private async Task GetFiles(SkyDriveFolder folder, int depth)
            //at this point we don't have folder contents. We need to make calls to get folder contents:
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

                folder = await source.GetGroups(folder.UniqueId, false, true);
            }catch (Exception ex)
                string exp = ex.ToString();

            //list of files in a folder
            foreach (SkyDriveFile file in folder.Items)
                //add to shared link collection
                sharedLinkCollection.Add(new SharedLinkData(file.Title, file.URL, file.ImagePath, depth + 1));
            foreach (SkyDriveFolder subFolder in folder.Subalbums)
                sharedLinkCollection.Add(new SharedLinkData(subFolder.Title, string.Empty, localImage, depth));
                await GetFiles(subFolder, depth + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //recursively populate data from source
        private async Task FetchData(SkyDriveFolder folder)
            //at this point we don't have folder contents. We need to make calls to get folder contents:
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            Task <SkyDriveFolder> [] asyncOps = (from item in folder.Subalbums select source.GetGroups(item.UniqueId)).ToArray();
                SkyDriveFolder[] folders = await Task.WhenAll(asyncOps);

                foreach (var fldr in folders)
                    FolderCollection[fldr.UniqueId] = fldr;
                //folder.Subalbums = new ObservableCollection<SkyDriveFolder>(folders);
                for (int i = 0; i < folder.Subalbums.Count; i++)
                    await FetchData(folder.Subalbums[i]);
            catch (Exception exc)
                foreach (Task <SkyDriveFolder> faulted in asyncOps.Where(t => t.IsFaulted))
                    // work with faulted and faulted.Exception
                    throw faulted.Exception;
        private async void PopupCreateFolder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.CreateFolderPopUP.IsOpen = false;
            //this.BottomAppBar.IsOpen = false;
            this.ProgressBar.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
            var source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            if (this.CreateFolderName.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
                var skFolder = source.CurrentFolder.Subalbums.FirstOrDefault(sf => sf.Title.ToLower() == this.CreateFolderName.Text.Trim().ToLower());
                if (object.Equals(skFolder, null))
                    SkyDriveFolder folder = new SkyDriveFolder(this.CreateFolderName.Text.Trim());
                    folder.Parent_id = source.CurrentFolder.UniqueId;
                    folder.UniqueId  = await source.CreateFolder(folder);

                this.CreateFolderName.Text = string.Empty;
            await UIRefreshWithoutFetch();

            this.ProgressBar.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
            //mySearchBox.FocusOnKeyboardInput = true;
        private async void ListItemSelected(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"]    = true;
            SemListView.ItemsSource             = null;
            this.DefaultViewModel["FolderName"] = ((SkyDriveFolder)e.ClickedItem).Title;
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            itemSelected = await source.GetGroups(((SkyDriveFolder)e.ClickedItem).UniqueId, true);

            SemListView.ItemsSource = itemSelected.AllItems;
            this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"] = false;
            //this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"] = true;
            //SemListView.ItemsSource = null;
            //itemSelected = ((SkyDriveFolder)e.ClickedItem);
            //this.DefaultViewModel["FolderName"] = itemSelected.Title;
            //if (itemSelected.Subalbums.Count == 0)
            //    SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();
            //    var sampleDataGroups = await source.GetGroups(itemSelected.UniqueId, true);
            //    SemListView.ItemsSource = sampleDataGroups.AllItems;
            //this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"] = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 static void DisplayFolder(SkyDriveFolder folder)
     Console.WriteLine("{0}/ - {1} children", folder.FullName, folder.Count);
     foreach(var subfolder in folder.GetFolders())
     foreach(var file in folder.GetFiles())
         Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} bytes", file.FullName, file.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private SkyDriveFolder CreateSkyDriveFolderFromJson(FavoritesFolder folder)
            var skyFolder = new SkyDriveFolder(folder.UniqueId, folder.Title, folder.Description, folder.Size, folder.Parent_id, SkyDriveItemType.Folder, folder.Updated_time, folder.Count);

            skyFolder.ImagePath = folder.ImagePath;
            skyFolder.SyncState = folder.SyncState;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private async void ListItemSelected(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            itemSelected   = ((SkyDriveFolder)e.ClickedItem);
            Selection.Text = itemSelected.Title;
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            var sampleDataGroups = await source.GetGroups(itemSelected.UniqueId, true);

