Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void ResetSnapping()
     snapPiece     = null;
     woodPieceIcon = null;
     placingPiece  = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SpawnGhostToMouse()
            if (_currentPiece == null)
                _snapMode = PointerSnapMode.ABSOLUTE_PROJECTION;
                _currentDistanceToPositionAt = initialDistanceToSpawnAt;
                _currentPiece      = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabSnapPiece).GetComponent <SnapPiece>();
                _currentPiece.name = "Spawned-" + _spawnSuffix;

#pragma warning disable 219
                foreach (WheelCollider c in _currentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <WheelCollider>())
                        "WheelCollider in Unity 5 is a bit broken. Until Unity fixes the bugs in their integration of Havok, you are strongly recommended not to use WheelCollider. It works fine in this demo, but you CANNOT rotate it (bug added in Unity 5.x)");
#pragma warning restore 219

                foreach (SnapGhostable ghostable in _currentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <SnapGhostable>())
                Debug.LogWarning("Can't spawn something; there's a spawned piece attached to the mouse. Click somewhere to finish placing, then you can spawn a new thing");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private bool EvaluateAnchorPoints(SnapPiece piece, SnapPiece otherPiece, out List <SnapPoint> pointsReadyToConnect)
        pointsReadyToConnect = new List <SnapPoint>();
        bool AllPointsCanConnect = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < piece.SnapPoints.Count && AllPointsCanConnect; i++)
            SnapPoint currentPoint = piece.SnapPoints[i];
            if (!currentPoint.IsConnected)
                for (int j = 0; j < otherPiece.SnapPoints.Count && AllPointsCanConnect; j++)
                    SnapPoint otherPoint = otherPiece.SnapPoints[j];
                    if (currentPoint.ConnectionID == otherPoint.ConnectionID && !otherPoint.IsConnected)
                        if (currentPoint.CanConnect && otherPoint.CanConnect)
                            AllPointsCanConnect  = false;
                            pointsReadyToConnect = new List <SnapPoint>();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void SetupPointsToConnect()
        SnapPiece otherSnapPiece = selectedOtherPoint.ParentSnapPiece;

        Manager.ConnectPieces(snapPiece, otherSnapPiece);
        placingPiece = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void RetrieveSnapPieceData(SnapPiece snapPiece)
     foreach (SnapPoint point in snapPiece.SnapPoints)
         point.ParentSnapPiece = snapPieceComponent;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void StartPieceSnapping(GameObject pieceSelected, GameObject pieceButtonSelected)
     if (ObjectIsWoodPieceAndDraggable(pieceSelected, pieceButtonSelected))
         snapPiece     = pieceSelected.GetComponent <SnapPiece>();
         woodPieceIcon = pieceButtonSelected.GetComponent <UIDragButton>().GetElementImage();
         placingPiece  = true;
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        SnapPiece snapPieceScript = (SnapPiece)target;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Update Connected Local Position"))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    private void CreateWoodProject(GameObject initialPiece)
        connectedProject     = new GameObject("Wood Project");
        connectedProject.tag = "WoodProject";
        connectedProject.transform.position = ProjectCenter.position;

        initialPiece.GetComponent <SnapPiece>().SnapToProject(connectedProject.transform);

        SnapPiece   snapPiece       = connectedProject.AddComponent <SnapPiece>();
        WoodProject woodProjectComp = connectedProject.AddComponent <WoodProject>();


        GluedPieceController controller = connectedProject.AddComponent <GluedPieceController>();
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public void ConnectPieces(SnapPiece draggedPiece, SnapPiece otherPiece)
        List <SnapPoint> pointsReadyToConnect;
        bool             PieceSnapIsPossible = EvaluateAnchorPoints(draggedPiece, otherPiece, out pointsReadyToConnect);

        if (PieceSnapIsPossible && pointsReadyToConnect.Count > 0 && DragPieceIndex >= 0)
            ConnectedProject.GetComponent <WoodProject>().AddPieceToProject(draggedPiece.gameObject);
            foreach (SnapPoint point in pointsReadyToConnect)
                point.IsConnected = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    void Awake()
        projectBounds      = new Bounds();
        snapPieceComponent = GetComponent <SnapPiece>();

        if (ConnectedPieces == null)
            ConnectedPieces = new List <WoodPiece>();
            Vector3 previousPosition = transform.position;
            transform.position = Vector3.zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < ConnectedPieces.Count && ConnectedPieces.Count > 0; i++)
                projectBounds.Encapsulate(ConnectedPieces[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds);
            transform.position = previousPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject.layer == 9)
            return;                              //terrain
        //Debug.Log("On collision, got " + snapPiece.CountUnconnectedSockets() + " unconnected Sockets");

        Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, other.transform.position);

        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, other.transform.position);
        List <RaycastHit> hits;
        SnapPiece         first = snapPiece.FirstSnapPieceAlongRayWithAvailableSockets(ray, out hits);

        if (hits.Count > 0)
            SnapSocket eSocket = first.GetFirstSocketNamed("E Socket");

            SnapSocket wSocket = snapPiece.GetFirstSocketNamed("W Socket");


             * Debug.Log(gameObject.name + " hit something");
             * Debug.Log(first + " was the first snap piece along the collision ray");
             * Debug.Log(hits.Count + " hits total");
             * foreach(RaycastHit hit in hits)
             * {
             *  Debug.Log(hit.collider.gameObject.name + " was hit");
             * }

Ejemplo n.º 12
        void Update()
            Vector3 mWorld = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition + Vector3.forward * _currentDistanceToPositionAt);

            if (_currentPiece != null)
                /** Decide the new position to place in world, from which we'll calculate a POTENTIAL snap position */
                switch (_snapMode)
                case PointerSnapMode.ABSOLUTE_PROJECTION:
                    _currentPiece.transform.position = mWorld;

                case PointerSnapMode.RELATIVE_TO_LAST_SNAP:
                    /** See how far the mouse has moved since the snap position */
                    Ray     currentMouseRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                    Vector3 currentMousePointCloseToSocket = currentMouseRay.GetPoint(_snapModeOrignalJoinDistanceFromCamera);

                    Vector3 mouseOffsetCloseToSocket = currentMousePointCloseToSocket - _snapModeOriginalMousePointNearSocket;

                    _currentPiece.transform.position = _snapModeOriginalPosition + mouseOffsetCloseToSocket;

                /** Now that we've repositioned in world, calculate the rays for each socket.
                 * On next frame-update, this will be used to try and match a socket to a nearby other-piece
                if (_lastRayForEachSocket == null)
                    _lastRayForEachSocket = new Dictionary <SnapSocket, Ray>();

                foreach (SnapSocket localSocket in _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets())
                    _lastRayForEachSocket[localSocket] = new Ray(Camera.main.transform.position, localSocket.transform.position - Camera.main.transform.position);

                // MAJOR bug in the Mono compiler that Unity is shipping: these variabels ARE USED below!
                                                        #pragma warning disable 219
                Vector3    nearestRoomHitPoint         = Vector3.zero;
                float      nearestSocketSocketDistance = 999999f;            // MUST calculate this in screen space, not world space!
                SnapPiece  nearestRoom              = null;
                SnapSocket nearestSocket            = null;
                SnapSocket localSocketForConnection = null;
                                                        #pragma warning restore 219

                 * 1. Check each unconnected socket
                 * 2. For each, find the piece it is nearest to
                 * 3. On that piece, for ALL hits on the ray (front and back) find the unconnected socket that is nearest to the hit
                 * 4. Stick with whichever socket was nearest
                foreach (SnapSocket localSocket in _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets())
                    Ray rayForSocket = _lastRayForEachSocket[localSocket];

                    List <RaycastHit> hitsOnSnapPiece;
                    SnapPiece         hitRoom = _currentPiece.FirstSnapPieceAlongRayWithAvailableSockets(rayForSocket, out hitsOnSnapPiece, localSocket);

                    if (hitRoom != null)
                        foreach (RaycastHit hit in hitsOnSnapPiece)
                            SnapSocket hitSocket = hitRoom.NearestUnconnectedSocketScreenSpace(Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(hit.point), Camera.main, 0f, localSocket, SnapAndPlugScene.sceneData.showDebugMessages);

                            if (hitSocket != null)
                                Vector3 screenForHitSocket   = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(hitSocket.attachPoint);
                                Vector3 screenForLocalSocket = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(localSocket.attachPoint);

                                float socketDistance = (screenForHitSocket - screenForLocalSocket).magnitude;
                                if (socketDistance < nearestSocketSocketDistance)
                                    nearestSocketSocketDistance = socketDistance;
                                    nearestRoom         = hitRoom;
                                    nearestSocket       = hitSocket;
                                    nearestRoomHitPoint = hit.point;

                                    localSocketForConnection = localSocket;

                                if (SnapAndPlugScene.sceneData.showDebugMessages)
                                    Debug.Log("Found " + hitsOnSnapPiece.Count + " hits on target piece; this one has nearest socket: " + hitSocket + " near hit: " + hit.point + " (" + socketDistance + " away)");
                            if (SnapAndPlugScene.sceneData.showDebugMessages)
                                Debug.Log("HIT on the room, but no unconnected sockets within range of point: " + hit.point);

