source.GaussKrugerForward(spTemp, sourceMeridian);
                    ppTemp = gauss_source.GaussToPlane(ppTemp);


Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 源坐标转目标坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCoordinate">源坐标</param>
        /// <returns>目标坐标</returns>
        public ICoordinate SourceToTarget(ICoordinate sourceCoordinate)
            if (sourceCoordinate == null)
            // 两个中间变量
            SpherePoint spTemp = null;
            PlanePoint  ppTemp = null;

            // 如果源是平面坐标
            // 1.平面坐标转高斯坐标;2.高斯反算,转为球面坐标
            if (sourceCT == CoordinateType.Plane)
                GaussKrugerTransform gauss_source = new GaussKrugerTransform(sourceCS);
                ppTemp = gauss_source.PlaneToGauss((PlanePoint)sourceCoordinate);
                spTemp = gauss_source.GaussKrugerReverse(ppTemp, sourceMeridian);
                spTemp = (SpherePoint)sourceCoordinate.Clone();

            // 大地坐标转空间直角坐标
            GeodeticTransform geo_source = new GeodeticTransform(sourceCS, sourceMeridian);

            ppTemp = geo_source.GeodeticToThreeDimensions(spTemp);

            // 七参数模型,对空间直角坐标进行转换,转换后同样是空间直角坐标
            BursaWolfTransform bursa_source = new BursaWolfTransform(sevenParams);

            ppTemp = (PlanePoint)bursa_source.Transform(ppTemp);

            // 空间直角坐标转大地坐标
            GeodeticTransform geo_target = new GeodeticTransform(targetCS, targetMeridian);

            spTemp = geo_target.ThreeDimensionsToGeodetic(ppTemp);

            ICoordinate result = null;

            // 如果目标是平面坐标
            // 1.高斯正算,转为高斯坐标;2.高斯坐标转平面坐标
            if (targetCT == CoordinateType.Plane)
                GaussKrugerTransform gauss_target = new GaussKrugerTransform(targetCS);
                ppTemp = gauss_target.GaussKrugerForward(spTemp, targetMeridian);
                ppTemp = gauss_target.GaussToPlane(ppTemp);

                result = ppTemp.Clone();
                result = spTemp.Clone();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 高斯-克吕格 投影反算(平面坐标转换为球面坐标)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinate">平面坐标</param>
        /// <param name="centerMeridian">中央经线</param>
        /// <returns>球面坐标</returns>
        public SpherePoint GaussKrugerReverse(PlanePoint coordinate, double centerMeridian)
            double x   = coordinate.x;
            double y   = coordinate.y;
            double lng = 0;
            double lat = 0;

            this.xytoBL(x, y, centerMeridian, out lng, out lat);
            SpherePoint result = new SpherePoint(lng, lat);

        /// <summary>
        /// 火星坐标转WGS84坐标(精确)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gcj02Point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpherePoint GCJ02_To_WGS84_EXACT(SpherePoint gcj02Point)
            double gcj02Lng = gcj02Point.lng;
            double gcj02Lat = gcj02Point.lat;
            double wgs84Lng = 0;
            double wgs84Lat = 0;

            this.gcj02_to_wgs84_exact(gcj02Lng, gcj02Lat, out wgs84Lng, out wgs84Lat);

            SpherePoint wgs84Point = new SpherePoint(wgs84Lng, wgs84Lat);

        /// <summary>
        /// WGS84坐标转火星坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wgs84Point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpherePoint WGS84_To_GCJ02(SpherePoint wgs84Point)
            double wgs84Lng = wgs84Point.lng;
            double wgs84Lat = wgs84Point.lat;
            double gcj02Lng = 0;
            double gcj02Lat = 0;

            this.wgs84_to_gcj02(wgs84Lng, wgs84Lat, out gcj02Lng, out gcj02Lat);

            SpherePoint gcj02Point = new SpherePoint(gcj02Lng, gcj02Lat);

        /// <summary>
        /// Web墨卡托坐标转经纬度坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xy"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpherePoint WebMercator_To_LngLat(PlanePoint xy)
            double x   = xy.x;
            double y   = xy.y;
            double lng = 0;
            double lat = 0;

            this.webmercator_to_lnglat(x, y, out lng, out lat);

            SpherePoint lnglat = new SpherePoint(lng, lat);

        /// <summary>
        /// 经纬度坐标转Web墨卡托坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lnglat"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PlanePoint LngLat_To_WebMercator(SpherePoint lnglat)
            double lng = lnglat.lng;
            double lat = lnglat.lat;
            double x   = 0;
            double y   = 0;

            this.lnglat_to_webmercator(lng, lat, out x, out y);

            PlanePoint xy = new PlanePoint(x, y);