            SemListView.ItemsSource = sampleDataGroups.AllItems;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override async Task <ICloudFolder> GetRootDirectoryAsync()
            dynamic result = await _liveClient.GetAsync(RootDirectory);

            dynamic childrenResult = await _liveClient.GetAsync(RootDirectory + "/files");

            ICloudFolder cloudObject = new SkyDriveFolder(null, result.Result,;

Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override async Task CreateDataStore()
     if (this.location == DocumentLocation.Local)
         var rootFavoritesFolder = new SkyDriveFolder(constants.bookmark);
         FolderCollection.Add(rootFavoritesFolder.UniqueId, rootFavoritesFolder);
         await this.GetFavoritesFromServer();
        public async Task LoadFolder()
            var source = await FavoritesDataSyncManager.GetInstance(DocumentLocation.Roaming);

            var sampleDataGroups = await source.GetRoot();

            itemSelected            = sampleDataGroups;
            this.FolderName.Text    = itemSelected.Title;
            SemListView.ItemsSource = sampleDataGroups.Subalbums;
            Sharing = false;
        public async Task LoadFolder()
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            var sampleDataGroups = await source.GetGroups(source.Root, true);

            itemSelected            = sampleDataGroups;
            this.FolderName.Text    = itemSelected.Title;
            SemListView.ItemsSource = sampleDataGroups.AllItems;
            Sharing = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <string> AddFolder(SkyDriveFolder folder)
            var source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            folder.UniqueId = await source.CreateFolder(folder);

            FolderCollection.Add(folder.UniqueId, folder);
            await RecursivelyUpdateParent(folder);

        private async void ListItemSelected(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            Sharing = true;
            SemListView.ItemsSource = null;
            this.FolderName.Text    = ((SkyDriveFolder)e.ClickedItem).Title;
            var source = await FavoritesDataSyncManager.GetInstance(DocumentLocation.Roaming);

            itemSelected = await source.GetCollection(((SkyDriveFolder)e.ClickedItem).UniqueId);

            SemListView.ItemsSource = itemSelected.Subalbums;
            Sharing = false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private void CopySkyDriveFolderToJson(SkyDriveFolder source, FavoritesFolder destination)
     destination.Title              = source.Title;
     destination.UniqueId           = source.UniqueId;
     destination.Updated_time       = source.Updated_time;
     destination.Size               = source.Size;
     destination.Count              = source.Count;
     destination.ImagePath          = source.ImagePath;
     destination.Parent_id          = source.Parent_id;
     destination.Description        = source.Description;
     destination.ImageDominantColor = source.ImageDominantColor.ToString();
     destination.SyncState          = source.SyncState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when another application wants to share content through this application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Activation data used to coordinate the process with Windows.</param>
        public async void Activate(ShareTargetActivatedEventArgs args)
            this._shareOperation = args.ShareOperation;

            if (this._shareOperation.Data.Contains(StandardDataFormats.Uri))
                Uri uri = await this._shareOperation.Data.GetUriAsync();

                if (uri != null)
                    // To output text from this example, you need a TextBlock control
                    // with a name of "contentValue".
                    this.url = uri.AbsoluteUri;

            // Communicate metadata about the shared content through the view model
            var shareProperties = this._shareOperation.Data.Properties;
            var thumbnailImage  = new BitmapImage();

            this.DefaultViewModel["Title"]           = this.title = shareProperties.Title;
            this.DefaultViewModel["Description"]     = this.url;// = shareProperties.Description;
            this.DefaultViewModel["Image"]           = thumbnailImage;
            this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"]         = true;
            this.DefaultViewModel["ShowImage"]       = false;
            this.DefaultViewModel["Comment"]         = String.Empty;
            this.DefaultViewModel["SupportsComment"] = true;
            Window.Current.Content = this;
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            // itemSelected = await source.GetFolder(source.Root);
            var sampleDataGroups = await source.GetGroups(source.Root, true);

            itemSelected = sampleDataGroups;
            this.DefaultViewModel["FolderName"] = itemSelected.Title;
            SemListView.ItemsSource             = sampleDataGroups.AllItems;
            this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"]    = false;

