Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseStandardGitClient = new CheckBox
                Text = "Use Standard Git Client"

            this.txtGitExecutablePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required = false,

            var ctlExePathField = new StandardFormField("Git Executable Path:", this.txtGitExecutablePath);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Git Client",
                    "This extension includes a lightweight Git client for Windows. To use an alternate Git client, check the box and provide the path of the other client.",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkUseStandardGitClient),

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseStandardGitClient, ctlExePathField);
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseStandardGitClient = new CheckBox
                Text = "Use Standard Git Client"

            this.txtGitExecutablePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required = false,

            var ctlExePathField = new SlimFormField("Git executable path:", this.txtGitExecutablePath);

                 new SlimFormField("Git client:", this.chkUseStandardGitClient)
                     HelpText = "This extension includes a lightweight Git client for Windows. To use an alternate Git client, check the box and provide the path of the other client."

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseStandardGitClient, ctlExePathField);
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseCustomProfileXml = new CheckBox() { Text = "Use custom publish settings..." };
            var ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer = new Div() { ID = "ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer" };

            this.txtProjectPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker();
            this.txtProjectPublishProfileName = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml = new ValidatingTextBox() { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 7 };
            ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer.Controls.Add(new Div("Enter custom publish profile XML:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml);

            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox() { Required = true };
            this.txtVisualStudioVersion = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = "12.0" };
            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = "Inherit credentials from extension configuration" };
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox();

                new SlimFormField("Project/Solution file:", this.txtProjectPath),
                new SlimFormField("Publish profile:", new Div("Profile Name:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileName, this.chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer),
                new SlimFormField("Build configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Visual Studio version:", this.txtVisualStudioVersion)
                    HelpText = "Visual Studio must be installed in order to publish directly from the command line. Choose " 
                    + "the version of Visual Studio that is installed on the selected server in order for Web Deploy to use the "
                    + "appropriate build targets for the installed version. The default is 12.0 (Visual Studio 2013)."
                new SlimFormField("Credentials:", new Div(new Div("Username:"******"Password:"******"Additional MSBuild arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer);
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtProjectBuildConfiguration",
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "Debug", "Release" },
                Required = true,
                Text = "Release"

            this.txtProjectPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ID = "txtProjectPath",
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtAdditionalArguments",
                DefaultText = "(none)"

                new SlimFormField("Project file:", this.txtProjectPath),
                new SlimFormField("Configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     this.txtDirectoryName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtProperties = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine
     ffpArtifactFile = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ServerId = 1
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Directory", "Directory Information", false,
                                          new StandardFormField("Directory Name:", txtDirectoryName)
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Artifact", "Artifact information", false,
                                          new StandardFormField("Artifact File Disk Location:", ffpArtifactFile)
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Properties",
                                          "Additional properties for artifacts. Enter each as a name=value pair on a line", true,
                                          new StandardFormField("Properties:", txtProperties)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void CreateSelectDeploymentPathControls()
            var ctlTargetDeploymentPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
                DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders,
                ServerId    = 1,
                Width       = 350,
                Text        = @"C:\TfsTestDeploys\"

                new SlimFormField("Deployment target:", ctlTargetDeploymentPath)
                HelpText = "Select a directory where the artifact will be deployed. You can change the server/path in which this gets deployed to later."

            this.WizardStepChange += (s, e) =>
                if (e.CurrentStep != this.wizardSteps.SelectDeploymentPath)

                this.TargetDeploymentPath = ctlTargetDeploymentPath.Text;
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseStandardGitClient = new CheckBox
                Text = "Use Standard Git Client"

            this.txtGitExecutablePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required = false

            this.txtOrganizationName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = false, DefaultText = "Optional", Width = 300
            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true, Width = 300
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox {
                Required = true, Width = 300

            var ctlExePathField = new StandardFormField("Git Executable Path:", this.txtGitExecutablePath);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Optionally provide the organization name which owns the repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Provide the user name and password of a GitHub user which has access to the desired repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "User Name:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Password:"******"Git Client",
                    "This extension includes a lightweight Git client for Windows. To use an alternate Git client, check the box and provide the path of the other client.",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkUseStandardGitClient),

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseStandardGitClient, ctlExePathField);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            Tables.Deployables_Extended deployable = null;
            if (this.DeployableId > 0)
                deployable = DB.Applications_GetDeployable(this.DeployableId).FirstOrDefault();

            this.txtExePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles,
                ServerId    = this.ServerId,
                DefaultText = "default for selected configuration"

            this.txtGroupName = new ValidatingTextBox
                Text     = deployable != null ? deployable.Deployable_Name : string.Empty,
                Required = true

            this.txtTestFile = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                DefaultText = "none"

            this.txtCustomXmlOutputPath = new ValidatingTextBox
                DefaultText = "managed by BuildMaster"

            this.chkTreatInconclusiveTestsAsFailure = new CheckBox
                Text    = "Treat inconclusive tests as failures",
                Checked = true

                new SlimFormField("Unit test group:", this.txtGroupName),
                new SlimFormField("NUnit-console.exe path:", this.txtExePath)
                HelpText = "The path to (and including) nunit-console.exe if using a different version of NUnit than the one specified "
                           + "in the NUnit extension configuration."
                new SlimFormField("Test file:", this.txtTestFile)
                HelpText = "This should normally be a .dll or project file."
                new SlimFormField("XML output path:", this.txtCustomXmlOutputPath),
                new SlimFormField("Additional NUnit arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments),
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkTreatInconclusiveTestsAsFailure)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public AzureConfigurerEditor()
            this.sdkPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker();
            this.sdkPath.ID = "sdkPath";
            this.sdkPath.DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders;

            this.txtSubscriptionID = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.txtCertificateName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public AzureActionWithConfigBaseEditor()
     this.txtConfigText = new TextBox()
         TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Width = 300, Rows = 4
     this.ffpConfigFilePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         Width = 300, ServerId = 1
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ctlScriptPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker { Required = true };

            this.txtArguments = new ValidatingTextBox();

                new SlimFormField("Script file path:", this.ctlScriptPath),
                new SlimFormField("CScript arguments:", this.txtArguments)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseStandardGitClient = new CheckBox
                Text = "Use Standard Git Client"

            this.txtGitExecutablePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required = false

            this.txtOrganizationName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = false, DefaultText = "Optional", Width = 300 };
            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };

            var ctlExePathField = new StandardFormField("Git Executable Path:", this.txtGitExecutablePath);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Optionally provide the organization name which owns the repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Provide the user name and password of a GitHub user which has access to the desired repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "User Name:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Password:"******"Git Client",
                    "This extension includes a lightweight Git client for Windows. To use an alternate Git client, check the box and provide the path of the other client.",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkUseStandardGitClient),

