Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void list_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            APLocatorLogView log = e.Item.DataItem as APLocatorLogView;

            if (log != null)
                Anchor apName = e.Item.FindControl("apName") as Anchor;
                apName.Text = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", log.APName, log.APMac);
                //apName.Href = PathUtil.ResolveUrl("Objects/Tag.aspx?id=" + log.TagId);

                Anchor apStatus = e.Item.FindControl("apStatus") as Anchor;
                if (log.APLocatorStatus == 1)
                    apStatus.Text = "重现";
                else if (log.APLocatorStatus == 0)
                    apStatus.Text = "消失";

                DateTimeLabel writeTime = e.Item.FindControl("writeTime") as DateTimeLabel;
                writeTime.DisplayValue = log.WriteTime;

                SmartLabel facilityName = e.Item.FindControl("facilityName") as SmartLabel;
                facilityName.Text = log.FacilityName;

                SmartLabel coordinatesName = e.Item.FindControl("coordinatesName") as SmartLabel;
                coordinatesName.Text = log.CoordinatesName;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public HdPubKey GetNextReceiveKey(SmartLabel label, out bool minGapLimitIncreased)
            if (label.IsEmpty)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Observers are required.");

            minGapLimitIncreased = false;

            AssertCleanKeysIndexed(isInternal: false);

            // Find the next clean external key with empty label.
            var newKey = GetKeys(x => x.IsInternal == false && x.KeyState == KeyState.Clean && x.Label.IsEmpty).FirstOrDefault();

            // If not found, generate a new.
            if (newKey is null)
                SetMinGapLimit(MinGapLimit.Value + 1);
                newKey = AssertCleanKeysIndexed(isInternal: false).First();

                // If the new is over the MinGapLimit, set minGapLimitIncreased to true.
                minGapLimitIncreased = true;

            newKey.SetLabel(label, kmToFile: this);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    public HdPubKey(PubKey pubKey, KeyPath fullKeyPath, SmartLabel label, KeyState keyState)
        PubKey      = Guard.NotNull(nameof(pubKey), pubKey);
        FullKeyPath = Guard.NotNull(nameof(fullKeyPath), fullKeyPath);
        _cluster    = new Cluster(this);
        Label       = label;
        KeyState = keyState;

        P2pkScript           = PubKey.ScriptPubKey;
        P2pkhScript          = PubKey.Hash.ScriptPubKey;
        P2wpkhScript         = PubKey.WitHash.ScriptPubKey;
        P2shOverP2wpkhScript = P2wpkhScript.Hash.ScriptPubKey;

        PubKeyHash = PubKey.Hash;
        HashCode   = PubKeyHash.GetHashCode();

        Index = (int)FullKeyPath.Indexes[4];
        NonHardenedKeyPath = new KeyPath(FullKeyPath[3], FullKeyPath[4]);

        int change = (int)FullKeyPath.Indexes[3];

        if (change == 0)
            IsInternal = false;
        else if (change == 1)
            IsInternal = true;
            throw new ArgumentException(nameof(FullKeyPath));
        public ReceiveTabViewModel(Wallet wallet)
            : base("Receive")
            Global = Locator.Current.GetService <Global>();
            Wallet = wallet;

            LabelSuggestion       = new SuggestLabelViewModel(Wallet);
            _addresses            = new ObservableCollection <AddressViewModel>();
            LabelSuggestion.Label = "";


            GenerateCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() =>
                var label             = new SmartLabel(LabelSuggestion.Label);
                LabelSuggestion.Label = label;
                if (label.IsEmpty)
                    NotificationHelpers.Warning("Observers are required.");

                AvaloniaThreadingExtensions.PostLogException(Dispatcher.UIThread, () =>
                    var newKey = Wallet.KeyManager.GetNextReceiveKey(label, out bool minGapLimitIncreased);
                    if (minGapLimitIncreased)
                        int minGapLimit     = Wallet.KeyManager.MinGapLimit.Value;
                        int prevMinGapLimit = minGapLimit - 1;
                        NotificationHelpers.Warning($"{nameof(KeyManager.MinGapLimit)} increased from {prevMinGapLimit} to {minGapLimit}.");

                    var newAddress = new AddressViewModel(newKey, Wallet.KeyManager, this);
                    Addresses.Insert(0, newAddress);
                    SelectedAddress       = newAddress;
                    LabelSuggestion.Label = "";

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedAddress)
            .Subscribe(async address =>
                if (Global.UiConfig.Autocopy is false || address is null)

                await address.TryCopyToClipboardAsync();