            // Update the shared content's thumbnail image in the background
            if (shareProperties.Thumbnail != null)
                var stream = await shareProperties.Thumbnail.OpenReadAsync();

                this.DefaultViewModel["ShowImage"] = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override async Task Sync()
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            SkyDriveFolder folderAtSource = await source.GetFolder(source.Root);

            var isDataChanged = await Sync(source.Root, FolderCollection[source.Root].Updated_time, folderAtSource);

            if (isDataChanged)
                var cachedFolder = FolderCollection[source.Root];
                cachedFolder.Title        = folderAtSource.Title;
                cachedFolder.Updated_time = folderAtSource.Updated_time;
                cachedFolder.Count        = folderAtSource.Count;
                cachedFolder.Size         = folderAtSource.Size;
        private async void ListItemSelected(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
            Sharing = true;
                this.FolderName.Text = ((SkyDriveFolder)((ListBox)sender).SelectedItem).Title;
            catch { return; };
            //SemListView.ItemsSource = null;
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            itemSelected = await source.GetGroups(((SkyDriveFolder)((ListBox)sender).SelectedItem).UniqueId, true);

            SemListView.ItemsSource = itemSelected.AllItems;
            Sharing = false;
        private async void FolderUp(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SemListView.ItemsSource = null;
            //this.mainProgressBar.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            // Use the navigation frame to return to the previous page
            if (FolderStack.Count > 1)
                this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"] = true;
                SemListView.ItemsSource          = FolderStack[FolderStack.Count - 2].AllItems;
                itemSelected = FolderStack[FolderStack.Count - 2];
                FolderStack.RemoveAt(FolderStack.Count - 1);
                this.DefaultViewModel["FolderName"] = itemSelected.Title;
                this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"]    = false;
            if (FolderStack.Count == 1)
                SemListView.ItemsSource             = FolderStack[0].AllItems;
                itemSelected                        = FolderStack[0];
                this.DefaultViewModel["FolderName"] = itemSelected.Title;

            //SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();
            //// Use the navigation frame to return to the previous page
            //if (FolderStack.Count > 1)
            //    this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"] = true;
            //    SemListView.ItemsSource = null;
            //    var matches = await source.GetGroups((FolderStack[FolderStack.Count - 2]).UniqueId, true);
            //    itemSelected = FolderStack[FolderStack.Count - 2];
            //    this.DefaultViewModel["FolderName"] = itemSelected.Title;
            //    SemListView.ItemsSource = matches.AllItems;
            //    FolderStack.RemoveAt(FolderStack.Count - 1);
            //    this.DefaultViewModel["Sharing"] = false;
            //if (FolderStack.Count == 1)
            //    var sampleDataGroups = await source.GetGroups(source.Root, true);
            //    //var matches = sampleDataGroups.Where((item) => item.ParentID.Equals(string.Empty));
            //    SemListView.ItemsSource = sampleDataGroups.AllItems;
            // FolderBack.IsEnabled = CanGoBack;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private async Task <SkyDriveDataCommon> UpdateItem(SkyDriveDataCommon item)
            var updatedItem = await GetUpdatedMetadata(item);

