Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void UpdateVertices(NISelectedPlayer player, SkeletonJointPosition torsoPos)
        //initial adjustment wait...
        int countBuffer = 1; int countMax = 10;

        if (countBoneLenghthUpdate >= countMax)
        if (countBoneLenghthUpdate <= countBuffer)

        int count = countBoneLenghthUpdate - countBuffer;

        if (count == 2)//for waist
            SkinnedMeshRenderer mesh     = GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
            Vector3[]           vertices = mesh.sharedMesh.vertices;
            vertices[0].y += 100;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void TransformBone(uint userId, SkeletonJoint joint, Transform dest, bool move)
        SkeletonJointPosition sjp = this.joints[userId][joint];
        Point3D pos = sjp.position;
        SkeletonJointOrientation ori = new SkeletonJointOrientation();

        this.skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJointOrientation(userId, joint, ori);
        float [] m = ori.Orientation.elements;
        // only modify joint if confidence is high enough in this frame
        if (ori.Confidence > 0.5)
            // Z coordinate in OpenNI is opposite from Unity. We will create a quat
            // to rotate from OpenNI to Unity (relative to initial rotation)
            //    Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-ori.m02, -ori.m12, ori.m22);
            Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-m[2], -m[5], m[8]);

            //   Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m01, trans.ori.m11, -trans.ori.m21);
            Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(m[1], m[4], -m[7]);

            Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);

            Quaternion newRotation = jointRotation * initialRotations[(int)joint];

            // Some smoothing
            dest.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(dest.rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * 20);

        if (move)
//			dest.position = new Vector3(trans.pos.x/1000, trans.pos.y/1000 -1, -trans.pos.z/1000);
            dest.position = new Vector3(pos.X / 1000, pos.Y / 1000 - 1, -pos.Z / 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private Ray3D calibrateDeviceOnePosition(int user, byte device)
            UserPrompt.Write("Turning on device " + device);

            Thread.Sleep(CALIBRATION_OFFSET_SEC * 1000);
            Vector3D[] headPoints      = new Vector3D[STEADY_SEC * SAMPLES_PER_SEC];
            Vector3D[] rightHandPoints = new Vector3D[STEADY_SEC * SAMPLES_PER_SEC];

            // Sample the user's hopefully steady hand.
            SkeletonJointPosition head      = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition rightHand = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            for (int i = 0; i < STEADY_SEC * SAMPLES_PER_SEC; i++)
                head               = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, SkeletonJoint.Head);
                rightHand          = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, SkeletonJoint.RightHand);
                headPoints[i]      = new Vector3D(head.Position.X, head.Position.Y, head.Position.Z);
                rightHandPoints[i] = new Vector3D(rightHand.Position.X, rightHand.Position.Y, rightHand.Position.Z);

            // Take the averages of each side.
            Vector3D averageHeadPoint = new Vector3D(headPoints.Average(x => x.X),
                                                     headPoints.Average(x => x.Y), headPoints.Average(x => x.Z));
            Vector3D averageRightHandPoint = new Vector3D(rightHandPoints.Average(x => x.X),
                                                          rightHandPoints.Average(x => x.Y), rightHandPoints.Average(x => x.Z));

            UserPrompt.Write("Turning off device " + device);

            return(new Ray3D(averageHeadPoint, averageRightHandPoint));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void UpdateBoneDistance(NISelectedPlayer player, SkeletonJointPosition torsoPos)
        //initial adjustment wait...
        int countBuffer = 6; int countMax = 10;

        if (countBoneLenghthUpdate >= countMax)
        if (countBoneLenghthUpdate <= countBuffer)

        //bone distance adjustment
        int count = countBoneLenghthUpdate - countBuffer;

        if (count == 1)//for waist
            //AdjustBone(SkeletonJoint.Waist, SkeletonJoint.Torso, player, torsoPos);
            //AdjustBone(SkeletonJoint.Neck, SkeletonJoint.Waist, player, torsoPos);
            AdjustBone(SkeletonJoint.LeftShoulder, SkeletonJoint.RightShoulder, player, torsoPos);
            AdjustBone(SkeletonJoint.LeftHip, SkeletonJoint.RightHip, player, torsoPos);
            AdjustBone(SkeletonJoint.LeftElbow, SkeletonJoint.LeftShoulder, player, torsoPos);
            AdjustBone(SkeletonJoint.LeftHand, SkeletonJoint.LeftElbow, player, torsoPos);
            AdjustBone(SkeletonJoint.LeftKnee, SkeletonJoint.LeftHip, player, torsoPos);
            //AdjustBone(SkeletonJoint.LeftFoot, SkeletonJoint.LeftKnee, player, torsoPos);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void JointFromJSON(SkeletonJoint j, Hashtable dict)
        ArrayList positionList = (ArrayList)dict["Position"];

