Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void ConvertTiffToDDS2(string tiffPath, bool overrideExisting = false)
            string ddsPath = Path.ChangeExtension(tiffPath, ".dds");

            if (overrideExisting || !StorageConfig.FileExists(ddsPath))
                var image = PixImage.Create(tiffPath, PixLoadOptions.UseSystemImage);
                // image.SaveAsImage(pngPath);

                var outFormat = image.PixFormat == PixFormat.ByteGray ?
                                Rendering.AardvarkFormat.L8 : Rendering.AardvarkFormat.Dxt5;

                var target = SlimDx9TextureConvertible.CreateFile(
                    new SlimDx9TextureConvertible.SlimDx9TextureParameters()
                    AardvarkFormat = outFormat,
                    AardvarkUsage  = AardvarkUsage.None,
                    FileName       = ddsPath,
                    Pool           = Pool.Scratch,
                    MipMapLevels   = 0

                var con = image.Convertible();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void DisposeSideEffects()
     lock (asyncLock)
         if (m_asyncTextures != null)
             foreach (var tex in m_asyncTextures.Values)
                 var dxTex = SlimDx9TextureConvertible.OriginalTextureWithParameters(tex.Convertible);
                 if (dxTex != null)
             m_asyncTextures = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void ConvertTiffToDDS(string tiffPath, bool overrideExisting = false)
            string ddsPath = Path.ChangeExtension(tiffPath, ".dds");

            if (overrideExisting || !StorageConfig.FileExists(ddsPath))
                var bitmap = new Bitmap(tiffPath);

                // Konvertierung
                var target = SlimDx9TextureConvertible.CreateFile(
                    new SlimDx9TextureConvertible.SlimDx9TextureParameters()
                    AardvarkFormat = Patch.GetTextureFormatFromPixelFormat(bitmap.PixelFormat),
                    AardvarkUsage  = AardvarkUsage.None,
                    FileName       = ddsPath,
                    Pool           = Pool.Scratch,
                    MipMapLevels   = 0

                var bitmapConvertible = new Convertible("BitmapMemory", bitmap);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ISg SetParameters(AbstractTraversal t)
            if (!m_isInitialized)
                var info = m_instance.PatchFileInfo;
                var bb   = m_instance.PositionsType == PositionsType.V3dPositions ?
                           info.LocalBoundingBox : info.LocalBoundingBox2d;

                var patch = new StreamingJob(
                    () =>
                    //do importer logic here

                    var patchVg = m_instance.LoadingStrategy.Load(m_instance.PatchFileInfo, m_instance.PatchFilePath, m_instance.PositionsType,
                                                                  true, true, true, m_instance.MaxTriangleSize);

                    if (patchVg == null)

                    var lodColor        = Patch.GetLodColor(m_instance.Level, m_instance.MaxLevel);
                    patchVg["LodColor"] = lodColor;

                    for (int i = 0; i < patchVg.Textures.Count; i++)
                        var key = patchVg.Textures.Keys.ToList()[i];

                        var source         = patchVg.Textures[key].Convertible;
                        Convertible target = null;

                        if (t.Renderer is SlimDx9Renderer)
                            target = SlimDx9TextureConvertible.Create(
                                new SlimDx9TextureConvertible.SlimDx9TextureParameters()
                                //SlimDx9Format = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Format., // .Dxt5,
                                Pool = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Pool.Default
                            // nothing todo in slimdx10renderer (this just loads the texture on demand)
                            // fix this if you are fed up with framerate hick ups
                            target = source;

                        patchVg.Textures[key] = new Texture(target);
                    lock (asyncLock)
                        m_asyncTextures = patchVg.Textures;

                    bb, m_instance.MaxLevel - m_instance.Level, true);

                patch.DestructSideEffects = DisposeSideEffects;

                var placeHolder = Primitives.WireBox(bb, C4b.Red).ToVertexGeometrySet();

                m_returnISg = new AsyncStreamingNode(patch, placeHolder)
                    DebugName = Path.GetFileName(m_instance.PatchFilePath),

                var local2Global = m_instance.PatchFileInfo.GetLocal2Global(m_instance.PositionsType);

                if (m_instance.InvertZ)
                    local2Global = M44d.Scale(1, 1, -1) * local2Global;

                var global2Local = local2Global.Inverse;
                m_returnISg = Rsg.Apply(Rsg.Attribute.PushTrafo3d(new Trafo3d(local2Global, global2Local)), m_returnISg);

                m_isInitialized = true;
