Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string GetTerm(SiteTermIds id)
            var result = GetTermDefault(id);

            // TODO: Allow individual stores to override with
            // custom language sets

Ejemplo n.º 2
		public static string GetTerm(SiteTermIds id)
            string result = GetTermDefault(id);

            // TODO: Allow individual stores to override with 
            // custom language sets

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static string GetTermDefault(SiteTermIds id)
            // todo: localization
            switch (id)
            case SiteTermIds.AccountLocked:
                return("Account Locked. Contact Administrator");

            case SiteTermIds.AddressBook:
                return("Address Book");

            case SiteTermIds.AffiliateReport:
                return("Affiliate Report");

            case SiteTermIds.AffiliateSignup:
                return("Affiliate Signup");

            case SiteTermIds.AffiliateTermsAndConditions:
                return("Affiliate Terms And Conditions");

            case SiteTermIds.AverageRating:
                return("Average Rating");

            case SiteTermIds.BabyRegistry:
                return("Baby Registry");

            case SiteTermIds.BreadcrumbTrailSeparator:
                return(" :: ");

            case SiteTermIds.CartBackOrdered:
                return("Item(s) In Your Cart Are Back-Ordered.");

            case SiteTermIds.CartNotEnoughQuantity:
                    ("Only %Quantity% of %ProductName% is available for purchase at the moment. Please reduce the number ordered and update to checkout.");

            case SiteTermIds.CartOutOfStock:
                return("%ProductName% Is Out Of Stock. Please Remove It.");

            case SiteTermIds.CartPageMinimumQuantityError:
                return("Product %ProductName% has a minimum purchase quantity of %quantity%. Amount Adjusted.");

            case SiteTermIds.Categories:

            case SiteTermIds.Category:

            case SiteTermIds.ChangeEmail:
                return("Change Email");

            case SiteTermIds.ChangePassword:
                return("Change Password");

            case SiteTermIds.Checkout:

            case SiteTermIds.ConfirmEmail:
                return("Confirm Email");

            case SiteTermIds.ConfirmNewPassword:
                return("Confirm New Password");

            case SiteTermIds.ConfirmNewUsername:
                return("Confirm New Email Address");

            case SiteTermIds.ConfirmPassword:
                return("Confirm Password");

            case SiteTermIds.ContactUs:
                return("Contact Us");

            case SiteTermIds.CouponDoesNotApply:
                return("Coupon code does not apply to this order.");

            case SiteTermIds.CreateANewAccount:
                return("Create New Account");

            case SiteTermIds.CreateNewAddress:
                return("Create New Address");

            case SiteTermIds.CrossSellTitle:
                return("Additional Product Accessories");

            case SiteTermIds.CustomerReviews:
                return("Customer Reviews");

            case SiteTermIds.CustomerService:
                return("Customer Service");

            case SiteTermIds.DownloadFiles:
                return("Download Files");

            case SiteTermIds.EditAddress:
                return("Edit Address");

            case SiteTermIds.EmptyCart:
                return("Your Cart is Empty");

            case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageContentTextProduct:
                return("An error occurred while trying to find the specified product.");

            case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageHeaderTextProduct:
                return("Error finding product");

            case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageContentTextCategory:
                return("An error occurred while trying to find the specified category.");

            case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageHeaderTextCategory:
                return("Error finding category");

            case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageContentTextGeneric:
                return("An error occurred while trying to find the specified page.");

            case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageHeaderTextGeneric:
                return("Error finding page");

            case SiteTermIds.FAQ:
                return("Frequently Asked Questions");

            case SiteTermIds.First:

            case SiteTermIds.ForgotPassword:
                return("Forgot Password");

            case SiteTermIds.GoogleCheckoutCustomerError:
                    ("An error occurred while trying to checkout through Google. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact technical support.");

            case SiteTermIds.Help:

            case SiteTermIds.Home:

            case SiteTermIds.ImageExtensionError:
                return("Images must be .jpg .gif or .png");

            case SiteTermIds.InStock:

            case SiteTermIds.ItemFound:
                return("item found");

            case SiteTermIds.ItemsFound:
                return("items found");

            case SiteTermIds.Last:

            case SiteTermIds.LineItemsChanged:
                return("Line Items In Your Cart Were Modified Due To Low Stock.");

            case SiteTermIds.ListPrice:
                return("List Price");

            case SiteTermIds.Login:
                return("Sign In");

            case SiteTermIds.LoginIncorrect:
                return("Login incorrect, please try again.");

            case SiteTermIds.Logout:
                return("Sign Out");