            if (updatedItem != null)
                if (item.Type == SkyDriveItemType.File)
                    var file = FolderCollection[item.Parent_id].Items.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UniqueId == item.UniqueId);
                    if (file != null)
                        //update file information from server
                        file.Size         = updatedItem.Size;
                        file.Updated_time = updatedItem.Updated_time;
                        file.Parent_id    = updatedItem.Parent_id;
                        file.Description  = updatedItem.Description;
                        //update parent
                        await RecursivelyUpdateParent(FolderCollection[updatedItem.Parent_id]);
                    var            cachedFolder       = FolderCollection[item.UniqueId];
                    var            cachedFolderParent = FolderCollection[item.Parent_id];
                    SkyDriveFolder folderToUpdate     = cachedFolderParent.Subalbums.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UniqueId == item.UniqueId);
                    if (folderToUpdate != null)
                        int index = cachedFolderParent.Subalbums.IndexOf(folderToUpdate);
                        cachedFolderParent.Subalbums.Insert(index, (SkyDriveFolder)updatedItem);
                    cachedFolder.Title        = updatedItem.Title;
                    cachedFolder.Updated_time = updatedItem.Updated_time;
                    cachedFolder.Count        = ((SkyDriveFolder)updatedItem).Count;
                    cachedFolder.Size         = ((SkyDriveFolder)updatedItem).Size;
                    cachedFolder.Parent_id    = updatedItem.Parent_id;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <bool> MoveItem(IList <SkyDriveDataCommon> items, SkyDriveFolder destination)
            var source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            bool   result   = false;
            string parentid = items[0].Parent_id;

            foreach (var item in items)
                result = await source.MoveItem(item.UniqueId, destination.UniqueId);

                if (result)
                    // remove moved items from present view
                    // and add them to destination. this addition will not work until we append all results/data to root skydrivefolder
                    switch (item.Type)
                    case SkyDriveItemType.Folder: FolderCollection[item.Parent_id].Subalbums.Remove((SkyDriveFolder)item);
                        FolderCollection[item.UniqueId].Parent_id = destination.UniqueId;
                        item.Parent_id = destination.UniqueId;

                    case SkyDriveItemType.File: FolderCollection[item.Parent_id].Items.Remove((SkyDriveFile)item);
                        item.Parent_id = destination.UniqueId;
                    await UpdateItem(item);
            // update tree of source folder
            await RecursivelyUpdateParent(FolderCollection[parentid]);

            // update tree of destination folder
            await RecursivelyUpdateParent(destination);

Ejemplo n.º 21
 private void PopulateJsonFromRootFavoritesFolder(SkyDriveFolder skyFolder, FavoritesFolder folder)
     folder.Subalbums = new List <FavoritesFolder>(skyFolder.Subalbums.Count);
     folder.Items     = new List <FavoritesFile>(skyFolder.Items.Count);
     foreach (var item in skyFolder.Items)
         var favFile = new FavoritesFile();
         CopySkyDriveFileToJson(item, favFile);
     foreach (var item in skyFolder.Subalbums)
         var            favFolder = new FavoritesFolder();
         SkyDriveFolder itemfolder;
         if (FolderCollection.TryGetValue(item.UniqueId, out itemfolder))
             CopySkyDriveFolderToJson(itemfolder, favFolder);
             PopulateJsonFromRootFavoritesFolder(itemfolder, favFolder);
        private async void FolderUp(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SemListView.ItemsSource = null;
            //this.mainProgressBar.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible;
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            // Use the navigation frame to return to the previous page
            if (FolderStack.Count > 1)
                //Sharing = true;
                Sharing = true;
                SemListView.ItemsSource = FolderStack[FolderStack.Count - 2].Subalbums;
                itemSelected            = FolderStack[FolderStack.Count - 2];
                FolderStack.RemoveAt(FolderStack.Count - 1);
                this.FolderName.Text = itemSelected.Title;
                Sharing = false;
            if (FolderStack.Count == 1)
                SemListView.ItemsSource = FolderStack[0].Subalbums;
                itemSelected            = FolderStack[0];
                this.FolderName.Text    = itemSelected.Title;
        private async Task<IEnumerable<CatalogItemModel>> ReadAsync(string path)
            List<CatalogItemModel> items = null;
                if (_skyDrive == null)
                    _skyDrive = await _liveLogin.Login();

                if (_skyDrive == null)
                    throw new CatalogAuthorizationException(CatalogType.SkyDrive, path);


