Ejemplo n.º 1
        partial void BeforeTransform(Bespoke.PosEntt.SalesOrders.Domain.SalesOrder item, Bespoke.PosEntt.Adapters.SnbWebApi.PostSalesOrdersRequest destination)
            var context = new SphDataContext();

            if (m_products.Count == 0)
                var query = context.CreateQueryable <Bespoke.PosEntt.Products.Domain.Product>()
                            .Where(p => p.Id != "0");
                var productRepos = ObjectBuilder.GetObject <IRepository <Bespoke.PosEntt.Products.Domain.Product> >();
                var lo           = productRepos.LoadAsync(query, 1, 200, false).Result;
            if (m_surcharges.Count == 0)
                var surchargeQuery = context.CreateQueryable <Bespoke.PosEntt.SurchargeAddOns.Domain.SurchargeAddOn>()
                                     .Where(p => p.Id != "0");
                var surchargeRepos = ObjectBuilder.GetObject <IRepository <Bespoke.PosEntt.SurchargeAddOns.Domain.SurchargeAddOn> >();
                var scLo           = surchargeRepos.LoadAsync(surchargeQuery, 1, 200, false).Result;
            if (m_categories.Count == 0)
                var categoryQuery = context.CreateQueryable <Bespoke.PosEntt.ItemCategories.Domain.ItemCategory>()
                                    .Where(p => p.Id != "0");
                var categoryRepos = ObjectBuilder.GetObject <IRepository <Bespoke.PosEntt.ItemCategories.Domain.ItemCategory> >();
                var categoriesLo  = categoryRepos.LoadAsync(categoryQuery, 1, 200, false).Result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <ActionResult> TimeOut(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var user    = await context.LoadOneAsync <Pengguna>(x => x.MyKad == User.Identity.Name);

            var sesi = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.Id == id);

            var name    = user == null ? "" : user.Nama;
            var setting = (await context.LoadOneAsync <PercubaanSesi>(x => x.MyKad == User.Identity.Name && x.SesiUjianId == id))
                          ?? new PercubaanSesi
                No           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MyKad        = User.Identity.Name,
                SesiUjianId  = id,
                Bilangan     = 0,
                NamaUjian    = sesi.NamaUjian,
                Program      = sesi.NamaProgram,
                NamaPengguna = name,
                Tarikh       = DateTime.Now,
                Id           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            setting.Bilangan += 1;
            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <ActionResult> ResetPassword(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var setting = await context.LoadOneAsync <Setting>(x => x.Id == id);

            var model = new ResetPaswordModel {
                IsValid = true, Id = id

            if (null == setting)
                model.IsValid = false;
                model.Mesage  = "The link is invalid";

            model.Email = setting.UserName;
            if ((DateTime.Now - setting.CreatedDate).TotalMinutes > 10)
                model.IsValid = false;
                model.Mesage  = "The link has expired";
            var user = Membership.FindUsersByEmail(setting.UserName);

            if (user.Count == 0)
                model.IsValid = false;
                model.Mesage  = "Cannot find any user with email  " + model.Email;
            model.Email = setting.UserName;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateUser(UserProfile profile)
            var context     = new SphDataContext();
            var userprofile = await context.LoadOneAsync <UserProfile>(p => p.UserName == User.Identity.Name)
                              ?? new UserProfile();

            userprofile.UserName    = User.Identity.Name;
            userprofile.Email       = profile.Email;
            userprofile.Telephone   = profile.Telephone;
            userprofile.FullName    = profile.FullName;
            userprofile.StartModule = profile.StartModule;
            userprofile.Language    = profile.Language;

            if (userprofile.IsNewItem)
                userprofile.Id = userprofile.UserName.ToIdFormat();