        ArrayList orientationList    = (ArrayList)dict["Orientation"];
        SkeletonJointOrientation sjo = new SkeletonJointOrientation();

        sjo.X1 = 1.0f;
        SkeletonJointPosition       sjp   = new SkeletonJointPosition();
        SkeletonJointTransformation xform = new SkeletonJointTransformation();

        // object -> double ->float is okay, but object->float isn't
        // (the object is a Double)
        sjp.Position = new Point3D((float)(double)positionList[0],
        sjo.X1            = (float)(double)orientationList[0];
        sjo.X2            = (float)(double)orientationList[1];
        sjo.X3            = (float)(double)orientationList[2];
        sjo.Y1            = (float)(double)orientationList[3];
        sjo.Y2            = (float)(double)orientationList[4];
        sjo.Y3            = (float)(double)orientationList[5];
        sjo.Z1            = (float)(double)orientationList[6];
        sjo.Z2            = (float)(double)orientationList[7];
        sjo.Z3            = (float)(double)orientationList[8];
        xform.Orientation = sjo;
        xform.Position    = sjp;
        UpdateJoint(j, xform);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void DrawSingleUser(ref WriteableBitmap image, int id, UserGenerator userGenerator, Point3D corner)
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.LeftHand, SkeletonJoint.LeftElbow, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.LeftElbow, SkeletonJoint.LeftShoulder, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.LeftShoulder, SkeletonJoint.Torso, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.LeftShoulder, SkeletonJoint.RightShoulder, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.Torso, SkeletonJoint.RightShoulder, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.RightShoulder, SkeletonJoint.RightElbow, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.RightElbow, SkeletonJoint.RightHand, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.Neck, SkeletonJoint.Head, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.Torso, SkeletonJoint.LeftHip, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.Torso, SkeletonJoint.RightHip, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.LeftHip, SkeletonJoint.RightHip, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.LeftHip, SkeletonJoint.LeftKnee, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.LeftKnee, SkeletonJoint.LeftFoot, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.RightHip, SkeletonJoint.RightKnee, corner);
            DrawStickLine(ref image, id, userGenerator, SkeletonJoint.RightKnee, SkeletonJoint.RightFoot, corner);
            DrawHeadAndHands(ref image, id, userGenerator, depthGenerator);

            SkeletonJointPosition leftShoulder  = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition rightShoulder = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition neck          = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition midShoulder   = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            leftShoulder  = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.LeftShoulder);
            rightShoulder = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.RightShoulder);
            neck          = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.Neck);

            midShoulder.Position = new Point3D((leftShoulder.Position.X + rightShoulder.Position.X) / 2,
                                               (leftShoulder.Position.Y + rightShoulder.Position.Y) / 2,
                                               (leftShoulder.Position.Z + rightShoulder.Position.Z) / 2);
            midShoulder.Confidence = (leftShoulder.Confidence + rightShoulder.Confidence) / 2;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public SkeletonJointPosition GetSkeletonJointPosition(UserID user, SkeletonJoint joint)
            SkeletonJointPosition position = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            int status = SafeNativeMethods.xnGetSkeletonJointPosition(this.InternalObject, user, joint, ref position);

Ejemplo n.º 8
    void MoveTransform(uint userId, SkeletonJoint joint, Transform dest)
        SkeletonJointPosition pos = new SkeletonJointPosition();

        this.skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJointPosition(userId, joint, ref pos);
        Vector3 v3pos = new Vector3(pos.position.X, pos.position.Y, pos.position.Z);

        dest.position = (v3pos / scale) + bias;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public static bool GetJointPosition(uint userID, int joint, ref SkeletonJointPosition pPosition)
        if (GetJointPositionNative(userID, joint, ref pPosition))
            //pPosition.x = -pPosition.x;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        int[] users = this.userGenerator.GetUsers();
        foreach (int user in users)
            if (this.skeletonCapability.IsTracking(user))
                updatePuntoRef(skeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, SkeletonJoint.Torso));
                SkeletonJointPosition posHandIz = skeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, SkeletonJoint.RightHand);
                SkeletonJointPosition posHandDr = skeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, SkeletonJoint.LeftHand);

