private void SparseGPModel()
            // Basis Vector
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8
            // The kernel
            double[] kp = new double[2];
            kp[0] = 0.0;
            kp[1] = 0.0;
            IKernelFunction kf = new NNKernel(kp, 0.0);
            // The fixed parameters
            SparseGPFixed sgpf = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            SparseGP      agp  = new SparseGP(sgpf);
            IFunction     a    = Factor.Random(agp);
            Vector        b    = Vector.FromArray(0.1, 0.2);
            double        c    = Factor.FunctionEvaluate(a, b);

            InferNet.Infer(c, nameof(c));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void GPClassificationTest4()
            bool[]   yData = new bool[] { false, false, true, false };
            double[] xData = new double[]
                -1.555555555555556, -1.111111111111111, -0.2222222222222223, 1.555555555555555
            Vector[]             xVec     = Array.ConvertAll(xData, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            Vector[]             basis    = new Vector[] { Vector.Zero(1) };
            IKernelFunction      kf       = new SquaredExponential(0.0);
            SparseGPFixed        sgpf     = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            Variable <bool>      evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock              block    = Variable.If(evidence);
            Variable <IFunction> f        = Variable.Random <IFunction>(new SparseGP(sgpf)).Named("f");
            Range item = new Range(xVec.Length).Named("item");
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Array <Vector>(item).Named("x");

            x.ObservedValue = xVec;
            VariableArray <bool> y = Variable.Array <bool>(item).Named("y");

            y.ObservedValue = yData;
            VariableArray <double> h = Variable.Array <double>(item).Named("h");

            h[item] = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[item]);
            y[item] = (h[item] > 0);

            InferenceEngine engine        = new InferenceEngine();
            SparseGP        sgp           = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);
            Vector          alphaExpected = Vector.FromArray(new double[] { 0.409693797629808 });

            Console.WriteLine("alpha = {0} should be {1}", sgp.Alpha, alphaExpected);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>EP message to <c>func</c>.</summary>
        /// <param name="y">Incoming message from <c>y</c>. Must be a proper distribution. If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="func">Incoming message from <c>func</c>. Must be a proper distribution. If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="x">Constant value for <c>x</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <paramref name="result" />
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   <para>The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of <c>func</c> as the random arguments are varied. The formula is <c>proj[p(func) sum_(y) p(y) factor(y,func,x)]/p(func)</c>.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException">
        ///   <paramref name="y" /> is not a proper distribution.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException">
        ///   <paramref name="func" /> is not a proper distribution.</exception>
        public static SparseGP FuncAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian y, [SkipIfUniform] SparseGP func, Vector x, SparseGP result)
            if (y.IsUniform() || func.IsUniform())
            result.FixedParameters = func.FixedParameters;
            result.IncludePrior    = false;

            double vf = func.Variance(x);
            double my, vy;

            y.GetMeanAndVariance(out my, out vy);
            Vector kbx  = func.FixedParameters.KernelOf_X_B(x);
            Vector proj = func.FixedParameters.InvKernelOf_B_B * kbx;
            double prec = 1.0 / (vy + vf - func.Var_B_B.QuadraticForm(proj));

            result.InducingDist.Precision.SetToOuter(proj, proj);
            result.InducingDist.MeanTimesPrecision.Scale(prec * my);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void GPClassificationTest2()
            bool[]   yData = new bool[] { false, true, false };
            double[] xData = new double[]
                -1.555555555555556, -0.2222222222222223, 1.555555555555555
            Vector[]             xVec     = Array.ConvertAll(xData, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            Vector[]             basis    = new Vector[] { Vector.Zero(1) };
            IKernelFunction      kf       = new SquaredExponential(0.0);
            SparseGPFixed        sgpf     = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            Variable <bool>      evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock              block    = Variable.If(evidence);
            Variable <IFunction> f        = Variable.Random <IFunction>(new SparseGP(sgpf)).Named("f");
            Range item = new Range(xVec.Length).Named("item");
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Array <Vector>(item).Named("x");

            x.ObservedValue = xVec;
            VariableArray <bool> y = Variable.Array <bool>(item).Named("y");

            y.ObservedValue = yData;
            VariableArray <double> h = Variable.Array <double>(item).Named("h");

            h[item] = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[item]);
            y[item] = (h[item] > 0);

            InferenceEngine engine        = new InferenceEngine();
            SparseGP        sgp           = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);
            Vector          alphaExpected = Vector.FromArray(new double[] { 0.573337393823702 });

            Console.WriteLine("alpha = {0} should be {1}", sgp.Alpha, alphaExpected);
            double[] xTest = new double[]
                -2, -1, 0.0
            Vector[] xTestVec  = Array.ConvertAll(xTest, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            double[] yMeanTest = new double[]
                0.077592778583272, 0.347746707713812, 0.573337393823702
            double[] yVarTest = new double[]
                0.986784459962251, 0.734558782611933, 0.278455962249970
            for (int i = 0; i < xTestVec.Length; i++)
                Gaussian pred         = sgp.Marginal(xTestVec[i]);
                Gaussian predExpected = new Gaussian(yMeanTest[i], yVarTest[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} should be {2}", xTest[i], pred, predExpected);
                Assert.True(predExpected.MaxDiff(pred) < 1e-4);
            double evExpected = -2.463679892165236;
            double evActual   = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;

