Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal override void UpdateGeneral()

            //remove any old slider sprites that now have no transformations (off-screen to left).
            if (taikoSliderActiveCollection.Count > 1)
                taikoSliderActiveCollection.RemoveAll(s => s.Transformations[0].Time2 < AudioEngine.Time);

            if (GameBase.SixtyFramesPerSecondFrame)
                foreach (pSprite p in flyingCircles)
                    p.Position.X += (p.InitialPosition.X - p.Position.X + 2) * 0.065f;
                    p.Scale      *= 0.965f;
                    p.Position.Y -= p.TagNumeric / 11.5f;
                    p.TagNumeric -= 7;
                    if (p.TagNumeric < 70 && p.Transformations.Count < 1)
                    if (p.TagNumeric < -32)
                        p.AlwaysDraw = false;

                flyingCircles.RemoveAll(p => !p.AlwaysDraw);

            bool doCircleAnimation = ComboCounter.HitCombo >= 50;

            if (doCircleAnimation)
                circlesFrame = (ComboCounter.HitCombo >= 150 ? MouthOpen(2) : MouthOpen(1)) ? 0 : 1;

                hitObjectManager.hitObjectsMinimal.ForEach(ho =>
                    SliderTaiko s = ho as SliderTaiko;
                    if (s != null)
                        s.sliderStartCircle.SpriteHitCircle2.CurrentFrame = circlesFrame;
                        HitCircleTaiko h = ho as HitCircleTaiko;
                        if (h != null)
                            h.SpriteHitCircle2.CurrentFrame = circlesFrame;

        protected override void AddSlider(Slider s)
            SliderTaiko st = (SliderTaiko)s;

            //The sprites get added in the update method - so we don't need to add them here.
            st.SpatialLength *= 1.4f; //See 1.4x multiplication of SliderMultiplier aboove.
            double l = st.SpatialLength;

            l *= st.SegmentCount;
            double v2 = SliderScoringPointDistance *
            double bl = Beatmap.BeatLengthAt(st.StartTime, true); // must be TRUE here so we get the correct duration

            st.EndTime = st.StartTime + (int)(l / v2 * bl);
            double v = SliderVelocityAt(st.StartTime);

            bl = Beatmap.BeatLengthAt(st.StartTime, Beatmap.BeatmapVersion < 8);

            double skipPeriod = Math.Min(
                bl / Beatmap.DifficultySliderTickRate,
                (double)(st.EndTime - st.StartTime) / st.SegmentCount);

            // Only do the conversion if skipPeriod is actually above 0. It can be 0 for sliders with a length of 0 (=> EndTime == StartTime).
            // This avoids an endless loop.
            if (skipPeriod > 0 && Beatmap.PlayMode != PlayModes.Taiko && l / v * 1000 < 2 * bl)
                int i = 0;
                for (double j = st.StartTime; j <= st.EndTime + skipPeriod / 8; j += skipPeriod)
                    HitCircle h;

                    if (st.unifiedSoundAddition)
                        h = hitFactory.CreateHitCircle(Vector2.Zero, (int)j, false, st.SoundType, 0, SampleSet.None, SampleSet.None, CustomSampleSet.Default, 0, "");
                        h = hitFactory.CreateHitCircle(Vector2.Zero, (int)j, false, st.SoundTypeList[i], 0, SampleSet.None, SampleSet.None, CustomSampleSet.Default, 0, "");
                        i = (i + 1) % st.SoundTypeList.Count;

                    Add(h, false);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal override void InitializeCalculations()
            HpMultiplierNormal = 200 / (0.06 * HP_HIT_300 * hitObjectManager.hitObjects.FindAll(h => h is HitCircleTaiko).Count *
                                        hitObjectManager.MapDifficultyRange(hitObjectManager.Beatmap.DifficultyHpDrainRate, 0.5f, 0.75f, 0.98f));
            HpMultiplierComboEnd = 0; // 200 / (0.06 * HP_HIT_300 * hitObjectManager.hitObjectsCount * 0.94);

