PlaySound() public method

public PlaySound ( string name ) : void
name string
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
    // If the colliding object is the player, find matching ammo types and give the gun ammo.
    // If marked to, destroy this object on pickup
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.tag == "Player")
            GunComponent[] playerGuns = other.gameObject.GetComponents <GunComponent>();

            bool gaveAmmo = false;

            foreach (var gun in playerGuns)
                // Only pickup if the gun isn't maxed out already
                if (gun.currentGunData.ammoType == ammoType && gun.GetRemainingBoxAmmoCount() < gun.currentGunData.maxBoxAmmoCount)
                    gaveAmmo = true;
                    gun.GiveAmmo(ammoType, pickupAmount);

                    if (!giveAmmoToAllGuns)

            if (gaveAmmo)
                SoundManagerComponent.PlaySound(ammoPickupSound, gameObject);

                if (destroyOnPickup)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // Play the sound with the given settings, on this gameObject, and cache the resulting id
 public void Play()
     id = SoundManagerComponent.PlaySound(
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // Do a simple random selection of the next bark. If it's the same one, decrement to get a
    // different one. Only do this if we have enough barks. Then play the sound, and record the
    // result.
    public void Bark()
        if (barks.Length < 1)

        int newPickedBark = previousPickedBark;

        if (barks.Length != 1)
            newPickedBark = Random.Range(0, barks.Length);

            if (newPickedBark == previousPickedBark)
                newPickedBark = (newPickedBark + 1) % barks.Length;
            newPickedBark = 0;

        SoundManagerComponent.PlaySound(barks[newPickedBark], gameObject);
        previousPickedBark = newPickedBark;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    // Used to reload the gun, whether manually in a subclass, or from running out of bullets
    protected void ReloadGun()
        reloading = true;

        // Play reloading sound if it exists
        if (currentGunData.reloadSound != null)
            reloadSoundId = SoundManagerComponent.PlaySound(currentGunData.reloadSound, muzzleTransform.gameObject);
    // If the colliding object is the player, heal them for the specified amount
    // If marked to, and only if the heal occured, destroy this object on pickup
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.tag == "Player")
            if (other.GetComponent <DamageableComponent>().Heal(healAmount))
                SoundManagerComponent.PlaySound(healthPickupSound, gameObject);

                if (destroyOnPickup)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    // When triggered, kick off playing the new sound (at very small volume) and kick off the fading
    // This system uses TwoDimensional sound, because it's meant to feel omnipresent and ambient
    // without any particular directionality.
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        // Ignore disabled components
        if (!enabled)

        if (other.tag == "Player")
            fading = true;

            fadingInSoundId = SoundManagerComponent.PlaySound(sound, gameObject);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    // Update the bullet, moving it along it's velocity, unless it collides with something.
    // If that something is a damageable, deal the damage to it. Either way, mark the bullet
    // for destruction next update.
    // This is done in Fixed Update so that the physics is properly synchronized for the bullet.
    void FixedUpdate()
        // Prevents updating before firing information has been provided, since fixed update is
        // disjoint from regular unity update
        if (!fired)

        // The destruction is done 1 frame after being marked for kill so the bullet and effects
        // appear in the correct position visually for that last frame, before bullet is destroyed.
        if (shouldKill)
            // Notify all delegates
            if (bulletDestroyedDelegates != null)
                foreach (OnBulletDestroyed bulletDestroyedDelegate in bulletDestroyedDelegates)

            // Destroy if not pooled, otherwise mark this bullet as freed
            if (poolIdentifier == null)
                PooledGameObjectManager.FreeInstanceToPool(poolIdentifier, gameObject);


        velocity += Physics.gravity * gravityModifier * Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime;
        Vector3 move     = velocity * Time.deltaTime;
        float   moveDist = move.magnitude;

        // Kill the bullet if it's gone too far
        if ((transform.position - startPosition).sqrMagnitude >= maxDistance * maxDistance)
            shouldKill = true;

        // See if move would hit anything, ignoring the 'no bullet collide' layer and triggers
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, move, out hit, moveDist, ~NO_BULLET_COLLIDE_LAYER, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
            if (hit.collider.gameObject != firer)
                transform.position = hit.point;

