Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SnapshotPoint?getCharAtColumn(SnapshotSpan line, int column)

            int           current   = 0;
            SnapshotPoint result    = line.Start;
            int           charwidth = 0;

            if (result != line.End)
                charwidth = getCharacterWidth(result.GetChar());

            while (current + charwidth < column && result < line.End)
                current += charwidth;
                result   = result.Add(1);

                if (result < line.End)
                    charwidth = getCharacterWidth(result.GetChar());

            if (result >= line.End)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private TextSpan GetTextSpanFromCaret(SnapshotPoint caretPosition, ITextSnapshotLine caretLine)
     if (caretLine.Length == 0)
         return(TextSpan.FromBounds(caretLine.Start.Position, caretLine.End.Position));
     else if (caretPosition.Position < caretLine.End.Position)
         var nextPoint = caretPosition.Add(1);
         return(TextSpan.FromBounds(caretPosition.Position, nextPoint.Position));
         var prevPoint = caretPosition.Add(-1);
         return(TextSpan.FromBounds(prevPoint.Position, caretPosition.Position));
        private void CheckLeadingWhiteSpace(List <ClassificationSpan> result, ITextSnapshotLine line, string text)
            int           index      = 0;
            SnapshotPoint lineStart  = line.Start;
            SnapshotPoint?startPoint = null;

            foreach (char ch in text)
                // Quit if when we see anything other than a space or tab.
                if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t')

                // See if we're starting or finishing a span of invalid whitespace characters.
                if ((ch == '\t' && this.convertTabsToSpaces) || (ch == ' ' && !this.convertTabsToSpaces))
                    // We need to keep the earliest start point in the current span.
                    if (startPoint == null)
                        startPoint = lineStart.Add(index);
                else if (startPoint != null)
                    // We finished an invalid whitespace span, so add it.
                    SnapshotPoint endPoint = lineStart.Add(index);
                    this.AddClassificationSpan(result, startPoint.Value, endPoint);
                    startPoint = null;


            if (startPoint != null)
                SnapshotPoint endPoint = index >= text.Length ? line.End : lineStart.Add(index);
                this.AddClassificationSpan(result, startPoint.Value, endPoint);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Skips the chars.
        /// </summary>
        public static SnapshotPoint SkipChars(this SnapshotPoint start, char value)
            var currentChar = start.GetChar();

            while (currentChar == value)
                start = start.Add(1);

                currentChar = start.GetChar();

        private static void OnActiveSessionCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ITextView     textView   = (sender as ICompletionSession).TextView;
            SnapshotPoint startPoint = ISESnippetSessionManager.insertSpan.GetStartPoint(textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);
            SnapshotPoint endPoint   = ISESnippetSessionManager.insertSpan.GetEndPoint(textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);

            if (ISESnippetSessionManager.selectedSnippet.CaretOffsetFromStart >= 0)
                if (endPoint.Position - startPoint.Position < ISESnippetSessionManager.selectedSnippet.CaretOffsetFromStart)
            if (ISESnippetSessionManager.selectedSnippet.Indent && startPoint.Position > startPoint.GetContainingLine().Start.Position)
                string      indentationPrependText = ISESnippetSessionManager.GetIndentationPrependText(startPoint);
                string      text  = ISESnippetSessionManager.insertSpan.GetText(textView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);
                Stack <int> stack = new Stack <int>();
                int         num;
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i = num + 2)
                    num = text.IndexOf("\r\n", i, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    if (num == -1)
                    stack.Push(num + 2);
                ITextEdit textEdit = textView.TextBuffer.CreateEdit();
                while (stack.Count > 0)
                    textEdit.Insert(stack.Pop() + startPoint.Position, indentationPrependText);
            if (ISESnippetSessionManager.activeSession != null)
                ISESnippetSessionManager.activeSession.Committed -= ISESnippetSessionManager.eventHandlerSessionCommitted;
                ISESnippetSessionManager.activeSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectionStatusChanged -= ISESnippetSessionManager.eventHandlerSelectionChanged;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method selects the text at the end of the drop operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will only be called if the drop of data resulted in an <see cref="DragDropEffects"/> other than DragDropEffects.None.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="insertionPoint">The position at which data was inserted.</param>
        /// <param name="dataLength">The length of the data inserted in the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="virtualSpaceLength">The length of whitespace inserted in the buffer to fill the gap between the closest buffer position
        ///  and the position at which data was dropped. This value will be non-zero only if data was dropped into virtual space.</param>
        /// <param name="dragDropInfo">The <see cref="DragDropInfo"/> class containing information about the drop.</param>
        /// <param name="reverse">True if the existing selection prior to the drop was reversed.</param>
        protected virtual void SelectText(SnapshotPoint insertionPoint, int dataLength, DragDropInfo dragDropInfo, bool reverse)
            if (insertionPoint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(insertionPoint));
            if (dragDropInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dragDropInfo));