            TotalHitsPossible = hitObjectManager.hitObjects.FindAll(h => !(h is SliderTaiko)).Count;

            if (GameBase.TestMode)
                for (int i = 0; i < hitObjectManager.hitObjectsCount; i++)
                    HitObject         h = hitObjectManager.hitObjects[i];
                    IncreaseScoreType type;

                    if (h is HitCircleTaiko)
                        if (h.Finish)
                            type  = IncreaseScoreType.Hit300;
                            type |= IncreaseScoreType.TaikoLargeHitBoth;
                            type = IncreaseScoreType.Hit300;

                        IncreaseScoreHit(type, h);
                    else if (h is SliderTaiko)
                        SliderTaiko slider = (SliderTaiko)h;
                        type = IncreaseScoreType.TaikoDrumRoll;
                        if (slider.Finish)
                            type |= IncreaseScoreType.TaikoLargeHitBoth;

                        for (int j = 0; j < slider.hittablePoints.Count; j++)
                            IncreaseScoreHit(type, h);
                    else if (h is SpinnerTaiko)
                        SpinnerTaiko spinner = (SpinnerTaiko)h;
                        for (int j = 0; j < spinner.rotationRequirement + 1; j++)
                            IncreaseScoreHit(IncreaseScoreType.TaikoDenDenHit, h);
                        IncreaseScoreHit(IncreaseScoreType.TaikoDenDenComplete, h);

                PlayerTest pt = player as PlayerTest;
                if (pt != null)
                    pt.testMaxScore = Player.currentScore.TotalScore;
                    pt.testMaxCombo = ComboCounter.HitCombo;
                Player.currentScore.TotalScore = 0;
                ComboCounter.HitCombo          = 0;

            hitObjectManager.hitObjects.ForEach(h => h.MaxHp = 200);

            //Make the graph look correct.

Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal override void OnClick(HitObject h)
            HitCircleTaiko hc = h as HitCircleTaiko;
            SliderTaiko    sl = h as SliderTaiko;
            SpinnerTaiko   sp = h as SpinnerTaiko;

            if ((hc != null && hc.scoreValue > 0) || (sl != null && sl.LastHitSuccessful))
                pTexture bg;
                pTexture overlay;

                if (hc != null)
                    bg      = hc.SpriteHitCircle1.Texture;
                    overlay = hc.SpriteHitCircle2.Texture;
                    bg      = sl.sliderStartCircle.SpriteHitCircle1.Texture;
                    overlay = sl.sliderStartCircle.SpriteHitCircle2.Texture;

                float depth = 1 - 0.03f * SpriteManager.drawOrderBwd(h != null ? h.StartTime : 0.1f) / 0.8f;

                pSprite s =
                    new pSprite(bg, Fields.GamefieldWide, Origins.Centre,
                                Clocks.Audio, HitObjectManagerTaiko.HIT_LOCATION,
                                depth, true,
                                h != null ? h.Colour : new Color(252, 184, 6));
                s.Scale = h != null ? h.SpriteCollection[0].Scale : 0.7f;
                s.InitialPosition.X = GameBase.GameField.DisplayToFieldXWide(HpBar.CurrentXPosition);

                s.TagNumeric = 169;

                s =
                    new pSprite(overlay, Fields.GamefieldWide, Origins.Centre,
                                Clocks.Audio, HitObjectManagerTaiko.HIT_LOCATION,
                                depth + 0.0001f, true, Color.White);
                s.Scale             = h != null ? h.SpriteCollection[0].Scale : 0.7f;
                s.InitialPosition.X = GameBase.GameField.DisplayToFieldXWide(HpBar.CurrentXPosition);
                s.TagNumeric        = 169;

                if (Player.KiaiActive)
                    s_KiaiGlow.Transformations.RemoveAll(t => t.Type == TransformationType.Scale);
                    s_KiaiGlow.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Scale, 0.85f, 0.7f, GameBase.Time, GameBase.Time + 80, EasingTypes.Out));

            //where we store the old values,
            //we set them to false to make the compiler happy
            bool oldLeftButton1i = false;
            bool oldLeftButton2i = false;

            bool oldRightButton1i = false;
            bool oldRightButton2i = false;