            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges();
            this.Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async Task <IpTraitViewModel> GetIpTraitViewModelAsync(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var sesi    = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.Id == id);

            var user = await context.LoadOneAsync <Pengguna>(x => x.MyKad == sesi.MyKad);

            var ujian = await context.LoadOneAsync <Ujian>(x => x.Id == sesi.NamaUjian);

            var permohonan = await context.LoadOneAsync <Permohonan>(x => x.PermohonanNo == sesi.NamaProgram);

            if (null == sesi || null == user)

            var vm = new IpTraitViewModel(sesi, user)
                Permohonan = permohonan,
                Ujian      = ujian

            vm.Recommendation = await context.LoadOneAsync <IpRecommendation>(x => x.Skor == vm.Result);

            if (null == vm.Recommendation)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find IpRecommendation for " + vm.Result);

        public async Task <ActionResult> PrintIndikatorIso(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var sesi    = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.Id == id);

            var user = await context.LoadOneAsync <Pengguna>(x => x.MyKad == sesi.MyKad);

            var ujianTask          = context.LoadOneAsync <Ujian>(x => x.Id == sesi.NamaUjian);
            var permohonanTask     = context.LoadOneAsync <Permohonan>(x => x.PermohonanNo == sesi.NamaProgram);
            var recommendationTask = context.LoadAsync(context.CreateQueryable <IsoRecommendation>());
            var soalanTask         = context.LoadAsync(context.CreateQueryable <Soalan>().Where(x => x.NamaUjian == "Inventori Stres Organisasi (ISO)"), 1, 120, true);
            await Task.WhenAll(ujianTask, permohonanTask, recommendationTask, soalanTask);

            var rlo      = await recommendationTask;
            var soalanLo = await soalanTask;

            if (null == sesi)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find SesiUjian " + id));
            if (null == user)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find user with MyKad " + sesi.MyKad));

            var vm = new IsoTraitViewModel(sesi, user, rlo.ItemCollection, soalanLo.ItemCollection)
                Permohonan = await permohonanTask,
                Ujian      = await ujianTask,
                Pengguna   = user

            return(View("Indikator-Iso", vm));
        public async Task <ActionResult> PrintPpkpKhusus(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var sesi    = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.Id == id);

            var user = await context.LoadOneAsync <Pengguna>(x => x.MyKad == sesi.MyKad);

            var ujianTask          = context.LoadOneAsync <Ujian>(x => x.Id == sesi.NamaUjian);
            var permohonanTask     = context.LoadOneAsync <Permohonan>(x => x.PermohonanNo == sesi.NamaProgram);
            var recommendationTask = context.LoadAsync(context.CreateQueryable <PpkpRecommendation>());
            var skorTask           = context.LoadAsync(context.CreateQueryable <SkorPpkp>(), 1, 150, true);
            await Task.WhenAll(ujianTask, permohonanTask, recommendationTask, skorTask);

            var rlo    = await recommendationTask;
            var skorLo = await skorTask;

            if (null == sesi)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find SesiUjian " + id));
            if (null == user)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find user with MyKad " + sesi.MyKad));

            var vm = new PpkpTraitViewModel(sesi, rlo.ItemCollection.ToArray(), skorLo.ItemCollection.ToArray())
                Permohonan = await permohonanTask,
                Ujian      = await ujianTask,
                Pengguna   = user

            return(View("ppkp.khusus", vm));
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> AddContactToGroup(string id, string group)
            var repos   = ObjectBuilder.GetObject <IRepository <AddressBook> >();
            var context = new SphDataContext();

            var contact = await repos.LoadOneAsync(id);

            if (null == contact)
                return(NotFound($"Contact with Id {id} is not found"));
            if (contact.Groups.Contains(group))
                return(Ok(new { message = $"{contact.CompanyName} is already in {group}" }));

