Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // ***************** File read stuff

            double[,] Rawdata;
            double[,] labelsdata;
            int k = 100;

            Console.WriteLine("Principal Components Analysis compression\n");
            string testFname = args[0];

            using (CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(testFname, hasHeaders: false))
                Rawdata = reader.ToMatrix();

            // Create a new PCA object and cacluate eigenvectors
            // Calls two differnt routines and provides timing
            SingleValueDecomposition PCA = new SingleValueDecomposition(Rawdata);

            //Console.WriteLine(" First few eigen Vectors");

            /*for (int row = 0; row < 1; row++)
             * {
             *  for (int col = 0; col < PCA.UAccordreduced.GetLength(1); col++)
             *  {
             *      Console.Write("{0:N4}  ", PCA.UAccordreduced[row, col]);
             *  }
             *  Console.WriteLine();
             * }*/

            // Create submatrix of k eigen vectors
            double[,] dimreduced = PCA.UAccordreduced.Get(startRow: 0, endRow: PCA.UAccordreduced.GetLength(0),
                                                          startColumn: 0, endColumn: k);
            // Re obtain the unchanged input matrix and convert to n x k

            double [,] projectionData;
            using (CsvReader reader = new CsvReader(testFname, hasHeaders: false))
                projectionData = reader.ToMatrix();
            projectionData = temputils.utils.FeatureNormalization(projectionData);
            // Write out Eigen Vectors
            using (CsvWriter writer = new CsvWriter("Uforoctave.csv"))
            double[,] FacesZ = PCA.Reduce(projectionData, Dimension: k, eigenVectors: dimreduced);

            Console.WriteLine("Done Compressing");

            double[,] zz = FacesZ.Dot(dimreduced);
            string filename = "PCAFaces.csv";

            using (CsvWriter writer = new CsvWriter(filename))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private static void svd_truncated_u_test(int m, int n)

    //  Purpose:
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    20 March 2012
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        int i;
        int j;

        Console.WriteLine("  M = " + m + "");
        Console.WriteLine("  N = " + n + "");

        double[] a  = new double[m * n];
        double[] un = new double[m * n];
        double[] sn = new double[n * n];
        double[] v  = new double[n * n];

        int seed = 123456789;

        double[] a_save = UniformRNG.r8mat_uniform_01_new(m, n, ref seed);

        typeMethods.r8mat_print(m, n, a_save, "  A:");

        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
                a[i + j * m] = a_save[i + j * m];

        SingleValueDecomposition.svd_truncated_u(m, n, a, ref un, ref sn, ref v);

        typeMethods.r8mat_print(m, n, un, "  UN:");
        typeMethods.r8mat_print(n, n, sn, "  SN:");
        typeMethods.r8mat_print(n, n, v, "  V:");
        //  Check the factorization by computing A = U * S * V'
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
                a[i + j * m] = 0.0;
                int k;
                for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
                    a[i + j * m] += un[i + k * m] * sn[k + k * n] * v[j + k * n];

        double err = 0.0;

        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(a[i + j * m] - a_save[i + j * m]));

        Console.WriteLine("  Maximum error |A - U*S*V'| = " + err + "");

        typeMethods.r8mat_print(m, n, a, "  Recomputed A = U * S * V':");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private static void Main()
    //  Purpose:
    //    MAIN is the main program for SVD_BASIS.
    //  Discussion:
    //    SVD_BASIS forms a basis from the SVD of a set of data vectors.
    //    This program uses the singular value decomposition (SVD) to analyze
    //    a set of data, and extract a number of dominant modes.
    //    This program is intended as an intermediate application, in
    //    the following situation:
    //    A) a "high fidelity" or "high resolution" PDE solver is used
    //       to determine many (say N = 500) solutions of a discretized
    //       PDE at various times, or parameter values.  Each solution
    //       may be regarded as an M vector.  Typically, each solution
    //       involves an M by M linear system, greatly reduced in
    //       complexity because of bandedness or sparsity.
    //    B) This program is applied to extract L dominant modes from
    //       the N solutions.  This is done using the singular value
    //       decomposition of the M by N matrix, each of whose columns
    //       is one of the original solution vectors.
    //    C) a "reduced order model" program may then attempt to solve
    //       a discretized version of the PDE, using the L dominant
    //       modes as basis vectors.  Typically, this means that a dense
    //       L by L linear system will be involved.
    //    Thus, the program might read in 500 files, and write out
    //    5 or 10 files of the corresponding size and "shape", representing
    //    the dominant solution modes.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    22 November 2011
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        const int DATA_FILE_BASE_MAX = 20;