            case SiteTermIds.LowStockLineItem:
                return("Item stock is lower than quantity requested.");

            case SiteTermIds.MailingList:
                return("Mailing List");

            case SiteTermIds.MailingLists:
                return("Mailing Lists");

            case SiteTermIds.MakeAnyChangesAbove:
                return("Make any changes above?");

            case SiteTermIds.MyAccount:
                return("Your Account");

            case SiteTermIds.NewEmail:
                return("New Email");

            case SiteTermIds.NewPassword:
                return("New Password");

            case SiteTermIds.NewUsername:
                return("New Email Address");

            case SiteTermIds.Next:

            case SiteTermIds.NoShippingRequired:
                return("No Shipping Required.");

            case SiteTermIds.NoValidShippingMethods:
                return("No Valid Shipping Methods Found.");

            case SiteTermIds.OrderAlreadyPlaced:
                return("Order has already been placed, or no cart exists.");

            case SiteTermIds.OrderDetails:
                return("Order Details");

            case SiteTermIds.OrderHistory:
                return("Order History");

            case SiteTermIds.OutOfStock:
                return("This Item is Out of Stock");

            case SiteTermIds.OutOfStockAllowPurchase:
                return("Item is backordered.");

            case SiteTermIds.OutOfStockNoPurchase:
                return("Item is out of stock.");

            case SiteTermIds.Page:

            case SiteTermIds.Password:

            case SiteTermIds.PasswordAnswer:
                return("Password Answer");

            case SiteTermIds.PasswordHint:
                return("Password Hint");

            case SiteTermIds.PaypalCheckoutCustomerError:
                    ("An error occurred while trying to checkout through Paypal. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact technical support.");

            case SiteTermIds.Previous:

            case SiteTermIds.PrivacyPolicy:
                return("Privacy Policy");

            case SiteTermIds.PrivateStoreNewUser:
                return("Need an account? Contact us.");

            case SiteTermIds.Product:

            case SiteTermIds.ProductCombinationNotAvailable:
                return("Currently selected product is not available.");

            case SiteTermIds.ProductNotAvailable:
                return("%ProductName% is not available.");

            case SiteTermIds.ProductPageMinimumQuantityError:
                return("Product Has A Minimum Purchase Quantity of %Quantity%");

            case SiteTermIds.Products:

            case SiteTermIds.Quantity:

            case SiteTermIds.QuantityChanged:
                return("Item''s Quantity Was Modified Due To Low Stock.");

            case SiteTermIds.RecentlyViewedItems:
                return("Recently Viewed Items");

            case SiteTermIds.RelatedItems:
                return("You may also like...");

            case SiteTermIds.RememberUser:
                return("Remember Me");

            case SiteTermIds.ReturnForm:
                return("Return Form");

            case SiteTermIds.ReturnPolicy:
                return("Return Policy");

            case SiteTermIds.Search:

            case SiteTermIds.ShippingTermsAndConditions:
                return("Shipping Policy");

            case SiteTermIds.ShippingUnknown:
                return("To Be Determined. Contact Store for Details");

            case SiteTermIds.ShoppingCart:
                return("Shopping Cart");

            case SiteTermIds.SiteMap:
                return("Site Map");

            case SiteTermIds.SitePrice:
                return("Your Price");

            case SiteTermIds.SiteTermsAgreementError:
                return("You Must Agree To The Site Terms Before You Can Proceed");

            case SiteTermIds.SKU:

            case SiteTermIds.SortOrder:
                return("Sort Order");

            case SiteTermIds.SuggestedItems:
                return("Customers who purchased this item also purchased these items:");

            case SiteTermIds.TermsAndConditions:
                return("Terms and Conditions");

            case SiteTermIds.TermsAndConditionsAgreement:
                return("I Agree To This Sites Terms And Conditions");

            case SiteTermIds.Themes:

            case SiteTermIds.UpSellTitle:
                return("Additional Product Information");

            case SiteTermIds.Username:

            case SiteTermIds.ValidatorFieldMarker:

            case SiteTermIds.ViewAll:
                return(" View All");

            case SiteTermIds.ViewByPages:
                return("View By Pages");

            case SiteTermIds.ViewCart:
                return("View Cart");

            case SiteTermIds.WasThisReviewHelpful:
                return("Was this review helpful?");

            case SiteTermIds.WishList:
                return("Saved Items");

            case SiteTermIds.WriteAReview:
                return("Write a Review?");