            Console.WriteLine("evidence = {0} should be {1}", evActual, evExpected);
            Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(evExpected, evActual, 1e-6) < 1e-4);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void GPClassificationTest1()
            bool[]               yData    = new bool[] { true };
            double[]             xData    = new double[] { -0.2222222222222223 };
            Vector[]             xVec     = Array.ConvertAll(xData, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            Vector[]             basis    = new Vector[] { Vector.Zero(1) };
            IKernelFunction      kf       = new SquaredExponential(0.0);
            SparseGPFixed        sgpf     = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            Variable <bool>      evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock              block    = Variable.If(evidence);
            Variable <IFunction> f        = Variable.Random <IFunction>(new SparseGP(sgpf)).Named("f");
            Range item = new Range(xVec.Length).Named("item");
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Array <Vector>(item).Named("x");

            x.ObservedValue = xVec;
            VariableArray <bool> y = Variable.Array <bool>(item).Named("y");

            y.ObservedValue = yData;
            VariableArray <double> h = Variable.Array <double>(item).Named("h");

            h[item] = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[item]);
            y[item] = (h[item] > 0);

            InferenceEngine engine        = new InferenceEngine();
            SparseGP        sgp           = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);
            Vector          alphaExpected = Vector.FromArray(new double[] { 0.778424938343491 });

            Console.WriteLine("alpha = {0} should be {1}", sgp.Alpha, alphaExpected);
            double[] xTest = new double[]
                -2, -1, 0.0
            Vector[] xTestVec  = Array.ConvertAll(xTest, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            double[] yMeanTest = new double[]
                0.105348359509159, 0.472138591390244, 0.778424938343491
            double[] yVarTest = new double[]
                0.988901723148729, 0.777085150520037, 0.394054615364932
            for (int i = 0; i < xTestVec.Length; i++)
                Gaussian pred         = sgp.Marginal(xTestVec[i]);
                Gaussian predExpected = new Gaussian(yMeanTest[i], yVarTest[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} should be {2}", xTest[i], pred, predExpected);
                Assert.True(predExpected.MaxDiff(pred) < 1e-4);
            double evExpected = -0.693147180559945;
            double evActual   = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;

            Console.WriteLine("evidence = {0} should be {1}", evActual, evExpected);
            Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(evExpected, evActual, 1e-6) < 1e-4);
        public void MP_GetItemSparseGP()
            InferenceEngine       engine = new InferenceEngine();
            ModelDefinitionMethod meth   = new ModelDefinitionMethod(GetItemSparseGPModel);
            var ca = engine.Compiler.CompileWithoutParams(
                declaringType, meth.Method, new AttributeRegistry <object, ICompilerAttribute>(true));

            SparseGP cMarg = ca.Marginal <SparseGP>("c");
            DistributionArray <SparseGP> dMarg = ca.Marginal <DistributionArray <SparseGP> >("d");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static (Vector[] dataX, double[] dataY) GenerateRandomData(int numData, double proportionCorrupt)
            int randomSeed = 9876;

            Random rng = new Random(randomSeed);


            InferenceEngine engine = Utilities.GetInferenceEngine();

            // The points to evaluate
            Vector[] randomInputs = Utilities.VectorRange(0, 1, numData, null);

            var gaussianProcessGenerator = new GaussianProcessRegressor(randomInputs);

            // The basis
            Vector[] basis = Utilities.VectorRange(0, 1, 6, rng);

            // The kernel
            var kf = new SummationKernel(new SquaredExponential(-1)) + new WhiteNoise();

            // Fill in the sparse GP prior
            GaussianProcess gp = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), kf);

            gaussianProcessGenerator.Prior.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));

            // Infer the posterior Sparse GP, and sample a random function from it
            SparseGP sgp        = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(gaussianProcessGenerator.F);
            var      randomFunc = sgp.Sample();

            double[] randomOutputs = new double[randomInputs.Length];
            int      numCorrupted  = (int)Math.Ceiling(numData * proportionCorrupt);
            var      subset        = Enumerable.Range(0, randomInputs.Length + 1).OrderBy(x => rng.Next()).Take(numCorrupted);

            // get random data
            for (int i = 0; i < randomInputs.Length; i++)
                double post = randomFunc.Evaluate(randomInputs[i]);
                // corrupt data point if it we haven't exceed the proportion we wish to corrupt
                if (subset.Contains(i))
                    double sign     = rng.NextDouble() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
                    double distance = rng.NextDouble() * 1;
                    post = (sign * distance) + post;

                randomOutputs[i] = post;

            Console.WriteLine("Model complete: Generated {0} points with {1} corrupted", numData, numCorrupted);

            return(randomInputs, randomOutputs);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void SparseGPTest()
            // The basis
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8

            // The kernel
            IKernelFunction kf = new NNKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }, 0.0);

            // The fixed parameters
            SparseGPFixed sgpf = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);

            // Alpha and beta
            Vector alpha = Vector.Zero(basis.Length);
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix beta = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(basis.Length, basis.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < alpha.Count; i++)
                alpha[i] = i;
                for (int j = 0; j < alpha.Count; j++)
                    beta[i, j] = alpha.Count - System.Math.Abs(i - j);

            SparseGP a = new SparseGP(sgpf);

#if false
            Rank1Pot r1p = new Rank1Pot();
            r1p.Xi        = basis[0]; // must be a basis point for this test
            r1p.Yi        = 2.2;
            r1p.LambdaInv = 0.7;
            SparseGP b = new SparseGP(sgpf, r1p);
            DistributionTests.SettableToRatioTest(a, b);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="SparseGPOp"]/message_doc[@name="FuncAverageConditional(Gaussian, SparseGP, Vector, SparseGP)"]/*'/>
        public static SparseGP FuncAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian y, [SkipIfUniform] SparseGP func, Vector x, SparseGP result)
            if (y.IsUniform() || func.IsUniform())
            result.FixedParameters = func.FixedParameters;
            result.IncludePrior    = false;