                if (isDentroCuadroSeguridad(posHandDr.Position) & isDentroCuadroSeguridad(posHandIz.Position))
                    float dist           = distanciaEntreDosPuntos(posHandDr.Position, posHandIz.Position) / 100f;
                    float noNormalActual = (dist * 1f) / ESCALA_DISTANCIA;
                    int   disNormal      = (int)dist;
                    float esc            = (disNormal * 1f) / ESCALA_DISTANCIA;
                    Debug.Log("Normal " + esc + " NO Normal " + noNormalActual);
                    Debug.Log(Mathf.Abs(noNormalActual - esc));
                    if (Mathf.Abs(noNormalActual - esc) < 0.4f && Mathf.Abs(noNormalActual - esc) > 0.1f)
                        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localScale, new Vector3(esc, esc, esc), Time.time);

                     * //Rotacion horizontal
                     * float x,y,z;
                     * x=y=z=0;
                     * if((posHandDr.Position.Z<posHandIz.Position.Z&isDentroMargenY(posHandDr.Position.Y,posHandIz.Position.Y))&(!isDentroMargenZ(posHandDr.Position.Z,posHandIz.Position.Z))){
                     *      y=-valorRotation;
                     * }else if((posHandDr.Position.Z>posHandIz.Position.Z&isDentroMargenY(posHandDr.Position.Y,posHandIz.Position.Y))&(!isDentroMargenZ(posHandDr.Position.Z,posHandIz.Position.Z))){
                     *      y=valorRotation;
                     * }
                     * //rotacion vertical
                     * if((posHandDr.Position.Y<posHandIz.Position.Y&isDentroMargenZ(posHandDr.Position.Z,posHandIz.Position.Z))&(!isDentroMargenY(posHandDr.Position.Y,posHandIz.Position.Y))){
                     *      x=-valorRotation;
                     * }else if((posHandDr.Position.Y>posHandIz.Position.Y&isDentroMargenZ(posHandDr.Position.Z,posHandIz.Position.Z))&(!isDentroMargenY(posHandDr.Position.Y,posHandIz.Position.Y))){
                     *      x=valorRotation;
                     * }
                     * transform.Rotate(new Vector3(x,y,z));

                //positivo es hacia arriba
                //negativo hacia abajo
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public Vector3 CalcActualPosition(SkeletonJoint joint, NISelectedPlayer player, SkeletonJointPosition torsoPos)
        Vector3 actualPos;
        SkeletonJointTransformation trans;

        if (player.GetSkeletonJoint(joint, out trans) == false || trans.Position.Confidence <= 0.5)
            Debug.Log("No actual position for Joint: " + joint);
            actualPos = ERROR_VECTOR;
        actualPos = CalcJointPosition(joint, ref trans, ref torsoPos);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the 2D data for a specific skeleton joint.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetJoint(SkeletonCapability source,
                              int user, SkeletonJoint joint,
                              Dictionary <SkeletonJoint, SkeletonJointPosition> target)
            SkeletonJointPosition pos;

            if (joint == SkeletonJoint.Waist)
                // Calculate the joint position as arithmetic mean of right
                // and left hip joints, as it is not possible to poll it
                // directly.

                pos = new SkeletonJointPosition();

                SkeletonJointPosition posLeft  = source.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, SkeletonJoint.LeftHip);
                SkeletonJointPosition posRight = source.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, SkeletonJoint.RightHip);

                if (posLeft.Position.Z == 0 || posRight.Position.Z == 0)
                    pos.Confidence = 0;
                    pos.Position   = new Point3D(
                        (posLeft.Position.X + posRight.Position.X) / 2,
                        (posLeft.Position.Y + posRight.Position.Y) / 2,
                    pos.Confidence = Math.Min(posLeft.Confidence, posRight.Confidence);
                    pos.Position   = depthGenerator.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(
                        new Point3D(
                            (posLeft.Position.X + posRight.Position.X) / 2,
                            (posLeft.Position.Y + posRight.Position.Y) / 2,
                            (posLeft.Position.Z + posRight.Position.Z) / 2));
                pos = source.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, joint);
                if (pos.Position.Z == 0)
                    pos.Confidence = 0;
                    pos.Position = depthGenerator.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(pos.Position);

