Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Draw(BaseScreen.Resources screenResources, SmartSpriteBatch spriteBatch, ScreenAbstractor screen, float opacity, FloatRectangle?clip = null, Texture2D bgTexture = null, Vector2?scrollOffset = null)
            float width    = ActualPosition.Width;
            float height   = ActualPosition.Height;
            float barWidth = BarWidth.Value();

            if (barWidth == 0)
                barWidth = 0.001f;

            float availableWidth = width - barWidth;

            float percentage = Value.Value() / MaxValue.Value();

            float sliderHeight = SliderHeight.Value();

            if (sliderHeight == 0)
                sliderHeight = 0.001f;

            float sliderTop = (height / 2f) - (sliderHeight / 2f);

            FloatRectangle sliderRect = new FloatRectangle(0 + ActualPosition.X, sliderTop + ActualPosition.Y, width, sliderHeight);
            FloatRectangle barRect    = new FloatRectangle(availableWidth * percentage + ActualPosition.X, ActualPosition.Y, barWidth, height);

            if (SliderTexture.HasValue())
                using (new SmartSpriteBatchManager(Solids.Instance.SpriteBatch))
                    spriteBatch.Draw(Solids.Instance.AssetLibrary.GetTexture(SliderTexture.Value(), true), screen.Translate(sliderRect).Value.ToRectangle, Color.White);
                spriteBatch.DrawSolidRectangle(screen.Translate(sliderRect).Value, SliderColor.Value().Value *opacity, clip);

            if (BarTexture.HasValue())
                using (new SmartSpriteBatchManager(Solids.Instance.SpriteBatch))
                    spriteBatch.Draw(Solids.Instance.AssetLibrary.GetTexture(BarTexture.Value(), true), screen.Translate(barRect).Value.ToRectangle, Color.White);
                spriteBatch.DrawSolidRectangle(screen.Translate(barRect).Value, BarColor.Value().Value *opacity, clip);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ColorPickerControl()

            qcac = new QuickColorAccessControl(this);

            qcac.wrpQuickColors.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            qcac.HorizontalAlignment       = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            qcac.VerticalAlignment         = VerticalAlignment.Top;

            SliderColor sc = new SliderColor();


            elpCurrentColor.DataContext = sc;
            //Binding b = new Binding("ColorBrush");
            //SetBinding(Ellipse.FillProperty, b);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void DrawHorizontalLabel(ChartValueItem entry, SKCanvas canvas, SKRect frame, SKRect chart)
            if (!DisplayHorizontalValuesBySlider)

            // Draws the horizontal value the slider is on //

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry?.Label))

            float x = chart.GetInsideXValue(TouchedPoint.X);

            if (ChartType == ChartType.Bar)
                x = entry.Point.X;

            // Draws background
            using (var boundPaint = new SKPaint
                Color = SliderColor.ToSKColor(),
                StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Round,
                Style = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                StrokeWidth = SliderWidth
                var bounds = boundPaint.GetBounds(
                    frame.Bottom + HorizontalTextSize + (HorizontalTextSize / 4),
                    padding: InternalSliderDetailPadding);

                if (bounds.Right > frame.Right)
                    bounds.Left  = frame.Right - bounds.Width + SliderWidth;
                    bounds.Right = frame.Right + SliderWidth;
                else if (bounds.Left < frame.Left)
                    bounds.Right = frame.Left + bounds.Width - SliderWidth;
                    bounds.Left  = frame.Left - SliderWidth;

                canvas.DrawRoundRect(new SKRoundRect(bounds, SliderDetailCornerRadius), boundPaint);

                // Draws text
                using (var textPaint = new SKPaint
                    IsAntialias = true,
                    TextSize = HorizontalTextSize,
                    Color = SliderDetailTextColor.ToSKColor(),
                    Typeface = FontTypeService.GetFontFamily(GetType().Assembly),
                    TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Center,
                    FakeBoldText = true
                    canvas.DrawText(entry.Label, bounds.MidX, bounds.MidY + (bounds.Height / 4), textPaint);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DrawBars(SKCanvas canvas, SKRect frame, SKRect chart)
            // Selected bar width
            var selectedValueItems = ChartEntries.GetChartValueItemFromX(chart.GetInsideXValue(TouchedPoint.X), chart, chart.GetItemWidth(MaxItems));
            var selectedTags       = selectedValueItems?.Select(x => x.ChartValueItem.Tag);