            Vector kbx  = func.FixedParameters.KernelOf_X_B(x);
            Vector proj = func.FixedParameters.InvKernelOf_B_B * kbx;
            // To avoid computing Var_B_B:
            // vf - func.Var_B_B.QuadraticForm(proj) = kxx - kbx'*beta*kbx - kbx'*inv(K)*Var_B_B*inv(K)*kbx
            // = kxx - kbx'*(beta + inv(K)*Var_B_B*inv(K))*kbx
            // = kxx - kbx'*(beta + inv(K)*(K - K*Beta*K)*inv(K))*kbx
            // = kxx - kbx'*inv(K)*kbx
            // Since Var_B_B = K - K*Beta*K
            double kxx = func.FixedParameters.Prior.Variance(x);

            if (y.Precision == 0)
                double my, vy;
                y.GetMeanAndVariance(out my, out vy);
                double prec = 1.0 / (vy + kxx - kbx.Inner(proj));
                //Console.WriteLine($"{vf - func.Var_B_B.QuadraticForm(proj)} {func.FixedParameters.Prior.Variance(x) - func.FixedParameters.InvKernelOf_B_B.QuadraticForm(kbx)}");
                if (prec > double.MaxValue || prec < 0)
                    int i = proj.IndexOfMaximum();
                    result.InducingDist.Precision[i, i] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    result.InducingDist.MeanTimesPrecision[i] = my;
                    result.InducingDist.Precision.SetToOuter(proj, proj);
                    result.InducingDist.MeanTimesPrecision.Scale(prec * my);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void GPRegressionTest1()
            double[]             yData    = new double[] { 1.036659040456137 };
            double[]             xData    = new double[] { -0.2222222222222223 };
            Vector[]             xVec     = Array.ConvertAll(xData, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            Vector[]             basis    = new Vector[] { xVec[0] };
            IKernelFunction      kf       = new SquaredExponential(System.Math.Log(2.0));
            SparseGPFixed        sgpf     = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            Variable <bool>      evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock              block    = Variable.If(evidence);
            Variable <IFunction> f        = Variable.Random <IFunction>(new SparseGP(sgpf)).Named("f");
            Range item = new Range(xVec.Length).Named("item");
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Array <Vector>(item).Named("x");

            x.ObservedValue = xVec;
            VariableArray <double> y = Variable.Array <double>(item).Named("y");

            y.ObservedValue = yData;
            VariableArray <double> h = Variable.Array <double>(item).Named("h");

            h[item] = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[item]);
            y[item] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(h[item], 0.1);

            InferenceEngine engine        = new InferenceEngine();
            SparseGP        sgp           = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);
            Vector          alphaExpected = Vector.FromArray(new double[] { 0.942417309505579 });

            Console.WriteLine("alpha = {0} should be {1}", sgp.Alpha, alphaExpected);
            double[] xTest = new double[]
                -2, -1, 0.0
            Vector[] xTestVec = Array.ConvertAll(xTest, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            // computed by matlab/MNT/GP/test_gpr.m
            double[] yTest = new double[]
                0.634848540665472, 0.873781982196160, 0.936617836728720
            for (int i = 0; i < xTestVec.Length; i++)
                double pred = sgp.Mean(xTestVec[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("Ef({0}) = {1} should be {2}", xTest[i], pred, yTest[i]);
                Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(pred, yTest[i], 1e-6) < 1e-4);
            double evExpected = -1.455076334997490;
            double evActual   = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;

            Console.WriteLine("evidence = {0} should be {1}", evActual, evExpected);
            Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(evExpected, evActual, 1e-6) < 1e-4);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        static void FitDataset(bool useSynthetic)
            Vector[] trainingInputs;
            double[] trainingOutputs;

            if (!useSynthetic)
                var trainingData = Utilities.LoadAISDataset();
                trainingInputs = trainingData.Select(tup => Vector.FromArray(new double[1] {
                trainingOutputs = trainingData.Select(tup => tup.y).ToArray();
                (trainingInputs, trainingOutputs) = GaussianProcessDataGenerator.GenerateRandomData(30, 0.3);

            InferenceEngine engine = Utilities.GetInferenceEngine();

            // First fit standard GP, then fit Student-T GP
            foreach (var useStudentTLikelihood in new[] { false, true })
                var gaussianProcessRegressor = new GaussianProcessRegressor(trainingInputs, useStudentTLikelihood, trainingOutputs);

                // Log length scale estimated as -1
                var             noiseVariance = 0.8;
                var             kf            = new SummationKernel(new SquaredExponential(-1)) + new WhiteNoise(Math.Log(noiseVariance) / 2);
                GaussianProcess gp            = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), kf);

                // Convert SparseGP to full Gaussian Process by evaluating at all the training points
                gaussianProcessRegressor.Prior.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, trainingInputs.ToArray()));
                double logOdds = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(gaussianProcessRegressor.Evidence).LogOdds;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} evidence = {1}", kf, logOdds.ToString("g4"));

                // Infer the posterior Sparse GP
                SparseGP sgp = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(gaussianProcessRegressor.F);

                string datasetName = useSynthetic ? "Synthetic" : "AIS";
                Utilities.PlotPredictions(sgp, trainingInputs, trainingOutputs, useStudentTLikelihood, datasetName);
        private void GetItemSparseGPModel()
            // Basis Vector
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8
            // The kernel
            double[] kp = new double[2];
            kp[0] = 0.0;
            kp[1] = 0.0;
            IKernelFunction kf = new NNKernel(kp, 0.0);
            // The fixed parameters
            SparseGPFixed sgpf = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            SparseGP      sgp  = new SparseGP(sgpf);

            IFunction[] array = new IFunction[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                array[i] = Factor.Random(sgp);
            IFunction c = Factor.GetItem(array, 1);

            IFunction[] d = new IFunction[2];
            if (true) // preserve the previous assignment
                d = Factor.GetItems(array, new int[] { 0, 2 });