            .Subscribe(ex =>
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public static void AddPocket(this List <Pocket> pockets, decimal amount, out Pocket pocket, params string[] labels)
        var label     = new SmartLabel(labels);
        var coinsView = new CoinsView(new[] { BitcoinFactory.CreateSmartCoin(NewKey(label), amount) });

        pocket = new Pocket((label, coinsView));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void userRepeater_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            User user = e.Item.DataItem as User;

            if (user != null)
                SmartLabel userName = (SmartLabel)e.Item.FindControl("userName");
                userName.Text = user.UserName;
                userName.Attributes.Add("id", "user_" + user.Id);

                SmartLabel userRole = (SmartLabel)e.Item.FindControl("userRole");
                switch ((UserRole)user.Role)
                case UserRole.User:
                    userRole.Text = "普通用户";

                case UserRole.Admin:
                    userRole.Text = "管理员";

                Anchor edit   = (Anchor)e.Item.FindControl("edit");
                Anchor delete = (Anchor)e.Item.FindControl("delete");
                switch (meRole)
                case UserRole.User:
                    edit.CssClass = "t3";
                    delete.CssClass = "t3";

                case UserRole.Admin:
                    if (user.Id == me.Id)
                        edit.CssClass = "t3";
                        edit.Href = "EditUser.aspx?id=" + user.Id;
                    if (user.Id == me.Id)
                        delete.CssClass = "t3";
                        delete.Href = "javascript:deleteUser(" + user.Id + ");";
        protected void list_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            //AreaEventLogView log = e.Item.DataItem as AreaEventLogView;
            //---add by tan  2009-10-6---//
            DataRowView log = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem;

            if (log != null)
                Anchor        tagName       = e.Item.FindControl("tagName") as Anchor;
                SmartLabel    facilityName  = e.Item.FindControl("facilityName") as SmartLabel;
                SmartLabel    areaName      = e.Item.FindControl("areaName") as SmartLabel;
                SmartLabel    areaEventType = e.Item.FindControl("areaEventType") as SmartLabel;
                DateTimeLabel writeTime     = e.Item.FindControl("writeTime") as DateTimeLabel;

                tagName.Text = LocatingMonitorUtils.GetHostName(log["TagName"].ToString(), log["TagMac"].ToString(), log["HostName"].ToString());
                HostTagGroupStatus hostTagGroupStatus = HostTagGroupStatus.SelectByHostId((int)log["HostId"]);
                if (hostTagGroupStatus != null)
                    int groupId = hostTagGroupStatus.HostGroupId;

                    tagName.Href = PathUtil.ResolveUrl(string.Format("/TagUsers/TagUser.aspx?id={0}&type={1}", log["HostId"], groupId));

                facilityName.Text = Convert.ToString(log["FacilityName"]);
                areaName.Text     = Convert.ToString(log["AreaName"]);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(log["AreaEventType"]) == 0)
                    areaEventType.Text = "进入区域";
                    areaEventType.Text = "离开区域";

                writeTime.DisplayValue = Convert.ToDateTime(log["WriteTime"]);


             * Anchor tagName = e.Item.FindControl("tagName") as Anchor;
             * SmartLabel facilityName = e.Item.FindControl("facilityName") as SmartLabel;
             * SmartLabel areaName = e.Item.FindControl("areaName") as SmartLabel;
             * SmartLabel areaEventType = e.Item.FindControl("areaEventType") as SmartLabel;
             * DateTimeLabel writeTime = e.Item.FindControl("writeTime") as DateTimeLabel;
             * tagName.Text = log.TagName;
             * tagName.Href = PathUtil.ResolveUrl("Objects/Tag.aspx?id=" + log.TagId);
             * facilityName.Text = log.FacilityName;
             * areaName.Text = log.AreaName;
             * areaEventType.Text = (AreaEventType)log.AreaEventType == AreaEventType.StayInside ? "进入区域" : "离开区域";
             * writeTime.DisplayValue = log.WriteTime;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void LabelParsingTests()
            var label = new SmartLabel();

            Assert.Equal("", label);

            label = new SmartLabel("");
            Assert.Equal("", label);

            label = new SmartLabel(null !);
            Assert.Equal("", label);

            label = new SmartLabel(null !, null !);
            Assert.Equal("", label);

            label = new SmartLabel(" ");
            Assert.Equal("", label);

            label = new SmartLabel(",");
            Assert.Equal("", label);

            label = new SmartLabel(":");
            Assert.Equal("", label);

            label = new SmartLabel("foo");
            Assert.Equal("foo", label);

            label = new SmartLabel("foo", "bar");
            Assert.Equal("bar, foo", label);

            label = new SmartLabel("foo bar");
            Assert.Equal("foo bar", label);