                DamageableComponent damageable = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DamageableComponent>();

                if (damageable == null)
                    DamageablePieceComponent damageablePiece = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DamageablePieceComponent>();

                    if (damageablePiece != null)
                        damageable = damageablePiece.GetDamageableComponent();

                if (damageable != null)
                    // Never ricochet off a damageable
                    collisionsRemaining = 0;
                    damageable.DealDamage(damage, type, startPosition, firer);
                    // Don't spawn decals when hitting damageable
                    if (optionalDecalObject != null && damageable == null)
                        GameObject decalInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(optionalDecalObject);

                        // Add random offset to prevent z-fighting
                        float randomOffset = (Random.value * BULLET_EFFECTS_OFFSET);

                        decalInstance.transform.position = hit.point + (hit.normal * (BULLET_DECAL_OFFSET + randomOffset));
                        decalInstance.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(hit.normal);

                    // TODO add impact effects lookup system for hit object
                    if (optionalImpactEffects != null)
                        GameObject fx = GameObject.Instantiate(optionalImpactEffects);

                        // Scoot fx back away from collision a little
                        fx.transform.position = transform.position + (-move).normalized * BULLET_EFFECTS_OFFSET;

                // Play impact sound if needed
                if (impactSound != null)
                    SoundManagerComponent.PlaySound(impactSound, gameObject);

                if (collisionsRemaining > 0)

                    if (Random.value <= collisionModeChance)
                        if (collisionMode == CollisionMode.Ricochet)
                            float velocityMagnitude = velocity.magnitude;
                            velocity           = Vector3.Reflect(velocity.normalized, hit.normal).normalized *velocityMagnitude;
                            transform.position = hit.point + (velocity * 0.01f);
                        else if (collisionMode == CollisionMode.Pierce)
                            transform.position += move;
                        collisionsRemaining = 0;

                if (collisionsRemaining <= 0)
                    shouldKill = true;
            transform.position += move;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    // Create the bullet(s) and send them shooting in the direction of muzzleTransform. Also spawn
    // effects if available.
    // The argument can be used to change the damage amount (usually called from subclasses to
    // modify damage)
    // return value indicates whether or not the gun actually fired.
    public bool Shoot(float damage)
        if (gunTimer.Finished() && !reloading)
            if (remainingMagazineAmmoCount == 0 && remainingBoxAmmoCount == 0)

            shooting = true;

            if (remainingMagazineAmmoCount == 0 && remainingBoxAmmoCount > 0)

            // This is for shotgun-type weapons. It spawns several bullets in a random cone
            for (int i = 0; i < currentGunData.shots; ++i)
                GameObject bulletInstance = null;

                if (currentGunData.usePooledBullets)
                    bulletInstance = PooledGameObjectManager.GetInstanceFromPool(currentGunData.poolIdentifier);
                    bulletInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(currentGunData.bulletPrefab);

                BulletComponent bullet = bulletInstance.GetComponent <BulletComponent>();

                if (currentGunData.usePooledBullets)

                if (bullet == null)
                    Logger.Error("Bullet Prefab " + + " must have a bullet component");

                // Apply non-zero spread. This can be for shotgun scatter,
                // or for inaccurate, normal guns
                Quaternion spreadOffset = Quaternion.identity;
                if (currentGunData.spread > 0.0f)
                    spreadOffset = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.value * currentGunData.spread, Vector3.right);
                    Quaternion rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Random.value * 360.0f, Vector3.forward);
                    spreadOffset = rot * spreadOffset;

                Vector3 bulletVelocity =;

                bulletInstance.transform.position = muzzleTransform.position + muzzleTransform.TransformDirection(currentGunData.muzzleOffset);
                bulletInstance.transform.rotation = muzzleTransform.rotation * spreadOffset;

                bulletVelocity = bulletInstance.transform.forward * currentGunData.muzzleVelocity;

                // Add in player velocity if necessary
                if (player != null)
                    bulletVelocity += player.GetVelocity();

                // Notify the bullet it's been fired
                bullet.Fire(damage, currentGunData.damageType, bulletVelocity, gameObject);

            // Spawn effects if available, outside the loop, so there's only ever one
            if (currentGunData.firingEffectsPrefab != null)
                GameObject effectsInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(currentGunData.firingEffectsPrefab);
                effectsInstance.transform.parent        = muzzleTransform;
                effectsInstance.transform.localPosition = currentGunData.firingEffectsOffset;

            // If there's a casing particle, emit 1
            if (optionalCasingParticle != null)

            // Play firing sound if it exists, outside the loop, so there's only ever one
            if (currentGunData.fireSound != null)
                SoundManagerComponent.PlaySound(currentGunData.fireSound, muzzleTransform.gameObject);