            InferNet.Infer(c, nameof(c));
            InferNet.Infer(d, nameof(d));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// EP message to 'x'.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="y">Incoming message from 'y'.</param>
 /// <param name="func">Incoming message from 'func'.</param>
 /// <param name="x">Constant value for 'x'.</param>
 /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message.</param>
 /// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
 /// <remarks><para>
 /// The outgoing message is the integral of the factor times incoming messages, over all arguments except 'x'.
 /// The formula is <c>int f(x,x) q(x) dx</c> where <c>x = (y,func)</c>.
 /// </para></remarks>
 public static VectorGaussian XAverageConditional(Gaussian y, SparseGP func, Vector x, VectorGaussian result)
     // Doesn't matter what message we return as we are only supporting a point x
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>EP message to <c>func</c>.</summary>
 /// <param name="y">Constant value for <c>y</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="func">Incoming message from <c>func</c>. Must be a proper distribution. If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
 /// <param name="x">Constant value for <c>x</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message.</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///   <paramref name="result" />
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   <para>The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of <c>func</c> conditioned on the given values.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException">
 ///   <paramref name="func" /> is not a proper distribution.</exception>
 public static SparseGP FuncAverageConditional(double y, [SkipIfUniform] SparseGP func, Vector x, SparseGP result)
     return(FuncAverageConditional(Gaussian.PointMass(y), func, x, result));
Ejemplo n.º 15
            public void Initialize()
                // DO NOT make this a constructor, because it makes the test not notice complete lack of serialization as an empty object is set up exactly as the thing
                // you are trying to deserialize.
                this.pareto  = new Pareto(1.2, 3.5);
                this.poisson = new Poisson(2.3);
                this.wishart = new Wishart(20, new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[, ] {
                    { 22, 21 }, { 21, 23 }
                this.vectorGaussian = new VectorGaussian(Vector.FromArray(13, 14), new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[, ] {
                    { 16, 15 }, { 15, 17 }
                this.unnormalizedDiscrete = UnnormalizedDiscrete.FromLogProbs(DenseVector.FromArray(5.1, 5.2, 5.3));
                this.pointMass            = PointMass <double> .Create(1.1);

                this.gaussian             = new Gaussian(11.0, 12.0);
                this.nonconjugateGaussian = new NonconjugateGaussian(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.gamma              = new Gamma(9.0, 10.0);
                this.gammaPower         = new GammaPower(5.6, 2.8, 3.4);
                this.discrete           = new Discrete(6.0, 7.0, 8.0);
                this.conjugateDirichlet = new ConjugateDirichlet(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.dirichlet          = new Dirichlet(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
                this.beta      = new Beta(2.0, 1.0);
                this.binomial  = new Binomial(5, 0.8);
                this.bernoulli = new Bernoulli(0.6);

                this.sparseBernoulliList    = SparseBernoulliList.Constant(4, new Bernoulli(0.1));
                this.sparseBernoulliList[1] = new Bernoulli(0.9);
                this.sparseBernoulliList[3] = new Bernoulli(0.7);

                this.sparseBetaList    = SparseBetaList.Constant(5, new Beta(2.0, 2.0));
                this.sparseBetaList[0] = new Beta(3.0, 4.0);
                this.sparseBetaList[1] = new Beta(5.0, 6.0);

                this.sparseGaussianList    = SparseGaussianList.Constant(6, Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.1, 0.2));
                this.sparseGaussianList[4] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.3, 0.4);
                this.sparseGaussianList[5] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.5, 0.6);

                this.sparseGammaList = SparseGammaList.Constant(1, Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1.0, 2.0));

                this.truncatedGamma    = new TruncatedGamma(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.truncatedGaussian = new TruncatedGaussian(1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8);
                this.wrappedGaussian   = new WrappedGaussian(1.2, 2.3, 3.4);

                ga = Distribution <double> .Array(new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian });

                vga = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian });

                ga2D = Distribution <double> .Array(new[, ] {
                    { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }, { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }

                vga2D = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[, ] {
                    { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }, { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }

                gaJ = Distribution <double> .Array(new[] { new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }, new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian } });

                vgaJ = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[] { new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }, new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian } });

                var gp    = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), new SquaredExponential(0));
                var basis = Util.ArrayInit(2, i => Vector.FromArray(1.0 * i));

                this.sparseGp = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));