            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges("AddGroup", new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "username", User.Identity.Name }
            // wait until the worker process it
            await Task.Delay(1000);

            return(Ok(new { message = $"{contact.CompanyName} has been added to {group}" }));
        private async Task CreateElasticsearchTemplateAsync()
            string uri         = $"_template/{ConfigurationManager.ElasticSearchIndex}_rts";
            var    getResponse = await m_client.GetAsync(uri);

            if (getResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.NotFound)

            var context           = new SphDataContext();
            var entityDefinitions = context.LoadFromSources <EntityDefinition>();
            var mappings          = from ed in entityDefinitions
                                    where !ExcludeTypes.Contains(ed.Name)
                                    let map                       = ed.GetElasticsearchMapping().Trim()
                                                         let trim = map.Trim()
                                                                    select trim.Substring(1, trim.Length - 2).Trim();

            var template = $@"
  ""template"": ""{ConfigurationManager.ElasticSearchIndex}_rts_*"",
  ""aliases"": {{
    ""{ConfigurationManager.ElasticSearchIndex}_rts"": {{}}
  ""mappings"": {{
            var response = await m_client.PutAsync(uri, new StringContent(template));

        public async Task RunAsync(Pickup pickup)
            var pickupToEnttAcceptanceMap = new Integrations.Transforms.RtsPickupToEnttPlatformAcceptance();
            var acceptanceList            = new List <EnttAcceptance>();
            var parentRow = await pickupToEnttAcceptanceMap.TransformAsync(pickup);

            parentRow.IsParent = true;


            if (null != pickup.BabyConsignment)
                var      consignmentBabies = pickup.BabyConsignment.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string[] babiesWeight      = { };
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pickup.BabyWeigth))
                    babiesWeight = pickup.BabyWeigth.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var babiesHeight = pickup.BabyHeigth.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var babiesWidth  = pickup.BabyWidth.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var babiesLength = pickup.BabyLength.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var index        = 0;

                foreach (var babyConsignmentNo in consignmentBabies)
                    var consignmentChildRow = parentRow.Clone();
                    consignmentChildRow.Id            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    consignmentChildRow.Parent        = parentRow.ConsignmentNo;
                    consignmentChildRow.IsParent      = false;
                    consignmentChildRow.ConsignmentNo = babyConsignmentNo;
                    if (babiesWeight.Length == consignmentBabies.Length)
                        consignmentChildRow.Weight = GetDoubleValue(babiesWeight[index]);
                        consignmentChildRow.Weight = 0;
                    consignmentChildRow.Height = GetDoubleValue(babiesHeight[index]);
                    consignmentChildRow.Length = GetDoubleValue(babiesLength[index]);
                    consignmentChildRow.Width  = GetDoubleValue(babiesWidth[index]);


            foreach (var item in acceptanceList)
                var context = new SphDataContext();
                using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                    await session.SubmitChanges();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private async Task <UserProfile> GetDesignation()
            var username    = User.Identity.Name;
            var directory   = new SphDataContext();
            var userProfile = await directory.LoadOneAsync <UserProfile>(p => p.UserName == username) ?? new UserProfile();

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <ActionResult> PrintTraitForHlp(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var sesi    = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.Id == id);

            var user = await context.LoadOneAsync <Pengguna>(x => x.MyKad == sesi.MyKad);

            var ujianTask      = context.LoadOneAsync <Bespoke.epsikologi_ujian.Domain.Ujian>(x => x.Id == sesi.NamaUjian);
            var permohonanTask =
                context.LoadOneAsync <Bespoke.epsikologi_permohonan.Domain.Permohonan>(
                    x => x.PermohonanNo == sesi.NamaProgram);
            await Task.WhenAll(ujianTask, permohonanTask);

            var query = context.CreateQueryable <SkorHlp>();
            var lo    = await context.LoadAsync(query, size : 1000);

            var scoreTables = lo.ItemCollection;

            var rq  = context.CreateQueryable <HlpRecomendation>();
            var rlo = await context.LoadAsync(rq, size : 200);

            var recommendations = rlo.ItemCollection;

            if (null == sesi)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find SesiUjian " + id));
            if (null == user)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find user with MyKad " + sesi.MyKad));

            var vm = new HlpTraitViewModel(sesi, user, scoreTables.ToArray(), recommendations.ToArray())
                Permohonan = await permohonanTask,
                Ujian      = await ujianTask

            var viewName = "Trait-Hlp-" + user.Jantina;