            label = new SmartLabel("foo bar", "Buz quX@");
            Assert.Equal("Buz quX@, foo bar", label);

            label = new SmartLabel(new List <string>()
                "foo", "bar"
            Assert.Equal("bar, foo", label);

            label = new SmartLabel("  foo    ");
            Assert.Equal("foo", label);

            label = new SmartLabel("foo      ", "      bar");
            Assert.Equal("bar, foo", label);

            label = new SmartLabel(new List <string>()
                "   foo   ", "   bar    "
            Assert.Equal("bar, foo", label);

            label = new SmartLabel(new List <string>()
                "foo:", ":bar", null !, ":buz:", ",", ": , :", "qux:quux", "corge,grault", "", "  ", " , garply, waldo,", " : ,  :  ,  fred  , : , :   plugh, : , : ,"
        protected void list_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            AreaInOutTime areaTime = (AreaInOutTime)e.Item.DataItem;

            if (areaTime != null)
                Img    icon    = e.Item.FindControl("icon") as Img;
                Anchor tagName = e.Item.FindControl("tagName") as Anchor;

                DateTimeLabel inTime   = e.Item.FindControl("inTime") as DateTimeLabel;
                DateTimeLabel outTime  = e.Item.FindControl("outTime") as DateTimeLabel;
                SmartLabel    duration = e.Item.FindControl("duration") as SmartLabel;

                tagName.Text = Convert.ToString(areaTime.hostName);
                if (areaTime.inTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                    inTime.DisplayValue = areaTime.inTime;
                if (areaTime.outTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                    outTime.DisplayValue = areaTime.outTime;

                duration.Text = "";
                if (tagName.Text == "--- ---")
                    duration.Text = "(";
                if (areaTime.stayTime.Ticks == 0)
                    duration.Text += "0";
                    if (areaTime.stayTime.Days > 0)
                        duration.Text += areaTime.stayTime.Days.ToString() + "天";
                    if (areaTime.stayTime.Hours > 0)
                        duration.Text += areaTime.stayTime.Hours.ToString() + "时";
                    if (areaTime.stayTime.Minutes > 0)
                        duration.Text += areaTime.stayTime.Minutes.ToString() + "分";
                    if (areaTime.stayTime.Seconds > 0)
                        duration.Text += areaTime.stayTime.Seconds.ToString() + "秒";
                if (tagName.Text == "--- ---")
                    duration.Text += ")";
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public Pocket[] AutoSelectPockets(SmartLabel recipient)
        var knownPockets                = NonPrivatePockets.Where(x => x.Labels != CoinPocketHelper.UnlabelledFundsText).ToArray();
        var unknownPockets              = NonPrivatePockets.Except(knownPockets).ToArray();
        var privateAndUnknownPockets    = _allPockets.Except(knownPockets).ToArray();
        var privateAndKnownPockets      = _allPockets.Except(unknownPockets).ToArray();
        var knownByRecipientPockets     = knownPockets.Where(pocket => pocket.Labels.Any(label => recipient.Contains(label, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).ToArray();
        var onlyKnownByRecipientPockets =
            .Where(pocket =>
                   pocket.Labels.Count() == recipient.Count() &&
                   pocket.Labels.All(label => recipient.Contains(label, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))

        if (onlyKnownByRecipientPockets.Sum(x => x.Amount) >= _targetAmount)

        if (_privatePocket.Amount >= _targetAmount)
            return(new[] { _privatePocket });

        if (TryGetBestKnownByRecipientPockets(knownByRecipientPockets, _targetAmount, recipient, out var pockets))

        if (knownPockets.Sum(x => x.Amount) >= _targetAmount)

        if (unknownPockets.Sum(x => x.Amount) >= _targetAmount)

        if (NonPrivatePockets.Sum(x => x.Amount) >= _targetAmount)

        if (privateAndKnownPockets.Sum(x => x.Amount) >= _targetAmount)

        if (privateAndUnknownPockets.Sum(x => x.Amount) >= _targetAmount)

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public ConfirmHideAddressViewModel(SmartLabel label)
            Label  = label;
            _title = "Hide Address";

            NextCommand   = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Close(result: true));
            CancelCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Close(DialogResultKind.Cancel));

            SetupCancel(enableCancel: false, enableCancelOnEscape: true, enableCancelOnPressed: true);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public HdPubKey GenerateNewKey(SmartLabel label, KeyState keyState, bool isInternal, bool toFile = true)
            // BIP44-ish derivation scheme
            // m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
            var change = isInternal ? 1 : 0;

            lock (HdPubKeysLock)
                HdPubKey[] relevantHdPubKeys = HdPubKeys.Where(x => x.IsInternal == isInternal).ToArray();