                this.quantileEstimator = new QuantileEstimator(0.01);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>EP message to <c>y</c>.</summary>
 /// <param name="func">Incoming message from <c>func</c>. Must be a proper distribution. If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
 /// <param name="x">Constant value for <c>x</c>.</param>
 /// <returns>The outgoing EP message to the <c>y</c> argument.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   <para>The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of <c>y</c> as the random arguments are varied. The formula is <c>proj[p(y) sum_(func) p(func) factor(y,func,x)]/p(y)</c>.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException">
 ///   <paramref name="func" /> is not a proper distribution.</exception>
 public static Gaussian YAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] SparseGP func, Vector x)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        internal void HeteroscedasticGPR()
            // This model is based on the paper "Most Likely Heteroscedastic Gaussian Process Regression" by Kersting et al, ICML 2007
            // Silverman's motorcycle benchmark dataset
            double[] inputs = new double[]
                2.4, 2.6, 3.2, 3.6, 4, 6.2, 6.6, 6.8, 7.8, 8.199999999999999, 8.800000000000001, 8.800000000000001,
                9.6, 10, 10.2, 10.6, 11, 11.4, 13.2, 13.6, 13.8, 14.6, 14.6, 14.6, 14.6, 14.6, 14.6, 14.8, 15.4, 15.4,
                15.4, 15.4, 15.6, 15.6, 15.8, 15.8, 16, 16, 16.2, 16.2, 16.2, 16.4, 16.4, 16.6, 16.8, 16.8, 16.8, 17.6,
                17.6, 17.6, 17.6, 17.8, 17.8, 18.6, 18.6, 19.2, 19.4, 19.4, 19.6, 20.2, 20.4, 21.2, 21.4, 21.8, 22, 23.2,
                23.4, 24, 24.2, 24.2, 24.6, 25, 25, 25.4, 25.4, 25.6, 26, 26.2, 26.2, 26.4, 27, 27.2, 27.2, 27.2, 27.6,
                28.2, 28.4, 28.4, 28.6, 29.4, 30.2, 31, 31.2, 32, 32, 32.8, 33.4, 33.8, 34.4, 34.8, 35.2, 35.2, 35.4, 35.6,
                35.6, 36.2, 36.2, 38, 38, 39.2, 39.4, 40, 40.4, 41.6, 41.6, 42.4, 42.8, 42.8, 43, 44, 44.4, 45, 46.6, 47.8,
                47.8, 48.8, 50.6, 52, 53.2, 55, 55, 55.4, 57.6
            double[] outputs = new double[]
                0, -1.3, -2.7, 0, -2.7, -2.7, -2.7, -1.3, -2.7, -2.7, -1.3, -2.7, -2.7, -2.7, -5.4,
                -2.7, -5.4, 0, -2.7, -2.7, 0, -13.3, -5.4, -5.4, -9.300000000000001, -16, -22.8, -2.7, -22.8, -32.1, -53.5,
                -54.9, -40.2, -21.5, -21.5, -50.8, -42.9, -26.8, -21.5, -50.8, -61.7, -5.4, -80.40000000000001, -59, -71,
                -91.09999999999999, -77.7, -37.5, -85.59999999999999, -123.1, -101.9, -99.09999999999999, -104.4, -112.5,
                -50.8, -123.1, -85.59999999999999, -72.3, -127.2, -123.1, -117.9, -134, -101.9, -108.4, -123.1, -123.1, -128.5,
                -112.5, -95.09999999999999, -81.8, -53.5, -64.40000000000001, -57.6, -72.3, -44.3, -26.8, -5.4, -107.1, -21.5,
                -65.59999999999999, -16, -45.6, -24.2, 9.5, 4, 12, -21.5, 37.5, 46.9, -17.4, 36.2, 75, 8.1, 54.9, 48.2, 46.9,
                16, 45.6, 1.3, 75, -16, -54.9, 69.59999999999999, 34.8, 32.1, -37.5, 22.8, 46.9, 10.7, 5.4, -1.3, -21.5, -13.3,
                30.8, -10.7, 29.4, 0, -10.7, 14.7, -1.3, 0, 10.7, 10.7, -26.8, -14.7, -13.3, 0, 10.7, -14.7, -2.7, 10.7, -2.7, 10.7
            Range j = new Range(inputs.Length);

            Vector[] inputsVec       = Util.ArrayInit(inputs.Length, i => Vector.FromArray(inputs[i]));
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Observed(inputsVec, j).Named("x");
            VariableArray <double> y = Variable.Observed(outputs, j).Named("y");
            // Set up the GP prior, which will be filled in later
            Variable <SparseGP> prior  = Variable.New <SparseGP>().Named("prior");
            Variable <SparseGP> prior2 = Variable.New <SparseGP>().Named("prior2");

            // The sparse GP variable - a distribution over functions
            Variable <IFunction> f = Variable <IFunction> .Random(prior).Named("f");

            Variable <IFunction> r = Variable <IFunction> .Random(prior2).Named("r");

            Variable <double> mean        = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[j]).Named("mean");
            Variable <double> logVariance = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(r, x[j]).Named("logVariance");
            Variable <double> variance    = Variable.Exp(logVariance);

            y[j] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(mean, variance);

            InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();
            GaussianProcess gp     = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), new SquaredExponential(0));
            GaussianProcess gp2    = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), new SquaredExponential(0));

            // Fill in the sparse GP prior
            //Vector[] basis = Util.ArrayInit(120, i => Vector.FromArray(0.5*i));
            Vector[] basis = Util.ArrayInit(60, i => Vector.FromArray(1.0 * i));
            prior.ObservedValue  = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));
            prior2.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp2, basis));
            // Infer the posterior Sparse GP
            SparseGP sgp = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);

            // Check that training set is classified correctly
            Console.WriteLine("Predictions on training set:");
            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
                Gaussian post = sgp.Marginal(inputsVec[i]);
                //double postMean = post.GetMean();
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1}", inputs[i], post);
            //TODO: change path for cross platform using
            using (MatlabWriter writer = new MatlabWriter(@"..\..\HGPR.mat"))
                int      n = outputs.Length;
                double[] m = new double[n];
                double[] s = new double[n];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    Gaussian post = sgp.Marginal(inputsVec[i]);
                    double   mi, vi;
                    post.GetMeanAndVariance(out mi, out vi);
                    m[i] = mi;
                    s[i] = System.Math.Sqrt(vi);
                writer.Write("mean", m);
                writer.Write("std", s);
Ejemplo n.º 18
            public void Initialize(bool skipStringDistributions = false)
                // DO NOT make this a constructor, because it makes the test not notice complete lack of serialization as an empty object is set up exactly as the thing
                // you are trying to deserialize.
                this.pareto  = new Pareto(1.2, 3.5);
                this.poisson = new Poisson(2.3);
                this.wishart = new Wishart(20, new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[, ] {
                    { 22, 21 }, { 21, 23 }
                this.vectorGaussian = new VectorGaussian(Vector.FromArray(13, 14), new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[, ] {
                    { 16, 15 }, { 15, 17 }
                this.unnormalizedDiscrete = UnnormalizedDiscrete.FromLogProbs(DenseVector.FromArray(5.1, 5.2, 5.3));
                this.pointMass            = PointMass <double> .Create(1.1);

