/// <summary> /// Returns true if Order instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of Order to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(Order other) { // credit: http://stackoverflow.com/a/10454552/677735 if (other == null) { return(false); } return((Side == other.Side || Side != null && Side.Equals(other.Side)) && (Sv == other.Sv || Sv != null && Sv.Equals(other.Sv)) && (Pt == other.Pt || Pt != null && Pt.Equals(other.Pt)) && (Ot == other.Ot || Ot != null && Ot.Equals(other.Ot)) && (P == other.P || P != null && P.Equals(other.P)) && (Sc == other.Sc || Sc != null && Sc.Equals(other.Sc)) && (Rc == other.Rc || Rc != null && Rc.Equals(other.Rc)) && (S == other.S || S != null && S.Equals(other.S)) && (Pd == other.Pd || Pd != null && Pd.Equals(other.Pd)) && (Rac == other.Rac || Rac != null && Rac.Equals(other.Rac)) && (Md == other.Md || Md != null && Md.Equals(other.Md)) && (Sl == other.Sl || Sl != null && Sl.Equals(other.Sl)) && (Avp == other.Avp || Avp != null && Avp.Equals(other.Avp)) && (Sm == other.Sm || Sm != null && Sm.Equals(other.Sm)) && (Id == other.Id || Id != null && Id.Equals(other.Id)) && (Bsp == other.Bsp || Bsp != null && Bsp.Equals(other.Bsp)) && (Status == other.Status || Status != null && Status.Equals(other.Status)) && (Sr == other.Sr || Sr != null && Sr.Equals(other.Sr)) && (Cd == other.Cd || Cd != null && Cd.Equals(other.Cd))); }
public void Init(Game game) { this._game = game; base.gameObject.SetActive(true); base.gameObject.SetActive(false); this._mainMenu.Text = (App.GameType != GameType.Single) ? Sl.GetValue("MAIN MENU") : Sl.GetValue("TO LEVELS"); }
private void Start() { Campaign campaign = !this.IsCoop ? App.Campaigns[this.CampaignIndex] : App.CoopCampaigns[this.CampaignIndex]; this._name.text = Sl.GetValue(campaign.Name); Sprite sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>((!this.IsCoop ? "Campaigns/" : "CoopCampaigns/") + this.CampaignIndex); if (sprite != null) { this._image.sprite = sprite; } this._locked.SetActive(false); if (this.CampaignIndex == -1) { this._stars.gameObject.SetActive(false); this._locked.SetActive(!this.IsCoop ? (PlayerSettings.OpenedCampaign.Value <= 0) : (PlayerSettings.OpenedCoopCampaign.Value <= 0)); base.IsEnabled = !this._locked.activeSelf; if (!base.IsEnabled) { this._image.color = new Color(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f); } this._unlock.SetActive(false); } else { this._stars.gameObject.SetActive(true); int num = campaign.Levels.Count * 3; int num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < campaign.Levels.Count; i++) { num2 += !this.IsCoop ? PlayerSettings.GetLevelStarsCount(this.CampaignIndex, i) : PlayerSettings.GetCoopLevelStarsCount(this.CampaignIndex, i); } this._stars.text = num2 + "/" + num; this._unlock.SetActive(this.CanBeBought); if (this.CanBeBought) { int num4 = !this.IsCoop ? App.CampaignUnlockCost : App.CoopCampaignUnlockCost; this._image.color = new Color(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f); this._unlockCoinsText.text = num4.ToString(); this._stars.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (PlayerSettings.Money.Value < num4) { Color color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); this._unlockCoinsText.color = color; this._unlockCoinsIcon.color = color; base.IsEnabled = false; } } if (!base.IsEnabled) { if (!this.CanBeBought) { this._locked.SetActive(true); this._image.color = new Color(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f); } this._stars.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