                /********* DEBUG HELPER * /
                 * if( nearestRoom != null )
                 * {
                 *      foreach( SnapSocket s in _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets() )
                 *      {
                 *              foreach( SnapSocket t in nearestRoom.GetAllUnconnectedSockets() )
                 *              {
                 *                      Color c = Color.gray;
                 *                      if( s.Equals( localSocketForConnection ) )
                 *                              c = Color.yellow;
                 *                      if( s.Equals( localSocketForConnection ) && t.Equals( nearestSocket ) )
                 *                              c = Color.green;
                 *                      Debug.DrawLine( s.transform.position, t.transform.position, c );
                 *              }
                 *      }
                 * }*/

                switch (_snapMode)
                case PointerSnapMode.ABSOLUTE_PROJECTION:
                    if (nearestSocket != null)
                        _snapModeOriginalJoinPosition          = nearestSocket.transform.position;
                        _snapModeOriginalPosition              = _currentPiece.transform.position;
                        _snapModeOrignalJoinDistanceFromCamera = Vector3.Distance(Camera.main.transform.position, _snapModeOriginalJoinPosition);
                        _snapModeOriginalMousePointNearSocket  = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition).GetPoint(_snapModeOrignalJoinDistanceFromCamera);

                        _snapMode = PointerSnapMode.RELATIVE_TO_LAST_SNAP;
                        //Debug.Log("Switching to RELATIVE SNAP positioning mode" );

                case PointerSnapMode.RELATIVE_TO_LAST_SNAP:
                    if (nearestSocket == null)
                        // Change the default projected distance for absolute mode so it matches the new local depth from last round of snapping
                        _currentDistanceToPositionAt = _snapModeOrignalJoinDistanceFromCamera;

                        _snapMode = PointerSnapMode.ABSOLUTE_PROJECTION;
                        //Debug.Log("Switching to ABSOLUTE snap positioning mode" );

                if (nearestSocket != null)
                    /*if( ! nearestSocket.Equals( _debug_currentSnapSocket ) )
                     *      Debug.Log("-- changing to new snap socket (old: "+_debug_currentSnapSocket+"), new = "+nearestSocket );*/

                    localSocketForConnection.SnapTo(nearestSocket, false);

                    foreach (SnapGhostable ghostable in _currentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <SnapGhostable>())

                    if (!nearestSocket.Equals(_snapModeLastSnappedToSocket))
                        _snapModeOriginalJoinPosition          = nearestSocket.transform.position;
                        _snapModeOriginalPosition              = _currentPiece.transform.position;
                        _snapModeOrignalJoinDistanceFromCamera = Vector3.Distance(Camera.main.transform.position, _snapModeOriginalJoinPosition);
                        _snapModeOriginalMousePointNearSocket  = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition).GetPoint(_snapModeOrignalJoinDistanceFromCamera);
                    _snapModeLastSnappedToSocket = nearestSocket;

                    /** Allow user to change the chosen socket, moving the piece to FORCE it into being "nearest" */
                    float scrollInput = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
                    if (scrollInput != 0)
                        int deltaIndex   = (scrollInput > 0) ? 1 : -1;
                        int indexCurrent = _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets().IndexOf(localSocketForConnection);
                        int indexNew     = indexCurrent + deltaIndex;
                        Debug.Log("SCROLL: " + scrollInput + " -- changing index of local socket from " + indexCurrent + " to " + indexNew + " (total socks on this object = " + _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets().Count);
                        if (indexNew >= _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets().Count)
                            indexNew = 0;
                        if (indexNew < 0)
                            indexNew = _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets().Count - 1;

                        _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets()[indexNew].SnapTo(nearestSocket, false);

                        // redo it
                        _snapModeOriginalJoinPosition          = nearestSocket.transform.position;
                        _snapModeOriginalPosition              = _currentPiece.transform.position;
                        _snapModeOrignalJoinDistanceFromCamera = Vector3.Distance(Camera.main.transform.position, _snapModeOriginalJoinPosition);
                        _snapModeOriginalMousePointNearSocket  = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition).GetPoint(_snapModeOrignalJoinDistanceFromCamera);
                    foreach (SnapGhostable ghostable in _currentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <SnapGhostable>())

                if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                    //Debug.Log(" mouse clicked " );

                    // Clear the socket/ray dictionry since we'll have a new piece next
                    if (_lastRayForEachSocket != null)

                    // Finalise the connection, if it is snappably-close (if not, leave it where it is)
                    if (nearestSocket != null)
                        //Debug.Log(" ... snapping: "+localSocketForConnection+" to: "+nearestSocket );
                        localSocketForConnection.SnapTo(nearestSocket, true);

                        if (removeWCRigidBodiesToo)
                            if (showDebugMessages)
                                Debug.Log("Removing Unity fake RBs");