                this.gaussian             = new Gaussian(11.0, 12.0);
                this.nonconjugateGaussian = new NonconjugateGaussian(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.gamma              = new Gamma(9.0, 10.0);
                this.gammaPower         = new GammaPower(5.6, 2.8, 3.4);
                this.discrete           = new Discrete(6.0, 7.0, 8.0);
                this.conjugateDirichlet = new ConjugateDirichlet(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.dirichlet          = new Dirichlet(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
                this.beta      = new Beta(2.0, 1.0);
                this.binomial  = new Binomial(5, 0.8);
                this.bernoulli = new Bernoulli(0.6);

                this.sparseBernoulliList    = SparseBernoulliList.Constant(4, new Bernoulli(0.1));
                this.sparseBernoulliList[1] = new Bernoulli(0.9);
                this.sparseBernoulliList[3] = new Bernoulli(0.7);

                this.sparseBetaList    = SparseBetaList.Constant(5, new Beta(2.0, 2.0));
                this.sparseBetaList[0] = new Beta(3.0, 4.0);
                this.sparseBetaList[1] = new Beta(5.0, 6.0);

                this.sparseGaussianList    = SparseGaussianList.Constant(6, Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.1, 0.2));
                this.sparseGaussianList[4] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.3, 0.4);
                this.sparseGaussianList[5] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.5, 0.6);

                this.sparseGammaList = SparseGammaList.Constant(1, Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1.0, 2.0));

                this.truncatedGamma    = new TruncatedGamma(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.truncatedGaussian = new TruncatedGaussian(1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8);
                this.wrappedGaussian   = new WrappedGaussian(1.2, 2.3, 3.4);

                ga = Distribution <double> .Array(new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian });

                vga = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian });

                ga2D = Distribution <double> .Array(new[, ] {
                    { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }, { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }

                vga2D = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[, ] {
                    { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }, { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }

                gaJ = Distribution <double> .Array(new[] { new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }, new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian } });

                vgaJ = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[] { new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }, new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian } });

                var gp    = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), new SquaredExponential(0));
                var basis = Util.ArrayInit(2, i => Vector.FromArray(1.0 * i));

                this.sparseGp = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));

                this.quantileEstimator = new QuantileEstimator(0.01);
                this.outerQuantiles = OuterQuantiles.FromDistribution(3, this.quantileEstimator);
                this.innerQuantiles = InnerQuantiles.FromDistribution(3, this.outerQuantiles);

                if (!skipStringDistributions)
                    // String distributions can not be serialized by some formatters (namely BinaryFormatter)
                    // That is fine because this combination is never used in practice
                    this.stringDistribution1 = StringDistribution.String("aa")
                                               .Append(StringDistribution.OneOf("b", "ccc")).Append("dddd");
                    this.stringDistribution2 = new StringDistribution();
                    this.stringDistribution2.SetToProduct(StringDistribution.OneOf("a", "b"),
                                                          StringDistribution.OneOf("b", "c"));
Ejemplo n.º 19
		/// <summary>
		/// EP message to 'func'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="y">Incoming message from 'y'. Must be a proper distribution.  If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="func">Incoming message from 'func'. Must be a proper distribution.  If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="x">Constant value for 'x'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of 'func' as the random arguments are varied.
		/// The formula is <c>proj[p(func) sum_(y) p(y) factor(y,func,x)]/p(func)</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="y"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="func"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		public static SparseGP FuncAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian y, [SkipIfUniform] SparseGP func, Vector x, SparseGP result)
			if (y.IsUniform() || func.IsUniform()) { result.SetToUniform(); return result; }
			result.FixedParameters = func.FixedParameters;
			result.IncludePrior = false;
			double vf = func.Variance(x);
			double my, vy;
			y.GetMeanAndVariance(out my, out vy);
			Vector kbx = func.FixedParameters.KernelOf_X_B(x);
			Vector proj = func.FixedParameters.InvKernelOf_B_B * kbx;
			double prec = 1.0/(vy + vf - func.Var_B_B.QuadraticForm(proj));
			result.InducingDist.Precision.SetToOuter(proj, proj);
			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 20
		/// <summary>
		/// Evidence message for EP
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="y">Constant value for 'y'.</param>
		/// <param name="func">Incoming message from 'func'.</param>
		/// <param name="x">Constant value for 'x'.</param>
		/// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's contribution the EP model evidence</returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The formula for the result is <c>log(sum_(func) p(func) factor(y,func,x))</c>.
		/// Adding up these values across all factors and variables gives the log-evidence estimate for EP.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static double LogEvidenceRatio(double y, SparseGP func, Vector x) { return LogAverageFactor(y, func, x); }
Ejemplo n.º 21
		/// <summary>
		/// Evidence message for EP
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="y">Constant value for 'y'.</param>
		/// <param name="func">Incoming message from 'func'.</param>
		/// <param name="x">Constant value for 'x'.</param>
		/// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions</returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The formula for the result is <c>log(sum_(func) p(func) factor(y,func,x))</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static double LogAverageFactor(double y, SparseGP func, Vector x)
			Gaussian to_y = YAverageConditional(func, x);
			return to_y.GetLogProb(y);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// EP message to 'x'.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="y">Incoming message from 'y'.</param>
 /// <param name="func">Incoming message from 'func'.</param>
 /// <param name="x">Constant value for 'x'.</param>
 /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message.</param>
 /// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
 /// <remarks><para>
 /// The outgoing message is the integral of the factor times incoming messages, over all arguments except 'x'.
 /// The formula is <c>int f(x,x) q(x) dx</c> where <c>x = (y,func)</c>.
 /// </para></remarks>
 public static VectorGaussian XAverageConditional(Gaussian y, SparseGP func, Vector x, VectorGaussian result)
     // Doesn't matter what message we return as we are only supporting a point x
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 23
		/// <summary>
		/// EP message to 'func'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="y">Constant value for 'y'.</param>
		/// <param name="func">Incoming message from 'func'. Must be a proper distribution.  If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="x">Constant value for 'x'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of 'func' conditioned on the given values.
		/// </para></remarks>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="func"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		public static SparseGP FuncAverageConditional(double y, [SkipIfUniform] SparseGP func, Vector x, SparseGP result)
			return FuncAverageConditional(Gaussian.PointMass(y), func, x, result);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void GPClassificationTest()
            bool[]   yData = new bool[] { false, false, false, true, true, true, true, false, false, false };
            double[] xData = new double[]
                -2, -1.555555555555556, -1.111111111111111, -0.6666666666666667, -0.2222222222222223, 0.2222222222222223, 0.6666666666666665, 1.111111111111111,
                1.555555555555555, 2
            Vector[] xVec  = Array.ConvertAll(xData, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[] { xVec[1], xVec[4], xVec[8] };
            //basis = xVec;
            IKernelFunction      kf       = new SquaredExponential(0.0);
            SparseGPFixed        sgpf     = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            Variable <bool>      evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock              block    = Variable.If(evidence);
            Variable <IFunction> f        = Variable.Random <IFunction>(new SparseGP(sgpf)).Named("f");
            Range item = new Range(xVec.Length).Named("item");
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Array <Vector>(item).Named("x");