        bool   comment;
        int    comp_num  = 0;
        string data_file = "";

        string[] data_file_base = new string[DATA_FILE_BASE_MAX];
        int      dim_num        = 0;
        int      i;
        int      ii;
        int      j;
        int      node_num = 0;

        Console.WriteLine("  Given a PDE for which:");
        Console.WriteLine("    C is the number of components of the solution");
        Console.WriteLine("      at any single point,");
        Console.WriteLine("    P is the number of points where a solution is given,");
        Console.WriteLine("    N is the number of solution vectors,");
        Console.WriteLine("    L is the number of modes to be extracted.");
        Console.WriteLine("  Then we let M = C*P be the abstract spatial dimension.");
        Console.WriteLine("  Set up A, the M by N matrix of solution vectors,");
        Console.WriteLine("  Get A = U * S * V', the singular value decomposition.");
        Console.WriteLine("  The first L columns of U are our modes.");
        //  What is the basis size?
        Console.WriteLine("  How many basis vectors (L) are to be extracted?");
        int basis_num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.WriteLine("  L = " + basis_num + "");
        //  Gather one or more "base" file names.
        int data_file_base_num = 0;

        for (;;)
            if (DATA_FILE_BASE_MAX <= data_file_base_num)
                Console.WriteLine("  No more base file names can be entered.");

            //  Get the next base file name.
            Console.WriteLine("  You specify a consecutive sequence of file names");
            Console.WriteLine("  by giving the first \"base\" file name.");
            Console.WriteLine("  If there are no more sequences to enter,");
            Console.WriteLine("  just hit RETURN.");
            Console.WriteLine("  Enter a new base file name, or $ if done:");
            //  CIN won't allow you to enter a blank line!
            //  I just don't have the energy today to replace CIN by GETLINE....
            string file_name = Console.ReadLine();

            switch (file_name)
            case "$":
                file_name = " ";

            if (typeMethods.s_len_trim(file_name) <= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("  RETURN was entered.");
                Console.WriteLine("  Presumably, there are no more file sequences.");

            data_file_base[data_file_base_num] = file_name;
            data_file_base_num += 1;

            Console.WriteLine(data_file_base_num + ":  \"" + file_name + "\"");
            switch (data_file_base_num)
            //  For the very first base file, get the data sizes.
            case 1:
                TableHeader h = typeMethods.r8mat_header_read(file_name);
                comp_num = h.m;
                node_num = h.n;

                dim_num = comp_num * node_num;

                Console.WriteLine("  According to the first base file,");
                Console.WriteLine("  The number of solution components C =   " + comp_num + "");
                Console.WriteLine("  The number of solution points P =       " + node_num + "");
                Console.WriteLine("  The \"size\" of each solution M = (C*P) = " + dim_num + "");
                //  Idiocy check.  L must be less than or equal to M.
                if (dim_num < basis_num)
                    Console.WriteLine("SVD_BASIS - Fatal error!");
                    Console.WriteLine("  M < L.");
                    Console.WriteLine("  That is, the number of modes requested (L) is greater");
                    Console.WriteLine("  than the spatial dimension (M).");
                    Console.WriteLine("  Technically, the program could pad out the answer");
                    Console.WriteLine("  with L-M zero vectors, but instead, we will stop");
                    Console.WriteLine("  assuming you made an error, or a misapprehension.");
                    Console.WriteLine("  Abnormal end of execution.");


