Ejemplo n.º 1
        void ProcessTask(Task task)
            Step = String.Concat("Retrieving Funds List for Product ", task.product.Name, " ...");

            StepType    = false;
            ProgressPct = 0;

                                                 (result) =>
                OLife olife = result.Result;

                Total = olife.Items.Count();

                task.Total = Total;

                foreach (InvestmentProduct investproduct in olife.Items)
                    SourceLookup lookup = new SourceLookup()
                        SourceType = SourceTypes.Silica_FundCode,
                        SourceId   = investproduct.InvestProductSysKey[0].Replace("Compass_FundCode{", "").Replace("}", ""),

                    //Only for dev purposes until the live feed is up
                    lookup.ProductCode = investproduct.ProductCode;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void AddRequest(SourceLookup lookup)
     lock (_Queue)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            while (!_Worker.CancellationPending)
                if (_Queue.Count > 0)
                    int _NumRequests = 0;
                    lock (_ActiveRequests)
                        _NumRequests = _ActiveRequests.Count;

                    if (_NumRequests >= _MaxRequests)

                    // Check the queue for new request items
                    SourceLookup lookup = null;
                    lock (_Queue)
                        lookup = _Queue.Dequeue();

                    if (lookup == null)

                    // We found a new request item!
                    lock (_ActiveRequests)
                    // TBD: Initiate an async service request,
                    //      something like the following:
                        proxy.GetFundAsync(lookup, lookup);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void proxy_GetFundCompleted(object sender, GetFundCompletedEventArgs e)
                if (e.Error != null || e.Cancelled)
                    if (OnFundProcessError != null)
                        OnFundProcessError(this, new SourceLookupEventArgs(e.UserState as SourceLookup));

                OLife obj = e.Result;

                InvestmentProduct investmentproduct = (InvestmentProduct)obj.Items[0];

                string code = investmentproduct.InvestProductSysKey[0].Replace("Silica_FundCode{", "").Replace("}", "");

                SourceLookup lookup = e.UserState as SourceLookup; //_ActiveRequests.SingleOrDefault(t => t.SourceId == code);
                lock (_ActiveRequests)
                    if (lookup != null)

                    Fund fund = new Fund(investmentproduct);


                    if (OnFundProcessed != null)
                        OnFundProcessed(this, new InvestProductEventArgs(investmentproduct));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        OLife IFundService.GetFund(SourceLookup sourceLookup)

            #region XML
            //Serializable.OLifE obj = OLifeLoader.LoadBySourceLookup(sourceLookup);

            //var sfund = obj.InvestProduct.FirstOrDefault();

            //InvestmentProduct fund = new InvestmentProduct()
            //    CarrierName = sfund.CarrierName,
            //    InvestProductSysKey = new String[] { sfund.InvestProductSysKey },
            //    ProductSymbol = sfund.ProductSymbol,
            //    FundFamilyName = sfund.FundFamilyName,
            //    FullName = sfund.FullName,
            //    SaleEffectiveDate = sfund.SaleEffectiveDate

            //List<OLifEExtension> extlst = new List<OLifEExtension>();

            //foreach (var itm in sfund.OLifEExtension)

            //    OLifEExtension ext = new OLifEExtension();
            //    ext.VendorCode = itm.VendorCode;

            //    if (itm.SectorAllocation != null && itm.SectorAllocation.Count() > 0)
            //    {

            //        List<SectorAllocation> marketsectors = new List<SectorAllocation>();

            //        foreach (var sec in itm.SectorAllocation)
            //        {
            //            marketsectors.Add(new SectorAllocation()
            //            {
            //                JSECode = sec.JSECode,
            //                Local = Convert.ToDouble(sec.Local),
            //                MarketSector = sec.MarketSector,
            //                Total = sec.Total,
            //            });
            //        }

            //        ext.Items = (object[])marketsectors.ToArray();
            //        extlst.Add(ext);
            //    }

            //    if (itm.FundPrice != null && itm.FundPrice.Count() > 0)
            //    {
            //        List<FundPrice> fundprices = new List<FundPrice>();

            //        foreach (var pr in itm.FundPrice)
            //        {
            //            fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
            //            {
            //                Date = pr.Date,
            //                Name = pr.Name,
            //                Performance = Convert.ToDouble(pr.Performance)
            //            });
            //        }

            //        ext.Items = (object[])fundprices.ToArray();
            //        extlst.Add(ext);
            //    }

            //OLife olife = new OLife();
            //fund.OLifEExtension = extlst.ToArray();

            //List<OLifeBase> lst = new List<OLifeBase>();

            //olife.Items = lst.ToArray();
            //return olife;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static OLife LoadBySourceLookup(SourceLookup sourceLookup)
            FileHelperEngine engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(Funds));

            Funds[] fundsexport = (Funds[])engine.ReadFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Funds.csv"));

            engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(FundPerformance));
            FundPerformance[] fundPerformance = (FundPerformance[])engine.ReadFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/FundPerformance.csv"));

            OLife olife = new OLife();

            List <OLifeBase> lstProduct = new List <OLifeBase>();

            //int SourceId = int.Parse(sourceLookup.SourceId);

            // var funds = fundsexport.Where(t => t.TrustNo == SourceId).ToList();

            //var sfund = fundsexport.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TrustNo == SourceId);

            var sfund = fundsexport.SingleOrDefault(t => t.JSECode == sourceLookup.SourceId);

