void  OnEnable()
     if (EditorPrefs.HasKey("ObjectPath"))
         string objectPath = EditorPrefs.GetString("ObjectPath");
         spellSOList = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(objectPath, typeof(SpellSOList)) as SpellSOList;
 void CreateNewItemList()
     // There is no overwrite protection here!
     // There is No "Are you sure you want to overwrite your existing object?" if it exists.
     // This should probably get a string from the user to create a new name and pass it ...
     viewIndex   = 1;
     spellSOList = CreateSOList.Create();
     if (spellSOList)
         spellSOList.spellCheckmarks = new List <SpellSO>();
         string relPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(spellSOList);
         EditorPrefs.SetString("ObjectPath", relPath);
    void OpenItemList()
        string absPath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select Spell SO List", "", "");

        if (absPath.StartsWith(Application.dataPath))
            string relPath = absPath.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length - "Assets".Length);
            spellSOList = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(relPath, typeof(SpellSOList)) as SpellSOList;
            if (spellSOList.spellCheckmarks == null)
                spellSOList.spellCheckmarks = new List <SpellSO>();
            if (spellSOList)
                EditorPrefs.SetString("ObjectPath", relPath);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public static SpellSOList Create()
        SpellSOList asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SpellSOList>();

        Object[] allDictionary = Resources.LoadAll("ScriptObjects/Dictionary", typeof(SpellSOList));
        counter = allDictionary.Length + 1;

        if (counter == 1)
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, "Assets/Resources/ScriptObjects/Dictionary/SpellSOList.asset");
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, "Assets/Resources/ScriptObjects/Dictionary/SpellSOList" + counter + ".asset");