            // Invoke command with selected items
            SelectedValuesCommand?.Execute(new SelectedChartValueItemArgs
                ChartValueItems = selectedValueItems,
                TouchedPoint    = new SKPoint(chart.GetInsideXValue(TouchedPoint.X), TouchedPoint.Y)

            using (var paint = new SKPaint
                IsAntialias = true,
                Style = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Butt,
                var groupedItems = ChartEntries.Where(x => x.IsVisible).SelectMany(x => x.Items).GroupBy(x => x.Tag.ToString()).OrderBy(x => x.Key);

                // Calc max items in one group
                var maxItemsInGroups = groupedItems.Max(x => x.Count());

                // Calc how many groups there is
                var groupCount = groupedItems.Count();

                // Calc how many bars there will be
                var totalBars = groupCount * maxItemsInGroups;

                var internalGroupMargin = maxItemsInGroups == 1 ? BarMargin : GroupMargin;
                var internalBarMargin   = maxItemsInGroups == 1 ? 0 : BarMargin;
                var internalBarWidth    = MinimumBarWidth;

                float itemWidth;

                if (AllowScroll)
                    // Calc total item width
                    itemWidth = internalBarWidth * maxItemsInGroups + ((maxItemsInGroups - 1) * barMargin);
                    itemWidth = chart.Width / groupCount;

                    itemWidth -= internalGroupMargin;

                    internalBarWidth = (itemWidth / maxItemsInGroups) - ((maxItemsInGroups - 1) * barMargin);

                int groupIndex = 0;

                float scrollLeftPadding = 0;
                float left      = 0;
                float groupLeft = 0;
                float right     = 0;

                groupCenters = new List <GroupChartItem>();

                foreach (var groupedItem in groupedItems)
                    int itemIndex = 0;

                    groupLeft = left;

                    if (!AllowScroll && IsSliderVisible && selectedTags?.Contains(groupedItem.Key) == true)
                        var item = groupedItem.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).First();

                        paint.Color      = SliderColor.ToSKColor();
                        paint.PathEffect = SKPathEffect.CreateCorner(SliderCornerRadius);

                        var bounds = new SKRect(
                            item.Point.X - (itemWidth * .5f) - (groupMargin * .5f),
                            item.Point.Y - (itemWidth * .5f),
                            item.Point.X + (itemWidth * .5f) + (groupMargin * .5f),
                            chart.Bottom + HorizontalTextSize);

                        paint.StrokeWidth = 0;

                        canvas.DrawRect(bounds, paint);

                    foreach (var item in groupedItem)
                        var parent = ChartEntries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Items.Contains(item));

                        SKRect bounds = new SKRect();

                        if (AllowScroll)
                            if (left == 0)
                                left = itemWidth.FromDpiAdjusted();

                                groupLeft = left;

                                scrollLeftPadding = left;
                            else if (itemIndex != 0)
                                left += internalBarMargin;

                            right = left + internalBarWidth;

                            bounds = new SKRect(

                            left = right;
                            left  = (item.Point.X - (itemWidth * .5f)) + (internalBarWidth * itemIndex) + (internalBarMargin * itemIndex);
                            right = left + internalBarWidth;

                            bounds = new SKRect(

                        paint.StrokeWidth = 0;

                        if (parent.UseDashedEffect)
                            paint.Color      = parent.Color.ToSKColor().AsTransparency();
                            paint.PathEffect = SKPathEffect.CreateCorner(BarCornerRadius);

                            canvas.DrawRect(bounds, paint);

                            paint.Color      = parent.Color.ToSKColor();
                            paint.PathEffect = SKPathEffect.CreateDash(new float[] { StrokeDashFirst, StrokeDashSecond }, StrokeDashPhase);

                            paint.StrokeWidth = bounds.Width;

                            canvas.DrawLine(bounds.MidX, bounds.Bottom, bounds.MidX, bounds.Top, paint);
                            paint.Color      = parent.Color.ToSKColor();
                            paint.PathEffect = SKPathEffect.CreateCorner(BarCornerRadius);
                            canvas.DrawRect(bounds, paint);


                    left += internalGroupMargin;


                    var groupCenterPosition = groupLeft + (itemWidth / 2);

                    groupCenters.Add(new GroupChartItem
                        Label    = groupedItem.FirstOrDefault().Label,
                        Position = groupCenterPosition.FromDpiAdjusted(),
                        Tag      = groupedItem.Key

                if (AllowScroll)
                    var requestedWidth = right.FromDpiAdjusted() + frame.Left.FromDpiAdjusted();

                    if (requestedWidth != this.WidthRequest)
                        this.WidthRequest = requestedWidth;
                        IsInitialized = true;

                    if (ScrollComponent != null)
                        var deviceWidth = Xamarin.Essentials.DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Width;