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseStandardGitClient, ctlExePathField);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this._txtFakeExecutablePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.ServerId,
                Required = true

            this._txtWorkingDirectory = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId    = this.ServerId,
                DefaultText = "default"

            this._txtFakeFile = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Width = 300

            this._txtTasks = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Width = 300

            this._txtVariableValues = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 5,
                Width    = 300

                new FormFieldGroup("Fake Executable Path",
                                   "The path to the Fake executable.",
                                   new StandardFormField("Fake Executable Path:", this._txtFakeExecutablePath),
                                   new StandardFormField("Working Directory:", this._txtWorkingDirectory)
                new FormFieldGroup("Fake File",
                                   "The optional Fake File to use, relative to the working directory.",
                                   new StandardFormField("Fake File:", this._txtFakeFile)
                new FormFieldGroup("Tasks",
                                   "Enter the tasks to run, separated by spaces.",
                                   new StandardFormField("Build Properties:", this._txtTasks)
                new FormFieldGroup("Environment Variables",
                                   "You may optionally specify additional environment variables and values for this execution, separated by newlines. For example:<br />opt1=value1<br />opt2=value2",
                                   new StandardFormField("Environment Variables:", this._txtVariableValues)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public AzureConfigurerEditor()
            this.sdkPath             = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker();
            this.sdkPath.ID          = "sdkPath";
            this.sdkPath.DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders;

            this.txtSubscriptionID = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Width = 300
            this.txtCertificateName = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Width = 300
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };
            this.txtTimestampServer = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)" };
            this.txtContentDescription = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)", };
            this.txtContentUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)" };
            this.ctlSignExe = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker { DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles };

                new SlimFormField("File to sign:", this.ctlSignExe),
                new SlimFormField("Certificate subject:", this.txtSubject),
                new SlimFormField("Timestamp server URL:", this.txtTimestampServer),
                new SlimFormField("Description:", this.txtContentDescription),
                new SlimFormField("Information URL:", this.txtContentUrl)
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtLabel = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     chkStartDeployment = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     txtStorageAccountName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, Required = true
     txtStorageAccessKey = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, Required = true
     ffpPackageFile = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ServerId = 1
     txtPackageFileStorageLocation = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     chkDeleteFromStorage = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Deploy Package Configuration",
                                          "Options for the Deploy Cloud Service package action", true,
                                          new StandardFormField("Label:", txtLabel),
                                          new StandardFormField("Start Deployment:", chkStartDeployment),
                                          new StandardFormField("Blob Storage Account Name:", txtStorageAccountName),
                                          new StandardFormField("Blob Storage Access Key:", txtStorageAccessKey),
                                          new StandardFormField("Package File Disk Location:", ffpPackageFile),
                                          new StandardFormField("Package File Blob Location:", txtPackageFileStorageLocation),
                                          new StandardFormField("Delete staged package from Blob Storage when complete", chkDeleteFromStorage)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtExePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles,
                ServerId    = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required    = true

            this.txtTagUser = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "Local repository default"

                new SlimFormField("Username for tags:", this.txtTagUser),
                new SlimFormField("Hg command path:", this.txtExePath)
                HelpText = "The executable path for hg (hg.exe on Windows)."
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public AzureConfigurerEditor()
            //ddlServer = new DropDownList();
            //ddlServer.ID = "ddlServer";
            //ddlServer.AutoPostBack = true;
            //ddlServer.SelectedIndexChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //    sdkPath.Text = null;

            //vreq_ddlServer = new StyledRequiredFieldValidator();
            //vreq_ddlServer.ID = "vreq_ddlServer";
            //vreq_ddlServer.InitialValue = "0";

            sdkPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker();
            sdkPath.ID = "sdkPath";
            sdkPath.DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders;

            txtSubscriptionID = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            txtCertificateName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };
            this.txtTimestampServer = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)", Width = 300 };
            this.txtContentDescription = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)", Width = 300 };
            this.txtContentUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)", Width = 300 };
            this.ctlSignExe = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.ServerId,
                DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Specify the executable file to sign.",
                    new StandardFormField("File to Sign:", this.ctlSignExe)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "The subject name (or a substring of the subject name) of the signing certificate.",
                    new StandardFormField("Subject Name:", this.txtSubject)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Timestamp Server URL",
                    "The URL of the timestamp server used when signing the executable. If not specified, no timestamp is used.",
                    new StandardFormField("Timestamp Server URL:", this.txtTimestampServer)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Additional Metadata",
                    "Optionally provide additional information to add to the signature.",
                    new StandardFormField("Description of Signed Content:", this.txtContentDescription),
                    new StandardFormField("URL with More Information:", this.txtContentUrl)
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     this.txtItemName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtProperties = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine
     this.ffpFileName = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ServerId = 1
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Artifact", "Artifact Information", true,
                                          new StandardFormField("Item Name:", txtItemName),
                                          new StandardFormField("Properties:", txtProperties),
                                          new StandardFormField("Output File:", ffpFileName)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.libPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { Required = true, DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders, ServerId = this.ServerId };
            this.searchMask = new ValidatingTextBox() { Required = true, Text = "*.csproj", TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,  Rows = 4, Columns = 30, Width = 300 };
            this.recursive = new CheckBox() { Text = "Recursive" };