                KeyPath path = new KeyPath($"{change}/0");
                if (relevantHdPubKeys.Any())
                    int largestIndex         = relevantHdPubKeys.Max(x => x.Index);
                    var smallestMissingIndex = largestIndex;
                    var present = new bool[largestIndex + 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < relevantHdPubKeys.Length; ++i)
                        present[relevantHdPubKeys[i].Index] = true;
                    for (int i = 1; i < present.Length; ++i)
                        if (!present[i])
                            smallestMissingIndex = i - 1;

                    path = relevantHdPubKeys[smallestMissingIndex].NonHardenedKeyPath.Increment();

                var fullPath = AccountKeyPath.Derive(path);
                var pubKey   = ExtPubKey.Derive(path).PubKey;

                var hdPubKey = new HdPubKey(pubKey, fullPath, label, keyState);
                lock (HdPubKeyScriptBytesLock)

                lock (ScriptHdPubKeyMapLock)
                    ScriptHdPubKeyMap.Add(hdPubKey.P2wpkhScript, hdPubKey);

                if (toFile)

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public HdPubKey GenerateNewKey(SmartLabel label, KeyState keyState, bool isInternal, bool toFile = true)
            // BIP44-ish derivation scheme
            // m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
            var change = isInternal ? 1 : 0;

            lock (HdPubKeysLock)
                IEnumerable <HdPubKey> relevantHdPubKeys = isInternal ? HdPubKeys.Where(x => x.IsInternal) : HdPubKeys.Where(x => !x.IsInternal);

                KeyPath path;
                if (relevantHdPubKeys.Any())
                    int        largestIndex   = relevantHdPubKeys.Max(x => x.Index);
                    List <int> missingIndexes = Enumerable.Range(0, largestIndex).Except(relevantHdPubKeys.Select(x => x.Index)).ToList();
                    if (missingIndexes.Any())
                        int smallestMissingIndex = missingIndexes.Min();
                        path = relevantHdPubKeys.First(x => x.Index == (smallestMissingIndex - 1)).NonHardenedKeyPath.Increment();
                        path = relevantHdPubKeys.First(x => x.Index == largestIndex).NonHardenedKeyPath.Increment();
                    path = new KeyPath($"{change}/0");

                var fullPath = AccountKeyPath.Derive(path);
                var pubKey   = ExtPubKey.Derive(path).PubKey;

                var hdPubKey = new HdPubKey(pubKey, fullPath, label, keyState);
                lock (HdPubKeyScriptBytesLock)

                lock (ScriptHdPubKeyMapLock)
                    ScriptHdPubKeyMap.Add(hdPubKey.P2wpkhScript, hdPubKey);

                if (toFile)

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void SetLabel(SmartLabel label, KeyManager kmToFile = null)
            label ??= SmartLabel.Empty;

            if (Label == label)

            Label = label;

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public AddressLabelEditViewModel(ReceiveAddressesViewModel owner, HdPubKey hdPubKey, KeyManager keyManager, HashSet <string> suggestions)
            Suggestions = suggestions;
            _labels     = new(hdPubKey.Label);

            SetupCancel(enableCancel: true, enableCancelOnEscape: true, enableCancelOnPressed: true);

            .WhenAnyValue(x => x.Count)
            .Subscribe(_ => FinalLabel = new SmartLabel(Labels));

            var canExecute = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.FinalLabel).Select(x => x is { IsEmpty: false });
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static SmartTransaction FromLine(string line, Network expectedNetwork)
            line            = Guard.NotNullOrEmptyOrWhitespace(nameof(line), line, trim: true);
            expectedNetwork = Guard.NotNull(nameof(expectedNetwork), expectedNetwork);

            var parts = line.Split(':', StringSplitOptions.None).Select(x => x.Trim()).ToArray();

            var         transactionString = parts[1];
            Transaction transaction       = Transaction.Parse(transactionString, expectedNetwork);