            x.ObservedValue = xVec;
            VariableArray <bool> y = Variable.Array <bool>(item).Named("y");

            y.ObservedValue = yData;
            VariableArray <double> h = Variable.Array <double>(item).Named("h");

            h[item] = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[item]);
            y[item] = (h[item] > 0);

            InferenceEngine engine        = new InferenceEngine();
            SparseGP        sgp           = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);
            Vector          alphaExpected = Vector.FromArray(new double[] { -1.410457563120709, 1.521306076273262, -1.008600221619413 });

            Console.WriteLine("alpha = {0} should be {1}", sgp.Alpha, alphaExpected);
            double[] xTest = new double[]
                -2, -1, 0.0
            Vector[] xTestVec = Array.ConvertAll(xTest, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            // computed by matlab/MNT/GP/test_gpc.m
            double[] yMeanTest = new double[]
                -0.966351175090184, -0.123034591744284, 0.762757400008960
            double[] yVarTest = new double[]
                0.323871157983366, 0.164009511251333, 0.162068482365962
            for (int i = 0; i < xTestVec.Length; i++)
                Gaussian pred         = sgp.Marginal(xTestVec[i]);
                Gaussian predExpected = new Gaussian(yMeanTest[i], yVarTest[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} should be {2}", xTest[i], pred, predExpected);
                Assert.True(predExpected.MaxDiff(pred) < 1e-4);
            double evExpected = -4.907121241357144;
            double evActual   = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;

            Console.WriteLine("evidence = {0} should be {1}", evActual, evExpected);
            Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(evExpected, evActual, 1e-6) < 1e-4);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>Evidence message for EP.</summary>
        /// <param name="y">Constant value for <c>y</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="func">Incoming message from <c>func</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="x">Constant value for <c>x</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   <para>The formula for the result is <c>log(sum_(func) p(func) factor(y,func,x))</c>.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static double LogAverageFactor(double y, SparseGP func, Vector x)
            Gaussian to_y = YAverageConditional(func, x);

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void GPRegressionTest()
            double[] yData = new double[]
                -0.06416828853982412, -0.6799959810206935, -0.4541652863622044, 0.155770359928991, 1.036659040456137, 0.7353821980830825, 0.8996680933259047,
                -0.05368704705684217, -0.7905775695015919, -0.1436284683992815
            double[] xData = new double[]
                -2, -1.555555555555556, -1.111111111111111, -0.6666666666666667, -0.2222222222222223, 0.2222222222222223, 0.6666666666666665, 1.111111111111111,
                1.555555555555555, 2
            Vector[]             xVec     = Array.ConvertAll(xData, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            Vector[]             basis    = new Vector[] { xVec[1], xVec[4], xVec[8] };
            IKernelFunction      kf       = new SquaredExponential(System.Math.Log(2.0));
            SparseGPFixed        sgpf     = new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis);
            Variable <bool>      evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock              block    = Variable.If(evidence);
            Variable <IFunction> f        = Variable.Random <IFunction>(new SparseGP(sgpf)).Named("f");
            Range item = new Range(xVec.Length).Named("item");
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Array <Vector>(item).Named("x");

            x.ObservedValue = xVec;
            VariableArray <double> y = Variable.Array <double>(item).Named("y");

            y.ObservedValue = yData;
            VariableArray <double> h = Variable.Array <double>(item).Named("h");

            h[item] = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[item]);
            y[item] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(h[item], 0.1);

            InferenceEngine        engine        = new InferenceEngine();
            SparseGP               sgp           = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);
            Vector                 alphaExpected = Vector.FromArray(new double[] { -3.250044160725389, 4.579296091435270, -2.227005562666341 });
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix betaExpected  = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[, ]
                { 3.187555652658986, -3.301824438047169, 1.227566907279797 },
                { -3.30182443804717, 5.115027119603418, -2.373085083966294 },
                { 1.227566907279797, -2.373085083966294, 2.156308696222915 }

