Ejemplo n.º 1
		private void cascadeSnippetLinkRangeChange(SnippetLink oldActiveSnippetLink, SnippetLinkRange oldActiveRange)

			int offset = 0;

			string newText = oldActiveRange.Text;

			foreach (ManagedRange mr in Scintilla.ManagedRanges)
				if (offset != 0)
					mr.Change(mr.Start + offset, mr.End + offset);

				SnippetLinkRange slr = mr as SnippetLinkRange;
				if (slr == null || !oldActiveSnippetLink.Ranges.Contains(slr) || slr.Text == newText)

				int oldLength = slr.Length;
				slr.Text = newText;
				slr.End += newText.Length - oldLength;
				offset += newText.Length - oldLength;

Ejemplo n.º 2
		private SnippetLinkRange addSnippetLink(SnippetLinkRange range)
			string key = range.Key;
			SnippetLink sl = null;
			for (int i = 0; i < _snippetLinks.Count; i++)
				if (_snippetLinks[i].Key.Equals(key, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
					sl = _snippetLinks[i];
			if (sl == null)
				sl = new SnippetLink(key);

			range.Parent = sl.Ranges;

			return range;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		internal void InsertSnippet(Snippet snip, int startPos)
			IsActive = false;

			string snippet = snip.RealCode;

			//	First properly indent the template. We do this by
			//	getting the indent string of the current line and
			//	adding it to all newlines
			int indentPoint = 0;
			string line = Scintilla.Lines.Current.Text;
			if(line != string.Empty)
				while (indentPoint < line.Length)
					char c = line[indentPoint];
					if (c != ' ' && c != '\t')


			//	Grab the current selected text in case we have a surrounds with scenario.
			string selText = Scintilla.Selection.Text;
			//	Now we clear the selection
			if (selText != string.Empty)

			if (indentPoint > 0)
				string indent = line.Substring(0, indentPoint);

				//	This is a bit of a tough decision, but I think the best way to handle it
				//	is to assume that the Snippet's Eol Marker matches the Platform DOCUMENT_DEFAULT
				//	but the target Eol Marker should match the Document's.
				snippet = snippet.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Scintilla.EndOfLine.EolString + indent);

				//	Same deal with the selected text if any				
				selText = selText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Scintilla.EndOfLine.EolString + indent);

			int anchorPos = -1;
			int caretPos = -1;
			int endPos = -1;
			int selPos = -1;
			SortedList<int, int> dropMarkers = new SortedList<int, int>();
			SortedList<int, SnippetLinkRange> indexedRangesToActivate = new SortedList<int, SnippetLinkRange>();
			List<SnippetLinkRange> unindexedRangesToActivate = new List<SnippetLinkRange>();
			Match m = snippetRegex1.Match(snippet);

			while (m.Success)
				//	Did it match a $DropMarker$ token?
				if (m.Groups["dm"].Success)
					//	Yep, was it an indexed or unindexed DropMarker
					if (m.Groups["dmi"].Success)
						//	Indexed, set the indexed drop marker's character offset
						//	if it is specified more than once the last one wins.
						dropMarkers[int.Parse(m.Groups["dmi"].Value)] = m.Groups["dm"].Index;
						//	Unindexed, just tack it on at the end
						dropMarkers[dropMarkers.Count] = m.Groups["dm"].Index;

					//	Take the token out of the string
					snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["dm"].Index, m.Groups["dm"].Length);
				else if (m.Groups["c"].Success)
					//	We matched the $Caret$ Token. Since there can be 
					//	only 1 we set the caretPos. If this is specified
					//	more than once the last one wins
					caretPos = m.Groups["c"].Index;

					//	Take the token out of the string
					snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["c"].Index, m.Groups["c"].Length);
				else if (m.Groups["a"].Success)
					//	We matched the $Anchor$ Token. Since there can be 
					//	only 1 we set the anchorPos. If this is specified
					//	more than once the last one wins
					anchorPos = m.Groups["a"].Index;

					//	Take the token out of the string
					snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["a"].Index, m.Groups["a"].Length);
				else if (m.Groups["e"].Success)
					//	We matched the $End$ Token. Since there can be 
					//	only 1 we set the endPos. If this is specified
					//	more than once the last one wins
					endPos = m.Groups["e"].Index;

					//	Take the token out of the string
					snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["e"].Index, m.Groups["e"].Length);
				else if (m.Groups["s"].Success)
					//	We matched the $Selection$ Token. Simply insert the
					//	selected text at this position
					selPos = m.Groups["s"].Index;

					//	Take the token out of the string
					snippet = snippet.Remove(m.Groups["s"].Index, m.Groups["s"].Length);
					snippet = snippet.Insert(m.Groups["s"].Index, selText);
				else if (m.Groups["l"].Success)
					//	Finally match for Snippet Link Ranges. This is at the bottom of the if/else
					//	because we want the more specific regex groups to match first so that this
					//	generic expression group doesn't create a SnippetLinkRange for say the 
					//	$Caret$ Token.
					Group g = m.Groups["l"];

					int rangeIndex;
					string groupKey;

					if (m.Groups["li"].Success)
						//	We have a subindexed SnippetLinkRange along the lines of $sometoken[1]$
						Group sg = m.Groups["li"];