                _cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                var e = await _skyDrive.GetAsync(path, _cancelSource.Token);

                var skyDriveItems = new List<SkyDriveItem>();
                var data = (List<object>) e.Result["data"];
                foreach (IDictionary<string, object> content in data)
                    var type = (string) content["type"];
                    SkyDriveItem item;
                    if (type == "folder")
                        item = new SkyDriveFolder
                                       Id = (string) content["id"],
                                       Name = (string) content["name"]
                    else if (type == "file")
                        var name = (string) content["name"];

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_downloadController.GetBookType(name)))

                        item = new SkyDriveFile
                                       Id = (string) content["id"],
                                       Name = name


                var folders = skyDriveItems
                    .Select(i => new CatalogItemModel
                                         Title = i.Name,
                                         OpdsUrl = i.Id

                var files = skyDriveItems
                    .Select(file => new CatalogBookItemModel
                                            Title = file.Name,
                                            OpdsUrl = file.Id,
                                            Links = new List<BookDownloadLinkModel>
                                                            new BookDownloadLinkModel
                                                                    Url = file.Id,
                                                                    Type = file.Name
                                            Id = file.Id

                items = Enumerable.Union(folders, files).ToList();
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (LiveAuthException e)
                if (e.ErrorCode == "access_denied")
                    throw new CatalogAuthorizationException(e.Message, e, CatalogType.SkyDrive);
                throw new ReadCatalogException(e.Message, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ReadCatalogException(e.Message, e);

            return items ?? new List<CatalogItemModel>();
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public async Task <SkyDriveFolder> GetCollection(SkyDriveFolder folder)
     return(await GetCollection(folder.UniqueId));
 void OnFolderSelectedEvent(SkyDriveFolder e)
     FolderSelectedEvent(this, e);
        private async void FolderSelected_Click(object sender, SkyDriveFolder e)
            SkyDriveFolder destination = null;

            if (e != null)
                //move items
                destination = e;
                this.SelectDestinationPopup.IsOpen = false;
                this.ProgressBar.Visibility        = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                var source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

                foreach (SkyDriveDataCommon item in selectedItems)
                        await source.MoveItem(item.UniqueId, destination.UniqueId);

                        // remove moved items from present view
                        // and add them to destination. this addition will not work until we append all results/data to root skydrivefolder
                        switch (item.Type)
                        case SkyDriveItemType.Folder: source.CurrentFolder.Subalbums.Remove((SkyDriveFolder)item);

                        case SkyDriveItemType.File: source.CurrentFolder.Items.Remove((SkyDriveFile)item);

                        //fallback until we do item 2 mentioned in above comment
                        // check if destination is in our back list. if it exists then add moved items to destination
                        foreach (SkyDriveFolder folder in App.FolderStack)
                            if (folder.UniqueId == destination.UniqueId)
                                switch (item.Type)
                                case SkyDriveItemType.Folder: folder.Subalbums.Add((SkyDriveFolder)item);

                                case SkyDriveItemType.File: folder.Items.Add((SkyDriveFile)item);
                            foreach (SkyDriveFolder skItem in folder.Subalbums)
                                if (skItem.UniqueId == destination.UniqueId)
                                    switch (item.Type)
                                    case SkyDriveItemType.Folder: skItem.Subalbums.Add((SkyDriveFolder)item);

                                    case SkyDriveItemType.File: skItem.Items.Add((SkyDriveFile)item);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // ignore any exception becuase of wrong destination folder selection by user
                        //throw ex;
                await UIRefreshWithoutFetch();

                this.ProgressBar.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
 private void SelectFolderUserCntl_CancelEvent(object sender, SkyDriveFolder e)
     this.SelectDestinationPopup.IsOpen = false;
        private async Task <IEnumerable <CatalogItemModel> > ReadAsync(string path)
            List <CatalogItemModel> items = null;

                if (_skyDrive == null)
                    _skyDrive = await _liveLogin.Login();

                if (_skyDrive == null)
                    throw new CatalogAuthorizationException(CatalogType.SkyDrive, path);


