Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to verify Weight tracker page ui
        /// </summary>
        public void ValidatePageUI(List <string[]> elements, string trackerPageName)
            string pagename = pageName;

            for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count(); i++)
                string locatorname = elements.ElementAt(i)[3];
                string elementname = elements.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string action      = elements.ElementAt(i)[4];
                if (action.ToLower().Equals("verifytext"))
                    string expectedtxt = elements.ElementAt(i)[5];
                    string actual      = AppiumKeywords.GetText(pagename, locatorname, pckgname);
                    softAssertions.Add(elementname, expectedtxt, actual, "contains");
                else if (action.ToLower().Equals("verifyexists"))
                    bool actualstatus = AppiumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pagename, locatorname, pckgname);
                    softAssertions.Add(elementname, true, actualstatus, "equals");
                if (i == 6)
                    pagename = trackerPageName;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will validate 'Progress Check In' frame.
        /// This will validate frame title, close button, cancel button and continue button
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateFrameElement()

            string frametitle = SeleniumKeywords.GetText("CommonProgressCheckIn", "frametitle");

            softassertions.Add("Element: Weight_frame_title - ", "Weight Management Progress Check-in", frametitle, "equals");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void VerifyEligibleActivities()
            int             length;
            string          ClientName             = GlobalVariables.clientname.ToLower();
            List <string[]> eligibleactivitiesdata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("EligibleActivitiesData", pageName, "newmembereligibleactivities", ClientName);

            string[]        actions = { "Url", "ButtonText" };
            object[]        matrix  = { "Title", "Description", "Points", "IncentiveSymbol", "FrequencyCount", "FrequencyDenomination", "LockedForGateKeeper", "GateKeeperText", "CanEarnText", "Actions", actions };
            List <string[]> result  = ApiKeywords.ParseEligibleActivitiesResponse(jsonresponse, matrix);

            Console.WriteLine("Result Count : " + result.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Eligible Activites Count : " + eligibleactivitiesdata.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                foreach (string s in result.ElementAt(i))
                    Console.Write("Value : " + s + "\t");

            if (result.Count() != 0 && eligibleactivitiesdata.Count() != 0)
                if (eligibleactivitiesdata.Count() < result.Count())
                    length = eligibleactivitiesdata.Count();
                    length = result.Count();
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    int    expstartindex = 4;
                    string elementname   = eligibleactivitiesdata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                    for (int j = 0; j < result.ElementAt(i).Count(); j++)
                        string expectedtext = eligibleactivitiesdata.ElementAt(i)[expstartindex];
                        string actualtext   = result.ElementAt(i)[j];
                        Console.WriteLine("Element Name : " + elementname + "\tExpectedText : " + expectedtext + "\tActualText : " + actualtext);
                        softAssertions.Add(elementname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
                        //if (journeydata.Count() < result.Count())
                        //    softAssertions.Add(elementname, "", actualtext, "not equals");
                        //    softAssertions.Add(elementname, expectedtext, "", "not equals");
                softAssertions.Add("Activities count doesn't match", eligibleactivitiesdata.Count(), result.Count(), "equals");
        /// <summary>
        /// call by TC_VerifyCertificate
        /// </summary>
        public void verifyCertificatePage()
            Boolean result;

            SeleniumKeywords.Click("Common", "fcertificatelnk");
            result = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, "certificates_header");
            softAssertions.Add("Element : Certificate Page Header", true, result, "equals");
            result = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, "certificates_header");
            softAssertions.Add("Element : Certificate Page Text", true, result, "equals");
 private void ValidatePlanScreen()
     actiondata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CommonContent", pageName, "actions");
     for (int i = 0; i < actiondata.Count; i++)
         string elementname        = actiondata.ElementAt(i)[2];
         string elementlocatorname = actiondata.ElementAt(i)[3];
         string expectedtext       = actiondata.ElementAt(i)[4];
         string actualtext         = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);
         softassertions.Add(elementname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
        public void ConfirmCourse()
            bool elementpresent = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, "course_confirm_popup_text");

            softassertions.Add("Element : course_confirm_popup_text", true, elementpresent, "equals");

            elementpresent = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, "course_confirm_nothankyou_btn");
            softassertions.Add("Element : course_confirm_nothankyou_btn", true, elementpresent, "equals");