            //temporarilly change the buttons to the right ones if relaxed is on.
            if (Player.Relaxing && hc != null)
                oldLeftButton1i  = InputManager.leftButton1i;
                oldLeftButton2i  = InputManager.leftButton2i;
                oldRightButton1i = InputManager.rightButton1i;
                oldRightButton2i = InputManager.rightButton2i;

                InputManager.leftButton1i  = hc.CorrectButtonIsLeft && (oldRightButton1i || oldLeftButton1i);
                InputManager.leftButton2i  = hc.CorrectButtonIsLeft && (oldRightButton2i || oldLeftButton2i);
                InputManager.rightButton1i = !hc.CorrectButtonIsLeft && (oldRightButton1i || oldLeftButton1i);
                InputManager.rightButton2i = !hc.CorrectButtonIsLeft && (oldRightButton2i || oldLeftButton2i);

            if (InputManager.leftButton1i || InputManager.leftButton2i)
                ControlPoint p            = hitObjectManager.Beatmap.ControlPointAt(AudioEngine.Time + 2);
                HitSoundInfo hitSoundInfo = new HitSoundInfo(HitObjectSoundType.Normal, AudioEngine.CurrentSampleSet, AudioEngine.CustomSamples, p.Volume, AudioEngine.CurrentSampleSet);
                AudioEngine.PlayHitSamples(hitSoundInfo, InputManager.leftButton1i ? -0.2f : 0.2f, true);

                if (InputManager.leftButton1i)
                    taikoInnerLeft.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade,
                                                                          taikoInnerLeft.Alpha, 1,
                                                                          GameBase.Time +
                                                                          ((1 - taikoInnerLeft.Alpha) * 80),
                    taikoInnerLeft.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 1, 0,
                                                                          GameBase.Time + 100, GameBase.Time + 150));

                if (InputManager.leftButton2i)
                    taikoInnerRight.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade,
                                                                           taikoInnerRight.Alpha, 1,
                                                                           GameBase.Time +
                                                                           ((1 - taikoInnerRight.Alpha) *
                                                                            80), EasingTypes.Out));
                    taikoInnerRight.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 1, 0,
                                                                           GameBase.Time + 100, GameBase.Time + 150));

            if (InputManager.rightButton1i || InputManager.rightButton2i)
                ControlPoint p            = hitObjectManager.Beatmap.ControlPointAt(AudioEngine.Time + 2);
                HitSoundInfo hitSoundInfo = new HitSoundInfo(HitObjectSoundType.Clap, AudioEngine.CurrentSampleSet, AudioEngine.CustomSamples, p.Volume, AudioEngine.CurrentSampleSet);
                AudioEngine.PlayHitSamples(hitSoundInfo, InputManager.rightButton1i ? -0.2f : 0.2f, true);

                if (InputManager.rightButton1i)
                    taikoOuterLeft.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade,
                                                                          taikoOuterLeft.Alpha, 1,
                                                                          GameBase.Time +
                                                                          ((1 - taikoOuterLeft.Alpha) * 80),
                    taikoOuterLeft.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 1, 0,
                                                                          GameBase.Time + 100, GameBase.Time + 150));

                if (InputManager.rightButton2i)
                    taikoOuterRight.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade,
                                                                           taikoOuterRight.Alpha, 1,
                                                                           GameBase.Time +
                                                                           ((1 - taikoOuterRight.Alpha) *
                                                                            80), EasingTypes.Out));
                    taikoOuterRight.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 1, 0,
                                                                           GameBase.Time + 100, GameBase.Time + 150));
            //return the input we just changed to the old values
            if (Player.Relaxing && hc != null)
                InputManager.leftButton1i  = oldLeftButton1i;
                InputManager.leftButton2i  = oldLeftButton2i;
                InputManager.rightButton1i = oldRightButton1i;
                InputManager.rightButton2i = oldRightButton2i;
        protected override void PostProcessing()
            //Play-mode specific transformations
            if (GameBase.Mode == OsuModes.Edit)

            hitObjectsCount = hitObjects.Count;
            if (hitObjectsCount == 0)