            case SiteTermIds.YouSave:
                return("You Save");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private static string GetTermDefault(SiteTermIds id)
     switch (id) {
         case SiteTermIds.AccountLocked:
             return "Account Locked. Contact Administrator";
         case SiteTermIds.AcumaticaUnavailable:
             return "Acumatica Unavailable at this time. Please try again later.";
         case SiteTermIds.AcumaticaWarning:
             return "Acumatica Integration is Enabled. Order Information Here may not reflect actual values in Acumatica.";
         case SiteTermIds.AddressBook:
             return "Address Book";
         case SiteTermIds.AffiliateReport:
             return "Affiliate Report";
         case SiteTermIds.AffiliateSignup:
             return "Affiliate Signup";
         case SiteTermIds.AffiliateTermsAndConditions:
             return "Affiliate Terms And Conditions";
         case SiteTermIds.AverageRating:
             return "Average Rating";
         case SiteTermIds.BabyRegistry:
             return "Baby Registry";
         case SiteTermIds.BreadcrumbTrailSeparator:
             return " :: ";
         case SiteTermIds.CartBackOrdered:
             return "Item(s) In Your Cart Are Back-Ordered.";
         case SiteTermIds.CartNotEnoughQuantity:
             return "Only %Quantity% of %ProductName% is available for purchase at the moment. Please reduce the number ordered and update to checkout.";
         case SiteTermIds.CartOutOfStock:
             return "%ProductName% Is Out Of Stock. Please Remove It.";
         case SiteTermIds.CartPageMinimumQuantityError:
             return "Product %ProductName% has a minimum purchase quantity of %quantity%. Amount Adjusted.";
         case SiteTermIds.Categories:
             return "Categories";
         case SiteTermIds.Category:
             return "Category";
         case SiteTermIds.ChangeEmail:
             return "Change Email";
         case SiteTermIds.ChangePassword:
             return "Change Password";
         case SiteTermIds.Checkout:
             return "Checkout";
         case SiteTermIds.ConfirmEmail:
             return "Confirm Email";
         case SiteTermIds.ConfirmNewPassword:
             return "Confirm New Password";
         case SiteTermIds.ConfirmNewUsername:
             return "Confirm New Email Address";
         case SiteTermIds.ConfirmPassword:
             return "Confirm Password";
         case SiteTermIds.ContactUs:
             return "Contact Us";
         case SiteTermIds.CouponDoesNotApply:
             return "Coupon code does not apply to this order.";
         case SiteTermIds.CreateANewAccount:
             return "Create New Account";
         case SiteTermIds.CreateNewAddress:
             return "Create New Address";
         case SiteTermIds.CrossSellTitle:
             return "Additional Product Accessories";
         case SiteTermIds.CustomerReviews:
             return "Customer Reviews";
         case SiteTermIds.CustomerService:
             return "Customer Service";
         case SiteTermIds.DownloadFiles:
             return "Download Files";
         case SiteTermIds.EditAddress:
             return "Edit Address";
         case SiteTermIds.EmptyCart:
             return "Your Cart is Empty";
         case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageContentTextProduct:
             return "An error occurred while trying to find the specified product.";
         case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageHeaderTextProduct:
             return "Error finding product";
         case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageContentTextCategory:
             return "An error occurred while trying to find the specified category.";
         case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageHeaderTextCategory:
             return "Error finding category";
         case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageContentTextGeneric:
             return "An error occurred while trying to find the specified page.";
         case SiteTermIds.ErrorPageHeaderTextGeneric:
             return "Error finding page";
         case SiteTermIds.FAQ:
             return "Frequently Asked Questions";
         case SiteTermIds.First:
             return "First";
         case SiteTermIds.ForgotPassword:
             return "Forgot Password";
         case SiteTermIds.GoogleCheckoutCustomerError:
             return "An error occurred while trying to checkout through Google. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact technical support.";
         case SiteTermIds.Help:
             return "Help";
         case SiteTermIds.Home:
             return "Home";
         case SiteTermIds.ImageExtensionError:
             return "Images must be .jpg .gif or .png";
         case SiteTermIds.InStock:
             return "Available";
         case SiteTermIds.ItemFound:
             return "item found";
         case SiteTermIds.ItemsFound:
             return "items found";
         case SiteTermIds.Last:
             return "Last";
         case SiteTermIds.LineItemsChanged:
             return "Line Items In Your Cart Were Modified Due To Low Stock.";
         case SiteTermIds.ListPrice:
             return "List Price";
         case SiteTermIds.Login:
             return "Sign In";
         case SiteTermIds.LoginIncorrect:
             return "Login incorrect, please try again.";
         case SiteTermIds.Logout:
             return "Sign Out";
         case SiteTermIds.LowStockLineItem:
             return "Item stock is lower than quantity requested.";
         case SiteTermIds.MailingList:
             return "Mailing List";
         case SiteTermIds.MailingLists:
             return "Mailing Lists";
         case SiteTermIds.MakeAnyChangesAbove:
             return "Make any changes above?";
         case SiteTermIds.MyAccount:
             return "Your Account";
         case SiteTermIds.NewEmail:
             return "New Email";
         case SiteTermIds.NewPassword:
             return "New Password";
         case SiteTermIds.NewUsername:
             return "New Email Address";
         case SiteTermIds.Next:
             return "Next";
         case SiteTermIds.NoShippingRequired:
             return "No Shipping Required.";
         case SiteTermIds.NoValidShippingMethods:
             return "No Valid Shipping Methods Found.";
         case SiteTermIds.OrderAlreadyPlaced:
             return "Order has already been placed, or no cart exists.";
         case SiteTermIds.OrderDetails:
             return "Order Details";
         case SiteTermIds.OrderHistory:
             return "Order History";
         case SiteTermIds.OutOfStock:
             return "This Item is Out of Stock";
         case SiteTermIds.OutOfStockAllowPurchase:
             return "Item is backordered.";
         case SiteTermIds.OutOfStockNoPurchase:
             return "Item is out of stock.";
         case SiteTermIds.Page:
             return "Page";
         case SiteTermIds.Password:
             return "Password";
         case SiteTermIds.PasswordAnswer:
             return "Password Answer";
         case SiteTermIds.PasswordHint:
             return "Password Hint";
         case SiteTermIds.PaypalCheckoutCustomerError:
             return "An error occurred while trying to checkout through Paypal. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact technical support.";
         case SiteTermIds.Previous:
             return "Prev";
         case SiteTermIds.PrivacyPolicy:
             return "Privacy Policy";
         case SiteTermIds.PrivateStoreNewUser:
             return "Need an account? Contact us.";
         case SiteTermIds.Product:
             return "Product";
         case SiteTermIds.ProductCombinationNotAvailable:
             return "Currently selected product is not available.";
         case SiteTermIds.ProductNotAvailable:
             return "%ProductName% is not available.";
         case SiteTermIds.ProductPageMinimumQuantityError:
             return "Product Has A Minimum Purchase Quantity of %Quantity%";
         case SiteTermIds.Products:
             return "Products";
         case SiteTermIds.Quantity:
             return "Qty";
         case SiteTermIds.QuantityChanged:
             return "Item''s Quantity Was Modified Due To Low Stock.";
         case SiteTermIds.RecentlyViewedItems:
             return "Recently Viewed Items";
         case SiteTermIds.RelatedItems:
             return "Check these out...";
         case SiteTermIds.RememberUser:
             return "Remember Me";
         case SiteTermIds.ReturnForm:
             return "Return Form";
         case SiteTermIds.ReturnPolicy:
             return "Return Policy";
         case SiteTermIds.Search:
             return "Search";
         case SiteTermIds.ShippingTermsAndConditions:
             return "Shipping Policy";
         case SiteTermIds.ShippingUnknown:
             return "To Be Determined. Contact Store for Details";
         case SiteTermIds.ShoppingCart:
             return "Shopping Cart";
         case SiteTermIds.SiteMap:
             return "Site Map";
         case SiteTermIds.SitePrice:
             return "Your Price";
         case SiteTermIds.SiteTermsAgreementError:
             return "You Must Agree To The Site Terms Before You Can Proceed";
         case SiteTermIds.SKU:
             return "SKU";
         case SiteTermIds.SortOrder:
             return "Sort Order";
         case SiteTermIds.SuggestedItems:
             return "Customers who purchased this item also purchased these items:";
         case SiteTermIds.TermsAndConditions:
             return "Terms and Conditions";
         case SiteTermIds.TermsAndConditionsAgreement:
             return "I Agree To This Sites Terms And Conditions";
         case SiteTermIds.Themes:
             return "Themes";
         case SiteTermIds.UpSellTitle:
             return "Additional Product Information";
         case SiteTermIds.Username:
             return "Username";
         case SiteTermIds.ValidatorFieldMarker:
             return "*";
         case SiteTermIds.ViewAll:
             return " View All";
         case SiteTermIds.ViewByPages:
             return "View By Pages";
         case SiteTermIds.ViewCart:
             return "View Cart";
         case SiteTermIds.WasThisReviewHelpful:
             return "Was this review helpful?";
         case SiteTermIds.WishList:
             return "Saved Items";
         case SiteTermIds.WriteAReview:
             return "Write a Review?";
         case SiteTermIds.YouSave:
             return "You Save";
     return string.Empty;