						//	At this point g.Value = $sometoken[1]$
						//	and sg.Value = [1].
						//	We want the range's Key, which would be sometoken
						groupKey = g.Value.Substring(1, g.Value.Length - sg.Length - 2);

						//	Now we need the range's Index which would be 1 in our fictitional case
						rangeIndex = int.Parse(sg.Value.Substring(1, sg.Value.Length - 2));

						//	Now we need to determine the actual start and end positions of the range.
						//	Keep in mind we'll be stripping out the 2 $ and the subindex string (eg [1])
						int start = startPos + g.Index;
						int end = start + g.Length - sg.Length - 2;

						//	And now we add (or replace) the snippet link range at the index
						//	keep in mind duplicates will stomp all over each other, the last
						//	one wins. Replaced tokens won't get a range
						indexedRangesToActivate[rangeIndex] = new SnippetLinkRange(start, end, Scintilla, groupKey); ;

						//	And remove all the token info including the subindex from the snippet text 
						//	leaving only the key
						snippet = snippet.Remove(g.Index, 1).Remove(g.Index - 2 + g.Length - sg.Length, sg.Length + 1);
						//	We have a regular old SnippetLinkRange along the lines of $sometoken$

						//	We want the range's Key, which would be sometoken
						groupKey = g.Value.Substring(1, g.Value.Length - 2);

						//	Now we need to determine the actual start and end positions of the range.
						//	Keep in mind we'll be stripping out the 2 $
						int start = startPos + g.Index;
						int end = start + g.Length - 2;

						//	Now create the range object
						unindexedRangesToActivate.Add(new SnippetLinkRange(start, end, Scintilla, groupKey));

						//	And remove all the token info from the snippet text 
						//	leaving only the key
						snippet = snippet.Remove(g.Index, 1).Remove(g.Index + g.Length - 2, 1);
				//	Any more matches? Note that I'm rerunning the regexp query
				//	on the snippet string becuase it's contents have been modified
				//	and we need to get the updated index values.
				m = snippetRegex1.Match(snippet);

			//	Replace the snippet Keyword with the snippet text. Or if this
			//	isn't triggered by a shortcut, it will insert at the current
			//	Caret Position
			Scintilla.GetRange(startPos, NativeScintilla.GetCurrentPos()).Text = snippet;

			//	Now that we have the text set we can activate our link ranges
			//	we couldn't do it before becuase they were managed ranges and
			//	would get offset by the text change

			//	Since we are done adding new SnippetLinkRanges we can tack
			//	on the unindexed ranges to the end of the indexed ranges
			SnippetLinkRange[] allLinks = new SnippetLinkRange[indexedRangesToActivate.Count + unindexedRangesToActivate.Count];
			for (int i = 0; i < indexedRangesToActivate.Values.Count; i++)
				allLinks[i] = indexedRangesToActivate[i];

			for (int i = 0; i < unindexedRangesToActivate.Count; i++)
				allLinks[i + indexedRangesToActivate.Count] = unindexedRangesToActivate[i];

			foreach (SnippetLinkRange slr in allLinks)

			foreach (SnippetLinkRange slr in allLinks)

			//	Now we need to activate the Snippet links. However we have a bit
			//	of a styling confilct. If we set the indicator styles before the
			//	SQL Lexer styles the newly added text it won't get styled. So to
			//	make sure we set the Indicator Styles after we put the call on
			//	a timer.
			if (_snippetLinks.Count > 0)
				Timer t = new Timer();
				t.Interval = 10;

				//	Oh how I love anonymous delegates, this is starting to remind
				//	me of JavaScript and SetTimeout...
				t.Tick += new EventHandler(delegate(object sender, EventArgs te)
					IsActive = true;

			//	Add all the Drop markers in the indexed order. The
			//	order is reversed of course because drop markers work
			//	in a FILO manner
			for (int i = dropMarkers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				Scintilla.DropMarkers.Drop(startPos + dropMarkers.Values[i]);

			//	Place the caret at either the position of the token or
			//	at the end of the snippet text.
			if (caretPos >= 0)
				Scintilla.Caret.Goto(startPos + caretPos);
				Scintilla.Caret.Goto(startPos + snippet.Length);

			//	Ahoy, way anchor!
			if (anchorPos >= 0)
				Scintilla.Caret.Anchor = startPos + anchorPos;

			//	Do we have an end cursor?
			if (endPos >= 0)
				//	If they have snippet link ranges activated in this snippet
				//	go ahead and set up an EndPoint marker
				if (allLinks.Length > 0)
					SnippetLinkEnd eci = new SnippetLinkEnd(endPos + startPos, Scintilla);
					_snippetLinks.EndPoint = eci;
					//	Otherwise we treat it like an Anchor command because
					//	the SnippetLink mode isn't activated
					Scintilla.Caret.Goto(endPos + startPos);