            Vector2   hitLocation       = HIT_LOCATION;
            int       inLength          = GameBase.WindowManager.WidthScaled - 40;
            const int outLengthTimewise = 300;
            const int outLength         = 300;

            double multipier = 1;

            bool hidden = ModManager.CheckActive(ActiveMods, Mods.Hidden) && !ModManager.CheckActive(ActiveMods, Mods.HardRock);

            if (hidden)
                inLength = WindowManager.DEFAULT_WIDTH - 40;
                spriteManager.SetVisibleArea(new RectangleF(0, 0, WindowManager.DEFAULT_WIDTH, GameBase.WindowManager.HeightScaled));

            if (ModManager.CheckActive(ActiveMods, Mods.HardRock))
                multipier *= 1.4f * GameBase.WindowManager.WidthScaled / WindowManager.DEFAULT_WIDTH;
            else if (ModManager.CheckActive(ActiveMods, Mods.Easy))
                multipier *= 0.8f;

            for (int i = 0; i < hitObjectsCount; i++)
                HitObject currHitObject = hitObjects[i];


                double outLengthCurr = outLength;

                double sv = SliderVelocityAt(currHitObject.StartTime) * multipier;

                if (currHitObject is SliderTaiko)
                    SliderTaiko s = (SliderTaiko)currHitObject;

                    //Adjust the length before calculation to allow for the difficulty multiplier.
                    s.UpdateCalculations(true, multipier);

                    outLengthCurr += s.SpatialLength;

                int inMsLength  = (int)(inLength / sv * 1000);
                int outMsLength = (int)(outLengthTimewise / sv * 1000);

                SpinnerTaiko st = currHitObject as SpinnerTaiko;

                if (st != null)
                    //special handling of taiko spinners, where we need to show a warning icon on the taiko bar.
                    pSprite s = st.WarningIcon;

                    const int appearTime = 200;

                        new Transformation(new Vector2(s.Position.X + inLength, s.Position.Y),
                                           new Vector2(s.Position.X, s.Position.Y),
                                           currHitObject.StartTime - inMsLength, currHitObject.StartTime));
                        new Transformation(new Vector2(s.Position.X, s.Position.Y),
                                           new Vector2(256, 196),
                                           currHitObject.StartTime, currHitObject.StartTime + appearTime));
                        new Transformation(TransformationType.Scale, 1, 3,
                                           currHitObject.StartTime, currHitObject.StartTime + appearTime,

                    s.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Fade, 1, 0, currHitObject.StartTime, currHitObject.StartTime
                                                             + appearTime));
                    for (int j = 0; j < currHitObject.SpriteCollection.Count; j++)
                        pSprite s = currHitObject.SpriteCollection[j];

                            new Transformation(new Vector2(s.Position.X + inLength, s.Position.Y),
                                               new Vector2(s.Position.X, s.Position.Y),
                                               currHitObject.StartTime - inMsLength, currHitObject.StartTime));
                            new Transformation(new Vector2(s.Position.X, s.Position.Y),
                                               new Vector2(s.Position.X - (float)outLengthCurr, s.Position.Y),
                                               currHitObject.StartTime, currHitObject.EndTime + outMsLength));

            int lastHitTime = hitObjects[hitObjectsCount - 1].EndTime + 1;

            List <ControlPoint> tp = Beatmap.TimingPoints;

            if (tp == null || tp.Count == 0)

            int ctp = 0;

            double time          = tp[0].Offset;
            double measureLength = tp[0].BeatLength * (int)tp[0].TimeSignature;

            //barline time closest to 0 offset
            time -= measureLength * (int)(time / measureLength);

            //start barlines from positive offset
            if (time < 0)
                time += measureLength;

            pTexture tbl = TextureManager.Load(@"taiko-barline", SkinSource.Osu);

            //Precalculation of barlines.
            while (time <= lastHitTime)
                ControlPoint currpoint = tp[ctp];

                if (time > currpoint.Offset || (currpoint.EffectFlags & EffectFlags.OmitFirstBarLine) == 0)
                    pSprite barLine = new pSprite(tbl, Fields.GamefieldWide, Origins.Centre, Clocks.Audio, hitLocation, 0.0002f, false, Color.White);
                    barLine.Scale = 0.88f;

                    int intTime = (int)time;

                    double sv = SliderVelocityAt(intTime) * multipier;

                    int inMsLength  = (int)(inLength / sv * 1000);
                    int outMsLength = (int)(outLengthTimewise / sv * 1000);