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "The library directory which contains referenced assemblies.",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.libPath)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Project Files",
                    "Determines which project files are converted.",
                    new StandardFormField("File Masks:", this.searchMask),
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.recursive)
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtLabel = new ValidatingTextBox() {Width = 300};
     chkStartDeployment = new CheckBox() { Width = 300 };
     txtStorageAccountName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300, Required = true };
     txtStorageAccessKey = new ValidatingTextBox() {Width = 300, Required = true};
     ffpPackageFile = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { ServerId = 1 };
     txtPackageFileStorageLocation = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     chkDeleteFromStorage = new CheckBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Deploy Package Configuration",
         "Options for the Deploy Cloud Service package action",true,
         new StandardFormField("Label:",txtLabel),
         new StandardFormField("Start Deployment:",chkStartDeployment),
         new StandardFormField("Blob Storage Account Name:",txtStorageAccountName),
         new StandardFormField("Blob Storage Access Key:",txtStorageAccessKey),
         new StandardFormField("Package File Disk Location:",ffpPackageFile),
         new StandardFormField("Package File Blob Location:",txtPackageFileStorageLocation),
         new StandardFormField("Delete staged package from Blob Storage when complete",chkDeleteFromStorage)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtApiUrl = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = GitHub.GitHubComUrl };

            this.chkUseStandardGitClient = new CheckBox
                Text = "Use Standard Git Client"

            this.txtGitExecutablePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required = false

            this.txtOrganizationName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = false, DefaultText = "Optional" };
            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox { Required = true };

            var ctlExePathField = new SlimFormField("Git executable path:", this.txtGitExecutablePath);

                new SlimFormField("API base URL:", this.txtApiUrl)
                    HelpText = "This provider connects to github.com by default. If connecting to GitHub Enterprise on a local network, specify the hostname of the API here."
                new SlimFormField("Organization name:", this.txtOrganizationName),
                new SlimFormField("GitHub username:"******"GitHub password:"******"Git client:", this.chkUseStandardGitClient)
                    HelpText = "This extension includes a lightweight Git client for Windows. To use an alternate Git client, check the box and provide the path of the other client."

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseStandardGitClient, ctlExePathField);
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtProjectFilePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ID = "txtProjectFilePath",
                Required = true

            this.txtMSBuildTarget = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtMSBuildTarget",
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalProperties = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtAdditionalProperties",
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                DefaultText = "(none)",
                Rows = 5

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtAdditionalArguments",
                DefaultText = "(none)"

                new SlimFormField("MSBuild file:", this.txtProjectFilePath),
                new SlimFormField("MSBuild target:", this.txtMSBuildTarget),
                new SlimFormField("MSBuild properties:", this.txtAdditionalProperties)
                    HelpText = HelpText.FromHtml("Additional properties, separated by newlines. Example:<br />WarningLevel=2<br />Optimize=false")
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.txtApplicationName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };
            this.txtProviderUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };
            this.txtCertificatePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker { ServerId = this.ServerId };
            this.txtCertificatePassword = new PasswordTextBox { Width = 250 };
            this.txtCertificateHash = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };
            this.txtMinVersion = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = false, Width = 300 };
            this.chkMapFileExtensions = new CheckBox { Text = "Rename files to .deploy" };
            this.chkInstallApplication = new CheckBox { Text = "Install application onto local machine" };
            this.chkCreateDesktopIcon = new CheckBox { Text = "Create desktop icon" };
            this.chkStartupCheckForUpdate = new CheckBox { Text = "Check for update at startup" };
            this.txtEntryPointFile = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.txtFilesExcludedFromManifest = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine };
            this.txtIconFile = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = false, Width = 300 };
            this.txtAppCodeBaseDirectory = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.chkTrustUrlParameters = new CheckBox { Text = "Trust URL Parameters" };

            this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon1 = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.txtFileAssociationDescription1 = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.txtFileAssociationExtension1 = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.txtFileAssociationProgId1 = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };

            this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon2 = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.txtFileAssociationDescription2 = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.txtFileAssociationExtension2 = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };
            this.txtFileAssociationProgId2 = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Application Settings",
                    "Configuration for the application. Note that the version number and minimum version number "
                    + "must be of the form The minimum version can be used to force an update preventing the user from skipping it."
                    + " The provider URL should be where the application is deployed to (e.g. http://example.com/MyApp/)",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Application Name:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Version Number:",
                        new StandardFormField(
                        "Minimum Version Number:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Provider URL:",
                    new StandardFormField("Icon File:", this.txtIconFile),
                    new StandardFormField("Application Code Base Directory:", this.txtAppCodeBaseDirectory),
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Entry Point File:",
                    new StandardFormField("Files to exclude from manifest:",
                    new StandardFormField(String.Empty, this.chkTrustUrlParameters),
                    new StandardFormField("File Association 1:",
                        new StandardFormField("Default Icon:", this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon1),
                        new StandardFormField("Description:", this.txtFileAssociationDescription1),
                        new StandardFormField("Extension:", this.txtFileAssociationExtension1),
                        new StandardFormField("Prog Id:", this.txtFileAssociationProgId1)),
                    new StandardFormField("File Association 2:",
                        new StandardFormField("Default Icon:", this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon2),
                        new StandardFormField("Description:", this.txtFileAssociationDescription2),
                        new StandardFormField("Extension:", this.txtFileAssociationExtension2),
                        new StandardFormField("Prog Id:", this.txtFileAssociationProgId2))
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "File Extension Mapping",
                    "Determines whether files in the deployment will have a .deploy extension. "
                    + "ClickOnce will strip this extension off these files as soon as it downloads them "
                    + "from the Web server. This parameter allows all the files within a ClickOnce deployment "
                    + "to be downloaded from a Web server that blocks transmission of files ending in \"unsafe\" "
                    + "extensions such as .exe. ",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkMapFileExtensions)),
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Installation Settings",
                    "Indicates whether or not the ClickOnce application should install onto the local machine, "
                    + "or whether it should run from the Web. Installing an application gives that application a "
                    + "presence in the Windows Start menu.",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkInstallApplication),
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkCreateDesktopIcon),
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkStartupCheckForUpdate)),
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Certificate Settings",
                    "ClickOnce applications must be signed with an X509 certificate, "
                    + "which may be stored on disk or in the local cert store. "
                    + "<br /><br />Note that either a Certificate Path or Certificate Hash "
                    + "must be selected, but not both",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Certificate Path:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Certificate Hash:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Certificate Password:",
 public AzureActionWithConfigBaseEditor()
     this.txtConfigText = new TextBox() { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Width = 300, Rows = 4 };
     this.ffpConfigFilePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { Width = 300, ServerId = 1 };
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     this.ffpServiceDefinition = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ID = "serviceDefinition", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles, ServerId = 1
     this.txtWebRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.ffpWebRoleBinDir = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ID = "ffpWebRoleBinDir", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders, ServerId = 1
     this.txtWebRoleAssemblyName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtWebRoleSiteRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtWebRoleSiteVirtualPath = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtWebRoleSitePhysicaPath = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtWorkerRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.ffpWorkerRoleBinDir = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ID = "ffpWorkerRoleBinDir", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders, ServerId = 1
     this.txtWorkerRoleAssemblyName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtRolePropertiesFileRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.ffpPropertiesFile = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ID = "ffpPropertiesFile", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles, ServerId = 1
     this.chkUseCTPPackageFormat = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300, Text = "Use CTP Package Format", Checked = true
     this.ffpOutput = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ID = "ffpOutput", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles, ServerId = 1
     this.chkCopyOnly = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300, Text = "Copy Only"
     this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
         new FormFieldGroup("Service Definition",
                            "Provide the path to the default service definition file (ServiceDefinition.csdef) or the explicit file name.",
                            new StandardFormField("Path:", this.ffpServiceDefinition)
         new FormFieldGroup("Web Role",
                            "Specify the name of the web role, the path to the \\bin directory of the web application output, and optionally, the " +
                            "file name of the assembly that contains the web role. If there is no web role for this project, leave these " +
                            "fields blank. If more than 1 web role exists, use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
                            new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWebRoleName),
                            new StandardFormField("Bin Directory:", this.ffpWebRoleBinDir),
                            new StandardFormField("Assembly Name:", this.txtWebRoleAssemblyName)
         new FormFieldGroup("Site",
                            "Specify a site name for the web role, and a virtual to physical path mapping. If more than 1 mapping is required, " +
                            "use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
                            new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWebRoleSiteRoleName),
                            new StandardFormField("Virtual Path:", this.txtWebRoleSiteVirtualPath),
                            new StandardFormField("Physical Path:", this.txtWebRoleSitePhysicaPath)
         new FormFieldGroup("Worker Role",
                            "Specify the name of the worker role, the path to the \\bin directory of the project output, and the assembly " +
                            "that contains the entry point for the worker role. If there is no worker role for this project, leave these " +
                            "fields blank. If more than 1 worker role exists, use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
                            new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWorkerRoleName),
                            new StandardFormField("Bin Directory:", this.ffpWorkerRoleBinDir),
                            new StandardFormField("Assembly Name:", this.txtWorkerRoleAssemblyName)
         new FormFieldGroup("Role Properties",
                            "Role properties file information.",
                            new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtRolePropertiesFileRoleName),
                            new StandardFormField("Path:", ffpPropertiesFile)
         new FormFieldGroup("Options",
                            "Specify whether the new package format should be used, and whether to create a directory layout for the role " +
                            "binaries in order to run the service locally. To create a .cspkg, leave Copy Only unchecked.",
                            new StandardFormField("", this.chkUseCTPPackageFormat),
                            new StandardFormField("", this.chkCopyOnly)
         new FormFieldGroup("Additional Arguments",
                            "Specify any additional arguments to pass to cspack.exe.",
                            new StandardFormField("Additional Arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
         new FormFieldGroup("Output",
                            "Specify the file name of the package output (if Copy Only is unchecked), or the output directory for the role binaries.",
                            new StandardFormField("Path:", this.ffpOutput)
        private void CreateSelectDeploymentPathControls()
            var ctlTargetDeploymentPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
                DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders,
                ServerId = 1,
                Width = 350,
                Text = @"C:\TfsTestDeploys\"

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Deployment Target",
                    "Select a directory where the artifact will be deployed. You can change the server/path in which this gets deployed to later.",
                    new StandardFormField("Target Directory:", ctlTargetDeploymentPath)

            this.WizardStepChange += (s, e) =>
                if (e.CurrentStep != this.wizardSteps.SelectDeploymentPath)

                this.TargetDeploymentPath = ctlTargetDeploymentPath.Text;
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.txtOrganizationName = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Required = true,
                Width = 300
            this.txtOrganizationName.ServerValidate += (s, e) =>
                var applications = StoredProcs.Applications_GetApplications(null).Execute();
                if (applications.Any(app => app.Application_Name.Equals(this.txtOrganizationName.Text.Replace(" ", "") + "Extension", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    e.IsValid = false;

            var ddlProvider = new DropDownList { AutoPostBack = true };
            ddlProvider.Items.Add(new ListItem("", "0"));
            var providerItems = StoredProcs.Providers_GetProviders(
                .Select(p => new ListItem(p.Provider_Name, p.Provider_Id.ToString()))
            ddlProvider.Visible = providerItems.Any();

            var ctlNoProviders = new InfoBox()
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Error,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("There are no source control providers set up in BuildMaster. Visit the <a href=\"/Administration/Providers/Overview.aspx?providerTypeCode=S\">Source Control Providers page</a> to add one.") },
                Visible = !providerItems.Any()

            var ctlMoreThanOneProject = new InfoBox()
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Error,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("There was more than one project in this solution. This application recipe only supports single-project solutions. Please go back to the previous step and select an extension solution with only one project.") },
                Visible = false
            var ctlOneProject = new InfoBox()
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Success,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("There solution contains a single project. You may advance to the summary step.") }

            var ctlSolutionPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles };

            var ffSolutionPath = new StandardFormField("Path of solution:", ctlSolutionPath) { Visible = false };

            ddlProvider.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) =>
                ctlSolutionPath.SourceControlProviderId = int.Parse(ddlProvider.SelectedValue);
                this.ProviderId = ctlSolutionPath.SourceControlProviderId;
                ffSolutionPath.Visible = ctlSolutionPath.SourceControlProviderId > 0;