            //   const string STYLE = "border:3px solid red";
            //    return Pdf(viewName, vm, "~/Views/PrintReport/_MasterPage.NoHeader.cshtml",
            //    x => x
            //        .Replace($"id=\"KB{vm.KB.Point}\"", $"id=\"KB{vm.KB.Point}\"      style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"FR{vm.FR.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"FR{vm.FR.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"KT{vm.KT.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"KT{vm.KT.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"KC{vm.KC.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"KC{vm.KC.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"LP{vm.LP.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"LP{vm.LP.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"SM{vm.SM.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"SM{vm.SM.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"AS{vm.AS.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"AS{vm.AS.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"AF{vm.AF.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"AF{vm.AF.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"TL{vm.TL.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"TL{vm.TL.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\"")
            //        .Replace($"id=\"DT{vm.DT.Percentile}\"", $"id=\"DT{vm.DT.Percentile}\" style=\"{STYLE}\""), true);

            return(View(viewName, vm));
        public async Task <ActionResult> CountForRespondenDariJabatan()
            var context    = new SphDataContext();
            var penyelaras = await context.LoadOneAsync <Pengguna>(x => x.MyKad == User.Identity.Name);

            var count = await context.GetCountAsync <Pengguna>(x => x.NamaJabatan == penyelaras.NamaJabatan);

            return(Json(new { hits = new { total = count } }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static async Task SaveConsigmentRequest(ConsigmentRequest item)
            var context = new SphDataContext();

            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges("Default");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static async Task SaveEstRegistration(EstRegistration EstRegistration)
            var context = new SphDataContext();

            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges("Default");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static async Task SaveSetting(Setting setting, string operation)
            var context = new SphDataContext();

            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges(operation);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task <ActionResult> PsRequestPrepaid(string id)
            var context          = new SphDataContext();
            LoadData <Wallet> lo = await GetWallet(id);

            if (null == lo.Source)
                Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                return(Json(new { success = false, status = "ERROR", message = $"Cannot find WalletCode with Id: {id}." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            var generalLedger = new GeneralLedger();

            generalLedger.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var     wallet     = lo.Source;
            decimal noGstPrice = 0;
            decimal gstPrice   = 0;
            decimal totalPrice = 0;

            noGstPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(wallet.TotalValue);
            gstPrice   = noGstPrice * Convert.ToDecimal(0.06);
            totalPrice = noGstPrice + gstPrice;

            // required by payment gateway
            var model = new PaymentSwitchRequestModel();

            model.TransactionId     = GenerateCustomRefNo(generalLedger);
            model.TransactionAmount = noGstPrice;
            model.TransactionGST    = gstPrice;
            model.PurchaseDate      = DateTime.Now;
            model.Description       = $"{m_applicationName} purchase topup by {User.Identity.Name} for RM{totalPrice} with Id: ({wallet.WalletCode})";
            model.CallbackUrl       = $"{m_baseUrl}/ost-payment/ps-response-prepaid";

            //insert empty transaction into GL with reference no and type
            generalLedger.ReferenceNo = model.TransactionId;
            generalLedger.Type        = "Prepaid";
            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges("Default");

            var rijndaelKey   = new RijndaelEnhanced(m_paymentGatewayEncryptionKey);
            var dataToEncrypt = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}", model.TransactionId, model.TransactionAmount, model.TransactionGST, model.PurchaseDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"), model.Description);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CallbackUrl))
                dataToEncrypt += "|" + model.CallbackUrl;
            var encryptedData = rijndaelKey.Encrypt(dataToEncrypt);

            Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
            return(Json(new { success = true, status = "OK", id = m_paymentGatewayApplicationId, data = encryptedData, url = $"{m_paymentGatewayBaseUrl}/pay" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private static async Task <OstRegisterStatusModel> CreateAccount(OstRegisterModel model)
            var result = new OstRegisterStatusModel
                Success = true,
                Status  = "OK"