            //foreach (var sfund in funds)
            if (sfund != null)
                InvestmentProduct fund = new InvestmentProduct()
                    id = String.Concat("STLB_InvestmentProduct_", sfund.TrustNo),
                    //InvestProductSysKey = new String[] { String.Concat("Silica_FundCode{", sfund.TrustNo.ToString(), "}") },
                    InvestProductSysKey = new String[] { String.Concat("Silica_FundCode{", sfund.JSECode.ToString(), "}") },
                    ProductCode         = sourceLookup.ProductCode,
                    FullName            = sfund.FundName,
                    SaleEffectiveDate   = sfund.QuarterEnd

                OLifEExtension        ext    = new OLifEExtension();
                List <OLifEExtension> extlst = new List <OLifEExtension>();

                List <FundPrice>        fundprices = new List <FundPrice>();
                List <SectorAllocation> sectors    = new List <SectorAllocation>();

                ext.VendorCode = "STANLIB";
                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode        = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector   = "Resources",
                    Local          = sfund.Resources,
                    LocalSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode        = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector   = "Financials",
                    Local          = sfund.Financials,
                    LocalSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode        = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector   = "Industrials",
                    Local          = sfund.Industrials,
                    LocalSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode        = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector   = "Alt X",
                    Local          = sfund.AltX,
                    LocalSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode        = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector   = "Property",
                    Local          = sfund.Property,
                    LocalSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode        = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector   = "Bonds",
                    Local          = sfund.Bonds,
                    LocalSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode        = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector   = "Cash",
                    Local          = sfund.Cash,
                    LocalSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode          = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector     = "Foreign Equity",
                    Foreign          = sfund.ForeignEquity,
                    ForeignSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode          = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector     = "Foreign Bonds",
                    Foreign          = sfund.ForeignBonds,
                    ForeignSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode          = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector     = "Foreign Property",
                    Foreign          = sfund.ForeignProperty,
                    ForeignSpecified = true

                sectors.Add(new SectorAllocation
                    JSECode          = sfund.JSECode,
                    MarketSector     = "Foreign Cash",
                    Foreign          = sfund.ForeignCash,
                    ForeignSpecified = true

                ext.Items = (object[])sectors.ToArray();

                ext = new OLifEExtension();

                var fundprice = fundPerformance.FirstOrDefault(t => t.JSECode.Trim() == sfund.JSECode.ToString());

                if (fundprice != null)
                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M1"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M1,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M2"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M2,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M3"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M3,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M4"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M4,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M5"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M5

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M6"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M6,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M7"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M7

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M8"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M8,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M9"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M9

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M10"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M10,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M11"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M11

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M12"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M12,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M13"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M13,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M14"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M14,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M15"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M15

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M16"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M16,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M17"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M17,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M18"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M18,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M19"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M19,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M20"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M20,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M21"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M21,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M22"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M22,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M23"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M23,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M24"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M24,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M25"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M25,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M26"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M26

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M26"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M27,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M28"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M28,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M29"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M29,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M30"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M30,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M31"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M31,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M32"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M32,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M33"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M33,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M34"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M34,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M35"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M35,
                        Name        = sfund.FundName,
                        Type        = PriceType.Price

                    fundprices.Add(new FundPrice()
                        JSECode     = fundprice.JSECode,
                        Date        = LookupDate("M36"),
                        Performance = fundprice.M36

                    ext.Items = (object[])fundprices.ToArray();

                fund.OLifEExtension = extlst.ToArray();

            olife.Items = lstProduct.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void Load(string folder, IEnumerable <EntityDefinition> definitions)
            if (definitions == null)

            foreach (var ed in definitions)
                ed.Vocabulary = this;

                if (ed.Concepts == null)

                foreach (var c in ed.Concepts)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.SourceLookup))
                        if (!sourceLookups.ContainsKey(c.SourceLookup))
                            var lookupFolder = c.SourceLookup;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder))
                                lookupFolder = Path.Combine(folder, c.SourceLookup);

                            var lookup = new SourceLookup(Settings.Current.Building.VocabularyConnectionString, lookupFolder, Settings.Current.Building.VocabularySchemaName);

                            sourceLookups.Add(c.SourceLookup, lookup);

                    if (c.ConceptIdMappers == null)

                    foreach (var conceptIdMapper in c.ConceptIdMappers)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conceptIdMapper.Lookup))
                            if (!lookups.ContainsKey(conceptIdMapper.Lookup))
                                var lookupFolder = conceptIdMapper.Lookup;

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder))
                                    lookupFolder = Path.Combine(folder, conceptIdMapper.Lookup);

                                var lookup = new MultiLookup(GetConnectionString(lookupFolder), lookupFolder, GetSchemaName(lookupFolder));

                                lookups.Add(conceptIdMapper.Lookup, lookup);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conceptIdMapper.File))
                        if (lookups.ContainsKey(conceptIdMapper.File))

                        var lookupFileLocation = conceptIdMapper.File;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder))
                            lookupFileLocation = Path.Combine(folder, conceptIdMapper.File);

                        if (!rfLookups.ContainsKey(conceptIdMapper.File))
                            var rfLookup = new ReferenceFileLookup(lookupFileLocation);
                            rfLookups.Add(conceptIdMapper.File, rfLookup);

                    if (c.SourceConceptIdMappers != null)
                        foreach (var conceptIdMapper in c.SourceConceptIdMappers)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conceptIdMapper.Lookup))
                                if (!lookups.ContainsKey(conceptIdMapper.Lookup))
                                    var lookupFolder = conceptIdMapper.Lookup;

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder))
                                        lookupFolder = Path.Combine(folder, conceptIdMapper.Lookup);

                                    var lookup = new MultiLookup(GetConnectionString(lookupFolder), lookupFolder, GetSchemaName(lookupFolder));

                                    lookups.Add(conceptIdMapper.Lookup, lookup);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public SourceLookupEventArgs(SourceLookup lookup)
     this.sourcelookup = lookup;