                // First is redundant txhash serialization.
                var heightString        = parts[2];
                var blockHashString     = parts[3];
                var blockIndexString    = parts[4];
                var labelString         = parts[5];
                var firstSeenString     = parts[6];
                var isReplacementString = parts[7];

                if (!Height.TryParse(heightString, out Height height))
                    height = Height.Unknown;
                if (!uint256.TryParse(blockHashString, out uint256 blockHash))
                    blockHash = null;
                if (!int.TryParse(blockIndexString, out int blockIndex))
                    blockIndex = 0;
                var            label     = new SmartLabel(labelString);
                DateTimeOffset firstSeen = default;
                if (long.TryParse(firstSeenString, out long unixSeconds))
                    firstSeen = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(unixSeconds);
                if (!bool.TryParse(isReplacementString, out bool isReplacement))
                    isReplacement = false;

                return(new SmartTransaction(transaction, height, blockHash, blockIndex, label, isReplacement, firstSeen));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new SmartTransaction(transaction, Height.Unknown));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        protected void messageRepeater_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            DBViewTagAlert ev = e.Item.DataItem as DBViewTagAlert;

            if (ev != null)
                SmartLabel isResolved = (SmartLabel)e.Item.FindControl("isResolved");
                if (ev.AlertStatus != (byte)AlertStatusType.New)
                    isResolved.Text = "√";
                    isResolved.Text = "<input type='checkbox' name='selection' value='" + ev.AlertId + "' />";
                Img icon = e.Item.FindControl("icon") as Img;
                HostTagGroupStatus hostTagGroupStatus = HostTagGroupStatus.SelectByHostId((int)ev.HostId);
                int groupId = hostTagGroupStatus.HostGroupId;
                icon.Src = CommonExtension.IdentityIconByGroupId(groupId);

                Anchor tagName = (Anchor)e.Item.FindControl("tagName");
                tagName.Text = ev.HostName;
                tagName.Href = PathUtil.ResolveUrl(string.Format("/TagUsers/TagUser.aspx?id={0}&type={1}", ev.HostId, groupId));

                SmartLabel facilityName = (SmartLabel)e.Item.FindControl("facilityName");
                facilityName.Text = ev.FacilityName;

                SmartLabel coordinatesName = (SmartLabel)e.Item.FindControl("coordinatesName");
                coordinatesName.Text = ev.CoordinatesName;

                SmartLabel eventType = (SmartLabel)e.Item.FindControl("eventType");
                eventType.Text = CommonExtension.GetEventDescription((SupportEvent)ev.AlertType, ev.HostId.Value);

                SmartLabel alertStatus = (SmartLabel)e.Item.FindControl("alertStatus");
                alertStatus.Text = Misc.GetAlertStatus((AlertStatusType)ev.AlertStatus);

                DateTimeLabel lastHappenTime = (DateTimeLabel)e.Item.FindControl("lastHappenTime");
                lastHappenTime.DisplayValue = ev.WriteTime;

                Anchor alertDetail = (Anchor)e.Item.FindControl("alertDetail");
                alertDetail.Text = "详情";
                alertDetail.Href = PathUtil.ResolveUrl("/Monitor/TagAlertProcess.aspx?id=" + ev.AlertId);

                if (ev.AlertStatus == (byte)ResolveFlag.Processed)
                    HtmlTableRow tr = (HtmlTableRow)e.Item.FindControl("tr");
                    tr.Attributes["class"] = "t3";
                    tagName.CssClass       = "t3";
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public ReceiveTabViewModel(WalletViewModel walletViewModel)
            : base("Receive", walletViewModel)
            _labelSuggestion       = new SuggestLabelViewModel(Global);
            _addresses             = new ObservableCollection <AddressViewModel>();
            _labelSuggestion.Label = "";


            GenerateCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() =>
                var label = new SmartLabel(_labelSuggestion.Label);
                _labelSuggestion.Label = label;
                if (label.IsEmpty)
                    NotificationHelpers.Warning("Label is required.");


                Dispatcher.UIThread.PostLogException(() =>
                    HdPubKey newKey = Global.WalletService.GetReceiveKey(_labelSuggestion.Label, Addresses.Select(x => x.Model).Take(7));                                     // Never touch the first 7 keys.

                    AddressViewModel found = Addresses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Model == newKey);
                    if (found != default)

                    var newAddress = new AddressViewModel(newKey, Global);

                    Addresses.Insert(0, newAddress);

                    SelectedAddress = newAddress;

                    _labelSuggestion.Label = "";

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedAddress).Subscribe(async address =>
                if (Global.UiConfig?.Autocopy is false || address is null)

                await address.TryCopyToClipboardAsync();

            var isCoinListItemSelected = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedAddress).Select(coin => coin is { });
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private static SmartCoin Coin(string label, HdPubKey pubKey, decimal amount, bool confirmed = true, int anonymitySet = 1)
            var        randomIndex = new Func <int>(() => new Random().Next(0, 200));
            var        height      = confirmed ? new Height(randomIndex()) : Height.Mempool;
            SmartLabel slabel      = label;
            var        spentOutput = new[]
                new OutPoint(RandomUtils.GetUInt256(), (uint)randomIndex())