            Profile profile = new Profile();

            profile.UserName = model.UserName;
            profile.FullName = model.FullName;
            profile.Email    = model.Email;
            profile.Password = model.Password;

            var context     = new SphDataContext();
            var designation = await context.LoadOneAsync <Designation>(d => d.Name == model.Designation);

            if (null == designation)
                result.Success = false;
                result.Status  = $"Cannot find designation {model.Designation}";

            profile.Designation = model.Designation;
            profile.Roles       = designation.RoleCollection.ToArray();

            var em = Membership.GetUser(profile.UserName);

            if (null != em)
                result.Success = false;
                result.Status  = $"User {profile.UserName} already exist.";

                Membership.CreateUser(profile.UserName, profile.Password, profile.Email);
            catch (MembershipCreateUserException ex)
                ObjectBuilder.GetObject <ILogger>().Log(new LogEntry(ex));
                result.Success = false;
                result.Status  = ex.Message;

            Roles.AddUserToRoles(profile.UserName, profile.Roles);
            await CreateProfile(profile, designation);

    private static async Task <bool> AddUserAsync(Profile profile)
        var context  = new SphDataContext();
        var userName = profile.UserName;

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.Designation))
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Designation for  " + userName + " cannot be set to null or empty");
        var designation = await context.LoadOneAsync <Designation>(d => d.Name == profile.Designation);

        if (null == designation)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find designation " + profile.Designation);
        var roles = designation.RoleCollection.ToArray();

        var em = Membership.GetUser(userName);

        if (null != em)
            profile.Roles = roles;
            em.Email      = profile.Email;

            var originalRoles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(userName);
            if (originalRoles.Length > 0)
                Roles.RemoveUserFromRoles(userName, originalRoles);

            Roles.AddUserToRoles(userName, profile.Roles);
            await CreateProfile(profile, designation);


            Membership.CreateUser(userName, profile.Password, profile.Email);
        catch (MembershipCreateUserException ex)
            ObjectBuilder.GetObject <ILogger>().Log(new LogEntry(new Exception($"Fail to create User for device '{userName}', email :'{profile.Email}' and password : '******'", ex)));

        Roles.AddUserToRoles(userName, roles);
        profile.Roles = roles;

        await CreateProfile(profile, designation);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <ActionResult> Login(JpaLoginModel model, string returnUrl)
            var logger = ObjectBuilder.GetObject <ILogger>();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var directory = ObjectBuilder.GetObject <IDirectoryService>();
                if (await directory.AuthenticateAsync(model.UserName, model.Password))
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, model.RememberMe);
                    var context = new SphDataContext();
                    var profile = await context.LoadOneAsync <UserProfile>(u => u.UserName == model.UserName);

                    await logger.LogAsync(new LogEntry { Log = EventLog.Security });

                    if (null != profile)
                        if (!profile.HasChangedDefaultPassword)
                        if (returnUrl == "/" ||
                            returnUrl.Equals("/epsikologi", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                            returnUrl.Equals("/epsikologi#", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                            returnUrl.Equals("/epsikologi/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                            returnUrl.Equals("/epsikologi/#", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                            return(Redirect("/epsikologi#" + profile.StartModule));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl) && Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl))
                var user = await directory.GetUserAsync(model.UserName);

                await logger.LogAsync(new LogEntry { Log = EventLog.Security, Message = "Login Failed" });

                if (null != user && user.IsLockedOut)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your acount has beeen locked, Please contact your administrator.");
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public async Task <ActionResult> PrintSesiUjianIndikator(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var sesi    = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.Id == id);

            if (null == sesi)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find SesiUjian " + id));

            return(View("Indikator-" + sesi.NamaUjian, sesi));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public async Task <ActionResult> ChangePassword(ChangePaswordModel model)
            var userName = User.Identity.Name;

