private double Evaluate_Phase2_Balancing(IBlackBox box)
            // Init sim world. We add extra length to the track to allow cart to overshoot, we then detect overshooting by monitoring the cart's X position
            // (this is just simpler and more robust than detecting if the cart has hit the ends of the track exactly).
            SinglePoleBalancingWorld simWorld = new SinglePoleBalancingWorld(__TrackLength + 0.5f, __SixDegrees);


            // Run the pole-balancing simulation.
            int timestep = 0;

            for (; timestep < _maxTimestepsPhase2; timestep++)
                SimulateOneStep(simWorld, box);

                // Check for failure state. Has the cart run off the ends of the track or has the pole
                // angle gone beyond the threshold.
                if ((simWorld.CartPosX < -__TrackLengthHalf) || (simWorld.CartPosX > __TrackLengthHalf) ||
                    (simWorld.PoleAngle > __TwelveDegrees) || (simWorld.PoleAngle < -__TwelveDegrees))

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Box2D simulation world.
        /// </summary>
        protected override SimulationWorld CreateSimulationWorld()
            // Init sim world. We add extra length to the track to allow cart to overshoot, we then detect overshooting by monitoring the cart's X position
            // (this is just simpler and more robust than detecting if the cart has hit the ends of the track exactly).
            SinglePoleBalancingWorld simWorld = new SinglePoleBalancingWorld(__TrackLength + 0.5f, __180Degrees);

        private double Evaluate_Phase1_SwingUp(IBlackBox box)
            // Init sim world. We add extra length to the track to allow cart to overshoot, we then detect overshooting by monitoring the cart's X position
            // (this is just simpler and more robust than detecting if the cart has hit the ends of the track exactly).
            SinglePoleBalancingWorld simWorld = new SinglePoleBalancingWorld(__TrackLength + 0.5f, __180Degrees);


            // Record closest approach to target state and the timestep that it occured on.
            double lowestError    = double.MaxValue;
            int    timestepLowest = 0;

            // Run the pole-balancing simulation.
            int timestep = 0;

            for (; timestep < _maxTimestepsPhase1; timestep++)
                SimulateOneStep(simWorld, box);

                // Calc state distance from target state.
                double cartPosError              = Math.Abs(simWorld.CartPosX);
                double cartVelocityError         = Math.Abs(simWorld.CartVelocityX);
                double poleAngleError            = Math.Abs(simWorld.PoleAngle);
                double poleAnglularVelocityError = Math.Abs(simWorld.PoleAngularVelocity);
                double error = (poleAngleError) + (poleAnglularVelocityError) + (cartPosError);

                // Check for failure state. Has the cart run off the ends of the track.
                if ((simWorld.CartPosX < -__TrackLengthHalf) || (simWorld.CartPosX > __TrackLengthHalf))

                // Track best state achieved.
                if (error < lowestError)
                    lowestError    = error;
                    timestepLowest = timestep;

            if (0.0 == lowestError)

            // Alternative form of 1/x that avoids rapid rise to infinity as lowestError tends towards zero.
            return(Math.Log10(1.0 + (1 / (lowestError + 0.1))));
        private void SimulateOneStep(SinglePoleBalancingWorld simWorld, IBlackBox box)
            // Provide state info to the black box inputs.
            box.InputSignalArray[0] = simWorld.CartPosX / __TrackLengthHalf;    // CartPosX range is +-trackLengthHalf. Here we normalize it to [-1,1].
            box.InputSignalArray[1] = simWorld.CartVelocityX;                   // Cart track velocity x is typically +-0.75.
            box.InputSignalArray[2] = simWorld.PoleAngle / __TwelveDegrees;     // Rescale angle to match range of values during balancing.
            box.InputSignalArray[3] = simWorld.PoleAngularVelocity;             // Pole angular velocity is typically +-1.0 radians. No scaling required.

            // Activate the network.

            // Read the network's force signal output.
            float force = (float)(box.OutputSignalArray[0] - 0.5f) * __MaxForceNewtonsX2;

            // Simulate one timestep.
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke any required control logic in the Box2D world.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void InvokeController()
            // Provide state info to the black box inputs.
            SinglePoleBalancingWorld simWorld = (SinglePoleBalancingWorld)_simWorld;
            // _box is updated by other threads so copy the reference so that we know we are workign with the same IBlackBox within this method.
            IBlackBox box = _box;

            box.InputSignalArray[0] = simWorld.CartPosX / __TrackLengthHalf;    // CartPosX range is +-trackLengthHalf. Here we normalize it to [-1,1].
            box.InputSignalArray[1] = simWorld.CartVelocityX;                   // Cart track velocity x is typically +-0.75.
            box.InputSignalArray[2] = simWorld.PoleAngle / __TwelveDegrees;     // Rescale angle to match range of values during balancing.
            box.InputSignalArray[3] = simWorld.PoleAngularVelocity;             // Pole angular velocity is typically +-1.0 radians. No scaling required.

            // Activate the network.

            // Read the network's force signal output.
            float force = (float)(box.OutputSignalArray[0] - 0.5f) * __MaxForceNewtonsX2;