                        var halfDeviceWidth = ((float)(deviceWidth / 2)).FromDpiAdjusted();

                        var frameLeftVal       = frame.Left.FromDpiAdjusted();
                        var rectRightMarginVal = ChartRectMargin.Right.FromDpiAdjusted();

                        var leftPadding = halfDeviceWidth - frameLeftVal - scrollLeftPadding.FromDpiAdjusted();

                        var rightPadding = halfDeviceWidth - frameLeftVal - rectRightMarginVal - itemWidth.FromDpiAdjusted();

                        ScrollComponent.Padding = new Thickness(leftPadding, 0, rightPadding, 0);
                        ScrollComponent.Margin  = new Thickness(frame.Left.FromDpiAdjusted(), 0, ChartRectMargin.Right.FromDpiAdjusted(), 0);

                        if (Selector != null)
                            Selector.WidthRequest = itemWidth.FromDpiAdjusted();
                            Selector.Margin       = new Thickness(halfDeviceWidth, 0, 0, this.Height - frame.Bottom.FromDpiAdjusted());

                        if (!isScrollEventActive)
                            ScrollComponent.Scrolled += ScrollComponent_Scrolled;
                            isScrollEventActive       = true;

                    if (SwipeNotificationLeft != null)
                        SwipeNotificationLeft.Margin       = new Thickness(frame.Left.FromDpiAdjusted(), 0, 0, this.Height - frame.Bottom.FromDpiAdjusted());
                        SwipeNotificationLeft.WidthRequest = ScrollComponent.Padding.Left;

                    if (SwipeNotificationRight != null)
                        SwipeNotificationRight.Margin       = new Thickness(0, 0, ChartRectMargin.Right.FromDpiAdjusted(), this.Height - frame.Bottom.FromDpiAdjusted());
                        SwipeNotificationRight.WidthRequest = ScrollComponent.Padding.Left;

            DrawHorizontalLabel(selectedValueItems?.FirstOrDefault()?.ChartValueItem, canvas, frame, chart);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected void DrawHorizontalLabels(SKCanvas canvas, SKRect frame, SKRect chart)
            if (HorizontalLabelMode != LabelMode.None)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MinLabel) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(MaxLabel))
                    canvas.DrawHorizontalText(MinLabel, chart.Left, frame.Bottom + HorizontalLabelTextSize, HorizontalLabelTextSize, HorizontalLabelColor.ToSKColor(), SKTextAlign.Center, isBold: true);
                    canvas.DrawHorizontalText(MaxLabel, chart.Right, frame.Bottom + HorizontalLabelTextSize, HorizontalLabelTextSize, HorizontalLabelColor.ToSKColor(), SKTextAlign.Center, isBold: true);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HorizontalUnit))
                canvas.DrawHorizontalText(HorizontalUnit, chart.Right, frame.Bottom + (HorizontalLabelTextSize * 2), HorizontalLabelTextSize, HorizontalLabelColor.ToSKColor(), SKTextAlign.Left);

            if (DisplayHorizontalValuesBySlider && IsSliderVisible)
                var x = ChartType == ChartType.Linear ? TouchedPoint.X : chart.GetInsideXValue(TouchedPoint.X);

                var valueItems = ChartEntries.GetChartValueItemFromX(x, frame, MaxItems, ChartType == ChartType.Linear);

                var entry = valueItems?.FirstOrDefault()?.ChartValueItem;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry?.Label))

                x = ChartType == ChartType.Linear ? chart.GetInsideXValue(TouchedPoint.X) : entry.Point.X;

                canvas.DrawHorizontalText(entry.Label, x, frame.Bottom + HorizontalLabelTextSize, HorizontalLabelTextSize, SliderColor.ToSKColor(), SKTextAlign.Center, isBold: true);
            else if (HorizontalLabelMode == LabelMode.All)
                var items = ChartValuesDistinct;

                if (items?.Any() != true)

                var points = ChartEntries.FirstOrDefault().Items.Select(x => x.Point).ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < items.Count(); i++)
                    var entry = items.ElementAt(i);
                    var point = points[i];

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry?.Label) || entry?.Label == MinLabel || entry?.Label == MaxLabel)

                    canvas.DrawHorizontalText(entry.Label, point.X, frame.Bottom + HorizontalLabelTextSize, HorizontalLabelTextSize, HorizontalLabelColor.ToSKColor(), SKTextAlign.Center);