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Organization Name",
                    "This should be your company or division name, e.g. \"Initech\". <br /><br />This is used to generate the sample code and also create the application name.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Organization Name:",

            txtOrganizationName.Load += (S,E) => this.wizardSteps.DownloadInstructions.OrganizationName = txtOrganizationName.Text;

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Source Control",
                    "Select the Source Control Provider and the path to the extension's solution file.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Source Control Provider:",
            this.WizardStepChange += (s, e) =>
                if (e.CurrentStep != this.wizardSteps.SelectProviderAndSolution)
                using (var scm = Util.Providers.CreateProviderFromId<SourceControlProviderBase>(ctlSolutionPath.SourceControlProviderId))
                    var fileBytes = scm.GetFileContents(ctlSolutionPath.Text);
                    if (ctlSolutionPath.Text.EndsWith(".sln", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        var solution = Solution.Load(new MemoryStream(fileBytes));

                        if (solution.Projects.Count > 1)
                            ctlMoreThanOneProject.Visible = true;
                            ctlOneProject.Visible = false;

                        this.SolutionPath = new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, ctlSolutionPath.Text).ScmDirectoryName;
                        this.Project = new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, ctlSolutionPath.Text).ProjectFileName);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "One Project Verification",
                    "This step ensures that there is only one project in the selected solution.",
                    new StandardFormField(

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "This is a summary of the details of the application that will be created. The application's deployment plan may be modified after creation if necessary.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        new Summary(this)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtExePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                Required = true,
                DefaultText = @"ex: C:\Program Files\Example\MyExampleService.exe"

            this.txtArguments = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "none" };

            this.txtServiceName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };

            this.txtDisplayName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };

            this.txtDescription = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "none" };

            this.txtUserAccount = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "NT AUTHORITY\\LocalSystem" };

            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox();

            this.chkRecreate = new CheckBox
                Text = "Reinstall if a service with the same name is already installed"

            var ctlRecreateContainer = new Div(this.chkRecreate) { ID = "ctlRecreateContainer" };

            this.chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled = new CheckBox
                ID = "chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled",
                Text = "Log error if service with same name is already installed"

                new SlimFormField("Service executable:", this.txtExePath),
                new SlimFormField("Executable arguments:", this.txtArguments),
                new SlimFormField("Service name:", this.txtServiceName),
                new SlimFormField("Service display name:", this.txtDisplayName),
                new SlimFormField("Service description:", this.txtDescription),
                new SlimFormField("User account:", this.txtUserAccount)
                    HelpText = HelpText.FromHtml("Supply a user account which the service will run as. <i>NT AUTHORITY\\LocalSystem</i> is used if an account is not supplied. " +
                        "To use Network Service, enter <i>NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService</i>.<br/><br/>" +
                        "If a built in service account is used, leave the password field blank.")
                new SlimFormField("User account password:"******"Options:",
                    new Div(this.chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled),
                new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator(
                    w =>
                            "$('#{0}').change(function(){{if($(this).attr('checked')) $('#{1}').hide(); else $('#{1}').show();}});",

                        w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.chkErrorIfAlreadyInstalled.ClientID);
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ddlVersion = new DropDownList()
                Items =
                    new ListItem("(auto detect)", ""),
                    new ListItem("2.0", "2.0.50727"),
                    new ListItem("3.5", "3.5"),
                    new ListItem("4.0", "4.0.30319")

            this.ddlProjectBuildConfiguration = new DropDownList()
                Items =
                    new ListItem("Debug", "Debug"),
                    new ListItem("Release", "Release"),
                    new ListItem("Other", "Other")

            this.txtOtherConfig = new TextBox() { Width = 150 };

            this.ddlProjectBuildTargetPlatform = new DropDownList()
                Items =
                    new ListItem("(Default)", string.Empty),
                    new ListItem("Any CPU", "AnyCPU"),
                    new ListItem("x86", "x86"),
                    new ListItem("x64", "x64"),
                    new ListItem("Other", "Other")

            this.txtOtherPlatform = new TextBox() { Width = 150 };

            this.txtProjectPath = new TextBox() { Width = 325 };

            this.chkWebProject = new CheckBox()
                Text = "This is a Web Application project."

            this.ddlBuildOutputDir = new DropDownList()
                Items =
                    new ListItem("Specify output directory...", "target"),
                    new ListItem("Per project \\bin\\{config} directories", "bin"),

            this.txtTargetDir = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
                ServerId = this.ServerId,
                DefaultText = "default",
                Width = 270

            this.txtAdditionalProperties = new TextBox
                Width = 300,
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows = 5

                new FormFieldGroup(".NET Framework Version",
                    "The version of the .NET Framework to use when building this project.",
                    new StandardFormField("Version:", this.ddlVersion)

            this.divConfig = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { ID = "divConfig" };
            this.divConfig.Style.Value = "display:none;";


            this.divPlatform = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { ID = "divPlatform" };
            this.divPlatform.Style.Value = "display:none;";


            this.divTargetDir = new HtmlGenericControl("div") { ID = "divTargetDir" };
            this.divTargetDir.Style.Value = "display:none;";


                new FormFieldGroup("Project Build Configuration",
                    "The build configuration and platform for your project (usually either Debug or Release).",
                    new StandardFormField("Project Build Configuration:", this.ddlProjectBuildConfiguration, this.divConfig),
                    new StandardFormField("Target Platform:", this.ddlProjectBuildTargetPlatform, this.divPlatform)
                new FormFieldGroup("Project or Solution File Path",
                    "The path to an msbuild project file or solution file, typically: .csproj, .vbproj, .vcxproj, or .sln. <br /><br />This path may be absolute or relative to the default directory.",
                    new StandardFormField("Source Path:", this.txtProjectPath, new LiteralControl("<br />"), this.chkWebProject)
                new FormFieldGroup("Build Output Directory",
                    "The directory of the build output. The \\bin\\{config} option is recommended when building a solution file. If \"This is a Web Application project\" is selected, an output directory must be specified.",
                    new StandardFormField("Build Output Directory:", this.ddlBuildOutputDir, this.divTargetDir)
                new FormFieldGroup("MSBuild Properties",
                    "Additional properties, separated by newlines.  Example:<br />WarningLevel=2<br />Optimize=false",
                    new StandardFormField("MSBuild Properties:", this.txtAdditionalProperties)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.txtApplicationName = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                Width = 300,
                ValidationExpression = "[0-9a-zA-Z]+"
                txtApplicationName.Text = (Environment.UserDomainName ?? "").ToLowerInvariant() + "Extension";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtApplicationName.Text))
                    txtApplicationName.Text = txtApplicationName.Text[0].ToString().ToUpperInvariant() + txtApplicationName.Text.Substring(1);
            catch {}

