protected void GenerateClaimNumbers(int organisation_id, int site_id)
        Hashtable sitesHash = SiteDB.GetAllInHashtable();
        Hashtable claimNumberInvoiceGroups = new Hashtable();

        DataTable dt = InvoiceDB.GetMedicareInvoicesWithoutClaimNumbers(true, organisation_id, site_id, GetFromDate(), GetToDate());

        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            Invoice invoice = InvoiceDB.LoadAll(dt.Rows[i]);

            int      providerID = invoice.Booking.Provider.StaffID;
            int      orgID      = ((Site)sitesHash[invoice.Site.SiteID]).SiteType.ID == 1 ? invoice.Booking.Organisation.OrganisationID : 0;
            DateTime date       = invoice.Booking.DateStart.Date;

            Hashtable3D.KeyWithDate hashKey = Hashtable3D.KeyWithDate.New(providerID, orgID, date);

            if (claimNumberInvoiceGroups[hashKey] == null)
                claimNumberInvoiceGroups[hashKey] = new ArrayList();

        foreach (Hashtable3D.KeyWithDate hashKey in claimNumberInvoiceGroups.Keys)
            string claimNumber = string.Empty;

            ArrayList invoiceList = (ArrayList)claimNumberInvoiceGroups[hashKey];
            for (int i = 0; i < invoiceList.Count; i++)
                if (claimNumber == string.Empty)
                    claimNumber = MedicareClaimNbrDB.InsertIntoInvoice(((Invoice)invoiceList[i]).InvoiceID, DateTime.Now.Date);
                    InvoiceDB.SetClaimNumber(((Invoice)invoiceList[i]).InvoiceID, claimNumber);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void CreateXML(Invoice[] invoices, bool validate = true)
        if (validate)
            Invoice[] tooOldList = GetInvoicesTooOldToClaim(invoices);
            if (tooOldList.Length > 0)
                string invalids = string.Empty;
                foreach (Invoice i in tooOldList)
                    invalids += (invalids.Length == 0 ? "" : ",") + i.InvoiceID.ToString();
                throw new Exception("The following invoices are too old to claim: " + "<br />" + invalids);

        // get bulk invoice lines for less db calls in individual invoice create xml method  [invoiceID => list of invoicelines]
        Hashtable bulkInvoiceLineHash = InvoiceLineDB.GetBulkInvoiceLinesByInvoiceID(invoices);

        ArrayList allInvoiceLines = new ArrayList();

        foreach (DictionaryEntry pair in bulkInvoiceLineHash)

        // get bluk health cards  [patientID=>healthcard]
        // NB:
        // A DVA invoice can only use a DVA card
        // A Medicare invoice can only use a Medicare card
        // The system can only create a DVA invoice is if DVA is set as the active card (vice versa for Medicare)
        // So when a DVA invoice is created the DVA card was active, and then someone switches it to be the Medicare card thatis active.
        // So, it's correct to get only the DVA cards for DVA invoices (and Medicare cards for Medicare invoices), and also would be correct to ignore the active flag and just get the most recent.
        int[]     allPatientIDs      = GetAllPatientIDs((InvoiceLine[])allInvoiceLines.ToArray(typeof(InvoiceLine)));
        Hashtable bulkHealthCardHash = PatientsHealthCardsCacheDB.GetBullkMostRecent(allPatientIDs, claimType == ClaimType.Medicare ? -1 : -2);

        // get bluk staff provider numbers from registerstaff table
        int[]     allProviderStaffIDs   = GetAllProviderStaffIDs(invoices);
        Hashtable bulkRegisterStaffHash = RegisterStaffDB.Get2DHashByStaffIDOrgID(allProviderStaffIDs);
        Hashtable bulkStaffHash         = StaffDB.GetAllInHashtable(false, true, false, false);

        // get bluk healthcard actions to get EPC signed dates
        Hashtable bulkHealthCardActionsHash = HealthCardActionDB.GetReceivedActionsByPatientIDs(allPatientIDs);

        // get bluk epcreferrers
        Hashtable bulkEPCReferrersHash = PatientReferrerDB.GetEPCReferrersOf(allPatientIDs, false);

        // get all sites in one call
        Hashtable bulkSites = SiteDB.GetAllInHashtable();

        Hashtable claimNumberInvoiceGroups = new Hashtable();

        for (int i = 0; i < invoices.Length; i++)
            if (claimNumberInvoiceGroups[(invoices[i]).HealthcareClaimNumber] == null)
                claimNumberInvoiceGroups[(invoices[i]).HealthcareClaimNumber] = new ArrayList();


        string noPatientFailures    = string.Empty;
        string noHealthcardFailures = string.Empty;

        foreach (string claimNbr in claimNumberInvoiceGroups.Keys)
            Invoice[] invoiceList = (Invoice[])((ArrayList)claimNumberInvoiceGroups[claimNbr]).ToArray(typeof(Invoice));

                CreateXML(invoiceList, bulkInvoiceLineHash, bulkHealthCardHash, bulkRegisterStaffHash, bulkStaffHash, bulkSites, bulkHealthCardActionsHash, bulkEPCReferrersHash);
            catch (HINXNoPatientOnInvoiceLineException ex)
                noPatientFailures += (noPatientFailures.Length == 0 ? "" : "<br />") + ex.Message;
            catch (HINXNoHealthcardException ex)
                noHealthcardFailures += (noHealthcardFailures.Length == 0 ? "" : "<br />") + ex.Message;

        string errors = string.Empty;

        if (noPatientFailures.Length > 0)
            errors += (errors.Length == 0 ? "" : "<br /><br />") + "The following invoices have invoices lines with no patient set (Fix this and re-generate): <br />" + noPatientFailures;
        if (noHealthcardFailures.Length > 0)
            errors += (errors.Length == 0 ? "" : "<br /><br />") + "The following invoices have patients with no " + (claimType == ClaimType.Medicare ? "Medicare" : "DVA") + " card set (Fix this and re-generate): <br />" + noHealthcardFailures;
        if (errors.Length > 0)
            throw new HINXUnsuccessfulItemsException(errors);