            SeleniumKeywords.Click(pageName, "course_confirm_yesiamsure_btn");
        private void ValidateReportData()
            List <string[]> reportdata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("ProgressCheckinData", pageName, "phreportdata");

            for (int i = 0; i < reportdata.Count; i++)
                string elementlocatorname = reportdata.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string expreportdata      = reportdata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                string actualreportdata   = SeleniumKeywords.GetText("CommonProgressCheckIn", elementlocatorname);

                softassertions.Add("Element : " + elementlocatorname, expreportdata, actualreportdata, "contains");
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to verify HIPPA in Spanish
 /// </summary>
 private void VerifySpHippa()
     remove = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CommonContent", pageName, "spdata");
     for (int i = 0; i < remove.Count; i++)
         string elementname        = remove.ElementAt(i)[2];
         string elementlocatorname = remove.ElementAt(i)[3];
         string expectedtext       = remove.ElementAt(i)[4];
         string actualtext         = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);
         softAssertion.Add("Element : " + elementlocatorname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
 private void ValidatePlanScreen()
     plan = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("GoalsContent", pageName, "actions");
     for (int i = 0; i < plan.Count; i++)
         string elementname        = plan.ElementAt(i)[2];
         string locatorclassname   = plan.ElementAt(i)[3];
         string elementlocatorname = plan.ElementAt(i)[4];
         string expectedtext       = plan.ElementAt(i)[5];
         string actualtext         = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(locatorclassname, elementlocatorname);
         softassertions.Add(elementname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
        public void FetchAnnouncements(List <string[]> announcementData)
            int       length;
            CommonApi cmna        = new CommonApi();
            string    userid      = cmna.GetUserID();
            Common    cmn         = new Common();
            string    env         = cmn.GetEnvFromUrl();
            string    baseurl     = cmna.GetServices2Url();
            string    apiendpoint = baseurl + "/internalapi/v1.0/member/" + userid + "/allnotifications";

            string jsonresponse = ApiKeywords.SendRequest();

            string[]        parentObjPath = { "Notification" };
            string[]        subObjPath    = { "Description" };
            List <string[]> description   = ApiKeywords.GetResponse(jsonresponse, parentObjPath, subObjPath);

            Console.WriteLine("Announcements Result: " + description.Count);
            if (description.Count() != 0 && announcementData.Count() != 0)
                if (announcementData.Count() < description.Count())
                    length = announcementData.Count();
                    length = description.Count();
                Console.WriteLine("Length: " + length);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < description.ElementAt(0).Count(); j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Description: " + description.ElementAt(i)[j]);
                        string elementname  = "Announcement " + (i + 1);
                        string expectedtext = announcementData.ElementAt(i)[3];
                        string actualtext   = description.ElementAt(i)[j];
                        Console.WriteLine(elementname + "\tExpectedText : " + expectedtext + "\tActualText : " + actualtext);
                        softAssertions.Add(elementname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
                softAssertions.Add("Total tiles Doesn't match", announcementData.Count(), description.Count(), "equals");
        public void PublicFolderCreation()
            if (Convert.ToString(TestContext.DataRow["Userlevel"]).ToLower() != Settings.UserLevel.ToLower())

            _softAssertions.Add("Test Create Mailbox", TestStatus.Success, CreatePublicFolder(TestContext));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void VerifyRemovePopUp()
            List <string[]> removedata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CommonContent", pageName, "removepopup");

            for (int i = 0; i < removedata.Count; i++)
                string elementname        = removedata.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string elementlocatorname = removedata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                string expectedtext       = removedata.ElementAt(i)[4];
                string actualtext         = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);

                softassertions.Add("Element : " + elementname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void TakeCourse()
            List <string[]> coursedata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CourseContent", pageName, "coursedata");

            for (int i = 0; i < coursedata.Count; i++)
                string elementname        = coursedata.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string elementlocatorname = coursedata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                string exptext            = coursedata.ElementAt(i)[4];
                string actualtext         = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);
                softassertions.Add("Element : " + elementlocatorname, exptext, actualtext, "equals");