            return(new SmartCoin(RandomUtils.GetUInt256(), (uint)randomIndex(), pubKey.P2wpkhScript, Money.Coins(amount), spentOutput, height, false, anonymitySet, slabel, pubKey: pubKey));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public LabelViewModel[] GetAssociatedLabels(LabelViewModel labelViewModel)
     if (labelViewModel.IsBlackListed)
         var associatedPocketLabels = NonPrivatePockets.OrderBy(x => x.Labels.Count()).First(x => x.Labels.Contains(labelViewModel.Value)).Labels;
         return(LabelsBlackList.Where(x => associatedPocketLabels.Contains(x.Value)).ToArray());
         var associatedPockets      = NonPrivatePockets.Where(x => x.Labels.Contains(labelViewModel.Value));
         var notAssociatedPockets   = NonPrivatePockets.Except(associatedPockets);
         var allNotAssociatedLabels = SmartLabel.Merge(notAssociatedPockets.Select(x => x.Labels));
         return(LabelsWhiteList.Where(x => !allNotAssociatedLabels.Contains(x.Value)).ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 21
        protected void list_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            DataRowView log = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem;

            if (log != null)
                Anchor tagName = e.Item.FindControl("tagName") as Anchor;
                //tagName.Text = LocatingMonitorUtils.GetHostName(log["TagName"].ToString(), log["TagMac"].ToString(), log["HostName"].ToString());
                tagName.Text = Convert.ToString(log["HostName"]);
                HostTagGroupStatus hostTagGroupStatus = HostTagGroupStatus.SelectByHostId((int)log["HostId"]);
                if (hostTagGroupStatus != null)
                    int groupId = hostTagGroupStatus.HostGroupId;

                    tagName.Href = PathUtil.ResolveUrl(string.Format("/TagUsers/TagUser.aspx?id={0}&type={1}", log["HostId"], groupId));

                DateTimeLabel writeTime = e.Item.FindControl("writeTime") as DateTimeLabel;
                writeTime.DisplayValue = Convert.ToDateTime(log["WriteTime"]);
                SmartLabel facilityName    = e.Item.FindControl("facilityName") as SmartLabel;
                SmartLabel coordinatesName = e.Item.FindControl("coordinatesName") as SmartLabel;
                facilityName.Text    = Convert.ToString(log["FacilityName"]);
                coordinatesName.Text = Convert.ToString(log["CoordinatesName"]);


             *          GenericEventLogView log = e.Item.DataItem as GenericEventLogView;
             *          if (log != null) {
             *                  Anchor tagName = e.Item.FindControl("tagName") as Anchor;
             *  tagName.Text = LocatingMonitorUtils.GetHostName(log.TagName, log.HostName);
             *                  tagName.Href = PathUtil.ResolveUrl("Objects/Tag.aspx?id=" + log.TagId);
             *                  DateTimeLabel writeTime = e.Item.FindControl("writeTime") as DateTimeLabel;
             *                  writeTime.DisplayValue = log.WriteTime;
             *                  SmartLabel facilityName = e.Item.FindControl("facilityName") as SmartLabel;
             *                  facilityName.Text = log.FacilityName;
             *                  SmartLabel coordinatesName = e.Item.FindControl("coordinatesName") as SmartLabel;
             *                  coordinatesName.Text = log.CoordinatesName;
             *          }
Ejemplo n.º 22
        protected void areaList_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            MapArea area = e.Item.DataItem as MapArea;

            if (area != null)
                Anchor     areaName     = (Anchor)e.Item.FindControl("areaName");
                SmartLabel facilityName = (SmartLabel)e.Item.FindControl("facilityName");
                //NumericLabel ruleCount = (NumericLabel)e.Item.FindControl("ruleCount");
                Anchor setRule = (Anchor)e.Item.FindControl("setRule");

                areaName.Text     = area.AreaName;
                facilityName.Text = Facility.GetNameByMapId(area.MapId);
                areaName.Href     = setRule.Href = "MapAreaRules.aspx?AreaId=" + area.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public ReceiveTabViewModel(WalletViewModel walletViewModel)
            : base("Receive", walletViewModel)
            _labelSuggestion       = new SuggestLabelViewModel(Global);
            _addresses             = new ObservableCollection <AddressViewModel>();
            _labelSuggestion.Label = "";


            GenerateCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() =>
                var label = new SmartLabel(_labelSuggestion.Label);
                _labelSuggestion.Label = label;
                if (label.IsEmpty)
                    NotificationHelpers.Warning("Label is required.");