            target[joint] = pos;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void GetJoint(int user, SkeletonJoint joint)
            SkeletonJointPosition pos = this.skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, joint);

            if (pos.Position.Z == 0)
                pos.Confidence = 0;
                pos.Position = this.depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(pos.Position);
            this.joints[user][joint] = pos;
 /// @brief updates the root position
 /// This method updates the root position and if m_updateRootPosition is true, also move the entire transform
 /// @note we do not update if we do not have a high enough confidence!
 /// @param skelRoot the new central position
 /// @param centerOffset the offset we should use on the center (when moving the root).
 /// This is usually the starting position (so the skeleton will not "jump" when doing the first update
 protected void UpdateRoot(SkeletonJointPosition skelRoot, Vector3 centerOffset)
     if (skelRoot.Confidence < 0.5f)
         return; // we are not confident enough!
     m_rootPosition  = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelRoot.Position);
     m_rootPosition -= centerOffset;
     m_rootPosition *= m_scale;
     m_rootPosition += m_originalRootPosition;
     if (m_updateRootPosition)
         transform.position = transform.rotation * m_rootPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        SkeletonJointPosition GetJointPosition(uint user, SkeletonJoint joint)
            SkeletonJointPosition pos = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            this.skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, joint, ref pos);
            if (pos.position.Z == 0)
                pos.fConfidence = 0;
                pos.position = this.depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(pos.position);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void DrawStickPoint(ref WriteableBitmap image, SkeletonJointPosition joint, Point3D corner)
            byte[] point = { 0, 0, 255, 0,
                             0, 0, 255, 0,
                             0, 0, 255, 0,
                             0, 0, 255, 0,
                             0, 0, 255, 0,
                             0, 0, 255, 0,
                             0, 0, 255, 0,
                             0, 0, 255, 0,
                             0, 0, 255, 0, };

            image.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(Convert.ToInt32(joint.Position.X - 1),
                                            Convert.ToInt32(joint.Position.Y - 1),
                                            3, 3), point, 4, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // 骨格の線を引く
        void DrawLine(int player, SkeletonJoint eJoint1, SkeletonJoint eJoint2)
            // 各箇所の座標を取得する
            SkeletonJointPosition joint1 = GetJointPosition(player, eJoint1);
            SkeletonJointPosition joint2 = GetJointPosition(player, eJoint2);

            if (joint1.Confidence < 0.5 || joint2.Confidence < 0.5)

            // 現実の座標から画面の座標に変換する
            Point3D[] pt = new Point3D[] { joint1.Position, joint2.Position };
            pt = depth.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(pt);

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            g.DrawLine(pen, pt[0].X, pt[0].Y, pt[1].X, pt[1].Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a JointDictionary with 3D data to the corresponding one
        /// with 2D data. Note that the Z-Coordinate is left unchanged, though
        /// it has no meaning in the resulting 2D space and can be seen as 0.
        /// </summary>
        public JointDictionary Convert3Dto2D(JointDictionary source, DepthGenerator generator)
            if (!source.Is3DData)
                return(new JointDictionary(source));
                JointDictionary ret = new JointDictionary(false);

                foreach (SkeletonJoint joint in source.Keys)
                    SkeletonJointPosition pos = new SkeletonJointPosition();
                    pos.Confidence = source[joint].Confidence;
                    pos.Position   = generator.ConvertRealWorldToProjective(source[joint].Position);
                    ret.Add(joint, pos);
    /// This method tries to find the joint position of the relevant hand
    /// @param confidence the confidence of the point found (if no point was found then a negative confidence is provided)
    /// @return true if we found a position, false otherwise (in which case point is undefined).
    protected Point3D GetSkelPoint(out float confidence)
        confidence = -1.0f;
        int userID;
        SkeletonCapability skel = GetSkeletonCapability(out userID);

        if (skel == null)
        if (skel.IsJointAvailable(m_jointToUse) == false)
        SkeletonJointPosition skelPos = skel.GetSkeletonJointPosition(userID, m_jointToUse);