                _cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                var e = await _skyDrive.GetAsync(path, _cancelSource.Token);

                var skyDriveItems = new List <SkyDriveItem>();
                var data          = (List <object>)e.Result["data"];
                foreach (IDictionary <string, object> content in data)
                    var          type = (string)content["type"];
                    SkyDriveItem item;
                    if (type == "folder")
                        item = new SkyDriveFolder
                            Id   = (string)content["id"],
                            Name = (string)content["name"]
                    else if (type == "file")
                        var name = (string)content["name"];

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_downloadController.GetBookType(name)))

                        item = new SkyDriveFile
                            Id   = (string)content["id"],
                            Name = name


                var folders = skyDriveItems
                              .OfType <SkyDriveFolder>()
                              .Select(i => new CatalogItemModel
                    Title   = i.Name,
                    OpdsUrl = i.Id

                var files = skyDriveItems
                            .OfType <SkyDriveFile>()
                            .Select(file => new CatalogBookItemModel
                    Title   = file.Name,
                    OpdsUrl = file.Id,
                    Links   = new List <BookDownloadLinkModel>
                        new BookDownloadLinkModel
                            Url  = file.Id,
                            Type = file.Name
                    Id = file.Id

                items = Enumerable.Union(folders, files).ToList();
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (LiveAuthException e)
                if (e.ErrorCode == "access_denied")
                    throw new CatalogAuthorizationException(e.Message, e, CatalogType.SkyDrive);
                throw new ReadCatalogException(e.Message, e);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ReadCatalogException(e.Message, e);

            return(items ?? new List <CatalogItemModel>());
Ejemplo n.º 29
        private async Task <bool> Sync(string folderId, string updated_time, SkyDriveFolder folderAtServer)
            bool dataChanaged = false;
            //case 1
            SkyDriveDataSource source = await SkyDriveDataSource.GetInstance();

            SkyDriveFolder folderAtSource = folderAtServer;

            if (folderAtSource == null)
                folderAtSource = await source.GetFolder(folderId);
            if ((updated_time == folderAtSource.Updated_time) &&
                (FolderCollection[folderId].Items.Count + FolderCollection[folderId].Subalbums.Count + FolderCollection[folderId].OtherFileItems.Count == folderAtSource.Count))
                //no change at root, return the cached folder
                dataChanaged = false;
                //int count = FolderCollection[folderId].Items.Count;
                foreach (var folder in FolderCollection[folderId].Subalbums)
                    //check if there is any child folder which is not being loaded fully
                    if (folder.Count != (folder.Items.Count + folder.Subalbums.Count + folder.OtherFileItems.Count))
                        SkyDriveFolder itemAtServer = await source.GetFolder(folder.UniqueId);

                        dataChanaged = await Sync(folder.UniqueId, folder.Updated_time, itemAtServer);

                        if (dataChanaged)
                            var cachedFolder = FolderCollection[folder.UniqueId];
                            cachedFolder.Title        = itemAtServer.Title;
                            cachedFolder.Updated_time = itemAtServer.Updated_time;
                            cachedFolder.Count        = itemAtServer.Count;
                            cachedFolder.Size         = itemAtServer.Size;
                Dictionary <string, bool> itemTobeDeleted = new Dictionary <string, bool>(FolderCollection[folderAtSource.UniqueId].Count);
                foreach (var item in FolderCollection[folderAtSource.UniqueId].AllItems)
                    if (item.Type == SkyDriveItemType.File || item.Type == SkyDriveItemType.Folder)
                        itemTobeDeleted.Add(item.UniqueId, true);

                // there are changes...determine which folder/file to sync or delete
                // result of GetChangedFolderAndFiles return a tuple which contains list of changed and unchanged files
                var changedItems = await source.GetChangedFolderAndFiles(folderAtSource.UniqueId, updated_time);

                foreach (var item in changedItems.Item1)
                    dataChanaged = true;
                    //exclude items which were changed from list of items to be deleted
                    if (itemTobeDeleted.ContainsKey(item.UniqueId))
                        itemTobeDeleted[item.UniqueId] = false;
                    if (item.Type == SkyDriveItemType.Folder)
                        if (!FolderCollection.ContainsKey(item.UniqueId))
                            //add Folder to parent container
                            FolderCollection.Add(item.UniqueId, (SkyDriveFolder)item);
                            // sync changed folder
                            await Sync(item.UniqueId, updated_time, (SkyDriveFolder)item);