            if (!Membership.ValidateUser(userName, model.OldPassword))
                return(Json(new { success = false, status = "PASSWORD_INCORRECT", message = "Your old password is incorrect", user = userName }));
            if (model.Password != model.ConfirmPassword)
                return(Json(new { success = false, status = "PASSWORD_DOESNOT_MATCH", message = "Your password is not the same" }));

            var user = Membership.GetUser(userName);

            if (null == user)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find user");

                var valid = user.ChangePassword(model.OldPassword, model.Password);
                if (!valid)
                    return(Json(new { success = false, status = "ERROR_CHANGING_PASSWORD", message = "There's an error changing your password" }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { success = false, status = "EXCEPTION_CHANGING_PASSWORD", message = ex.Message }));

            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var profile = await context.LoadOneAsync <UserProfile>(u => u.UserName == User.Identity.Name);

            profile.HasChangedDefaultPassword = true;

            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges("Change password");

            if (Request.ContentType.Contains("application/json"))
                this.Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
                return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = true, status = "OK" })));

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public async Task <ActionResult> Html(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();
            var form    = await context.LoadOneAsync <EntityForm>(f => f.Route == id);

            var ed = await context.LoadOneAsync <EntityDefinition>(f => f.Id == form.EntityDefinitionId);

            var layout = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(form.Layout) ? "Html2ColsWithAuditTrail" : form.Layout;
            var vm     = new FormRendererViewModel(ed, form);

            return(View(layout, vm));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public async Task <ActivityExecutionResult> CreateProfileAndMembershipAsync()
            var result = new ActivityExecutionResult {
                Status = ActivityExecutionStatus.Success
            var item = this;

            var context     = new SphDataContext();
            var designation = await context.LoadOneAsync <Designation>(d => d.Name == "Responden");

            var roles   = designation.RoleCollection.ToArray();
            var profile = new UserProfile
                Id          = this.Pengguna.Id,
                UserName    = this.Pengguna.MyKad,
                Email       = this.Pengguna.Emel,
                FullName    = this.Pengguna.Nama,
                Designation = "Responden",
                HasChangedDefaultPassword = false,
                RoleTypes   = string.Join(",", roles),
                StartModule = "responden-home",
                Language    = "en-US"

            Console.WriteLine("done mapping user profile");

            var exist            = System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser(profile.UserName);
            var existUserByEmail = System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(profile.Email);

            if ((null == exist) || (null == existUserByEmail))
                this.Password = System.Web.Security.Membership.GeneratePassword(6, 0);

                System.Web.Security.Membership.CreateUser(profile.UserName, this.Password, profile.Email);
                System.Web.Security.Roles.AddUserToRoles(profile.UserName, roles);

                Console.WriteLine("insert into user profile");
                using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                    await session.SubmitChanges();

                //IsCreated = true;

            result.NextActivities = new[] { "41cddfd4-0781-44b1-db25-cbef78c61352" };

Ejemplo n.º 25
        private async Task DeleteEstRegistration(string id)
            var             context = new SphDataContext();
            EstRegistration item    = await GetEstRegistrationAsync(id);

            Console.WriteLine($"Preparing to delete EstRegistration with Id: {item.Id}");

            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges("Default");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public async Task <ActionResult> IndikatorUkbp(string id)
            var context = new SphDataContext();

            var sesi = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.Id == id);

            var user = await context.LoadOneAsync <Pengguna>(x => x.MyKad == sesi.MyKad);

            var ujianTask          = context.LoadOneAsync <Ujian>(x => x.Id == sesi.NamaUjian);
            var permohonanTask     = context.LoadOneAsync <Permohonan>(x => x.PermohonanNo == sesi.NamaProgram);
            var querySkorUkbp      = context.CreateQueryable <SkorUkbp>().Where(x => x.Jantina == user.Jantina || x.Jantina == "NA");
            var scoreTask          = context.LoadAsync(querySkorUkbp, 1, 200);
            var recommendationTask = context.LoadAsync(context.CreateQueryable <UkbpRecommendation>(), 1, 200);
            await Task.WhenAll(ujianTask, permohonanTask, scoreTask, recommendationTask);

            var scores          = await scoreTask;
            var recommendations = await recommendationTask;

            if (null == sesi)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find SesiUjian " + id));
            if (null == user)
                return(HttpNotFound("Cannot find user with MyKad " + sesi.MyKad));

