Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BinarySearchTree <int, String> tree = new BinarySearchTree <int, string>();

            int[] arr    = new int[] { 1, 7, 3, 6, 1, 9, 0, 7, 5, 4 };
            var   result = SortFunctions <int> .Sort(arr, SortingTechniques.MERGE_SORT);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void btn_run_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Check to see if all of the values set are ok
            Boolean OK = true;

            //Passenger File
            if (txt_pdf.Text.Equals(""))
                MessageBox.Show("Passenger File Required");
                OK = false;
                //Check it exists
                if (!File.Exists(txt_pdf.Text))
                    MessageBox.Show("Passenger File Does not Exist");
                    OK = false;

            //Airport File
            if (txt_apt.Text.Equals(""))
                MessageBox.Show("Airport File Required");
                OK = false;
                //Check it exists
                if (!File.Exists(txt_pdf.Text))
                    MessageBox.Show("Airport File Does not Exist");
                    OK = false;

            //Output Directory
            if (txt_output.Text.Equals(""))
                MessageBox.Show("Ouput Directiry Required");
                OK = false;
                // check the directory existis
                if (!Directory.Exists(txt_output.Text))
                    MessageBox.Show("Output Directory Does not Exist");
            //Check to see if it's all ok and then run
            if (OK)
                //Clear the log
                txt_log.Text = "";
                txt_log.Text = "Starting New MapReduce";
                //create a new Mapper Object
                Mapper mapper = new Mapper();
                //Set the files to be used
                mapper.AirportFile   = txt_apt.Text;
                mapper.PassengerFile = txt_pdf.Text;
                mapper.outputPath    = txt_output.Text;
                mapper.log           = txt_log;
                //Map the Airports synchronously as we need to validate the airports for the passenger files

                //Start with Mapping the Airports file.

                //Map the passenger File

                //Now start Sorting
                SortFunctions SF = new SortFunctions();
                SF.outputpath = mapper.outputPath;
                //Now add a dictionary of the mappers so that it can run on multiple threads.
                Dictionary <string, string[]> MapOutput = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
                //Add the inputfiles required

                //A list of all flights from airport and the list of airport codes
                string[] FlightAirportFiles = { mapper.AptLatFile, mapper.FromAirportFile };
                MapOutput.Add("FlightsAirport", FlightAirportFiles);

                //Passengers for each flight Sorter
                string[] PassengerFlightFiles = { mapper.FlightPassengerFile };
                MapOutput.Add("FlightPassengers", PassengerFlightFiles);

                //Distance For each Flight
                string[] DistanceFlightFiles = { mapper.AptLatFile, mapper.AptLonFile, mapper.FlightDepArptFile, mapper.FlightDestFile, mapper.FlightPassengerFile };
                MapOutput.Add("FlightDistance", DistanceFlightFiles);

                //All flight Information
                string[] AllFlightInfo = { mapper.FlightPassengerFile, mapper.FlightDepArptFile, mapper.FlightDestFile, mapper.FlightDepTimeFile, mapper.FlightTimeFile };
                MapOutput.Add("AllFlightInfo", AllFlightInfo);

                //Now do the garbage collection from the mappers
                mapper = null;

                //Now set the multithreading options
                //We will just have one Sorter per thread and set the maximum number of thread to processor /2 to avoid memory issues
                //Each sorter will then go to the relevant reducers
                var Paralleloptions = new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount / 2
                Parallel.ForEach(MapOutput, Paralleloptions, MapperOut =>
                    //Now run the required Sorter
                    SF.Sort(MapperOut.Key, MapperOut.Value);
                    //Garbage collect each thread to free up any memory still left

                //Update the Log window

                //All done, now show the output folder in explorer