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void VerifyFinancialWellBeingTilesData(string category)
            List <string[]> finwellbeingscreendata = new List <string[]>();

            finwellbeingscreendata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("FinancialWellBeingContent", pageName, category);

            for (int i = 0; i < finwellbeingscreendata.Count; i++)
                string elementname        = finwellbeingscreendata.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string elementlocatorname = finwellbeingscreendata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                string expectedtext       = finwellbeingscreendata.ElementAt(i)[4];
                string inputvariable      = finwellbeingscreendata.ElementAt(i)[5];
                string actualtext         = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname, inputvariable);
                softAssertions.Add("Element : " + elementlocatorname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
        /// <summary>
        /// This method validates the tracker history headers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="historydata"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void ValidateHistoryHeader(List <string[]> historydata, string pname)
            string pagename = pageName;

            for (int i = 0; i < historydata.Count; i++)
                string elementname        = historydata.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string elementlocatorname = historydata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                string expectedtext       = historydata.ElementAt(i)[4];
                string actualtext         = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pagename, elementlocatorname);
                if (i == 2)
                    pagename = pname;
                softAssertions.Add("Element : " + elementname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void VerifyDashboardHeader(List <string[]> dashboardui)
     // Verify client logo, notification icon are displayed
     for (int i = 0; i < dashboardui.Count; i++)
         string elementname = dashboardui.ElementAt(i)[2];
         string locatorname = dashboardui.ElementAt(i)[3];
         bool   status      = AppiumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, locatorname, pckgname);
         softAssertions.Add(" Element : " + elementname, true, status, "equals");
 public void VerifyMessageToCoachScreen(List <string[]> messagetocoachui)
     // Verify coach label, Hours of operation, send message and call now button
     for (int i = 0; i < messagetocoachui.Count; i++)
         string elementname  = messagetocoachui.ElementAt(i)[2];
         string locatorname  = messagetocoachui.ElementAt(i)[3];
         string expectedtext = messagetocoachui.ElementAt(i)[4];
         string actualtext   = AppiumKeywords.GetText(pageName, locatorname, pckgname);
         softAssertions.Add(elementname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
        /// <summary>
        /// call by forgot Password test case
        /// </summary>
        public void forgotPassword()
            if (GlobalVariables.environment.ToLower() == "sa" || GlobalVariables.environment.ToLower() == "staging" || GlobalVariables.environment.ToLower() == "prod" || GlobalVariables.environment.ToLower() == "production")
                SeleniumKeywords.Click(pageName, "loginbtn");
            SeleniumKeywords.Click(pageName, "forgotunamepasslnk");
            if (GlobalVariables.environment.ToLower() == "sa" || GlobalVariables.environment.ToLower() == "staging" || GlobalVariables.environment.ToLower() == "prod" || GlobalVariables.environment.ToLower() == "production")
            softAssertion.Add("Email header", true, emailheaderPresent(), "equals");
            string eid = getEmailId();

            softAssertion.Add("Email id of user", GlobalVariables.email, eid, "contains");
            softAssertion.Add("Email id of user", "Onlife", getHomePageTitle(), "contains");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies elements are displayed on login page
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void VerifyElements()
            List <string[]> options = new List <string[]>();

            options = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("MobileLoginUI", pageName, "elements");
            for (int i = 0; i < options.Count; i++)
                string elementname = options.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string locatorname = options.ElementAt(i)[3];
                bool   status      = AppiumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, locatorname, pckgname);
                softAssertions.Add(" Element : " + elementname, true, status, "equals");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void VerifySnaphotReport()
            //JavaScriptKeywords.Click(pageName, "sanpshot_continuebtn");
            List <string[]> hasnapshotdata = new List <string[]>();