            this.txtApplicationName.ServerValidate +=
                (s, e) =>
                    var applications = StoredProcs.Applications_GetApplications(null).Execute();
                    if (applications.Any(app => app.Application_Name.Equals(this.txtApplicationName.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                        e.IsValid = false;

            bool hasProviders = StoredProcs.Providers_GetProviders(Domains.ProviderTypes.SourceControl).Execute().Any();
            var ddlProvider = new ActionProviderPicker
                AllowNameEntry = false,
                ProviderTypeCode = Domains.ProviderTypes.SourceControl,
                Visible = hasProviders

            var ctlNoProviders = new InfoBox
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Error,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("There are no source control providers set up in BuildMaster. Visit the <a href=\"/Administration/Providers/Overview.aspx?providerTypeCode=S\">Source Control Providers page</a> to add one.") },
                Visible = !hasProviders

            var ctlMoreThanOneProject = new InfoBox
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Error,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("There was more than one project in this solution. This application recipe only supports single-project solutions. Please go back to the previous step and select an extension solution with only one project.") },
                Visible = false

            var ctlOneProject = new InfoBox
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Success,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("There solution contains a single project. You may advance to the summary step.") }

            var ctlSolutionPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles,
                BindToActionSourceControlProvider = true,
                Width = 300

            var ffSolutionPath = new StandardFormField("Path of solution file (.sln):", ctlSolutionPath);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Application Name",
                    "For custom extensions, the name should be <em>InitechExtension</em>, where \"Initech\" is your company's name. There's no need to have more than one custom extension per organization<br /><br />" 
                    + "For cloning BuildMaster extensions, use the exact name of the extension, for example <em>WindowsSdk</em><br /><br />.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Application Name (alpha-numeric only):",

            txtApplicationName.Load += (s, e) => this.wizardSteps.DownloadInstructions.ApplicationName = txtApplicationName.Text;

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Source Control",
                    "Select the Source Control Provider and the path to the extension's solution file.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Source Control Provider:",
                        new Div(
                            new ActionServerPicker { ID = "bm-action-server-id" }
                        ) { Style = "display: none;" }
            this.WizardStepChange +=
                (s, e) =>
                    if (e.CurrentStep != this.wizardSteps.SelectProviderAndSolution)

                    this.ProviderId = (int)ddlProvider.ProviderId;

                    using (var proxy = Util.Proxy.CreateProviderProxy(this.ProviderId))
                        var scm = proxy.TryGetService<SourceControlProviderBase>();
                        byte[] fileBytes = scm.GetFileContents(ctlSolutionPath.Text);

                        if (ctlSolutionPath.Text.EndsWith(".sln", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            var solution = Solution.Load(new MemoryStream(fileBytes));

                            if (solution.Projects.Count > 1)
                                ctlMoreThanOneProject.Visible = true;
                                ctlOneProject.Visible = false;

                            this.SolutionPath = new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, ctlSolutionPath.Text).ScmDirectoryName;
                            this.Project = new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, ctlSolutionPath.Text).ProjectFileName);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "One Project Verification",
                    "This step ensures that there is only one project in the selected solution.",
                    new StandardFormField(

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "This is a summary of the details of the application that will be created. The application's deployment plan may be modified after creation if necessary.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        new Summary(this)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            var hasProviders = StoredProcs.Providers_GetProviders(Domains.ProviderTypes.SourceControl).Execute().Any();

            var ddlProvider = new ActionProviderPicker
                AllowNameEntry = false,
                Visible = hasProviders,
                ProviderTypeCode = Domains.ProviderTypes.SourceControl

            var ctlNoProviders = new InfoBox
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Error,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("There are no source control providers set up in BuildMaster. Visit the <a href=\"/Administration/Providers/Overview.aspx?providerTypeCode=S\">Source Control Providers page</a> to add one.") },
                Visible = !hasProviders

            var ctlProjectPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles,
                BindToActionSourceControlProvider = true,
                Width = 300

            var ffProjectPath = new StandardFormField("Path of solution or project (.sln, .csproj, etc):", ctlProjectPath);

            var ctlProjectsInSolution = new CheckBoxList();

            var ctlOneProject = new InfoBox
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Success,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("You have selected a project file, you may click Next to select a configuration file.") },
                Visible = false

            var ctlConfigFiles = new CheckBoxList();

            var ctlNoConfigFiles = new InfoBox
                BoxType = InfoBox.InfoBoxTypes.Warning,
                Controls = { new LiteralControl("There are no files with .config extension in any of the selected projects, therefore configuration files for this project/solution will have to be created manually.") },
                Visible = false

            var ffgTargets = new FormFieldGroup(
                "Deployment Targets",
                "Select the location to deploy project outputs.",

            this.Load +=
                (s, e) =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.Projects.Length; i++)
                            new StandardFormField(
                                this.Projects[i].Name + ":",
                                new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                                    ID = "ctlDeployTarget" + i,
                                    DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Source Control",
                    "Select the Source Control Provider and the path of a project or solution.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Source Control Provider:",
                        new Div(
                            new ActionServerPicker { ID = "bm-action-server-id" }
                        ) { ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static, Style = "display: none;" }
            this.WizardStepChange += (s, e) =>
                if (e.CurrentStep != this.wizardSteps.SelectProviderAndFile)

                this.ProviderId = (int)ddlProvider.ProviderId;

                using (var proxy = Util.Proxy.CreateProviderProxy((int)ddlProvider.ProviderId))
                    var scm = proxy.TryGetService<SourceControlProviderBase>();
                    var fileBytes = (byte[])scm.GetFileContents(ctlProjectPath.Text);

                    if (ctlProjectPath.Text.EndsWith(".sln", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        var solution = Solution.Load(new MemoryStream(fileBytes, false));
                                .OrderBy(p => p.Name)
                                .Select(p => new ListItem(p.Name, p.ProjectPath))