                AvaloniaThreadingExtensions.PostLogException(Dispatcher.UIThread, () =>
                    var newKey = KeyManager.GetNextReceiveKey(label, out bool minGapLimitIncreased);
                    if (minGapLimitIncreased)
                        int minGapLimit     = KeyManager.MinGapLimit.Value;
                        int prevMinGapLimit = minGapLimit - 1;
                        NotificationHelpers.Warning($"{nameof(KeyManager.MinGapLimit)} increased from {prevMinGapLimit} to {minGapLimit}.");

                    var newAddress = new AddressViewModel(newKey, Global);
                    Addresses.Insert(0, newAddress);
                    SelectedAddress        = newAddress;
                    _labelSuggestion.Label = "";

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedAddress).Subscribe(async address =>
                if (Global.UiConfig?.Autocopy is false || address is null)

                await address.TryCopyToClipboardAsync();

            var isCoinListItemSelected = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedAddress).Select(coin => coin is { });
        public TransactionPreviewViewModel(Wallet wallet, TransactionInfo info, BuildTransactionResult transaction)
            _wallet = wallet;
            _labels = SmartLabel.Empty;
            _info   = info;
            SetupCancel(enableCancel: false, enableCancelOnEscape: true, enableCancelOnPressed: false);
            EnableBack            = true;
            _confirmationTimeText = "";

            var destinationAmount = transaction.CalculateDestinationAmount().ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC);
            var btcAmountText     = $"{destinationAmount} bitcoins ";
            var fiatAmountText    = destinationAmount.GenerateFiatText(_wallet.Synchronizer.UsdExchangeRate, "USD");

            AmountText = $"{btcAmountText}{fiatAmountText}";

            AddressText = info.Address.ToString();

            var fee         = transaction.Fee;
            var btcFeeText  = $"{fee.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.Satoshi)} sats ";
            var fiatFeeText = fee.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC).GenerateFiatText(_wallet.Synchronizer.UsdExchangeRate, "USD");

            FeeText = $"{btcFeeText}{fiatFeeText}";

            PayJoinUrl = info.PayJoinClient?.PaymentUrl.AbsoluteUri;
            IsPayJoin  = PayJoinUrl is not null;

            if (PreferPsbtWorkflow)
                SkipCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async() => await OnConfirmAsync(transaction));
                NextCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async() =>
                    var saved = await TransactionHelpers.ExportTransactionToBinaryAsync(transaction);

                    if (saved)
                        Navigate().To(new SuccessViewModel("The PSBT has been successfully created."));
                _nextButtonText = "Save PSBT file";
                NextCommand     = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async() => await OnConfirmAsync(transaction));
                _nextButtonText = "Confirm";
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public AddressViewModel(ReceiveAddressesViewModel parent, Wallet wallet, HdPubKey model, Network network)
            _address = model.GetP2wpkhAddress(network).ToString();
            _label   = model.Label;

            CopyAddressCommand =
                ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async() => await Application.Current.Clipboard.SetTextAsync(Address));
            HideAddressCommand =
                ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async() => await parent.HideAddressAsync(model, Address));
            EditLabelCommand =
                ReactiveCommand.Create(() => parent.NavigateToAddressEdit(model, parent.Wallet.KeyManager));

            NavigateCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() =>
                parent.Navigate().To(new ReceiveAddressViewModel(wallet, model));
        protected void list_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            DataRowView log = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem;

            if (log != null)
                Anchor tagName = e.Item.FindControl("tagName") as Anchor;
                tagName.Text = LocatingMonitorUtils.GetHostName(log["TagName"].ToString(), log["TagMac"].ToString(), log["HostName"].ToString());
                tagName.Href = PathUtil.ResolveUrl("Objects/Tag.aspx?id=" + Convert.ToString(log["TagID"]));
                DateTimeLabel writeTime = e.Item.FindControl("writeTime") as DateTimeLabel;
                writeTime.DisplayValue = Convert.ToDateTime(log["WriteTime"]);
                SmartLabel facilityName    = e.Item.FindControl("facilityName") as SmartLabel;
                SmartLabel coordinatesName = e.Item.FindControl("coordinatesName") as SmartLabel;
                facilityName.Text    = Convert.ToString(log["FacilityName"]);
                coordinatesName.Text = Convert.ToString(log["CoordinatesName"]);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private bool TryParseUrl(string text)
            bool result = false;

            var wallet = _owner.Wallet;

            if (AddressStringParser.TryParse(text, wallet.Network, out BitcoinUrlBuilder? url))
                result = true;
                SmartLabel label = url.Label;

                if (!label.IsEmpty)
                    //LabelSuggestion.Label = label;

                if (url.Address is { })
Ejemplo n.º 28
    public void SetUsedLabel(IEnumerable <SmartCoin>?usedCoins, int privateThreshold)
        if (usedCoins is null)

        var usedLabels             = SmartLabel.Merge(usedCoins.Select(x => x.GetLabels(privateThreshold)));
        var usedLabelViewModels    = AllLabelsViewModel.Where(x => usedLabels.Contains(x.Value)).ToArray();
        var notUsedLabelViewModels = AllLabelsViewModel.Except(usedLabelViewModels);

        foreach (LabelViewModel label in notUsedLabelViewModels)

        protected void list_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            Facility   f            = (Facility)e.Item.DataItem;
            SmartLabel facilityName = e.Item.FindControl("facilityName") as SmartLabel;
            SmartLabel headCount    = e.Item.FindControl("headCount") as SmartLabel;

            facilityName.Text = f.FacilityName;

