Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task ManagingNodes(SmugMugAPI api)
            //Get access to the logged in user
            User user = await api.GetAuthenticatedUser();

            Console.WriteLine("{0} is currently authenticated", user.Name);

            //Get the root node ID
            string defaultNodeID = api.GetDefaultNodeID(user);

            //Create a new folder node at the root
            Node folderNode = await api.CreateNode(NodeType.Folder, "TestFolderNode", defaultNodeID);

            Console.WriteLine("Created folder node {0}", folderNode.Name);

            //Create a new album node in that folder
            Dictionary <string, string> arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "Description", "test description" }
            Node albumNode = await api.CreateNode(NodeType.Album, "TestAlbumNode", folderNode.NodeID, arguments);

            Console.WriteLine("Created album node {0} {1}", albumNode.Name, albumNode.Description);

            Dictionary <string, string> albumUpdates = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "Name", "Updated Album Name" }, { "Description", "Updated description" }, { "SortDirection", "Ascending" }
            Node updatedAlbumNode = await api.UpdateNode(albumNode, albumUpdates);

            Console.WriteLine("Updated album node {0}: {1}", updatedAlbumNode.Name, updatedAlbumNode.Description);

            //Delete the newly created nodes
            await api.DeleteNode(folderNode);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task ManagingFoldersAndAlbums(SmugMugAPI api)
            //Get access to the logged in user
            User user = await api.GetAuthenticatedUser();

            Console.WriteLine("{0} is currently authenticated", user.Name);

            //Create a new folder at the root
            Folder folder = await api.CreateFolder("TestFolder", user, "");

            Console.WriteLine("Created folder {0}", folder.Name);

            //Create a new album in that folder
            Dictionary <string, string> arguments = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "Description", "test description" }
            Album album = await api.CreateAlbum("TestAlbum", folder, arguments);

            Console.WriteLine("Created album {0}: {1}", album.Name, album.Description);

            Dictionary <string, string> albumUpdates = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "Name", "Updated Album Name" }, { "Description", "Updated description" }, { "SortDirection", "Ascending" }
            Album updatedAlbum = await api.UpdateAlbum(album, albumUpdates);

            Console.WriteLine("Updated album {0}: {1}", updatedAlbum.Name, updatedAlbum.Description);

            //Delete the newly created album and folder
            await api.DeleteAlbum(album);

            await api.DeleteFolder(folder);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task WorkingWithFoldersAndAlbums(SmugMugAPI api)
            //Get access to the user you want to enumerate albums for
            User user = await api.GetUser("cmac");


            //Get a specific folder, "SmugMug"
            Folder folder = await api.GetFolder(user, "SmugMug");


            //Get a specific subfolder, "Heroes" under folder "SmugMug"
            Folder subFolder = await api.GetFolder("cmac", "SmugMug/Heroes");


            //Get the first 100 albums for the user
            List <Album> albums = await api.GetAlbums(user, 100);

            Console.WriteLine("The first album is '{0}' with {1} images", albums[0].Name, albums[0].ImageCount);

            //Get the featured albums for the user
            List <Album> featuredAlbums = await api.GetFeaturedAlbums(user);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} featured albums", user.Name, featuredAlbums.Count);

            //Get a specific album, "SJT3DX"
            Album album = await api.GetAlbum("SJT3DX");

            Console.WriteLine("Album '{0}' has {1} images", album.Name, album.ImageCount);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task WorkingWithUsers(SmugMugAPI api)
            //Get a given user
            User user = await api.GetUser("justmarks");


            //Get the user's profile
            UserProfile userProfile = await api.GetUserProfile(user);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} - Twitter:", userProfile.DisplayName, userProfile.Twitter);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static async Task WorkingWithAlbumImages(SmugMugAPI api)
            //Get a specific album node, "TrBCmb"
            Album album = await api.GetAlbum("TrBCmb");

            Console.WriteLine("Album '{0}' has {1} images", album.Name, album.ImageCount);

            //Get all the images in the given album
            var albumImages = await api.GetAlbumImages(album);

            //Get a specific image in the given album
            var albumImage = await api.GetAlbumImage(album, "ktwWSFX-0");

            Console.WriteLine("'{0}' ({1}) with keywords \"{2}\"", albumImage.Title, albumImage.FileName, albumImage.Keywords);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Test()
            string apikey = SmugItConfigurationManager.Instance.Configuration.Credential.ApiKey;

            OAuthCredentials oAuthCredentials = new OAuthCredentials(apikey); // CONSUMER_KEY is the API Key received from SmugMug`
            SmugMugAPI       api = new SmugMugAPI(LoginType.Anonymous, oAuthCredentials);
            //var test = api.GetUser("corleone00");
            //var album = api.GetAlbum("Etna2011").GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            //Get access to the user you want to enumerate albums for
            User user = api.GetUser("alberic").GetAwaiter().GetResult();


            var rootNode = api.GetRootNode(user).GetAwaiter().GetResult();// .GetFolder(user, "").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var nodes    = api.GetChildNodes(rootNode).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static SmugMugAPI AuthenticateUsingAnonymous()
            //Access OAuth keys from App.config
            string        consumerKey = null;
            Configuration config      = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
            var           keySetting  = config.AppSettings.Settings[CONSUMERTOKEN];

            if (keySetting != null)
                consumerKey = keySetting.Value;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(consumerKey))
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The OAuth consumer token must be specified in App.config");

            //Connect to SmugMug using Anonymous access
            SmugMugAPI apiAnonymous = new SmugMugAPI(LoginType.Anonymous, new OAuthCredentials(consumerKey));

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static async Task WorkingWithNodes(SmugMugAPI api)
            //Get access to the user you want to enumerate albums for
            User user = await api.GetUser("cmac");


            //Get the root node for the given user
            Node rootNode = await api.GetRootNode(user);


            //Get the children of the root node
            List <Node> childNodes = await api.GetChildNodes(rootNode);

            Console.WriteLine("The first node '{0}' is a {1}", childNodes[0].Name, childNodes[0].Type);

            //Get a specific node, "XWx8t"
            Node node = await api.GetNode("XWx8t");

            Console.WriteLine("Node '{0}' is a {1}", node.Name, node.Type);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static SmugMugAPI AuthenticateUsingOAuth()
            //Access OAuth keys from App.config
            string        consumerKey = null;
            Configuration config      = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
            var           keySetting  = config.AppSettings.Settings[CONSUMERTOKEN];

            if (keySetting != null)
                consumerKey = keySetting.Value;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(consumerKey))
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The OAuth consumer token must be specified in App.config");

            string secret = null;

            keySetting = config.AppSettings.Settings[CONSUMERSECRET];
            if (keySetting != null)
                secret = keySetting.Value;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(secret))
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The OAuth consumer token secret must be specified in App.config");

            //Generate oAuthCredentials using OAuth library
            OAuthCredentials oAuthCredentials = GenerateOAuthAccessToken(consumerKey, secret);

            //Connect to SmugMug using oAuth
            SmugMugAPI apiOAuth = new SmugMugAPI(LoginType.OAuth, oAuthCredentials);