            VirtualSnapshotPoint anchorPoint = new VirtualSnapshotPoint(insertionPoint);
            VirtualSnapshotPoint activePoint = new VirtualSnapshotPoint(insertionPoint.Add(dataLength));

            if (dragDropInfo.IsInternal && reverse)
                _editorOperations.SelectAndMoveCaret(activePoint, anchorPoint, TextSelectionMode.Stream);
                _editorOperations.SelectAndMoveCaret(anchorPoint, activePoint, TextSelectionMode.Stream);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates that the drag and drop operation has completed, and that the final tasks, if any, should be performed now.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dragDropInfo">
        /// Information about the drag and drop operation in progress.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The drag and drop effects of this drop operation. For example, if the drop operation has moved data,
        /// DragDropPointerEffects.Move should be returned.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>This method is called when the user drops the data onto the editor.
        /// This marks the end of a drag and drop operation.
        /// The <see cref="IDropHandler"/> is expected to perform the final tasks of the operation.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual DragDropPointerEffects HandleDataDropped(DragDropInfo dragDropInfo)
            if (dragDropInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dragDropInfo));

            ITextSelection selection = _cocoaTextView.Selection;
            //keeps track of the result of this operation
            DragDropPointerEffects result = DragDropPointerEffects.None;
            //tracks the location at which the data was dropped
            VirtualSnapshotPoint dropLocation = dragDropInfo.VirtualBufferPosition;
            //convert the drag/drop data to text
            string dragDropText  = this.ExtractText(dragDropInfo);
            bool   isReversed    = selection.IsReversed;
            bool   copyRequested = (dragDropInfo.KeyStates & NSEventModifierMask.AlternateKeyMask) == NSEventModifierMask.AlternateKeyMask;
            bool   copyAllowed   = (dragDropInfo.AllowedEffects & NSDragOperation.Copy) == NSDragOperation.Copy;

            ITextSnapshot preEditSnapshot = _cocoaTextView.TextSnapshot;

            // track the point where the data will be inserted
            ITrackingPoint insertionPoint = preEditSnapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(dropLocation.Position, PointTrackingMode.Negative);

            // track the currently selected spans before any edits are performed on the buffer
            List <ITrackingSpan> selectionSpans = new List <ITrackingSpan>();

            foreach (SnapshotSpan selectedSpan in selection.SelectedSpans)
                selectionSpans.Add(preEditSnapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(selectedSpan, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive));

            // perform any necessary pre edit actions

            // clear selection before data operations
            if (!selection.IsEmpty)

            // a reference to the snapshot resulting from the edits
            bool successfulEdit = false;

            // if the data is being dropped in virtual space, calculate how many whitespace characters will be inserted
            // to fill the gap between the dropped point and the closest buffer position
            int virtualSpaceLength = 0;

            if (dragDropInfo.VirtualBufferPosition.IsInVirtualSpace)
                virtualSpaceLength = _editorOperations.GetWhitespaceForVirtualSpace(dragDropInfo.VirtualBufferPosition).Length;

            if (copyRequested && copyAllowed)
                //copy the data by inserting it in the buffer
                successfulEdit = this.InsertText(dropLocation, dragDropText);
                if (successfulEdit)
                    result = DragDropPointerEffects.Copy;
                //the data needs to be moved
                if (dragDropInfo.IsInternal)
                    //delete the existing selection, and add the data to the new location
                    successfulEdit = this.MoveText(dropLocation, selectionSpans, dragDropText);
                    //the drag is not from this text view, just insert the data at dropLocation
                    successfulEdit = this.InsertText(dropLocation, dragDropText);

                //set the pointer effect to move if the edit was successful since that implies that the data was moved successfully
                if (successfulEdit)
                    result = DragDropPointerEffects.Move;

            // finally select the newly inserted data if the operation was successful
            if (result != DragDropPointerEffects.None)
                SnapshotPoint textInsertionPoint = insertionPoint.GetPoint(_cocoaTextView.TextSnapshot);

                // if the data was inserted in virtual space, offset the selection's anchor point by the whitespace that was inserted
                // in virtual space
                if (virtualSpaceLength != 0)
                    textInsertionPoint = textInsertionPoint.Add(virtualSpaceLength);

                this.SelectText(textInsertionPoint, dragDropText.Length, dragDropInfo, isReversed);

            // perform any post edit actions as necessary
            this.PerformPostEditActions(dragDropInfo, successfulEdit);