        confidence = skelPos.Confidence;
        //Debug.Log("pos=(" + skelPos.Position.X + "," + skelPos.Position.Y + "," + skelPos.Position.Z + ") confidence=" + skelPos.Confidence+" time="+Time.frameCount);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// @brief Gets the current joint position for a specific joint
 /// @param joint The joint we want the position to.
 /// @param curPos [out] The current joint rotation
 /// @return True on success and false on failure (e.g. the user is not tracking).
 /// @note An exception might occur if there is an error (e.g. an illegal joint is used).
 public bool GetSkeletonJointPosition(SkeletonJoint joint, out SkeletonJointPosition curPos)
     curPos = NIPlayerCandidateObject.m_InitializedZero.Position;
     if (!Tracking)
     if (m_user.Skeleton == null)
         curPos = m_user.Skeleton.GetSkeletonJointPosition(m_user.OpenNIUserID, joint);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void DrawOrientation(ref WriteableBitmap image, int id, UserGenerator userGenerator, SkeletonJoint joint, Point3D corner)
            SkeletonJointOrientation orientation = new SkeletonJointOrientation();
            SkeletonJointPosition    position    = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            position    = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, joint);
            orientation = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointOrientation(id, joint);

            if (position.Confidence != 1 && orientation.Confidence != 1)

            SkeletonJointPosition v1 = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition v2 = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            v1.Confidence = v2.Confidence = 1;

            v1.Position = position.Position;
            v2.Position = new Point3D(v1.Position.X + 100 * orientation.X1,
                                      v1.Position.Y + 100 * orientation.Y1,
                                      v1.Position.Z + 100 * orientation.Z1);

            DrawTheLine(ref image, ref v1, ref v2);

            v1.Position = position.Position;
            v2.Position = new Point3D(v1.Position.X + 100 * orientation.X2,
                                      v1.Position.Y + 100 * orientation.Y2,
                                      v1.Position.Z + 100 * orientation.Z2);

            DrawTheLine(ref image, ref v1, ref v2);

            v1.Position = position.Position;
            v2.Position = new Point3D(v1.Position.X + 100 * orientation.X3,
                                      v1.Position.Y + 100 * orientation.Y3,
                                      v1.Position.Z + 100 * orientation.Z3);

            DrawTheLine(ref image, ref v1, ref v2);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Faz a leitura da próxima pose do usuário.
        /// </summary>
        public bool NextPose(User user, Skeleton skeleton)
            if (user != null && reading)
                if (reader.EndOfStream)

                var line = reader.ReadLine().Split(' ', '\r');

                SkeletonJoint joint         = SkeletonJoint.RightHand;
                var           jointPosition = new SkeletonJointPosition();
                var           point         = new Point3D();
                point.X = float.Parse(line[0]);
                point.Y = float.Parse(line[1]);
                point.Z = float.Parse(line[2]);
                jointPosition.Position     = point;
                user.JointsPosition[joint] = jointPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void DrawStickLine(ref WriteableBitmap image, int id, UserGenerator userGenerator, SkeletonJoint first, SkeletonJoint second, Point3D corner)
            SkeletonJointPosition a = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition b = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            a = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, first);
            b = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, second);

            if (a.Confidence == 1 && b.Confidence == 1)
                // choose color
                if ((a.Position.X == 0 && a.Position.Y == 0 && a.Position.Z == 0) ||
                    (b.Position.X == 0 && b.Position.Y == 0 && b.Position.Z == 0))

            DrawTheLine(ref image, ref a, ref b);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void DrawHeadAndHands(ref WriteableBitmap image, int id, UserGenerator userGenerator, DepthGenerator depthGenerator)
            int headSize = 40; int handSize = 20;

            SkeletonJointPosition head      = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition leftHand  = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition rightHand = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            head      = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.Head);
            leftHand  = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.LeftHand);
            rightHand = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.RightHand);


            var b = new Bitmap(image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight, image.BackBufferStride, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb,

            using (var bitmapGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(b))
                bitmapGraphics.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
                bitmapGraphics.InterpolationMode  = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
                bitmapGraphics.CompositingMode    = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
                bitmapGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;

                int[] headCoord      = ConvertCoord(head, -headSize / 2);
                int[] leftHandCoord  = ConvertCoord(leftHand, -handSize / 2);
                int[] rightHandCoord = ConvertCoord(rightHand, -handSize / 2);

                bitmapGraphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.BlueViolet, headCoord[0], headCoord[1], headSize, headSize);
                bitmapGraphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.BlueViolet, leftHandCoord[0], leftHandCoord[1], handSize, handSize);
                bitmapGraphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.BlueViolet, rightHandCoord[0], rightHandCoord[1], handSize, handSize);