                            //update changed folder properties at both parent and itself
                            var            cachedFolder       = FolderCollection[item.UniqueId];
                            var            cachedFolderParent = FolderCollection[item.Parent_id];
                            SkyDriveFolder folderToUpdate     = cachedFolderParent.Subalbums.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UniqueId == item.UniqueId);
                            if (folderToUpdate != null)
                                int index = cachedFolderParent.Subalbums.IndexOf(folderToUpdate);
                                cachedFolderParent.Subalbums.Insert(index, (SkyDriveFolder)item);
                            cachedFolder.Title        = item.Title;
                            cachedFolder.Updated_time = item.Updated_time;
                            cachedFolder.Count        = ((SkyDriveFolder)item).Count;
                            cachedFolder.Size         = ((SkyDriveFolder)item).Size;
                            cachedFolder.Parent_id    = item.Parent_id;
                        SkyDriveFolder parent   = FolderCollection[item.Parent_id];
                        SkyDriveFile   fileitem = parent.Items.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UniqueId == item.UniqueId);
                        if (fileitem != null)
                            int index = parent.Items.IndexOf(fileitem);
                            parent.Items.Insert(index, (SkyDriveFile)item);
                //exclude unchanged items from the list of tobedeleted items
                foreach (string s in changedItems.Item2)
                    itemTobeDeleted[s] = false;
                SkyDriveFolder folder = FolderCollection[folderAtSource.UniqueId];
                foreach (var item in itemTobeDeleted)
                    if (item.Value)
                        var t = folder.AllItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UniqueId == item.Key);
                        if (t != null)
                            if (t.Type == SkyDriveItemType.Folder)
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private async Task <ICloudObject> _GetCloudObjectFromSkyDriveObjectIdAsync(string skyDriveObjectId, bool fetchChildren = true)
            ICloudObject cloudObject = null;
            //TODO: Validate if session requires renewal. Skydrive does not supports unique paths with sub directories.
            //do some recursive calls to construct sub directory paths with some caching so that the path can be optimized.
            //do make sure that the path exists aka is not deleted or moved.
            LiveOperationResult operationResult = await _liveClient.GetAsync(skyDriveObjectId);

            dynamic result = operationResult.Result;

            ICloudFolder parent = FindParent(_rootCloudObject,;

            if (result.type == "folder")
                if (fetchChildren)
                    LiveOperationResult childrenResult = await _liveClient.GetAsync(skyDriveObjectId + "/files");

                    cloudObject = new SkyDriveFolder(parent, result, ((dynamic)childrenResult.Result).data);
                    cloudObject = new SkyDriveFolder(parent, result, null);
            else if (result.type == "album")
                if (fetchChildren)
                    LiveOperationResult childrenResult = await _liveClient.GetAsync(skyDriveObjectId + "/files");

                    cloudObject = new SkyDriveAlbum(parent, result, ((dynamic)childrenResult.Result).data);
                    cloudObject = new SkyDriveAlbum(parent, result, null);
            else if (result.type == "file")
                cloudObject = new SkyDriveFile(parent, result);
            else if (result.type == "photo")
                cloudObject = new SkyDrivePhoto(parent, result);

            //Replace the oldChildRef with the new ref. We need to do it everytime to keep the offline cache updated.
            if (cloudObject != null && parent != null)
                ICloudObject oldChildRef = parent.Children.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.Id == cloudObject.Id);
                if (oldChildRef != null)
                    int index = parent.Children.IndexOf(oldChildRef);
                    parent.Children.Insert(index, cloudObject);
 void OnCancelEvent(SkyDriveFolder e)
     CancelEvent(this, e);