        //  Count all the data files.
        int data_file_num = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < data_file_base_num; i++)
            data_file = data_file_base[i];

            for (;;)
                if (!File.Exists(data_file))

                data_file_num += 1;

                Files.file_name_inc_nowrap(ref data_file);

        switch (data_file_num)
        case 0:
            Console.WriteLine("SVD_BASIS - Fatal error!");
            Console.WriteLine("  There do not seem to be any solution files;");
            Console.WriteLine("  that is, files whose names are \"incremented\"");
            Console.WriteLine("  versions of the first file name.");
            Console.WriteLine("  The first file we looked for was \"" + data_file + "\"");
            Console.WriteLine("  Abnormal end of execution.");

        Console.WriteLine("  The number of data files N = " + data_file_num + "");
        //  Set up an array to hold all the data.
        int point_num = data_file_num;

        Console.WriteLine("  The data is stored in an M by N matrix A.");
        Console.WriteLine("  The \"spatial\" dimension M is " + dim_num + "");
        Console.WriteLine("  The number of data points N is " + point_num + "");
        //  Allocate space for the POINT array.
        double[] point = new double[dim_num * point_num];
        //  Read the data.
        int l = 0;

        for (ii = 0; ii < data_file_base_num; ii++)
            data_file = data_file_base[ii];

            for (;;)
                if (!File.Exists(data_file))

                double[] table = typeMethods.r8mat_data_read(data_file, comp_num, node_num);

                int k = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < node_num; j++)
                    for (i = 0; i < comp_num; i++)
                        point[k + l * dim_num] = table[i + j * comp_num];
                        k += 1;

                l += 1;
                Files.file_name_inc_nowrap(ref data_file);

        Console.WriteLine("  The data has been read into the matrix A.");
        //  Compute the SVD of A.
        double[] sval = new double[basis_num];

        SingleValueDecomposition.singular_vectors(dim_num, point_num, basis_num, ref point, ref sval);
        //  Write the first L left singular vectors (columns of U) to files.
        Console.WriteLine("  Ready to write the left singular vectors to files.");
        Console.WriteLine("  Do you want comments in the header of the file?");
        Console.WriteLine("  (These begin with the \"#\" character.) (Y/N)");
        Console.WriteLine("  Enter \"Y\" or \"N\":");

        char comment_char = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray()[0];

        switch (comment_char)
        case 'Y':
        case 'y':
            comment = true;

            comment = false;

        string basis_file = "svd_000.txt";

        for (j = 0; j < basis_num; j++)
            Files.file_name_inc_nowrap(ref basis_file);

            switch (j + 1)
            case 1:
                Console.WriteLine("  Writing first file " + basis_file + "");

            if (j + 1 == basis_num)
                Console.WriteLine("  Writing last file  " + basis_file + "");

            basis_write(basis_file, comp_num, node_num, sval[j],
                        point, comment, uIndex: +0 + j * dim_num);

            Console.WriteLine("  Normal end of execution.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private static void Main(string[] args)
    //  Purpose:
    //    MAIN is the main program for SVD_DEMO.
    //  Discussion:
    //    SVD_DEMO demonstrates the singular value decomposition.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    14 September 2006
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Usage:
    //    svd_demo m n
    //  Command Parameters:
    //    Command parameter, integer M, N, the number of rows and columns
    //    of the matrix.
    //  Local Parameters:
    //    Local, double A[M*N], the matrix whose singular value
    //    decomposition we are investigating.
    //    Local, double S[M*N], the diagonal factor
    //    in the singular value decomposition of A.
    //    Local, int SEED, a seed used to define the random number generator.
    //    Output, double U[M*M], the first orthogonal factor
    //    in the singular value decomposition of A.
    //    Output, double V[N*N], the second orthogonal factor
    //    in the singular value decomposition of A.
        int    j;
        int    seed;
        string string_;