                        new Transformation(new Vector2(barLine.Position.X + inLength, barLine.Position.Y),
                                           new Vector2(barLine.Position.X, barLine.Position.Y),
                                           intTime - inMsLength, intTime));
                        new Transformation(new Vector2(barLine.Position.X, barLine.Position.Y),
                                           new Vector2(barLine.Position.X - outLength, barLine.Position.Y),
                                           intTime, intTime + outMsLength));

                double bl = currpoint.BeatLength;

                if (bl < 800)
                    bl *= (int)currpoint.TimeSignature;

                time += bl;

                if (ctp + 1 < tp.Count && time >= tp[ctp + 1].Offset)
                    time = tp[ctp].Offset;
        internal override void CreateAutoplayReplay()
            InputManager.ReplayScore.Replay = new List <bReplayFrame>();
            List <bReplayFrame> replay = InputManager.ReplayScore.Replay;
            bool hitButton             = true;

            replay.Add(new bReplayFrame(-100000, 320, 240, pButtonState.None));
            replay.Add(new bReplayFrame(hitObjectManager.hitObjects[0].StartTime - 1000, 320, 240,

            for (int i = 0; i < hitObjectManager.hitObjectsCount; i++)
                HitObject    h = hitObjectManager.hitObjects[i];
                pButtonState button;

                if (h.EndTime < InputManager.ReplayStartTime)
                    h.IsHit = true;

                SpinnerTaiko sp = h as SpinnerTaiko;
                if (sp != null)
                    int d       = 0;
                    int count   = 0;
                    int req     = sp.rotationRequirement + 1;
                    int hitRate = h.Length / req;
                    for (int j = h.StartTime; j < h.EndTime; j += hitRate)
                        switch (d)
                            button = pButtonState.Left1;

                        case 1:
                            button = pButtonState.Right1;

                        case 2:
                            button = pButtonState.Left2;

                        case 3:
                            button = pButtonState.Right2;
                        replay.Add(new bReplayFrame(j, h.Position.X, h.Position.Y, button));
                        d = (d + 1) % 4;
                        if (++count > req)
                else if (h is SliderTaiko)
                    SliderTaiko s = h as SliderTaiko;

                    double delay = s.MinHitDelay;

                    double time = s.StartTime;

                    for (int j = 0; j < s.hittablePoints.Count; j++)
                        replay.Add(new bReplayFrame((int)time, h.Position.X, h.Position.Y,
                                                    hitButton ? pButtonState.Left1 : pButtonState.Left2));
                        time     += delay;
                        hitButton = !hitButton;
                    if (h.Whistle || h.Clap)
                        if (h.Finish)
                            button = pButtonState.Right1 | pButtonState.Right2;
                            button = hitButton ? pButtonState.Right1 : pButtonState.Right2;
                        if (h.Finish)
                            button = pButtonState.Left1 | pButtonState.Left2;
                            button = hitButton ? pButtonState.Left1 : pButtonState.Left2;
                    replay.Add(new bReplayFrame(h.StartTime, h.Position.X, h.Position.Y, button));

                replay.Add(new bReplayFrame(h.EndTime + 1, h.EndPosition.X, h.EndPosition.Y, pButtonState.None));

                if (i < hitObjectManager.hitObjectsCount - 1)
                    int waitTime = hitObjectManager.hitObjects[i + 1].StartTime - 1000;
                    if (waitTime > h.EndTime)
                        replay.Add(new bReplayFrame(waitTime, h.EndPosition.X, h.EndPosition.Y, pButtonState.None));

                hitButton = !hitButton;

            Player.currentScore.Replay     = InputManager.ReplayScore.Replay;
            Player.currentScore.PlayerName = "mekkadosu!";

            InputManager.ReplayScore.Replay.ForEach(f =>
                f.mouseX = -150;
                f.mouseY = -150;
            });                                             //Get rid of the mouse cursor for taiko autoplay.