            hasnapshotdata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CommonContent", pageName, "hasnapshotreport");
            for (int i = 0; i < hasnapshotdata.Count; i++)
                string elementname        = hasnapshotdata.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string elementlocatorname = hasnapshotdata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                string expectedtext       = hasnapshotdata.ElementAt(i)[4];
                string actualtext         = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);
                //bool textmatch = actualtext.Contains(expectedtext);
                //string msg = "Element: " + elementname + "Expected: " + expectedtext + "Actual: " + actualtext;
                //result.Add(new string[] { msg, textmatch.ToString() });

                softAssertions.Add("Element : " + elementlocatorname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
            SeleniumKeywords.Click(pageName, "snapshot_continuebtn");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        }/// <summary>

        /// verify popup message on click on leave btn after disconnect device
        /// </summary>
        public void VerifyPopUpMsg()
            List <string[]> reportdata         = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CommonContent", pageName, "popuptxt");
            string          elementlocatorname = reportdata.ElementAt(0)[3];
            string          expreportdata      = reportdata.ElementAt(0)[4];
            string          actualreportdata   = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);

            softAssertion.Add("Popup msg", expreportdata, actualreportdata, "equals");
            Console.WriteLine("Expected msg : " + expreportdata);
            Console.WriteLine("Actual msg : " + actualreportdata);
        }/// <summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is use to verify the text of available control on UI
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void VerityMsgToCoachUIText()

            string elementname        = "";
            string elementlocatorname = "";
            string expelementtxt;
            string actualelementtxt;

            //read from CSV
            uielementdata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CommonContent", pageName, "elementuitxt");
            Console.WriteLine("UI Element data from csv" + uielementdata);

            for (int i = 0; i < uielementdata.Count; i++)
                elementname        = uielementdata.ElementAt(i)[2];
                elementlocatorname = uielementdata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                expelementtxt      = uielementdata.ElementAt(i)[4];
                //get the text of element passed form CSV
                actualelementtxt = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);
                //verify the actual and expected value
                softAssertion.Add("Element : " + elementname, expelementtxt, actualelementtxt, "equals");
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Method verified the new members journey recommendations
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="journeydata"></param>
 public void VerifyNewMemberJourney(List <string[]> journeydata)
     for (int i = 0; i < (journeydata.Count); i++)
         string elementname            = journeydata.ElementAt(i)[2];
         string elementlocatorname     = journeydata.ElementAt(i)[3];
         bool   elementdisplayedstatus = Convert.ToBoolean(journeydata.ElementAt(i)[4]);
         string varvalue1 = journeydata.ElementAt(i)[5];
         string varvalue2 = journeydata.ElementAt(i)[6];
         Console.WriteLine("varvalue1 : " + varvalue1 + ", varvalue2 : " + varvalue2);
         bool elementpresent = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, elementlocatorname, varvalue1, varvalue2);
         softAssertions.Add(i + " Element : " + elementname, elementdisplayedstatus, elementpresent, "equals");
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public string VerifyClearStatusMessage()
            Common cmn = new Common();

            String count = charactercount();

            softAssertions.Add("CharacterCount", "characters: 12 / 70", count, "equals");