            SesiUjian sesiA, sesiB;

            if (sesi.NamaUjian == "UKBP-A")
                sesiA = sesi;
                sesiB = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.NamaUjian == "UKBP-B" && x.NamaProgram == sesi.NamaProgram && x.MyKad == sesi.MyKad);
                sesiB = sesi;
                sesiA = await context.LoadOneAsync <SesiUjian>(x => x.NamaUjian == "UKBP-A" && x.NamaProgram == sesi.NamaProgram && x.MyKad == sesi.MyKad);

            var vm = new UkbpTraitViewModel(sesiA, sesiB, scores.ItemCollection.ToArray(), recommendations.ItemCollection.ToArray())
                Permohonan = await permohonanTask,
                Ujian      = await ujianTask,
                Pengguna   = user

            return(View("Indikator-UKBP", vm));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private static async Task SetVerifyEmailFlag(string username)
            var context     = new SphDataContext();
            var userProfile = await context.LoadOneAsync <UserProfile>(p => p.UserName == username);

            if (!userProfile.HasChangedDefaultPassword)
                userProfile.HasChangedDefaultPassword = true;
                using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                    await session.SubmitChanges();
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public async Task RunAsync(MailItem item)
            var ipsExportMap = new Integrations.Transforms.IpsExportToEnttAcceptance();
            var acceptance   = await ipsExportMap.TransformAsync(item);

            var tn030 = item.FromIPS.IPSEvent.Single(m => m.TNCd == "TN030");

            acceptance.DateTime = tn030.Date.Value;

            var context = new SphDataContext();

            using (var session = context.OpenSession())
                await session.SubmitChanges();
    private static async Task <UserProfile> CreateProfile(Profile profile, Designation designation)
        if (null == profile)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(profile));
        if (null == designation)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(designation));
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(designation.Name))
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(designation), "Designation Name cannot be null, empty or whitespace");
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.UserName))
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(profile), "Profile UserName cannot be null, empty or whitespace");

        var context = new SphDataContext();
        var usp     = await context.LoadOneAsync <UserProfile>(p => p.UserName == profile.UserName) ?? new UserProfile();

        usp.UserName    = profile.UserName;
        usp.FullName    = profile.FullName;
        usp.Designation = profile.Designation;
        usp.Department  = profile.Department;
        usp.Mobile      = profile.Mobile;
        usp.Telephone   = profile.Telephone;
        usp.Email       = profile.Email;
        usp.RoleTypes   = string.Join(",", profile.Roles);
        usp.StartModule = designation.StartModule;
        if (usp.IsNewItem)
            usp.Id = profile.UserName.ToIdFormat();

        using (var session = context.OpenSession())
            await session.SubmitChanges();

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public async Task <ActionResult> VerifyEmail(string id)
            ViewBag.success = true;
            ViewBag.status  = "OK";
            var context = new SphDataContext();

            var setting = await context.LoadOneAsync <Setting>(x => x.Id == id);

            if (null == setting)
                ViewBag.success = false;
                ViewBag.status  = "The link is invalid.";

            if ((DateTime.Now - setting.CreatedDate).TotalHours > 3)
                ViewBag.success = false;
                ViewBag.status  = "The link has expired.";

            if (!setting.Key.Equals("VerifyEmail"))
                ViewBag.success = false;
                ViewBag.status  = "The link is not associated with verify email.";

            var username = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(setting.UserName);

            if (null == username)
                ViewBag.success = false;
                ViewBag.status  = $"Cannot find any user with email {setting.UserName}.";

            // email address verification complete
            await SetVerifyEmailFlag(username);

            return(RedirectToAction("success", "ost-account", new { success = true, status = "OK", operation = "verify-email" }));