            IList <TagStatusView> tagList = new List <TagStatusView>();
            string _keyword = "";

            //GTang 20101122 修改为统计hostGroupid=1,2
            //int[] _hostGroupArray = new int[1] { 1 };
            int[] _hostGroupArray = new int[2] {
                1, 2
            int totalCount = 0;

            IServiceApi serviceApi = LocatingServiceUtil.Instance <IServiceApi>();

            if (serviceApi != null && LocatingServiceUtil.IsAvailable())
                TagStatusView tagStatusView = new TagStatusView();
                tagList = serviceApi.SelectTagStatusList(
                    false, //SupportEvent.Absent),
                    false, //SupportEvent.BatteryInsufficient),
                    false, //SupportEvent.AreaEvent),
                    false, //SupportEvent.ButtonPressed),
                    false, //SupportEvent.WristletBroken),
                    0,//only get total count
                    out totalCount);

                headCount.Text = totalCount.ToString();
                _totalCount   += totalCount;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the transaction with the data acquired from another transaction. (For example merge their labels.)
        /// </summary>
        public bool TryUpdate(SmartTransaction tx)
            var updated = false;

            // If this is not the same tx, then don't update.
            if (this != tx)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{GetHash()} != {tx.GetHash()}");

            // Set the height related properties, only if confirmed.
            if (tx.Confirmed)
                if (Height != tx.Height)
                    Height  = tx.Height;
                    updated = true;

                if (tx.BlockHash != null && BlockHash != tx.BlockHash)
                    BlockHash  = tx.BlockHash;
                    BlockIndex = tx.BlockIndex;
                    updated    = true;

            // Always the earlier seen is the firstSeen.
            if (tx.FirstSeen < FirstSeen)
                FirstSeen = tx.FirstSeen;
                updated   = true;

            // Merge labels.
            if (Label != tx.Label)
                Label   = SmartLabel.Merge(Label, tx.Label);
                updated = true;

Ejemplo n.º 31
 public SmartLabelSettingsWrapper(SmartLabel label)
     Alignment = label.Alignment;
     AllowMarkerOverlap = label.AllowMarkerOverlap;
     AutoWrap = label.AutoWrap;
     Color = new ColorSettingsWrapper(label.Color);
     DistanceMaximum = label.DistanceMaximum;
     DynamicDisplay = label.DynamicDisplay;
     DynamicPosition = label.DynamicPosition;
     Font = new FontSettingsWrapper(label.Font);
     ForceVertical = label.ForceVertical;
     GlowColor = label.GlowColor;
     Hotspot = new HotspotSettingsWrapper(label.Hotspot);
     Line = new LineSettingsWrapper(label.Line);
     LineAlignment = label.LineAlignment;
     OutlineColor = label.OutlineColor;
     Padding = label.Padding;
     PieLabelMode = label.PieLabelMode;
     RadarLabelMode = label.RadarLabelMode;
     Shadow = new ShadowSettingsWrapper(label.Shadow);
     Text = label.Text;
     Truncation = new TruncationSettingsWrapper(label.Truncation);
     Type = label.Type;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Восстановить сохранненые значения.
 /// </summary>
 public void RestoreSettings(SmartLabel label)
     label.Alignment = Alignment;
     label.AllowMarkerOverlap = AllowMarkerOverlap;
     label.AutoWrap = AutoWrap;
     label.Color = Color.RestoreSettings();
     label.DistanceMaximum = DistanceMaximum;
     label.DynamicDisplay = DynamicDisplay;
     label.DynamicPosition = DynamicPosition;
     label.Font =  Font.RestoreSettings();
     label.ForceVertical = ForceVertical;
     label.GlowColor = GlowColor;
     label.LineAlignment = LineAlignment;
     label.OutlineColor = OutlineColor;
     label.Padding = Padding;
     label.PieLabelMode = PieLabelMode;
     label.RadarLabelMode = RadarLabelMode;
     label.Text = Text;
     label.Type = Type;