         * Function of clipSender thread. This thread will stay blocked waiting for a condition variable set, performed by the main thread
         * when the user perform a copy/cut operation.
        private void clipSenderFunction()
            message msg = new message();

            byte[] data = null;

            while (enableClipSender)        /*This function runs until the Application is active or the user makes a click on StopServerButton.*/
                    send.WaitOne();         /* Wait for a notification from the main thread */

                    if (!enableClipSender)  /* If the main thread has set this boolean to false, this thread will terminate here. */

                    IPEndPoint remoteIpEndPoint = clientSocket.Client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; /* IP address of the client actually connected */

                    msg.messType = messageType.REMOTE_COPY;                                         /* The operation to perform is a RemoteCopy! */

                    if (Clipboard.ContainsText())                                                   /* The clipboard contains text! */
                        String text = Clipboard.GetText();                                          /* Here we get the text copied in the clipboard */

                        data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(text);                                     /* We have to get the byte array of the text, in order to send this through a socket. */

                        msg.cinf.ct = clipboardType.TEXT;                                           /* We are sending text! */
                    else if (Clipboard.ContainsImage())                                             /*The clipboard contains an Image!*/
                        Image img = Clipboard.GetImage();                                           /*We have to get the image object..*/

                        data = SocketCommunication.serialize(img);                                  /* and to serialize it! */

                        msg.cinf.ct = clipboardType.IMAGE;                                          /*The data is an Image*/
                    else if (Clipboard.ContainsAudio())                                             /* The clipboard contains an audio stream! */
                        Stream audio = Clipboard.GetAudioStream();                                  /*We have to get the stream object..*/

                        data = SocketCommunication.serialize(audio);                                /* and to serialize it! */

                        msg.cinf.ct = clipboardType.AUDIO;                                          /* The clipboard data is an audio stream! */
                    else if (Clipboard.ContainsFileDropList())                                      /* The clipboard contains files! */
                        string archPath = SocketCommunication.createArchive();                      /*This function creates an archive with all files in the clipboard*/

                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(archPath);                                       /* Object containing info about the archive */

                        if (fi.Length > 10 * 1024 * 1024)                                           /* If the zip size is more than 10 MB */
                            DialogResult confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Sei davvero sicuro di voler trasferire più di 10 MB di dati?",
                                                                         "Conferma Trasferimento",
                                                                         MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); /* We have to show a confirm button, in order to avoid network overhead. */

                            if (confirmResult == DialogResult.No)                                  /* If the user doesn't want to transfer the file.. */
                                continue;                                                          /* We have to continue */

                        msg.cinf.ct = clipboardType.FILES;                      /* The clipboard data is a FileDropList! */

                        msg.cinf.size = (int)fi.Length;                         /* Size of the archive that is going to be sent */

                        using (clipClient = new TcpClient())                    /* Socket used to send clipboard data to server */
                            clipClient.Connect(remoteIpEndPoint.Address, 9999); /* We have to connect to the target server, port 9999 */

                            SocketCommunication.sendBufferToSocket(SocketCommunication.rawSerialize(msg), clipClient);

                            SocketCommunication.sendFileToSocket(clipClient, archPath);


                        msg.cinf.ct = clipboardType.NO_VALID_DATA;

                        data = new byte[4];

                    if (data.Length > 10 * 1024 * 1024)             /* If the data size is more than 10 MB */
                        DialogResult confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Sei davvero sicuro di voler trasferire più di 10 MB di dati?",
                                                                     "Conferma Trasferimento",
                                                                     MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); /* We have to show a confirm button, in order to avoid network overhead. */

                        if (confirmResult == DialogResult.No)                                  /* If the user doesn't want to transfer the file.. */
                            continue;                                                          /* We have to continue */

                    msg.cinf.size = data.Length;

                    using (clipClient = new TcpClient())
                        clipClient.Connect(remoteIpEndPoint.Address, 9999);

                        SocketCommunication.sendBufferToSocket(SocketCommunication.rawSerialize(msg), clipClient);      /*Struct Sending*/
                        SocketCommunication.sendChunks(clipClient, data);                                               /* Data sending */
                catch (SocketException)     /* The exceptions that occurs will be catched here and the thread will not terminate! This thread has to remain active while the application ends */
                catch (IOException)
                catch (Exception ex)
         * Function of clipSender thread. This thread will stay blocked waiting for a condition variable set, performed by the main thread
         * when the user makes a double click on a server.
        private void clipSenderFunction()
            byte[] data;

            while (true) /*This function runs until the Application is active.*/
                    Invoke(new makeInvisible(makeInvisible), remotePasteProgressBar);                     /* If a remote paste progress bar is visible, we have to make it invisible */

                    send.WaitOne();                                                                       /*Wait for a notification from the main thread*/