        Console.WriteLine("  Demonstrate the singular value decomposition (SVD)");
        Console.WriteLine("  A real MxN matrix A can be factored as:");
        Console.WriteLine("    A = U * S * V'");
        Console.WriteLine("  where");
        Console.WriteLine("    U = MxM orthogonal,");
        Console.WriteLine("    S = MxN zero except for diagonal,");
        Console.WriteLine("    V = NxN orthogonal.");
        Console.WriteLine("  The diagonal of S contains only nonnegative numbers");
        Console.WriteLine("  and these are arranged in descending order.");
        //  If M was not on the command line, get it now.
            string_ = args[0];
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("  Please enter the value of M:");
            Console.WriteLine("  (Number of rows in matrix A).");
            Console.WriteLine("  (We prefer M <= 10!).");

            string_ = Console.ReadLine();

        int m = Convert.ToInt32(string_);

        Console.WriteLine("  Matrix row order    M = " + m + "");

        //  If N was not on the command line, get it now.
            string_ = args[1];
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("  Please enter the value of N:");
            Console.WriteLine("  (Number of columns in matrix A).");
            Console.WriteLine("  (We prefer N <= 10!).");

            string_ = Console.ReadLine();

        int n = Convert.ToInt32(string_);

        Console.WriteLine("  Matrix column order N = " + n + "");

        //  If SEED was not on the command line, use GET_SEED.
            seed = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]);
            Console.WriteLine("  Random number SEED    = " + seed + "");
            Console.WriteLine("  (Chosen by the user.)");
        catch (Exception)
            seed = entropyRNG.RNG.nextint();
            Console.WriteLine("  Random number SEED    = " + seed + "");
            Console.WriteLine("  (Chosen by the program.)");

        //  Set aside space for the arrays.
        double[] u = new double[m * m];
        double[] s = new double[m * n];
        double[] v = new double[n * n];
        //  Generate the matrix.
        Console.WriteLine("  We choose a \"random\" matrix A, with integral");
        Console.WriteLine("  values between 0 and 10.");

        double[] a = UniformRNG.r8mat_uniform_01_new(m, n, ref seed);

        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
                a[i + m * j] = typeMethods.r8_nint(10.0 * a[i + m * j]);

        typeMethods.r8mat_print(m, n, a, "  The matrix A:");
        //  Get the SVD from LINPACK.
        SingleValueDecomposition.r8mat_svd_linpack(m, n, a, ref u, ref s, ref v);
        //  Print the SVD.
        typeMethods.r8mat_print(m, m, u, "  The orthogonal factor U:");

        typeMethods.r8mat_print(m, n, s, "  The diagonal factor S:");

        typeMethods.r8mat_print(n, n, v, "  The orthogonal factor V:");
        //  Check that A = U * S * V'.
        SingleValueDecomposition.svd_product_test(m, n, a, u, s, v);
        //  Compute the norm of the difference between A and the successive
        //  sums of rank one approximants.
        Ranking.rank_one_test(m, n, a, u, s, v);
        //  Actually print the sums of rank one approximants.
        Ranking.rank_one_print_test(m, n, a, u, s, v);
        //  Compute the pseudoinverse.
        double[] a_pseudo = PseudoLinear.pseudo_inverse(m, n, u, s, v);

        typeMethods.r8mat_print(n, m, a_pseudo, "  The pseudoinverse of A:");
        //  Test A*A+ = I+, A+*A = I+
        PseudoLinear.pseudo_product_test(m, n, a, a_pseudo);
        //  Demonstrate the use of the pseudoinverse for linear systems.
        PseudoLinear.pseudo_linear_solve_test(m, n, a, a_pseudo, ref seed);

        Console.WriteLine("  Normal end of execution.");