            image.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void DrawTheLine(ref WriteableBitmap image, ref SkeletonJointPosition joint1, ref SkeletonJointPosition joint2)

            var b = new Bitmap(image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight, image.BackBufferStride, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb,

            using (var bitmapGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(b))
                bitmapGraphics.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
                bitmapGraphics.InterpolationMode  = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
                bitmapGraphics.CompositingMode    = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
                bitmapGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;

                int[] joint1Coord = ConvertCoord(joint1, 0);
                int[] joint2Coord = ConvertCoord(joint2, 0);

                bitmapGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.BlueViolet, joint1Coord[0], joint1Coord[1], joint2Coord[0], joint2Coord[1]);

            image.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, image.PixelWidth, image.PixelHeight));
Ejemplo n.º 26
    /// @brief Utility method to calculate the @b LOCAL position of a joint
    /// This method receives joint information and calculates the @b LOCAL position rotation of the joint
    /// (compare to its parent transform) in Unity coordinate system.
    /// @param centerOffset the new central position
    /// @param joint the joint we want to calculate the position for
    /// @param skelTrans the new transformation of the joint
    /// @return the @b LOCAL position rotation of the joint (compare to its parent transform) in
    /// Unity coordinate system
    protected Vector3 CalcJointPosition(SkeletonJoint joint, ref SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans, ref SkeletonJointPosition centerOffset)
        Vector3 v3pos    = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(skelTrans.Position.Position);
        Vector3 v3Center = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(centerOffset.Position);

        v3pos -= v3Center;
        return(v3pos * m_scale);
Ejemplo n.º 27
    /// @brief Utility method to calculate the rotation of a joint
    /// This method receives joint information and calculates the rotation of the joint in Unity
    /// coordinate system.
    /// @param centerOffset the new central position
    /// @param joint the joint we want to calculate the rotation for
    /// @param skelTrans the new transformation of the joint
    /// @return the rotation of the joint in Unity coordinate system
    protected Quaternion CalcRotationForJoint(SkeletonJoint joint, ref SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans, ref SkeletonJointPosition centerOffset)
        // In order to convert the skeleton's orientation to Unity orientation we will
        // use the Quaternion.LookRotation method to create the relevant rotation Quaternion.
        // for Quaternion.LookRotation to work it needs a "forward" vector and an "upward" vector.
        // These are generally the "Z" and "Y" axes respectively in the sensor's coordinate
        // system. The orientation received from the skeleton holds these values in their
        // appropriate members.

        // Get the forward axis from "z".
        Point3D sensorForward = Point3D.ZeroPoint;

        sensorForward.X = skelTrans.Orientation.Z1;
        sensorForward.Y = skelTrans.Orientation.Z2;
        sensorForward.Z = skelTrans.Orientation.Z3;
        // convert it to Unity
        Vector3 worldForward = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(sensorForward);

        worldForward *= -1.0f; // because the Unity "forward" axis is opposite to the world's "z" axis.
        if (worldForward.magnitude == 0)
            return(Quaternion.identity); // we don't have a good point to work with.
        // Get the upward axis from "Y".
        Point3D sensorUpward = Point3D.ZeroPoint;

        sensorUpward.X = skelTrans.Orientation.Y1;
        sensorUpward.Y = skelTrans.Orientation.Y2;
        sensorUpward.Z = skelTrans.Orientation.Y3;
        // convert it to Unity
        Vector3 worldUpwards = NIConvertCoordinates.ConvertPos(sensorUpward);

        if (worldUpwards.magnitude == 0)
            return(Quaternion.identity); // we don't have a good point to work with.
        Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldForward, worldUpwards);

        Quaternion newRotation = transform.rotation * jointRotation * m_jointsInitialRotations[(int)joint];