                    Invoke(new makeVisible(makeVisible), remotePasteProgressBar);                         /* Because we have to send data toward the targetServer, we show the progressBar to inform the user on the transfer */

                    IPEndPoint remoteServerIpEndPoint = targetServer.Client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; /*Get ip address of the server actually connected*/

                    message msg = new message();

                    msg.messType = messageType.REMOTE_PASTE;       /* The operation to perform is a remote paste! */

                    if (Clipboard.ContainsText())                  /* The clipboard contains text! */
                        String text = Clipboard.GetText();         /* Here we get the text copied in the clipboard */

                        data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(text);    /* We have to get the byte array of the text, in order to send this through a socket. */

                        msg.cinf.ct   = clipboardType.TEXT;        /* We are sending text! */
                        msg.cinf.size = data.Length;               /* We have to sent even the amount of text bytes in order to receive the whole array */
                    else if (Clipboard.ContainsImage())            /*The clipboard contains an Image!*/
                        Image img = Clipboard.GetImage();          /*We have to get the image object..*/

                        data = SocketCommunication.serialize(img); /* and to serialize it! */

                        msg.cinf.ct   = clipboardType.IMAGE;       /*The data is an Image*/
                        msg.cinf.size = data.Length;
                    else if (Clipboard.ContainsAudio())              /* The clipboard contains an audio stream! */
                        Stream audio = Clipboard.GetAudioStream();   /*We have to get the stream object..*/

                        data = SocketCommunication.serialize(audio); /* and to serialize it! */

                        msg.cinf.ct   = clipboardType.AUDIO;         /* Tha clipboard data is an audio stream! */
                        msg.cinf.size = data.Length;
                    else if (Clipboard.ContainsFileDropList())                 /* The clipboard contains files! */
                        string archPath = SocketCommunication.createArchive(); /*This function creates an archive with all files in the clipboard*/

                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(archPath);                  /* Object containing info about the archive */

                        if (fi.Length > 10 * 1024 * 1024)                      /* If the zip size is more than 10 MB */
                            DialogResult confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Sei davvero sicuro di voler trasferire più di 10 MB di dati?",
                                                                         "Conferma Trasferimento",
                                                                         MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); /* We have to show a confirm button, in order to avoid network overhead. */

                            if (confirmResult == DialogResult.No)                                  /* If the user doesn't want to transfer the file.. */
                                continue;                                                          /* We have to continue */

                        msg.cinf.ct   = clipboardType.FILES;                              /* The clipboard data is a FileDropList! */
                        msg.cinf.size = (int)fi.Length;                                   /* Size of the archive that is going to be sent */

                        using (TcpClient clientSendData = new TcpClient())                /*Socket used to send clipboard data to server */
                            clientSendData.Connect(remoteServerIpEndPoint.Address, 9998); /* We have to connect to the target server, port 9998 */

                            SocketCommunication.sendBufferToSocket(SocketCommunication.rawSerialize(msg), clientSendData);
                            SocketCommunication.sendFileToSocket(clientSendData, archPath);


                        msg.cinf.ct = clipboardType.NO_VALID_DATA;
                        data        = new byte[4];

                    if (data.Length > 10 * 1024 * 1024) /* If the clipboard data is bigger than 10 MB */
                        DialogResult confirmResult = MessageBox.Show("Sei davvero sicuro di voler trasferire più di 10 MB di dati?",
                                                                     "Conferma Trasferimento",
                                                                     MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); /* We have to show a confirm button, in order to avoid network overhead. */

                        if (confirmResult == DialogResult.No)                                  /* If the user doesn't want to transfer the file.. */
                            continue;                                                          /* We have to continue */

                    using (TcpClient clientSendData = new TcpClient())                                                 /*Socket used to send clipboard data to server */
                        clientSendData.Connect(remoteServerIpEndPoint.Address, 9998);                                  /* We have to connect to the target server, port 9998 */

                        SocketCommunication.sendBufferToSocket(SocketCommunication.rawSerialize(msg), clientSendData); /* Struct Sending */
                        SocketCommunication.sendChunks(clientSendData, data);                                          /* Data sending */

                catch (SocketException) /* The exceptions that occurs will be catched here and the thread will not terminate! This thread has to remain active while the application ends */
                catch (IOException)
                catch (Exception e)