                        this.SolutionPath = new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, ctlProjectPath.Text).ScmDirectoryName;
                        this.SolutionPath = new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, ctlProjectPath.Text).ScmDirectoryName;
                        this.Projects = new[] { new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, new ProjectInfo(scm.DirectorySeparator, ctlProjectPath.Text).ProjectFileName) };
                        ctlOneProject.Visible = true;

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Select the projects in the solution that you would like to create deployables for.",
                    new StandardFormField(
            this.WizardStepChange += (s, e) =>
                if (e.CurrentStep != this.wizardSteps.SelectProjectsInSolution)

                using (var proxy = Util.Proxy.CreateProviderProxy((int)ddlProvider.ProviderId))
                    var scm = proxy.TryGetService<SourceControlProviderBase>();
                    char dirSeparator = scm.DirectorySeparator;

                    if (ctlProjectPath.Text.EndsWith(".sln", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        this.Projects = ctlProjectsInSolution.Items
                            .Where(i => i.Selected)
                            .Select(i => new ProjectInfo(dirSeparator, i.Value.Replace('\\', dirSeparator)))

                    ParseProjects(ctlConfigFiles, ctlNoConfigFiles, scm);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Configuration Files",
                    "Select any configuration files that you would like BuildMaster to manage.",
                    new StandardFormField(
            this.WizardStepChange += (s, e) =>
                if (e.CurrentStep != this.wizardSteps.SelectConfigFiles)
                var dict = this.Projects.ToDictionary(p => p.ScmPath);
                var configFiles = ctlConfigFiles.Items
                    .Where(i => i.Selected)
                    .Select(i => new { Path = i.Value.Split('|')[0], Name = i.Value.Split('|')[1] })
                    .GroupBy(c => c.Path);

                foreach (var cfg in configFiles)
                    dict[cfg.Key].ConfigFiles.AddRange(cfg.Select(c => c.Name));

            this.WizardStepChange += (s, e) =>
                if (e.CurrentStep != this.wizardSteps.SelectDeploymentPaths)
                var controls = this.wizardSteps.SelectDeploymentPaths.Controls
                            .Where(c => c.ID.StartsWith("ctlDeployTarget"));

                foreach (var control in controls)
                    this.Projects[int.Parse(control.ID.Substring("ctlDeployTarget".Length))].DeploymentTarget = control.Text;

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Confirm that the actions listed here are correct, then click the Execute Recipe button.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        new RecipeOverview(this)

