Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Awake()
        //Set the reference arrays
        m_skiers = new SkierController[6] {
            playerOneSkier, playerTwoSkier, playerThreeSkier, playerFourSkier, null, null
        };                                                                                                                              //Add two nulls at the end so they don't throw errors if functions check those indexes
        m_skierScoresText = new Text[4] {
            scoreOne, scoreTwo, scoreThree, scoreFour
        m_roundOverScoresText = new Text[4] {
            roundOverScoreOne, roundOverScoreTwo, roundOverScoreThree, roundOverScoreFour
        m_prevTopSkier  = null;
        m_planeTextures = new Texture[4] {
            axlPlaneTexture, carlPlaneTexture, mannyPlaneTexture, hydraPlaneTexture
        m_playerUI = new RectTransform[4] {
            playerOneUI, playerTwoUI, playerThreeUI, playerFourUI
        m_charImageBW = new Image[4] {
            axlImageBW, crocImageBW, wolfImageBW, hydImageBW
        m_playerImage = new Image[4] {
            playerOneImage, playerTwoImage, playerThreeImage, playerFourImage
        m_playerCrown = new Image[4] {
            playerOneCrown, playerTwoCrown, playerThreeCrown, playerFourCrown
        m_skierLives = new Image[4] {
            livesOne, livesTwo, livesThree, livesFour
        m_planeImage = new Image[4] {
            planeOne, planeTwo, planeThree, planeFour
        m_skierMultipliers = new Text[4] {
            multiplierOne, multiplierTwo, multiplierThree, multiplierFour

        //Make a new array of references to the skiers to sort
        m_sortedSkiers = new SkierController[m_skiers.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < m_skiers.Length; i++)
            m_sortedSkiers[i] = m_skiers[i];

        //Set the spawnpoints in the 2D array
        m_skierSpawnPos = new Vector3[3, 3] {
            { m_twoPlayerSkierPos, Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero },
            { m_threePlayerSkierPosOne, m_threePlayerSkierPosTwo, Vector3.zero },
            { m_fourPlayerSkierPosOne, m_fourPlayerSkierPosTwo, m_fourPlayerSkierPosThree }


        wavePanel.transform.position = canvas.transform.position;

        SetSkiers();            //Set the skiers to their controllers
        SetPlane();             //Set which player controls the plane
Ejemplo n.º 2
 //Change which player is playing the particle if needed
 private void ApplyTopScoreParticle()
     if (((int)m_sortedSkiers[0].controller - 1) != (int)m_eCurrentPlaneState) //If the top score player isn't in the plane,
         if (m_sortedSkiers[0] != m_prevTopSkier)                              //If the top player has changed,
             m_sortedSkiers[0].SetTopScoreParticle(true);                      //Start the particle on the new player
             if (m_prevTopSkier != null)
                 m_prevTopSkier.SetTopScoreParticle(false);                          //Stop the particle on the previous player
             m_prevTopSkier = m_sortedSkiers[0];                                     //Update the previous top player
     else                                                                    //The top score player is in the plane,
         if (m_sortedSkiers[1] != m_prevTopSkier)                            //If the top player has changed,
             m_sortedSkiers[1].SetTopScoreParticle(true);                    //Start the particle on the new player
             if (m_prevTopSkier != null)
                 m_prevTopSkier.SetTopScoreParticle(false);                          //Stop the particle on the previous player
             m_prevTopSkier = m_sortedSkiers[1];                                     //Update the previous top player
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider)
        if (collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Skier"))                        //If colliding with a skier,
            SkierController skier = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <SkierController>();

            if (!skier.IsInvincible())
                gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; //Stop rendering the coin
                AudioManager.Play("CoinCollected");                   // plays coin sound effect
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collision)
        if (collision.CompareTag("Skier"))                                      // Will be called if collision with a skier occurs.
            Vector3 explosionPos = transform.position;                          // explosion will occur at the impact site.
            explosionPos.y = 0;                                                 //Make sure that there is no y component
            Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(explosionPos, radius); // List of colliders within the radius.
            // animation for the door
            TetheredMineAnimation.SetBool("IsDoorClosed", true);
            TetheredMineAnimation.SetBool("IsDoorOpen", false);
            // Hatch Close Door sound
            foreach (Collider hit in colliders)                                        //For all the objects in the radius,
                if (hit.CompareTag("Skier"))                                           //If this object is a skier,
                    SkierController controller = hit.GetComponent <SkierController>(); // Gets all controllers within the radius.
                    if (!controller.IsInvincible())
                        controller.HurtSkier(); // Hurts the skier within the radius.

            ControllerVibrate.VibrateAll(1.0f, 0.5f);                 //Vibrate all controllers very moderately
            gameObject.SetActive(false);                              // Deactivates the mine.
            m_rb.velocity           = Vector3.zero;                   // Resets velocity.
            m_rb.angularVelocity    = Vector3.zero;                   // Resets angular velocity.
            m_rb.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero); // Resets rotation.

            explosionPrefab.transform.position = explosionPos;                                                            //Make the explosion happen at the right spot
            Instantiate(explosionPrefab);                                                                                 //Create the explosion

            GameFreezer.Freeze(freezeAmount, freezeFrames);                                                               //Slow time very briefly for impact
        else if (collision.CompareTag("Rock"))                                                                            //If colliding with an obstacle,
            float pushDirection = transform.position.x - collision.transform.position.x;                                  //Calculate if the mine should be pushed left or right
            if (pushDirection > 0)                                                                                        //If positive,
                m_tether.ForceOverTime(new Vector3(m_tmAbility.obstacleForce, 0, 0), m_tmAbility.obstacleForceDuration);  //Push right
            else                                                                                                          //If negative,
                m_tether.ForceOverTime(new Vector3(-m_tmAbility.obstacleForce, 0, 0), m_tmAbility.obstacleForceDuration); //Push left