                            foreach (WheelCollider wc in nearestSocket.parentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <WheelCollider>())
                                if (showDebugMessages)
                                    Debug.Log("Removing fake RB from WC = " + wc.gameObject.name);
                                Rigidbody rbwc = wc.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

                                if (rbwc != null)
                                    if (showDebugMessages)

                    // If it was ghosted, reset the object materials back to what they should be
                    foreach (SnapGhostable ghostable in _currentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <SnapGhostable>())

                    _currentPiece = null;
        private void OnMouseUp()
            // MAJOR bug in the Mono compiler that Unity is shipping: these variabels ARE USED below!
            // The variable 'variable' is assigned but its value is never used
#pragma warning disable 219

            Vector3    nearestRoomHitPoint         = Vector3.zero;
            float      nearestSocketSocketDistance = 999999f; // MUST calculate this in screen space, not world space!
            SnapPiece  nearestRoom              = null;
            SnapSocket nearestSocket            = null;
            SnapSocket localSocketForConnection = null;
#pragma warning restore 219

             * 1. Check each unconnected socket
             * 2. For each, find the piece it is nearest to
             * 3. On that piece, for ALL hits on the ray (front and back) find the unconnected socket that is nearest to the hit
             * 4. Stick with whichever socket was nearest
            foreach (SnapSocket localSocket in _currentPiece.GetAllUnconnectedSockets())
                Ray rayForSocket = _lastRayForEachSocket[localSocket];

                List <RaycastHit> hitsOnSnapPiece;
                SnapPiece         hitRoom = _currentPiece.FirstSnapPieceAlongRayWithAvailableSockets(rayForSocket, out hitsOnSnapPiece, localSocket);

                if (hitRoom != null)
                    foreach (RaycastHit hit in hitsOnSnapPiece)
                        SnapSocket hitSocket = hitRoom.NearestUnconnectedSocketScreenSpace(Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(hit.point), Camera.main, 0f, localSocket, SnapAndPlugScene.sceneData.showDebugMessages);

                        if (hitSocket != null)
                            Vector3 screenForHitSocket   = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(hitSocket.attachPoint);
                            Vector3 screenForLocalSocket = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(localSocket.attachPoint);

                            float socketDistance = (screenForHitSocket - screenForLocalSocket).magnitude;
                            if (socketDistance < nearestSocketSocketDistance)
                                nearestSocketSocketDistance = socketDistance;
                                nearestRoom         = hitRoom;
                                nearestSocket       = hitSocket;
                                nearestRoomHitPoint = hit.point;

                                localSocketForConnection = localSocket;

                            if (SnapAndPlugScene.sceneData.showDebugMessages)
                                Debug.Log("Found " + hitsOnSnapPiece.Count + " hits on target piece; this one has nearest socket: " + hitSocket + " near hit: " + hit.point + " (" + socketDistance + " away)");
                        if (SnapAndPlugScene.sceneData.showDebugMessages)
                            Debug.Log("HIT on the room, but no unconnected sockets within range of point: " + hit.point);

            //Debug.Log(" mouse clicked " );

            // Clear the socket/ray dictionry since we'll have a new piece next
            if (_lastRayForEachSocket != null)

            // Finalise the connection, if it is snappably-close (if not, leave it where it is)
            if (nearestSocket != null)
                //Debug.Log(" ... snapping: "+localSocketForConnection+" to: "+nearestSocket );
                localSocketForConnection.SnapTo(nearestSocket, true);

                if (removeWCRigidBodiesToo)
                    if (showDebugMessages)
                        Debug.Log("Removing Unity fake RBs");

                    foreach (WheelCollider wc in nearestSocket.parentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <WheelCollider>())
                        if (showDebugMessages)
                            Debug.Log("Removing fake RB from WC = " + wc.gameObject.name);
                        Rigidbody rbwc = wc.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

                        if (rbwc != null)
                            if (showDebugMessages)

            // If it was ghosted, reset the object materials back to what they should be
            foreach (SnapGhostable ghostable in _currentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <SnapGhostable>())

            SnapGroup sG = _currentPiece.GetGroup();
            if (sG)
                foreach (Rigidbody rB in _currentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <Rigidbody>())
                    //rB.isKinematic = true;
                foreach (MySnappableSpawner sS in _currentPiece.GetComponentsInChildren <MySnappableSpawner>())
                    //sS.enabled = false;
                    //rB.isKinematic = true;

                sG.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                //BoxCollider bC = sG.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
                sG.gameObject.AddComponent <SnapPiece>();
                sG.gameObject.AddComponent <MySnappableSpawner>();

            _currentPiece = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     snapPiece = GetComponent <SnapPiece>();