            Console.WriteLine("alpha = {0} should be {1}", sgp.Alpha, alphaExpected);
            Console.WriteLine(StringUtil.JoinColumns("beta = ", sgp.Beta, " should be ", betaExpected));
            double[] xTest = new double[]
                -2, -1, 0.0
            Vector[] xTestVec = Array.ConvertAll(xTest, v => Vector.Constant(1, v));
            // computed by matlab/MNT/GP/test_gpr.m
            double[] yMeanTest = new double[]
                -0.544583265595561, 0.134323399801302, 0.503623822120711
            double[] yVarTest = new double[]
                0.058569682375201, 0.022695532903985, 0.024439582002951
            for (int i = 0; i < xTestVec.Length; i++)
                Gaussian pred         = sgp.Marginal(xTestVec[i]);
                Gaussian predExpected = new Gaussian(yMeanTest[i], yVarTest[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} should be {2}", xTest[i], pred, predExpected);
                Assert.True(predExpected.MaxDiff(pred) < 1e-4);
            double evExpected = -13.201173794945003;
            double evActual   = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;

            Console.WriteLine("evidence = {0} should be {1}", evActual, evExpected);
            Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(evExpected, evActual, 1e-6) < 1e-4);
        public void Run()
            InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();

            if (!(engine.Algorithm is Algorithms.ExpectationPropagation))
                Console.WriteLine("This example only runs with Expectation Propagation");

            // The data
            Vector[] inputs = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 1
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    1, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 0.5
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    1.5, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.5, 1.0

            bool[] outputs = { true, true, false, true, false, false };

            // Open an evidence block to allow model scoring
            Variable <bool> evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock         block    = Variable.If(evidence);

            // Set up the GP prior, a distribution over functions, which will be filled in later
            Variable <SparseGP> prior = Variable.New <SparseGP>().Named("prior");

            // The sparse GP variable - a random function
            Variable <IFunction> f = Variable <IFunction> .Random(prior).Named("f");

            // The locations to evaluate the function
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Observed(inputs).Named("x");
            Range j = x.Range.Named("j");

            // The observation model
            VariableArray <bool> y     = Variable.Observed(outputs, j).Named("y");
            Variable <double>    score = Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[j]).Named("score");

            y[j] = (Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(score, 0.1) > 0);

            // Close the evidence block

            // The basis
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8

            for (int trial = 0; trial < 3; trial++)
                // The kernel
                IKernelFunction kf;
                if (trial == 0)
                    kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.0);
                else if (trial == 1)
                    kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.5);
                    kf = new NNKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }, -1.0);

                // Fill in the sparse GP prior
                GaussianProcess gp = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), kf);
                prior.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));

                // Model score
                double NNscore = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} evidence = {1}", kf, NNscore.ToString("g4"));

            // Infer the posterior Sparse GP
            SparseGP sgp = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);

            // Check that training set is classified correctly
            Console.WriteLine("Predictions on training set:");
            for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Length; i++)
                Gaussian post     = sgp.Marginal(inputs[i]);
                double   postMean = post.GetMean();
                string   comment  = (outputs[i] == (postMean > 0.0)) ? "correct" : "incorrect";
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} ({2})", inputs[i], post, comment);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>Evidence message for EP.</summary>
 /// <param name="y">Constant value for <c>y</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="func">Incoming message from <c>func</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="x">Constant value for <c>x</c>.</param>
 /// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's contribution the EP model evidence.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   <para>The formula for the result is <c>log(sum_(func) p(func) factor(y,func,x))</c>. Adding up these values across all factors and variables gives the log-evidence estimate for EP.</para>
 /// </remarks>
 public static double LogEvidenceRatio(double y, SparseGP func, Vector x)
     return(LogAverageFactor(y, func, x));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void GPClassificationExample()
            // The data
            bool[]   ydata = { true, true, false, true, false, false };
            Vector[] xdata = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 1
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    1, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0, 0.5
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    1.5, 0
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.5, 1.0

            // Open an evidence block to allow model scoring
            Variable <bool> evidence = Variable.Bernoulli(0.5).Named("evidence");
            IfBlock         block    = Variable.If(evidence);

            // Set up the GP prior, which will be filled in later
            Variable <SparseGP> prior = Variable.New <SparseGP>().Named("prior");

            // The sparse GP variable - a distribution over functions
            Variable <IFunction> f = Variable <IFunction> .Random(prior).Named("f");

            // The locations to evaluate the function
            VariableArray <Vector> x = Variable.Constant(xdata).Named("x");
            Range j = x.Range.Named("j");

            // The observation model
            VariableArray <bool> y = Variable.Array <bool>(j).Named("y");

            y[j] = (Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(Variable.FunctionEvaluate(f, x[j]), 0.1) > 0);

            // Attach the observations
            y.ObservedValue = ydata;

            // Close the evidence block

            InferenceEngine engine = new InferenceEngine();

            // The basis
            Vector[] basis = new Vector[]
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.2, 0.8
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.2
                Vector.FromArray(new double[2] {
                    0.8, 0.8

            for (int trial = 0; trial < 3; trial++)
                // The kernel
                IKernelFunction kf;
                if (trial == 0)
                    kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.0);
                    //kf = new LinearKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 });
                else if (trial == 1)
                    kf = new SquaredExponential(-0.5);
                    kf = new NNKernel(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }, -1.0);

                // Fill in the sparse GP prior
                prior.ObservedValue = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(kf, basis));

                // Model score
                double NNscore = engine.Infer <Bernoulli>(evidence).LogOdds;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} evidence = {1}", kf, NNscore.ToString("g4"));

            // Infer the posterior Sparse GP
            SparseGP sgp = engine.Infer <SparseGP>(f);

            // Check that training set is classified correctly
            Console.WriteLine("Predictions on training set:");
            for (int i = 0; i < ydata.Length; i++)
                Gaussian post     = sgp.Marginal(xdata[i]);
                double   postMean = post.GetMean();
                string   comment  = (ydata[i] == (postMean > 0.0)) ? "correct" : "incorrect";
                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1} ({2})", xdata[i], post, comment);
                Assert.True(ydata[i] == (postMean > 0.0));