        /// <summary>
        /// 百度坐标转火星坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bd09Point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpherePoint BD09_To_GCJ02(SpherePoint bd09Point)
            double bd09Lng  = bd09Point.lng;
            double bd09Lat  = bd09Point.lat;
            double gcj02Lng = 0;
            double gcj02Lat = 0;

            this.bd09_to_gcj02(bd09Lng, bd09Lat, out gcj02Lng, out gcj02Lat);

            SpherePoint gcj02Point = new SpherePoint(gcj02Lng, gcj02Lat);

        /// <summary>
        /// 火星坐标转百度坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gcj02Point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpherePoint GCJ02_To_BD09(SpherePoint gcj02Point)
            double gcj02Lng = gcj02Point.lng;
            double gcj02Lat = gcj02Point.lat;
            double bd09Lng  = 0;
            double bd09Lat  = 0;

            this.gcj02_to_bd09(gcj02Lng, gcj02Lat, out bd09Lng, out bd09Lat);

            SpherePoint bd09Point = new SpherePoint(bd09Lng, bd09Lat);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 高斯-克吕格 投影正算(球面坐标转换为平面坐标)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinate">球面坐标</param>
        /// <param name="centerMeridian">中央经线</param>
        /// <returns>平面坐标</returns>
        public PlanePoint GaussKrugerForward(SpherePoint coordinate, double centerMeridian)
            double lng = coordinate.lng;
            double lat = coordinate.lat;
            double x   = 0;
            double y   = 0;

            this.BLtoxy(lng, lat, centerMeridian, out x, out y);

            PlanePoint result = new PlanePoint(x, y);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// 空间直角坐标转大地坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinate">空间直角坐标</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpherePoint ThreeDimensionsToGeodetic(PlanePoint coordinate)
            double X = coordinate.x;
            double Y = coordinate.y;
            double Z = coordinate.z;
            double B = 0;
            double L = 0;
            double H = 0;

            this.XYZtoBLH(X, Y, Z, out B, out L, out H);
            SpherePoint result = new SpherePoint(B, L);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 大地坐标转空间直角坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinate">大地坐标</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PlanePoint GeodeticToThreeDimensions(SpherePoint coordinate)
            double B = coordinate.lng;
            double L = coordinate.lat;
            double H = coordinate.hgt;
            double X = 0;
            double Y = 0;
            double Z = 0;

            this.BLHtoXYZ(B, L, H, out X, out Y, out Z);
            PlanePoint result = new PlanePoint(X, Y, Z);

        /// <summary>
        /// 百度坐标转WGS84坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bd09Point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpherePoint BD09_To_WGS84(SpherePoint bd09Point)
            double bd09Lng  = bd09Point.lng;
            double bd09Lat  = bd09Point.lat;
            double gcj02Lng = 0;
            double gcj02Lat = 0;
            double wgs84Lng = 0;
            double wgs84Lat = 0;

            this.bd09_to_gcj02(bd09Lng, bd09Lat, out gcj02Lng, out gcj02Lat);
            this.gcj02_to_wgs84(gcj02Lng, gcj02Lat, out wgs84Lng, out wgs84Lat);

            SpherePoint wgs84Point = new SpherePoint(wgs84Lng, wgs84Lat);

        /// <summary>
        /// WGS84坐标转百度坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wgs84Point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SpherePoint WGS84_To_BD09(SpherePoint wgs84Point)
            double wgs84Lng = wgs84Point.lng;
            double wgs84Lat = wgs84Point.lat;
            double gcj02Lng = 0;
            double gcj02Lat = 0;
            double bd09Lng  = 0;
            double bd09Lat  = 0;

            this.wgs84_to_gcj02(wgs84Lng, wgs84Lat, out gcj02Lng, out gcj02Lat);
            this.gcj02_to_bd09(gcj02Lng, gcj02Lat, out bd09Lng, out bd09Lat);

            SpherePoint bd09Point = new SpherePoint(bd09Lng, bd09Lat);

Ejemplo n.º 15
    // https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/41142
    SpherePoint[] FibonacciSphere2(int samples = 2)
        float phi = (Mathf.Sqrt(5) + 1) / 2 - 1; // golden ratio
        float ga  = phi * 2 * Mathf.PI;          // golden angle

        SpherePoint[] pts = new SpherePoint[samples];
        for (int i = 1; i <= samples; ++i)
            float lon = ga * i;
            lon /= 2 * Mathf.PI; lon -= Mathf.Floor(lon); lon *= 2 * Mathf.PI;
            if (lon > Mathf.PI)
                lon -= 2 * Mathf.PI;

            // Convert dome height (which is proportional to surface area) to latitude
            float lat = Mathf.Asin(-1 + 2 * i / (float)samples);

            pts[i] = new SpherePoint(lat, lon);