Ejemplo n.º 25
 private void ValidateIncentiveHistoryUiData()
     List<string[]> historyuidata = new List<string[]>();
     historyuidata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CommonContent", pageName, "incentivehistoryuidata");
     for (int i = 0; i < historyuidata.Count; i++)
         string elementname = historyuidata.ElementAt(i)[2];
         string elementlocatorname = historyuidata.ElementAt(i)[3];
         string expectedtext = historyuidata.ElementAt(i)[4];
         string actualtext = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);
         softAssertions.Add("Element : " + elementlocatorname, expectedtext, actualtext, "contains");
Ejemplo n.º 26
 // Header Actions
 /// <summary>
 /// Verified Header elements are displayed
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void VerifyHeader(List <string[]> FooterElements)
     for (int i = 0; i < FooterElements.Count; i++)
         if ((FooterElements.ElementAt(2)[3] == "coachicon") && (VerifyCoachingEnable() == false))
             Console.WriteLine("Coaching is not available for this client");
             string elementname      = FooterElements.ElementAt(i)[2];
             string locatorname      = FooterElements.ElementAt(i)[3];
             bool   elementexistence = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, locatorname);
             softAssertions.Add("Element : " + elementname, true, elementexistence, "equals");
        /// <summary>
        /// This method validate all the blank error messages(Online display name and Email id) in My profile section
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void ValidateMyProfBlankErroMsg()
            List <string[]> result = new List <string[]>();

            mperrordata = CSVReaderDataTable.GetCSVData("CommonContent", pageName, "mperrormsg");
            for (int i = 0; i < mperrordata.Count; i++)
                string elementname        = mperrordata.ElementAt(i)[2];
                string elementlocatorname = mperrordata.ElementAt(i)[3];
                string errortext          = mperrordata.ElementAt(i)[4];
                string actualerrortext    = SeleniumKeywords.GetText(pageName, elementlocatorname);
                softAssertions.Add("Element : " + mperrordata.ElementAt(i)[2], errortext, actualerrortext, "equals");
        public void VerifyandConfirmLeaveChanllengePopup(string popuptxt)
            string txt = VerifyLeavePopupTxt();

            softAssertion.Add("Popup Header", txt, popuptxt, "equal");



            Boolean result = VerifyChallengeTileVisible("The Mindful Bite");

            softAssertion.Add("Challenge Tile", true, result, "equal");
        public void getstatuscode(string rc)
            int code = ApiKeywords.GetStatusCode();

            softAssertions.Add(rc, 200, code, "Equals", "false");
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Verified recommendations in journey banner
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="journeydata"></param>
        public void VerifyJourneyBanner(List <string[]> journeydata)
            int no_of_tiles_in_a_page = 3;
            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < (journeydata.Count / 2); i = i + 3)
                if ((i % no_of_tiles_in_a_page) == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("divisible by 3");
                    for (int j = 0; j < no_of_tiles_in_a_page; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Here index : " + index);
                        string elementname = journeydata.ElementAt(index * 2)[2];
                        //string elementlocatorname = journeydata.ElementAt(index)[3];
                        bool   elementdisplayedstatus = Convert.ToBoolean(journeydata.ElementAt(index * 2)[4]);
                        string varvalue1 = journeydata.ElementAt(index * 2)[5];
                        Console.WriteLine("varvalue1 : " + varvalue1);
                        bool actualelementpresent;
                        if (elementdisplayedstatus == true)
                            actualelementpresent = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, "bannertile", varvalue1);
                            actualelementpresent = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementNotPresent(pageName, "bannertile", varvalue1);
                        softAssertions.Add(index + "   Element : " + elementname, elementdisplayedstatus, actualelementpresent, "equals");
                    if ((i + 3) < ((journeydata.Count / 2) - 1))
                        SeleniumKeywords.Click(pageName, "bannernextbtn");
                    Console.WriteLine("Not divisible by 3");
                    int no_of_rest_tiles = i % no_of_tiles_in_a_page;

                    for (int j = 0; j < no_of_rest_tiles; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("There index : " + index);
                        string elementname            = journeydata.ElementAt(index * 2)[2];
                        string elementlocatorname     = journeydata.ElementAt(index * 2)[3];
                        bool   elementdisplayedstatus = Convert.ToBoolean(journeydata.ElementAt(index * 2)[4]);
                        string varvalue1      = journeydata.ElementAt(index * 2)[5];
                        bool   elementpresent = SeleniumKeywords.IsElementPresent(pageName, "bannertile", varvalue1);
                        softAssertions.Add("Element : " + elementname, elementdisplayedstatus, elementpresent, "equals");