Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override Agent Process(Pred directive, Agent outerContent, Agent innerContent)
            if (outerContent == null)

            // handles file (arg[0])
            string file = ((IStringTerm)directive.GetTerm(0)).GetString().Replace("\\\\", "/");

                TextReader input = null; //Es posible que haya que cambiarlo a streamreader
                // test include from jar
                if (file.StartsWith("$"))
                { // the case of "$jasonJar/src/a.asl"
                  //string jar = file.Substring(1, file.IndexOf("/"));
                  //string result;
                  //if (Config.Get().TryGetValue(jar, out result))
                  //    return null;

                    //Config.Get().TryGetValue(jar, out result);
                    //string path =  result.ToString();
                    //file = "jar:file:" + path + "!" + file.Substring(file.IndexOf("/"));
                    ////este file tiene que ser una ruta al archivo asl
                    ////input = new URL(file).openStream();
                    //input = File.OpenText(file);

                    string outerPrefix = outerContent.GetASLSrc(); // the source file that has the include directive
                    if (outerContent != null && outerPrefix != null)
                        // check if the outer is URL
                        if (outerPrefix.StartsWith("jar"))
                            //outerPrefix = outerPrefix.Substring(0, outerPrefix.IndexOf("!") + 1) + "/";
                            //file = aslSourcePath.FixPath(file, outerPrefix);
                            //input = File.OpenText(file);

                        else if (outerPrefix.StartsWith(SourcePath.CRPrefix))
                            //// outer is loaded from a resource ("application".jar) file, used for java web start
                            //int posSlash = outerPrefix.LastIndexOf("/");
                            //SourcePath newpath = new SourcePath();
                            //if (outerPrefix.IndexOf("/") != posSlash)
                            //{ // has only one slash
                            //    newpath.AddPath(outerPrefix.Substring(SourcePath.CRPrefix.Length + 1, posSlash));

                            //file = newpath.FixPath(file, SourcePath.CRPrefix + "/");
                            ///*Esto esta buscando en el paquete concreto de bdi agent*/
                            ////En input tenemos que acabar abriendo un textreader
                            ////Tenemos que ver exactamente donde esta esta cosa
                            ////Esto para hacerlo bien Unity hay que usar el sistema de getión de recursos de Unity: Resource.Load(string);
                            ////input = Agent.GetResource(file.Substring(SourcePath.CRPrefix.Length)).openStream();//Mirar los resources de unity por si acaso hay algo
                            //input = new StringReader(file.Substring(SourcePath.CRPrefix.Length));
                            ////Esto hay que hacerlo con unity porque esto es raruno

                        else if (outerPrefix.StartsWith("file:") || outerPrefix.StartsWith("http:") || outerPrefix.StartsWith("https:"))
                            ////URL url = new URL(new URL(outerPrefix), file);
                            ////file = url.ToString();
                            //file = outerPrefix + file;
                            //input = File.OpenText(file);

                        else if (file.StartsWith("jar:") || file.StartsWith("file:") || file.StartsWith("http:") || file.StartsWith("https:"))
                            ////URL url = new URL(file);
                            ////file = url.ToString(); //Mirar arriba
                            ////input = url.openStream();
                            //file = outerPrefix + file;
                            //input = File.OpenText(file);

                        else ///ESTE DE AQUI
                            // get the directory of the source of the outer agent and
                            // try to find the included source in the same directory
                            // or in the source paths
                            SourcePath newpath = new SourcePath();
                            newpath.AddPath(Path.GetFullPath((new StreamReader(outerPrefix)).ToString()));
                            // new StreamReader(outerPrefix).GetAbsoluteFile().getParent()
                            file  = newpath.FixPath(file, null);
                            input = new StreamReader(file);

                    else //ESTE DE AQUI
                        input = new StreamReader(aslSourcePath.FixPath(file, null));

                // handles namespace (args[1])
                Atom ns = directive.GetNS();
                if (directive.GetArity() > 1)
                    if (directive.GetTerm(1).IsVar())
                        ns = new Atom("ns" + NameSpace.GetUniqueID());
                        directive.SetTerm(1, ns);

                        if (directive.GetTerm(1).IsAtom())
                            ns = new Atom(((Atom)directive.GetTerm(1)).GetFunctor());
                Agent ag = new Agent();

                as2j sparser = new as2j(input);


            catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            catch (Exception e) {