        // we try to limit the speed of the change.
        return(Quaternion.Slerp(m_jointTransforms[(int)joint].rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * m_rotationDampening));
Ejemplo n.º 28
    /// @brief updates a single joint
    /// This method updates a single joint. The decision of what to update (orientation, position)
    /// depends on m_updateOrientation and m_updateJointPositions. Only joints with high confidence
    /// are updated. @note it is possible to update only position or only orientation even though both
    /// are expected if the confidence of one is low.
    /// @param centerOffset the new central position
    /// @param joint the joint we want to update
    /// @param skelTrans the new transformation of the joint
    protected void UpdateJoint(SkeletonJoint joint, SkeletonJointTransformation skelTrans, SkeletonJointPosition centerOffset)
        // make sure something is hooked up to this joint
        if ((int)joint >= m_jointTransforms.Length || !m_jointTransforms[(int)joint])
        // if we have debug lines to draw we need to collect the data.
        if (m_linesDebugger != null)
            Vector3    pos     = CalcJointPosition(joint, ref skelTrans, ref centerOffset) + transform.position;
            float      posConf = skelTrans.Position.Confidence;
            Quaternion rot     = CalcRotationForJoint(joint, ref skelTrans, ref centerOffset);
            float      rotConf = skelTrans.Orientation.Confidence;
            m_linesDebugger.UpdateJointInfoForJoint(joint, pos, posConf, rot, rotConf);

        // modify orientation (if needed and confidence is high enough)
        if (m_updateOrientation && skelTrans.Orientation.Confidence >= 0.5)
            m_jointTransforms[(int)joint].rotation = CalcRotationForJoint(joint, ref skelTrans, ref centerOffset);

        // modify position (if needed, and confidence is high enough)
        if (m_updateJointPositions && skelTrans.Position.Confidence >= 0.5f)
            m_jointTransforms[(int)joint].localPosition = CalcJointPosition(joint, ref skelTrans, ref centerOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        private void checkUserGestures(int id)
            SkeletonJointPosition head          = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition leftHand      = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition rightHand     = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition leftShoulder  = new SkeletonJointPosition();
            SkeletonJointPosition rightShoulder = new SkeletonJointPosition();

            head          = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.Head);
            leftHand      = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.LeftHand);
            rightHand     = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.RightHand);
            leftShoulder  = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.LeftShoulder);
            rightShoulder = userGenerator.SkeletonCapability.GetSkeletonJointPosition(id, SkeletonJoint.RightShoulder);

            OpenNI.Point3D headPoint  = head.Position;
            OpenNI.Point3D leftPoint  = leftHand.Position;
            OpenNI.Point3D rightPoint = rightHand.Position;

            Ray3D leftPointer = new Ray3D(headPoint.X, headPoint.Y, headPoint.Z,
                                          leftPoint.X, leftPoint.Y, leftPoint.Z);
            Ray3D rightPointer = new Ray3D(headPoint.X, headPoint.Y, headPoint.Z,
                                           rightPoint.X, rightPoint.Y, rightPoint.Z);

            lock (animationLock)
                raysToBeAnimated[0] = leftPointer;
                raysToBeAnimated[1] = rightPointer;

            Console.Write("Left vector: " + leftPointer);
            Console.Write("Right vector: " + rightPointer);

            if (VerticallyClose(leftPoint, rightPoint))
                // Handle dimming.
                if (FirstAboveSecond(leftPoint, headPoint) && FirstAboveSecond(rightPoint, headPoint))
                    Console.Write("Beginning dim down!");
                    dimmingDown   = true;
                    dimmingStartY = leftPoint.Y;
                else if (dimmingDown)
                    int dimPercent = (int)((dimmingStartY - leftPoint.Y) / TOTAL_DIMMING_DISTANCE);
                    if (dimPercent < 0)
                        dimPercent = 0;
                    else if (dimPercent > 100)
                        dimPercent = 100;

                else if (VerticallyClose(leftPoint, leftShoulder.Position) &&
                         VerticallyClose(leftShoulder.Position, rightShoulder.Position) &&
                         VerticallyClose(rightShoulder.Position, rightPoint))
                    Console.Write("Beginning dim up!");
                    dimmingUp     = true;
                    dimmingStartY = leftPoint.Y;
                else if (dimmingUp)
                    int dimPercent = (int)((leftPoint.Y - dimmingStartY) / TOTAL_DIMMING_DISTANCE);
                    if (dimPercent < 0)
                        dimPercent = 0;
                    else if (dimPercent > 100)
                        dimPercent = 100;

                // Allow pointing.
                dimmingDown = false;
                dimmingUp   = false;

            if (!dimmingUp && !dimmingDown)
                foreach (Device d in devices)
                    if (leftPointer.closeTo(d.position) || rightPointer.closeTo(d.position))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private static extern bool GetJointPosition(uint userID, int joint, ref SkeletonJointPosition pTransformation);