 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     this.txtIncludeCSSFile = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3
     this.txtExcludeCSSPattern = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3
     this.chkCSSRecursive = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.ffpOutputCSSFile = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ID = "ffpOutputCSSFile", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles, ServerId = 1
     this.chkRemoveCSSComments = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.ddlCSSCompressionType = new DropDownList()
         Width = 300
     this.ddlCSSCompressionType.Items.Add(new ListItem("Standard", "standard"));
     this.ddlCSSCompressionType.Items.Add(new ListItem("None", "none"));
     this.txtCSSLineBreakPosition = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkCSSDeleteOriginal = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtIncludeJSFile = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3
     this.chkJSRecursive = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtExcludeJSPattern = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3
     this.chkJSDeleteOriginal = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.ffpOutputJSFile = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ID = "ffpOutputJSFile", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles, ServerId = 1
     this.ddlJSCompressionType = new DropDownList()
         Width = 300
     this.ddlJSCompressionType.Items.Add(new ListItem("Standard", "standard"));
     this.ddlJSCompressionType.Items.Add(new ListItem("None", "none"));
     this.chkObfuscateJS = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkJSPreserveSemicolons = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkJSDisableOptimizations = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtJSEncodingType = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtJSLineBreakPosition = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkJSIgnoreEval = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkJSRemoveComments = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkPreserveCSSSubdirectories = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkPreserveJSSubdirectories = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkVerbose = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkCompressCSSInPlace = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkCompressJSInPlace = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
         new FormFieldGroup("CSS Options", "Sets the CSS compression options. Preserving the subdirectories will result in one combined CSS file per subdirectory.", false,
                            new StandardFormField("CSS Files To Compress:", this.txtIncludeCSSFile),
                            new StandardFormField("Recursive:", this.chkCSSRecursive),
                            new StandardFormField("Delete original files:", this.chkCSSDeleteOriginal),
                            new StandardFormField("Filename pattern to exclude (one per line):", this.txtExcludeCSSPattern),
                            new StandardFormField("Remove comments:", this.chkRemoveCSSComments),
                            new StandardFormField("Compression type:", this.ddlCSSCompressionType),
                            new StandardFormField("Line break position:", this.txtCSSLineBreakPosition),
                            new StandardFormField("Preserve subdirectories", this.chkPreserveCSSSubdirectories),
                            new StandardFormField("Compress CSS files in place (overwrite original with same name):", chkCompressCSSInPlace),
                            new StandardFormField("Output:", this.ffpOutputCSSFile)
         new FormFieldGroup("JavaScript Options", "Sets the JavaScript compression options. Preserving the subdirectories will result in one combined CSS file per subdirectory.", false,
                            new StandardFormField("JS Files To Compress:", this.txtIncludeJSFile),
                            new StandardFormField("Recursive:", this.chkJSRecursive),
                            new StandardFormField("Delete original files:", this.chkJSDeleteOriginal),
                            new StandardFormField("Filename pattern to exclude (one per line):", this.txtExcludeJSPattern),
                            new StandardFormField("Compression type:", this.ddlJSCompressionType),
                            new StandardFormField("Obfuscate:", this.chkObfuscateJS),
                            new StandardFormField("Preserve semicolons:", this.chkJSPreserveSemicolons),
                            new StandardFormField("Disable Optimizations:", this.chkJSDisableOptimizations),
                            new StandardFormField("Ignore Evals:", this.chkJSIgnoreEval),
                            new StandardFormField("Remove Comments:", this.chkJSRemoveComments),
                            new StandardFormField("Line break position:", this.txtJSLineBreakPosition),
                            new StandardFormField("Encoding:", this.txtJSEncodingType),
                            new StandardFormField("Preserve subdirectories", this.chkPreserveJSSubdirectories),
                            new StandardFormField("Compress JS files in place (overwrite original with same name):", chkCompressJSInPlace),
                            new StandardFormField("Output:", this.ffpOutputJSFile)
         new FormFieldGroup("General Options", "General settings for the action.", true,
                            new StandardFormField("Verbose logging:", this.chkVerbose)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     this.ffpServiceDefinition = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { ID = "serviceDefinition", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles, ServerId = 1 };
     this.txtWebRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.ffpWebRoleBinDir = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { ID = "ffpWebRoleBinDir", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders, ServerId = 1 };
     this.txtWebRoleAssemblyName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.txtWebRoleSiteRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.txtWebRoleSiteVirtualPath = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.txtWebRoleSitePhysicaPath = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.txtWorkerRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.ffpWorkerRoleBinDir = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { ID = "ffpWorkerRoleBinDir", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders, ServerId = 1 };
     this.txtWorkerRoleAssemblyName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.txtRolePropertiesFileRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.ffpPropertiesFile = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { ID = "ffpPropertiesFile", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles, ServerId = 1 };
     this.chkUseCTPPackageFormat = new CheckBox() { Width = 300, Text = "Use CTP Package Format", Checked = true };
     this.ffpOutput = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker() { ID = "ffpOutput", DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles, ServerId = 1 };
     this.chkCopyOnly = new CheckBox() { Width = 300, Text = "Copy Only" };
     this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
         new FormFieldGroup("Service Definition",
             "Provide the path to the default service definition file (ServiceDefinition.csdef) or the explicit file name.",
             new StandardFormField("Path:", this.ffpServiceDefinition)
         new FormFieldGroup("Web Role",
             "Specify the name of the web role, the path to the \\bin directory of the web application output, and optionally, the " +
             "file name of the assembly that contains the web role. If there is no web role for this project, leave these " +
             "fields blank. If more than 1 web role exists, use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
             new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWebRoleName),
             new StandardFormField("Bin Directory:", this.ffpWebRoleBinDir),
             new StandardFormField("Assembly Name:",this.txtWebRoleAssemblyName)
         new FormFieldGroup("Site",
             "Specify a site name for the web role, and a virtual to physical path mapping. If more than 1 mapping is required, " +
             "use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
             new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWebRoleSiteRoleName),
             new StandardFormField("Virtual Path:", this.txtWebRoleSiteVirtualPath),
             new StandardFormField("Physical Path:",this.txtWebRoleSitePhysicaPath)
         new FormFieldGroup("Worker Role",
             "Specify the name of the worker role, the path to the \\bin directory of the project output, and the assembly " +
             "that contains the entry point for the worker role. If there is no worker role for this project, leave these " +
             "fields blank. If more than 1 worker role exists, use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
             new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWorkerRoleName),
             new StandardFormField("Bin Directory:",this.ffpWorkerRoleBinDir),
             new StandardFormField("Assembly Name:",this.txtWorkerRoleAssemblyName)
         new FormFieldGroup("Role Properties",
             "Role properties file information.",
             new StandardFormField("Role Name:",this.txtRolePropertiesFileRoleName),
             new StandardFormField("Path:",ffpPropertiesFile)
         new FormFieldGroup("Options",
             "Specify whether the new package format should be used, and whether to create a directory layout for the role " +
             "binaries in order to run the service locally. To create a .cspkg, leave Copy Only unchecked.",
             new StandardFormField("",this.chkUseCTPPackageFormat),
             new StandardFormField("",this.chkCopyOnly)
         new FormFieldGroup("Additional Arguments",
             "Specify any additional arguments to pass to cspack.exe.",
             new StandardFormField("Additional Arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
         new FormFieldGroup("Output",
             "Specify the file name of the package output (if Copy Only is unchecked), or the output directory for the role binaries.",
             new StandardFormField("Path:",this.ffpOutput)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtProjectBuildConfiguration",
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "Debug", "Release" },
                Required = true,
                Text = "Release"

            this.txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform",
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "AnyCPU", "Any CPU", "x86", "x64", "Win32" },
                DefaultText = "(default)"

            this.txtProjectPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ID = "txtProjectPath",
                DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles

            this.chkWebProject = new CheckBox
                ID = "chkWebProject",
                Text = "This is a Web Application project"

            this.ddlBuildOutputDir = new DropDownList
                ID = "ddlBuildOutputDir",
                Items =
                    new ListItem("Specify output directory...", "target"),
                    new ListItem("Per project \\bin\\{config} directories", "bin"),

            this.txtTargetDir = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory"

            this.txtAdditionalProperties = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                DefaultText = "(none)",
                Rows = 5

            var divTargetDir = new Div(
            ) { ID = "divTargetDir" };

            this.divWebProject = new Div(
                new Div(
                    new StatusImg { Status = StatusType.Warning, Style = "width: 16px; height: 16px; display: block; float: left;" },
                    "This option will be removed in a future version of the extension. Use the Build ASP.NET Project action instead."
                ) { Style = "font-size: 9px; margin-left: 20px;" }
            ) { IsIdRequired = false, Visible = false, Style = "margin-top: 10px;" };

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtAdditionalArguments",
                DefaultText = "(none)"

                new SlimFormField("Project/solution file:", this.txtProjectPath, this.divWebProject),
                new SlimFormField("Configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Platform:", this.txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform),
                new SlimFormField("Output directory:", this.ddlBuildOutputDir, divTargetDir)
                    HelpText = "The directory of the build output. The \\bin\\{config} option is recommended when building a solution file."
                new SlimFormField("MSBuild properties:", this.txtAdditionalProperties)
                    HelpText = HelpText.FromHtml("Additional properties, separated by newlines. Example:<br />WarningLevel=2<br />Optimize=false")
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments),
                new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator(
                    w =>
                        w.Write("$('#{0}').change(function(){{if($(this).val()=='target')$('#{1}').show();else $('#{1}').hide();}});", this.ddlBuildOutputDir.ClientID, divTargetDir.ClientID);
                        w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.ddlBuildOutputDir.ClientID);