private bool IsAlowedColumn() { var Selected = RelatedGrid.Selected.Cells.All.Select(C => ((UltraGridCell)C).Column.Key.ToString()).Distinct().ToList(); var AlowedValues = OperationsByCols.Where(Op => Selected.Any(Sl => Sl.Contains(Op.ColName))).ToList(); if (AlowedValues.Count == Selected.Count()) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public override void Init() { for (int i = 0; i < this._levelIcons.Count; i++) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(this._levelIcons[i].gameObject); } Campaign campaign = App.CoopCampaigns[App.CurrentCampaign]; this._levelIcons.Clear(); this._campaignName.text = Sl.GetValue(campaign.Name).ToUpper(); if (App.CurrentCampaign == -1) { this._random.SetActive(true); } else { this._random.SetActive(false); float num2 = (-this._elementSize * this._columns) * 0.5f; float num3 = (this._elementSize * this._rows) * 0.5f; for (int j = 0; j < this._rows; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < this._columns; k++) { int level = (this._columns * j) + k; if (level > (campaign.Levels.Count - 1)) { break; } LevelIcon item = (LevelIcon)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(this._levelIconPrefab); item.transform.parent = base.transform; item.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(num2 + (this._elementSize * (k + 0.5f)), num3 - (this._elementSize * (j + 0.5f))); item.Number = level; item.Stars = PlayerSettings.GetCoopLevelStars(App.CurrentCampaign, level); if (App.CurrentCampaign < PlayerSettings.OpenedCoopCampaign.Value) { item.IsEnabled = true; } else { item.IsEnabled = level <= PlayerSettings.OpenedCoopLevel.Value; } object[] args = new object[] { "scale", Vector3.zero, "time", 0.5f, "delay", 0.1f + UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)0f, (float)0.15f), "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeOutElastic }; iTween.ScaleFrom(item.gameObject, iTween.Hash(args)); this._levelIcons.Add(item); } } } }
protected override void OnMouseUp() { if (base.IsEnabled && base._hold) { if (this.CanBeBought) { MessageBox.Show(Sl.GetValue("Unlock Campaign"), string.Format(Sl.GetValue("UnlockDesc"), this._name.text), delegate { if (this.IsCoop) { PlayerSettings.OpenedCoopCampaign.SetAndSave(this.CampaignIndex); PlayerSettings.OpenedCoopLevel.SetAndSave(0); PlayerSettings.Money.SetAndSave(PlayerSettings.Money.Value - App.CoopCampaignUnlockCost); } else { PlayerSettings.OpenedCampaign.SetAndSave(this.CampaignIndex); PlayerSettings.OpenedLevel.SetAndSave(0); PlayerSettings.Money.SetAndSave(PlayerSettings.Money.Value - App.CampaignUnlockCost); } UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <CoopCampaignMenu>().UpdateCampaigns(); UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <CampaignMenu>().UpdateCampaigns(); }, null, true, 0.15f, null); } else { App.CurrentCampaign = this.CampaignIndex; if (this.IsCoop) { PlayerSettings.LastCoopCampaign.SetAndSave(this.CampaignIndex); } else { PlayerSettings.LastCampaign.SetAndSave(this.CampaignIndex); } base.OnMouseUp(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { // credit: http://stackoverflow.com/a/263416/677735 unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hash = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (Side != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Side.GetHashCode(); } if (Sv != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Sv.GetHashCode(); } if (Pt != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Pt.GetHashCode(); } if (Ot != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Ot.GetHashCode(); } if (P != null) { hash = hash * 59 + P.GetHashCode(); } if (Sc != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Sc.GetHashCode(); } if (Rc != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Rc.GetHashCode(); } if (S != null) { hash = hash * 59 + S.GetHashCode(); } if (Pd != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Pd.GetHashCode(); } if (Rac != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Rac.GetHashCode(); } if (Md != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Md.GetHashCode(); } if (Sl != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Sl.GetHashCode(); } if (Avp != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Avp.GetHashCode(); } if (Sm != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Sm.GetHashCode(); } if (Id != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Id.GetHashCode(); } if (Bsp != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Bsp.GetHashCode(); } if (Status != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Status.GetHashCode(); } if (Sr != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Sr.GetHashCode(); } if (Cd != null) { hash = hash * 59 + Cd.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); } }